Evidence supporting the hypothesis
- Key People:
- J. Tuzo Wilson
- Walter Alvarez
The strikingly similar Paleozoic sedimentary sequences on all southern continents and also in India are an example of evidence that supports continental drift. This diagnostic sequence consists of glacial deposits called tillites, followed by sandstones and finally coal measures, typical of warm moist climates. An attempt to explain this sequence in a world of fixed continents presents insurmountable problems. Placed on a reconstruction of Gondwana, however, the tillites mark two ice ages that occurred during the drift of this continent across the South Pole from its initial position north of Libya about 500 million years ago and its final departure from southern Australia 250 million years later. About this time, Gondwana collided with Laurentia (the precursor to the North American continent), which was one of the major collisional events that produced Pangea.
Both ice ages resulted in glacial deposits—in the southern Sahara during the Silurian Period (443.8 million to 419.2 million years ago) and in southern South America, South Africa, India, and Australia from 382.7 million to 251.9 million years ago, spanning the latter part of the Devonian, as well as the Carboniferous and the Permian. At each location, the tillites were subsequently covered by desert sands of the subtropics and these in turn by coal measures, indicating that the region had arrived near the paleoequator.
During the 1950s and 1960s, isotopic dating of rocks showed that the crystalline massifs of Precambrian age (from about 4.6 billion to 541 million years ago) found on opposite sides of the South Atlantic did indeed closely correspond in age and composition, as Wegener had surmised. It is now evident that they originated as a single assemblage of Precambrian continental nuclei later torn apart by the fragmentation of Pangea.
By the 1960s, although evidence supporting continental drift had strengthened substantially, many scientists were claiming that the shape of the coastlines should be more sensitive to coastal erosion and changes in sea level and are unlikely to maintain their shape over hundreds of millions of years. Therefore, they argued, the supposed fit of the continents flanking the Atlantic Ocean is fortuitous. In 1964, however, those arguments were laid to rest. A computer analysis by Sir Edward Bullard showed an impressive fit of these continents at the 1,000-metre (3,300-foot) depth contour, which strongly supported the notion that Africa and South America were once joined together. A match at this depth is highly significant and is a better approximation of the edge of the continents than the present shoreline. With this reconstruction of the continents, the structures and stratigraphic sequences of Paleozoic mountain ranges in eastern North America and northwestern Europe can be matched in detail in the manner envisaged by Wegener.
Disbelief and opposition
Sir Harold Jeffreys was one of the strongest opponents of Wegener’s hypothesis. He believed that continental drift is impossible because the strength of the underlying mantle should be far greater than any conceivable driving force. In North America, opposition to Wegener’s ideas was most vigorous and very nearly unanimous. Wegener was attacked from virtually every possible vantage point—his paleontological evidence attributed to land bridges, the similarity of strata (layers of rock) on both sides of the Atlantic called into question, and the fit of Atlantic shores declared inaccurate. This criticism is illustrated by reports from a symposium on continental drift organized in 1928 by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. The mood that prevailed at the gathering was expressed by an unnamed attendant quoted with sympathy by the great American geologist Thomas C. Chamberlin: “If we are to believe Wegener’s hypothesis, we must forget everything which has been learned in the last 70 years and start all over again.” The same reluctance to start anew was again displayed some 40 years later by the same organization when its publications provided the principal forum for the opposition to plate tectonics.
Renewed interest in continental drift
Paleomagnetism, polar wandering, and continental drift
Ironically, the final vindication of Wegener’s hypothesis came from the field of geophysics, the subject used by Jeffreys to discredit the original concept. The ancient Greeks realized that some rocks are strongly magnetized, and the Chinese invented the magnetic compass in the 13th century. In the 19th century geologists recognized that many rocks preserve the imprint of Earth’s magnetic field as it was at the time of their formation. The study and measurement of Earth’s ancient magnetic field and the remanent magnetism in rocks is called paleomagnetism. Iron-rich volcanic rocks, such as basalt, contain minerals that are good recorders of remanent magnetism, and some sediments also align their magnetic particles with Earth’s field at the time of deposition. These minerals behave like fossil compasses that indicate, like any magnet suspended in Earth’s field, the direction to the magnetic pole and the latitude of their origin at the time the minerals were crystallized or deposited.
During the 1950s, paleomagnetic studies, notably those of Stanley K. Runcorn and his coworkers in England, showed that in the late Paleozoic Era the north magnetic pole—as reconstructed from European data—seems to have wandered from a Precambrian position near Hawaii to its present location in the Arctic Ocean by way of Japan. This could be explained by the migration of the magnetic pole itself (that is, polar wandering), by the migration of Europe relative to a fixed pole (that is, continental drift), or by a combination of these processes. When paleomagnetic data from other continents was obtained, each continent yielded different results. The possibility that they might reflect true wandering of the poles was discarded, because it would imply separate wanderings of many magnetic poles over the same period. However, these different paths could be reconciled into the same path by joining the continents in the manner and at the time suggested by Wegener. In other words, this analysis implied that the poles’ geographic variations could be explained by the wandering of the continents. These geographic variations are called apparent polar wander paths, and they are thought to be artifacts of continental drift.
Impressed by this result, Runcorn became the first of a new generation of geologists and geophysicists to accept continental drift as a proposition worthy of careful testing. Since then, more sophisticated paleomagnetic techniques have provided both strong supporting evidence for continental drift and a major tool for reconstructing the geography and geology of the past.
Gestation and birth of plate-tectonic theory
After World War II, rapid advances were made in the study of the relief, geology, and geophysics of the ocean basins. Largely because of the efforts of American oceanographer Bruce C. Heezen, American geologist Henry W. Menard, and American oceanic cartographer Marie Tharp, ocean basins, which constitute more than two-thirds of Earth’s surface, became well enough known to permit serious geologic analysis. The studies revealed three very important types of features present on the ocean floor. The first type appears as broad bulges in the oceanic crust known as ocean ridges. The second set of features was revealed as deep and narrow linear troughs known as oceanic trenches. The third type occurred in seismically active fracture zones and became known as transform faults.
Discovery of ocean basin features
Systematic measurements of ocean depth conducted during the middle of the 20th century and the three-dimensional relief maps that were produced from these surveys revealed broad, relatively elevated oceanic ridges that form an interconnected network about 65,000 km (40,000 miles) in length and nearly girdle the globe. Ocean ridges have elevations that typically rise 2 to 3 km (1.2 to 1.9 miles) above the surrounding seafloor and widths that range from a few hundred to more than 1,000 km (600 miles). Their crests tend to be rugged and are often endowed with a rift valley at their summit where fresh lava, high heat flow, and shallow earthquakes typical of extensional environments (areas where the crust is stretched rather than compressed) are found.
These surveys also revealed long, narrow depressions—oceanic trenches—that virtually ring the Pacific Ocean; a few also occur in the northeastern part of the Indian Ocean, and some small ones are found in the central Atlantic Ocean that encircle the Caribbean Plate. Elsewhere they are absent. In contrast to ocean ridges, trenches have low heat flow, are often (but not always) filled with thick sediments, and lie at the upper edge of the Wadati-Benioff zone of compressive earthquakes. Trenches may border continents, as in the case of western Central and South America, or may occur in mid-ocean, as, for example, in the southwestern Pacific.
Offsets of up to several hundred kilometres along oceanic ridges and, more rarely, trenches were also recognized, and these fracture zones—later termed transform faults—were described as transverse features consisting of linear ridges and troughs. In oceanic domains, these faults were found to occur approximately perpendicular to the ridge crest, continue as fracture zones that extend over long distances, and terminate abruptly against continental margins. They are not sites of volcanism, and their seismic activity is restricted to the area between offset ridge crests, where earthquakes indicating horizontal slip are common.