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Time and the floodplain system

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An Oregon Family Vanished in 1958. Their Car May Have Been Found in a River. Mar. 8, 2025, 12:52 AM ET (New York Times)

The variety of floodplain deposits and features raises the question as to which process, lateral river migration or overbank flow, is the most important in floodplain development. There is probably no universal answer to this question, but rates of the depositional processes suggest that most floodplains should result primarily from the processes and deposition associated with lateral migration. Assuming that vertical accretion proceeds according to the increments indicated in the previous section, the level of a floodplain constructed entirely by overbank deposition should rise at a progressively decreasing rate. This follows because as the floodplain surface is elevated relative to the channel floor, the river stage needed to overtop the banks is also increasing. The floodplain surface, therefore, is inundated less frequently, and the growth rate necessarily decreases. Indeed, studies have shown that the initial phase of floodplain elevation by vertical accretion is quite rapid because flooding occurs frequently. It is generally accepted that 80 to 90 percent of floodplain construction by vertical accretion would take place in the first 50 years of the process. A three-metre thick overbank deposit would probably take several thousand years to accumulate.

Given the above, it seems certain that the total thickness of vertically accumulated sediment will depend primarily on the rate at which the river migrates laterally. In fact, the total thickness of overbank deposition will be controlled by the amount of time it takes a river to migrate across the entire width of the valley. For example, if a floodplain is one kilometre wide and the river shifts laterally at a rate of two metres a year, it will take approximately 500 years for the river to migrate completely across the valley bottom. At any given point in the valley bottom, several metres of overbank sediment may accumulate in that 500-year interval, but the entire deposit will be reworked by lateral erosion when the river once again reoccupies that particular position. Thus, the lateral migration rate becomes a limiting factor on the thickness of vertical accretion deposits. In rivers demonstrating rapid lateral migration, minor rates of vertical accretion (see above Floodplain deposits, origins, and features) would be unlikely to create floodplain surfaces that are predominantly formed by overbank deposition. This conclusion, however, cannot be considered as an inviolate rule. Many rivers have extremely slow rates of lateral migration when geologic conditions prevent bank erosion. In these cases, vertical accretion may be the dominant process of floodplain development.

A sample of lateral migration rates in alluvial rivers of various sizes is given in the table.

Rates of lateral migration of rivers in valleys
Source: Adapted from M.G. Wolman and L.B. Leopold, "River Flood Plains: Some Observations on Their Formation," U.S. Geological Survey professional paper no. 282-C, 1957, courtesy of the U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey.
river and location approximate size of drainage area (square kilometres) amount of movement (metres) period of measurement rate of movement (metres per year)
tidal creeks in Massachusetts 0 60–75 yr 0
Normal Brook near Terre Haute, Ind. ± 2.6 9 1897–1910 0.7
Watts Branch near Rockville, Md. 10 0–3 1915–55 0–0.08
10 2 1953–56 0.6
Rock Creek near Washington, D.C. 18–155 0–6 1915–55 0–0.15
Middle River near Bethlehem Church, near Staunton, Va. 47 8 10–15 yr 0.76
Tributary to Minnesota River near New Ulm, Minn. 26–39 76 1910–38 2.7
North River, Parnassus quadrangle, Virginia 130 125 1834–84 2.4
Seneca Creek at Dawsonville, Md. 262 0–3 50–100 yr 0–0.06
Laramie River near Ft. Laramie, Wyo. 11,900 30 1851–1954 0.3
Minnesota River near New Ulm, Minn. 25,900 0 1910–38 0
Ramganga River near Shahabad, India
  • 259,000
  • 259,000
  • 259,000
  • 880
  • 320
  • 240
  • 1795–1806
  • 1806–83
  • 1883–1945
  • 80
  • 4.3
  • 4
Colorado River near Needles, Calif.
  • 441,900
  • 441,900
  • 441,900
  • 441,900
  • 441,900
  • 6,100
  • 915
  • 1,220
  • 30
  • 1,160
  • 1858–83
  • 1883–1903
  • 1903–52
  • 1942–52
  • 1903–42
  • 240
  • 46
  • 25
  • 3
  • 30
Yukon River at Koyukuk River, Alaska 829,000 1,680 170 yr 10
Yukon River at Holy Cross, Alaska 829,000 730 1896–1916 37
Kosi River, North Bihar, India 112,500 150 yr 750
Missouri River near Peru, Neb. 906,000 1,500 1883–1903 76
Mississippi River near Rosedale, Miss.
  • 2,850,000
  • 2,850,000
  • 725
  • 2,900
  • 1930–45
  • 1881–1913
  • 48
  • 192

River terraces

Terraces are flat surfaces preserved in valleys that represent floodplains developed when the river flowed at a higher elevation than its present channel. A terrace consists of two distinct topographic components: (1) a tread, which is the flat surface of the former floodplain, and (2) a scarp, which is the steep slope that connects the tread to any surface standing lower in the valley. Terraces are commonly used to reconstruct the history of a river valley. Because the presence of a terrace scarp requires river downcutting, some significant change in controlling factors must have occurred between the time that the tread formed and the time that the scarp was produced. Usually the phase of trenching begins as a response to climatic change, tectonics (movement and deformation of the crust), or baselevel lowering. Like most floodplains, abandoned or active, the surface of the tread is normally underlain by alluvium deposited by the river. Strictly speaking, however, these deposits are not part of the terrace because the term refers only to the topographic form.

The extent to which a terrace is preserved in a valley usually depends on the age of the surface. Old terraces are those that were formed when the river flowed at very high levels above the present-day river channel, while terraces of even greater age are those usually cut into widely separated, isolated segments. In contrast, very young terraces may be essentially continuous along the entire length of the trunk valley, being dissected only where tributary streams emerge from the valley sides. These young terraces may be close in elevation to the modern floodplain, and the two surfaces may be difficult to distinguish. This difficulty emphasizes the importance of how a floodplain and terrace are defined. Presumably the surface of a terrace is no longer related to the modern hydrology in terms of frequency and magnitude of flow events. Thus, any flat surface standing above the level inundated by a flow having a recurrence interval of 1.5 years is by definition a terrace. The complication arises, however, because some low terraces may be covered by floodwater during events of higher magnitude and lower frequency. These terrace surfaces are inundated by the modern hydrologic system but less frequently than the definition of a hydrologic floodplain would allow. In some cases, a low terrace may be underlain by sediment that has been continuously deposited for thousands of years during infrequent large floods.

Terraces are most commonly classified on the basis of topographic relationships between their segments. Where terrace treads stand at the same elevation on both sides of the valley, they are called paired terraces. The surfaces of the paired relationship are presumed to be equivalent in age and part of the same abandoned floodplain. Where terrace levels are different across the valley, they are said to be unpaired terraces. In most cases the staggered elevations in these systems were formed when the river eroded both laterally and vertically during the phase of degradation. Levels across the valley, therefore, are not precisely the same age but differ by the amount of time needed for the river to cross from one side of the valley to the other. Actually, the topographic classification is purely descriptive and is not intended to be used as a method for determining terrace origin. A more useful classification provides a genetic connotation by categorizing terraces as either erosional or depositional. Erosional terraces are those in which the tread (abandoned floodplain) has been formed primarily by lateral erosion under the conditions of a constant baselevel. Where erosion cuts across bedrock, the terms bench, strath, or rock-cut terrace are employed. The terms fill-cut or fillstrath are used to indicate that the lateral erosion has occurred across unconsolidated debris. Depositional terraces are those in which the tread represents the upper surface of a valley fill.

Rock-cut terraces and depositional terraces can be distinguished by certain properties that reflect their mode of origin. Rock-cut surfaces are usually capped by a uniformly thin layer of alluvium, the total thickness of which is determined by the depth of scour of the river that formed the terrace tread. In addition, the surface eroded across the bedrock or older alluvium is remarkably flat and essentially mirrors the configuration of the tread. In contrast, alluvium beneath the tread of a depositional terrace can be extremely variable in thickness and usually exceeds any reasonable scouring depth of the associated river; moreover, the eroded surface in the bedrock beneath the fill can be very irregular even though the surface of the terrace tread is flat. The most difficult terrace to distinguish by these criteria are erosional terraces that are cut across a thick, unconsolidated valley fill.