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An Oregon Family Vanished in 1958. Their Car May Have Been Found in a River. Mar. 8, 2025, 12:52 AM ET (New York Times)

Floodplains are perhaps the most common of fluvial features in that they are usually found along every major river and in most large tributary valleys. Floodplains can be defined topographically as relatively flat surfaces that stand adjacent to river channels and occupy much of the area constituting valley bottoms. The surface of a floodplain is underlain by alluvium deposited by the associated river and is partially or totally inundated during periods of flooding. Thus, a floodplain not only is constructed by but also serves as an integral part of the modern fluvial system, indicating that the surface and alluvium must be related to the activity of the present river.

The above definition suggests that, in addition to being a distinct geomorphic feature, a floodplain has a significant hydrologic role. A floodplain directly influences the magnitude of peak discharge in the downstream reaches of a river during episodes of flooding. In extreme precipitation events, runoff from the watershed enters the trunk river faster than it can be removed from the system. Eventually water overtops the channel banks and is stored on the floodplain surface until the flood crest passes a given locality farther downstream. As a consequence, the flood crest on a major river would be significantly greater if its floodplain did not store water long enough to prevent it from becoming part of the downstream peak discharge. The capacity of a floodplain system to store water can be enormous. The volume of water stored during the 1937 flood of the Ohio River in the east-central United States, for example, was roughly 2.3 times the volume of Lake Mead, the largest artificial reservoir in North America. The natural storage in the Ohio River watershed during this particular event represented approximately 57 percent of the direct runoff.

Because a floodplain is so intimately related to floods, it also can be defined in terms of the water level attained during some particular flow condition of a river. In that sense a floodplain is commonly recognized as the surface corresponding to the bank-full stage of a river—i.e., the water level at which the channel is completely filled. Numerous studies have shown that the average recurrence interval of the bank-full stage is 1.5 years, though this value might vary from river to river. Nonetheless, this suggests that most floodplain surfaces will be covered by water twice every three years. It should be noted, however, that the water level having a recurrence interval of 1.5 years will cover only a portion of the relatively flat valley bottom surface that was defined as the topographic floodplain. Clearly parts of the topographic floodplain will be inundated only during river stages that are considerably higher than bankfull and occur less frequently. Thus, it seems that the definition of a hydrologic floodplain is different from that of the topographic floodplain, and how one ultimately studies a floodplain surface depends on which point of view concerning the feature is considered of greatest significance.

Floodplain deposits, origins, and features

Although valley-bottom deposits result from processes operating in diverse sub-environments, including valley-side sheetwash, the most important deposits in the floodplain framework are those developed by processes that function in and near the river channel. These deposits are normally referred to as (1) lateral accretion deposits, which develop within the channel itself as the river migrates back and forth across the valley bottom, and (2) vertical accretion deposits, which accumulate on the floodplain surface when the river overflows its channel banks.

In any valley where the river tends to meander, maximum erosion will occur on the outside bank just downstream from the axis of the meander bend. Detailed studies have shown, however, that deposition occurs simultaneously on the inside of the bend, the volume of deposition being essentially equal to the volume of bank erosion. Thus, a meandering river can shift its position laterally during any interval of time without changing its channel shape or size. Deposition on the inside of the meander bend creates a channel feature known as a point bar (see above River channel patterns), which represents the most common type of lateral accretion. Over a period of years point bars expand laterally as the opposite bank is continually eroded backward. The bars progressively spread across the valley bottom, usually as a thin sheet of sand or gravel containing layers that dip into the channel bottom. Point bars tend to increase in height until they reach the level of older parts of the floodplain surface, and the maximum thickness of laterally accreted deposits is controlled by how deeply a river can scour its bottom during recurrent floods. A general rule of thumb is that river channels are probably scoured to a depth 1.75 to two times the depth of flow attained during a flood. Because bank-full depth increases in the downstream direction, the thickness of lateral accretion deposits should increase gradually down the valley.

Vertical accretion (also called overbank deposition) occurs when rivers leave their channel confines during periodic flooding and deposit sediment on top of the floodplain surface. The floodplain, therefore, increases in elevation during a flood event. Overbank deposition is usually minor during any given flood event. The insignificant deposition reflects the documented phenomenon that maximum concentration of suspended load occurs during the rising phase of any flood. Thus, much of the potential overbank sediment is removed from the system before a river rises to bank-full stage.

Because lateral and vertical accretionary processes occur during the same time interval, alluvium beneath a floodplain surface usually consists of both type of deposits. The two types often differ in their particle-size characteristics, with lateral accretion deposits having larger grain sizes. These textural differences, however, are not always present. In fact, suspended-load rivers that transport mostly silt and clay develop point bars composed of fine-grained sediment. Conversely, mixed-load rivers with cohesive banks may deposit sand and gravel on a floodplain surface as vertical accretion deposits.

Floodplains also are developed by braided rivers, but the fluvial processes are more dynamic and less regular. Bars and bank erosion, for example, are not confined to one particular side of the channel, and the river often changes its position without laterally eroding the intervening material. Channels and islands associated with the braided-stream pattern become abandoned, and these eventually coalesce into a continuous floodplain surface when old channels become filled with overbank sediment. The result is that floodplain sediments in a braided system are often irregular in thickness, and recognition of the true floodplain sequence may be complicated because braided streams are often associated with long-term valley aggradation. In this case, the total deposit might appear to be very thick, but the actual floodplain sediment relates only to the present river hydrology. The true floodplain deposit, therefore, is merely a thin cap on top of a thick, continuous valley fill.

Topography developed on a floodplain surface is directly related to depositional and erosional processes. The dominant feature of lateral accretion, a point bar, is subjected to erosion during high discharge when small channels called chutes are eroded across the back portion of the point bar. As the river shifts laterally and chutes continue to form, point bars are molded into alternating ridges and swales that characterize a distinct topography known as meander scrolls. As the river changes its position, meander-scroll topography becomes preserved as part of the floodplain surface itself. Overbank processes also create microtopography. The latter includes natural levees, which are elongate narrow ridges that form adjacent to channels when the largest particles of the suspended load are deposited as soon as the river leaves the confines of its channel. Natural levees build vertically faster than the area away from the channel, which is known as a backswamp. For example, during the 1973 flood on the Mississippi River, 53 centimetres of sediment were deposited on natural levees, while only 1.1 centimetres accumulated in the backswamp area. The backswamp area of a floodplain is usually much more regular, and its flatness is disrupted only by oxbow channels (abandoned river channels) or by ridgelike deposits known as splay deposits that have broken through natural levees and spread onto the backswamp surface. Oxbows, or oxbow lakes, gradually fill in with silts and clays during normal overbank deposition, leaving that surface more regular than might be expected.