- Key People:
- J. Tuzo Wilson
- Walter Alvarez
Perhaps the most dramatic example of the potential impact of plate tectonics on life occurred near the end of the Permian Period (roughly 299 million to 252 million years ago). Several events contributed to the Permian extinction that caused the permanent disappearance of half of Earth’s known biological families. The marine realm was most affected, losing more than 90 percent of its species. About 70 percent of terrestrial species became extinct. This extinction appears to have occurred in several pulses, and there may have been numerous contributing factors—including biogeographic changes associated with the formation of Pangea (which would have been accompanied by a sharp decrease in area of shallow-water habitats), changes in the patterns of nutrient-rich deep ocean currents, changes in the amount of dissolved oxygen in ocean waters, and temperature increases and changes to the carbon cycle caused partly by the population explosion of the methane-producing microbe Methanosarcina. Another contributing factor could have been the environmental consequences of the vast volcanic outpourings of the Siberian Traps, one of the largest volcanic events documented. It produced a region of flood basalt that had an estimated volume of 2,000,000–3,000,000 million cubic km [about 480,000–720,000 cubic miles]). The Siberian Traps eruption occurred about the same time as the extinction, and the greenhouse gases emitted from these volcanoes may have affected the amount of acidity of the oceans.
The extinction had a complex history. High latitudes were affected first as a result of the waning of the Permian ice age when the southern edge of Pangea moved off the South Pole. The equatorial and subtropical zones appear to have been affected somewhat later by a global cooling. On the other hand, the extinctions were not felt as strongly on the continent itself. Instead, the vast semiarid and arid lands that emerged on so large a continent, the shortening of its moist coasts, and the many mountain ranges formed from the collisions that led to the formation of the supercontinent provided strong incentives for evolutionary adaptation to dry or high-altitude environments.
Climate changes associated with the supercontinent of Pangea and with its eventual breakup and dispersal provide an example of the effect of plate tectonics on paleoclimate. Pangea was completely surrounded by a world ocean (Panthalassa) extending from pole to pole and spanning 80 percent of the circumference of Earth at the paleoequator. The equatorial current system, driven by the trade winds, resided in warm latitudes much longer than today, and its waters were therefore warmer. The gyres that occupy most of the Southern and Northern hemispheres were also warmer, and consequently the temperature gradient from the paleoequator to the poles was less pronounced than it is at present.
Early in the Mesozoic Era, Gondwana split from its northern counterpart, Laurasia, to form the Tethys seaway, and the equatorial current became circumglobal. Equatorial surface waters were then able to circumnavigate the world and became even warmer. How this flow influenced circulation at higher latitudes is unclear. From about 100 million to 70 million years ago, isotopic records show, Arctic and Antarctic surface water temperatures were at or above 10 °C (50 °F), and the polar regions were warm enough to support forests.
As the dispersal of continents following the breakup of Pangea continued, however, the surface circulation of the oceans began to approach the more complex circulation patterns of today. About 100 million years ago, the northward drift of Australia and South America created a new circumglobal seaway around Antarctica, which remained centred on the South Pole. A vigorous circum-Antarctic current developed, isolating the southern continent from the warmer waters to the north. At the same time, the equatorial current system became blocked, first in the Indo-Pacific region and next in the Middle East and eastern Mediterranean and, about 6 million years ago, by the emergence of the Isthmus of Panama. As a result, the equatorial waters were heated less, and the midlatitude ocean gyres were not as effective in keeping the high-latitude waters warm. Because of this, an ice cap began to form on Antarctica some 20 million years ago and grew to roughly its present size about 5 million years later. This ice cap cooled the waters of the adjacent ocean to such a low temperature that the waters sank and initiated the north-directed abyssal flow that marks the present deep circulation.
Also at about 6 million years ago, the collision between Africa and Europe temporarily closed the Strait of Gibraltar, isolating the Mediterranean Sea and restricting its circulation. Evaporation, which produced thick salt deposits, virtually dried up this sea and lowered the salt content of the world’s oceans, allowing seawater to freeze at higher temperatures. As a result, polar ice sheets grew and sea level fell. About 500,000 years later, the barrier between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean was breached, and open circulation resumed.
The Quaternary Ice Age arrived in full when the first ice caps appeared in the Northern Hemisphere about 2 million years ago. It is highly unlikely that the changing configuration of continents and oceans can be held solely responsible for the onset of the Quaternary Ice Age, even if such factors as the drift of continents across the latitudes (with the associated changes in vegetation) and reflectivity (albedo) for solar heat are included. There can be little doubt, however, that it was a contributing factor and that recognition of its role has profoundly altered concepts of paleoclimatology.
Tjeerd H. van Andel J. Brendan Murphy