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The primary age change in the skin is a gradual loss of elasticity. Although this basic change plays a role, other factors, such as exposure to the weather and familial traits, also contribute to the development of wrinkles and the pigmentation associated with senescence. The ability of the skin to take up slack and remain closely adherent to the underlying structures is due to the presence of fibres of the proteins elastin and collagen. Studies of the minute structures of the skin show a gradual reduction in elastin. In addition, the collagen fibres show an increase in cross-links, which greatly restricts the elastic properties of the collagen network.
Endocrine system
Because of the importance of hormones in the regulation of many physiological systems, impairments in the endocrine system have traditionally been cited as important determinants in aging.
Thyroxine, the hormone secreted by the thyroid gland, regulates the level of activity of all the cells of the body. When thyroxine secretion is reduced, all metabolic processes proceed at a reduced rate and basal metabolism falls. (Metabolism consists of the chemical changes taking place within the cells of an organism during the processes of growth and restoration of tissues and the production of energy necessary for bodily processes; basal metabolism is the metabolism, as measured by the rate at which heat is given off, when an organism is in a resting and fasting state.) Since basal metabolism decreases with age, it seemed reasonable to ascribe aging to a loss of thyroid function, but this assumption has proved to be incorrect. Experimental studies have shown that the ability of the thyroid gland to produce thyroxine is not reduced in the elderly, and that there is a reduction in the utilization of thyroxine in various tissues of the body. Further studies of cellular metabolism are needed to find out why this is so.
Since aging is associated with reduced ability to adjust to stresses, and since the adrenal cortex (the outer part of the adrenal gland) plays a role in many of these adjustments, numerous attempts have been made to assess senescent changes in the function of the adrenal cortex. Although after the age of 50 there is a reduction in blood levels of the hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex, the ability of the gland to produce hormones when stimulated by the experimental administration of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), the pituitary hormone that regulates the activity of the adrenal cortex, has been shown to be as good in the old as in the young.
The pituitary gland is often referred to as the master gland of the body, since it produces hormones that stimulate the activities of other endocrine glands, such as the adrenal, the thyroid, and the ovary. It was therefore once assumed that reduction in the function of these glands associated with aging is due to lack of proper stimulation from the pituitary gland. Methods for determination of the very small amounts of these regulating hormones present in the blood have been developed and as yet no systematic studies of age differences in blood levels of these hormones have been reported.

The pancreas secretes insulin, the hormone that regulates the utilization of sugar and other nutrients in the body. When the pancreas fails to produce adequate amounts of insulin, diabetes mellitus occurs. One test for diabetes involves measuring the rate of removal of sugar from the blood—that is, the glucose tolerance test. One characteristic of aging is a reduction in the rate of removal of excess sugar from the blood. At present it is not known whether this represents the early stages of diabetes or whether it is a normal age change. It does appear in aged individuals who do not show any of the other symptoms of diabetes. Furthermore, it has been shown that, unlike the diabetic, elderly subjects can, with additional stimulation, produce more insulin. In normal young persons, the pancreas releases more insulin in response to even a slight rise in blood sugar levels. In the elderly, the sensitivity of the pancreas is reduced so that a higher level of blood sugar is required to stimulate it to action. With maximum stimulation the pancreas in the aged can produce as much insulin as the pancreas in the young.
It has long been known that the excretion of both male and female sex hormones diminishes with age. In the female, the excretion of estrogens (female sex hormones) falls markedly at menopause. In the male, the excretion of androgens (male sex hormones and their degradation products) falls gradually over the age span 50–90, so that the existence of a male “climacteric” is highly improbable.
Sexual activity, as reported in interview studies, diminishes progressively between the ages of 20 and 60 in both males and females. In males the frequency of marital intercourse falls from an average of four per week in 20-year-olds to one per week in 60-year-olds. Practically all males aged 20–45 reported some level of sexual activity. Between the ages of 45 and 60 only about 5 percent of males reported loss of sexual activity.
Few systematic studies have been made of sexual behaviour in individuals over the age of 60, but clinical reports indicate that at least some males remain sexually active at 90.
There are wide individual differences in the level of sexual activity in both males and females. In humans, sexual behaviour is influenced more by psychological and social factors than by the levels of sex hormones circulating in the blood. Nevertheless, the use of male sex hormones has had a long, and stormy, history as a rejuvenating agent for males. Attempts to rejuvenate elderly males by injecting crude extracts from testicles of animals, as well as various androgenic compounds, were made, but the effects, if any, were only transitory. In the early 1900s, sex glands from other animals were transplanted into humans, but the results were questionable and the side effects were often disastrous. At about the same time, an operation was devised in which the spermatic ducts were tied off. It was assumed that preventing the loss of sperm would stimulate the sex glands to produce androgenic hormones which would rejuvenate the individual. None of these assumptions proved correct, so that operation was soon abandoned as a rejuvenating procedure.
Since tissue loss does occur with aging, the administration of anabolic steroids (hormones that promote the buildup of tissues) may represent an important future development. The compounds that are available have a number of undesirable side effects and cannot be used routinely. Chemists and pharmacologists continue research to produce new steroids that will have anabolic effects without the undesirable side effects.