Entertainment & Pop CultureGeography & TravelHealth & MedicineLifestyles & Social IssuesLiteratureMoneyPhilosophy & ReligionPolitics, Law & GovernmentScienceSports & RecreationTechnologyVisual ArtsWorld History
F. Scott Fitzgerald Timeline
A timeline of important events in the life of F. Scott Fitzgerald,...
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Important Works
List of some of the most important works by American short-story...
Langston Hughes summary
Langston Hughes, (born Feb. 1, 1902?, Joplin, Mo., U.S.—died...
Isaac Bashevis Singer summary
Isaac Bashevis Singer, Yiddish Yitskhok Bashevis Zinger , (born...
Maxim Gorky summary
Maxim Gorky, orig.
Franz Kafka summary
Franz Kafka, (born July 3, 1883, Prague, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary—died...
The Thousand and One Nights summary
The Thousand and One Nights, or The Arabian Nights Arabic Alf...
Ismail Kadare summary
Ismail Kadare, (born Jan. 28, 1936, Gjirokastër, Alb.—died July...
Dmitri Mendeleev summary
Dmitri Mendeleev, Mendeleyev also spelled Dmitry Mendeleyev ,...
François Rabelais summary
François Rabelais, (born c. 1483–94, Seuilly, France—died probably...
Alice Munro summary
Alice Munro, orig.
Roger Corman summary
Roger Corman, (born April 5, 1926, Detroit, Mich., U.S.—died...
Margaret (Eleanor) Atwood summary
Margaret (Eleanor) Atwood, (born Nov. 18, 1939, Ottawa, Ont.,...
Theodor Seuss Geisel summary
Theodor Seuss Geisel, known as Dr.
Alice (Malsenior) Walker summary
Alice (Malsenior) Walker, (born Feb. 9, 1944, Eatonton, Ga.,...
Oskar Kokoschka summary
Oskar Kokoschka, (born March 1, 1886, Pöchlarn, Austria—died...
H.D. summary
H.D., byname of Hilda Doolittle , (born Sept. 10, 1886, Bethlehem,...
Salman Rushdie summary
Salman Rushdie, (born June 19, 1947, Bombay, India), Indian-born...
The Great Gatsby summary
The Great Gatsby, novel by American author F.
Notable Characters in the Works of Charles Dickens
Use this list to learn about the most notable characters in the...
Martin Amis summary
Martin Amis, (born Aug. 25, 1949, Oxford, Oxfordshire, Eng.—died...
Giovanni Boccaccio summary
Giovanni Boccaccio, (born 1313, Tuscany—died Dec. 21, 1375,...
Frances Burney summary
Frances Burney, byname Fanny Burney , (born June 13, 1752, King’s...
Jules Verne summary
Jules Verne, (born Feb. 8, 1828, Nantes, France—died March 24,...
E.O. Wilson summary
Martin Luther summary
Martin Luther, (born Nov. 10, 1483, Eisleben, Saxony—died Feb....
Hungarian literature summary
Hungarian literature, Body of written works produced in the...
Mongolian literature summary
Mongolian literature, Written works produced through history...
The Picture of Dorian Gray summary
The Picture of Dorian Gray, Moral fantasy novel by Irish writer...
Rabindranath Tagore summary
Rabindranath Tagore, (born May 7, 1861, Calcutta, India—died...
The Canterbury Tales summary
The Canterbury Tales, Collection of stories by Geoffrey Chaucer,...
Pride and Prejudice summary
Pride and Prejudice, Novel by Jane Austen, published anonymously...
Henry Norris Russell summary
Henry Norris Russell, (born Oct. 25, 1877, Oyster Bay, N.Y.,...
To Kill a Mockingbird summary
To Kill a Mockingbird, Novel by Harper Lee, published in 1960.
William Shakespeare summary
William Shakespeare, (baptized April 26, 1564, Stratford-upon-Avon,...
Homer summary
Homer, (flourished 9th or 8th century bce, Ionia?), ancient...
David Copperfield summary
David Copperfield, in full The Personal History of David Copperfield...
Edward Abbey summary
Edward Abbey, (born Jan. 29, 1927, Indiana, Pa., U.S.—died March...
Peter Abelard summary
Peter Abelard, (born 1079, Le Pallet, near Nantes, Brittany—died...
Chinua Achebe summary
Chinua Achebe, (born Nov. 16, 1930, Ogidi, Nigeria—died March...
Henry Adams summary
Henry Adams, (born Feb. 16, 1838, Boston, Mass., U.S.—died March...
Joseph Addison summary
Joseph Addison, (born May 1, 1672, Milston, Wiltshire, Eng.—died...
Mortimer J. Adler summary
Mortimer J.
Aeneas summary
Aeneas, Mythical hero of Troy and Rome.
Aeschylus summary
Aeschylus, (born 525/524—died 456/455 bc, Gela, Sicily), Greek...
James Agee summary
James Agee, (born Nov. 27, 1909, Knoxville, Tenn., U.S.—died...
Georgius Agricola summary
Georgius Agricola, orig.
Anna Akhmatova summary
Anna Akhmatova, orig.
Edward Albee summary
Edward Albee, (born March 12, 1928, Washington, D.C., U.S.—died...
Alcaeus summary
Alcaeus, or Alkaios , (born c. 620 bc, Mytilene, Lesbos—died...
Louisa May Alcott summary
Louisa May Alcott, (born Nov. 29, 1832, Germantown, Pa., U.S.—died...
Jean Le Rond d’ Alembert summary
Jean Le Rond d’ Alembert, (born , Nov. 17, 1717, Paris, France—died...
Library of Alexandria summary
Library of Alexandria, Most famous library of classical antiquity.
Nelson Algren summary
Nelson Algren, orig.
allegory summary
allegory, Work of written, oral, or visual expression that uses...
Woody Allen summary
Woody Allen, orig.
almanac summary
almanac, Book or table containing a calendar of a given year,...
Saint Ambrose summary
Saint Ambrose, (born 339, Augusta Treverorum, Belgica, Gaul—died...
Anacreon summary
Anacreon, or Anakreon , (born c. 582 bc, Teos, Ionia—died c....
Hans Christian Andersen summary
Hans Christian Andersen, (born April 2, 1805, Odense, near Copenhagen,...
Julie Andrews summary
Julie Andrews, in full Dame Julie Andrews , orig.
Maya Angelou summary
Maya Angelou, orig.
Jean Anouilh summary
Jean Anouilh, (born June 23, 1910, Bordeaux, France—died Oct....
antinovel summary
antinovel, Type of avant-garde novel that departs from traditional...
Guillaume Apollinaire summary
Guillaume Apollinaire, orig.
Apollonius of Rhodes summary
Apollonius of Rhodes, (born c. 295 bc), Greek poet and grammarian.
Argonauts summary
Argonauts, In Greek legend, a band of 50 heroes who went with...
Ludovico Ariosto summary
Ludovico Ariosto, (born Sept. 8, 1474, Reggio Emilia, duchy...
Aristophanes summary
Aristophanes, (born c. 450—died c. 388 bc), Greek playwright.
Gunnar Asplund summary
Gunnar Asplund, (born Sept. 22, 1885, Stockholm, Swed.—died...
Miguel Ángel Asturias summary
Miguel Ángel Asturias, (born Oct. 19, 1899, Guatemala City,...
autobiography summary
autobiography, Biography of oneself narrated by oneself.
automatism summary
automatism, Method of painting or drawing in which conscious...
Avicenna summary
Avicenna, Arabic Ibn Sīnā in full Abū ʾAlī al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAbd...
Marcel Aymé summary
Marcel Aymé, (born March 29, 1902, Joigny, Fr.—died Oct. 14,...
François-Noël Babeuf summary
François-Noël Babeuf, (born Nov. 23, 1760, Saint-Quentin, France—died...
Saint Thomas Aquinas summary
Saint Thomas Aquinas, (born 1224/25, Roccasecca, near Aquino,...
Saint Augustine summary
Saint Augustine, (born Nov. 13, 354, Tagaste, Numidia—died Aug....
Isaac Babel summary
Isaac Babel, (born July 13, 1894, Odessa, Ukraine, Russian Empire—died...
Francis Bacon, Viscount St. Albans summary
Francis Bacon, Viscount St.
William Blake summary
William Blake, (born Nov. 28, 1757, London, Eng.—died Aug. 12,...
John Calvin summary
John Calvin, French Jean Cauvin , (born July 10, 1509, Noyon,...
Miguel de Cervantes summary
Miguel de Cervantes, (born Sept. 29?, 1547, Alcalá de Henares,...
Geoffrey Chaucer summary
Geoffrey Chaucer, (born c. 1342/43, London?, Eng.—died Oct....
Sir Winston Churchill summary
Sir Winston Churchill, (born Nov. 30, 1874, Blenheim Palace,...
Dante (Alighieri) summary
Dante (Alighieri) , (born c.
Charles Dickens summary
Charles Dickens, (born Feb. 7, 1812, Portsmouth, Hampshire,...
Emily Dickinson summary
Emily Dickinson, (born Dec. 10, 1830, Amherst, Mass., U.S.—died...
dictionary summary
dictionary, Reference work that lists words, usually in alphabetical...
Fyodor Dostoyevsky summary
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, (born Nov. 11, 1821, Moscow, Russia—died...
encyclopaedia summary
encyclopaedia, Reference work that contains information on all...
Encyclopædia Britannica summary
Encyclopædia Britannica, The oldest English-language general...
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe summary
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, (born Aug. 28, 1749, Frankfurt am...
Tom Hanks summary
Tom Hanks, orig.
Samuel Johnson summary
Samuel Johnson, known as Dr.
library summary
library, Collection of information resources, in print or in...
Niccolò Machiavelli summary
Niccolò Machiavelli, (born May 3, 1469, Florence—died June 21,...
David (Alan) Mamet summary
David (Alan) Mamet, (born Nov. 30, 1947, Chicago, Ill., U.S.),...
Gabriel Marcel summary
Gabriel Marcel, (born Dec. 7, 1889, Paris, France—died Oct....
Karl Marx summary
Karl Marx, (born May 5, 1818, Trier, Rhine province, Prussia...
Michelangelo (di Lodovico Buonarroti) summary
Michelangelo (di Lodovico Buonarroti), (born March 6, 1475,...
John Milton summary
John Milton, (born Dec. 9, 1608, London, Eng.—died Nov. 8?,...
Molière summary
Molière , orig.
Sir Isaac Newton summary
Sir Isaac Newton, (born Jan. 4, 1643, Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire,...
Plato summary
Plato , (born 428/427, Athens, Greece—died 348/347 bc, Athens),...
Jean Racine summary
Jean Racine, (baptized Dec. 22, 1639, La Ferté-Milon, France—died...
Jean-Jacques Rousseau summary
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, (born June 28, 1712, Geneva, Switz.—died...
Benedict de Spinoza summary
Benedict de Spinoza, Hebrew Baruch Spinoza , (born Nov. 24,...
Leo Tolstoy summary
Leo Tolstoy, Russian Lev Nikolayevich, Count Tolstoy , (born...
Mark Twain summary
Mark Twain, orig.
Voltaire summary
Voltaire , orig.
Virginia Woolf summary
Virginia Woolf, orig.
Steve Martin summary
Steve Martin, (born Aug. 14, 1945, Waco, Tex., U.S.), U.S.
Stephen (Edwin) King summary
Stephen (Edwin) King, (born Sept. 21, 1947, Portland, Maine,...
John Sayles summary
John Sayles, (born Sept. 28, 1950, Schenectady, N.Y., U.S.),...
Understanding Newton’s Laws of Motion
Learn more about Isaac Newton’s three laws of motion, what they...
Martin Luther Timeline
A timeline of the life of Martin Luther who inaugurated the Protestant...
Martin Luther’s Achievements
Summary of the achievements of Martin Luther, the German priest...
William Shakespeare Timeline
A timeline of significant events in the life of English poet...
William Shakespeare’s Important Works
A list of some of the most important and best-known works by...
Harlem Renaissance Key Facts
List of important facts regarding the Harlem Renaissance (c....
Harlem Renaissance Timeline
Timeline of significant events and developments related to the...
Harlem Renaissance Causes and Effects
Some of the major causes and effects of the Harlem Renaissance....
Isaac Newton Timeline
Timeline of important events in the life of English physicist...
Isaac Newton’s Achievements
Summary of key achievements by English physicist and mathematician...
Isaac Asimov summary
Isaac Asimov, (born Jan. 2, 1920, Petrovichi, Russia—died April...
Walter Bagehot summary
Walter Bagehot, (born Feb. 3, 1826, Langport, Somerset, Eng.—died...
ballade summary
ballade , One of several formes fixes in French lyric poetry...
Honoré de Balzac summary
Honoré de Balzac, orig.
Bashō summary
Bashō , or Matsuo Bashō orig.
Saint Basil the Great summary
Saint Basil the Great, (born ad 329, Caesarea Mazaca, Cappadocia—died...
Charles Baudelaire summary
Charles Baudelaire, (born April 9, 1821, Paris, France—died...
Francis Beaumont summary
Francis Beaumont, (born c. 1585, Grace-Dieu, Leicestershire,...
Simone de Beauvoir summary
Simone de Beauvoir, (born Jan. 9, 1908, Paris, France—died April...
Beowulf summary
Beowulf , Heroic poem considered the highest achievement of...
Hector Berlioz summary
Hector Berlioz, (born Dec. 11, 1803, La Côte-Saint-André, France—died...
Claude Bernard summary
Claude Bernard, (born July 12, 1813, Saint-Julien, France—died...
al-Bīrūnī summary
al-Bīrūnī, (born September 973, Khwārezm, Khorāsān—died Dec....
Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson summary
Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, (born Dec. 8, 1832, Kvikne, Nor.—died...
Marc Bloch summary
Marc Bloch, (born July 6, 1886, Lyon, France—died June 16, 1944,...
Henry Saint John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke summary
Henry Saint John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke, (born Sept. 16,...
Heinrich Böll summary
Heinrich Böll, (born Dec. 21, 1917, Cologne, Ger.—died July...
Jorge Luis Borges summary
Jorge Luis Borges, (born Aug. 24, 1899, Buenos Aires, Arg.—died...
Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet summary
Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet, (born Sept. 25, 1627, Dijon, France—died...
Margaret Bourke-White summary
Margaret Bourke-White, (born June 14, 1904, New York, N.Y.,...
Bertolt Brecht summary
Bertolt Brecht, orig.
Martin Buber summary
Martin Buber, (born Feb. 8, 1878, Vienna, Austria-Hungary—died...
Rudolf Bultmann summary
Rudolf Bultmann, (born Aug. 20, 1884, Wiefelstede, Ger.—died...
Ivan Bunin summary
Ivan Bunin, (born Oct. 10, 1870, Voronezh, Russia—died Nov....
Pedro Calderón de la Barca summary
Pedro Calderón de la Barca, (born Jan. 17, 1600, Madrid, Spain—died...
Luís de Camões summary
Luís de Camões, (born c. 1524/25, Lisbon—died June 10, 1580,...
Albert Camus summary
Albert Camus, (born Nov. 7, 1913, Mondovi, Alg.—died Jan. 4,...
Truman Capote summary
Truman Capote, orig.
Henri Cartier-Bresson summary
Henri Cartier-Bresson, (born Aug. 22, 1908, Chanteloup, Fr.—died...
Willa Cather summary
Willa Cather, orig.
Gaius Valerius Catullus summary
Gaius Valerius Catullus, (born c. 84, Verona, Cisalpine Gaul—died...
René Chateaubriand, viscount of summary
René Chateaubriand, viscount of, (born Sept. 4, 1768, Saint-Malo,...
Anton Chekhov summary
Anton Chekhov, (born Jan. 29, 1860, Taganrog, Russia—died July...
Saint John Chrysostom summary
Saint John Chrysostom, (born 347, Antioch, Syria—died Sept....
Marcus Tullius Cicero summary
Marcus Tullius Cicero, (born 106 bc, Arpinum, Latium—died Dec....
Paul Claudel summary
Paul Claudel, (born Aug. 6, 1868, Villeneuve-sur-Fère, France—died...
Georges Clemenceau summary
Georges Clemenceau, (born Sept. 28, 1841, Mouilleron-en-Pareds,...
Bill Clinton summary
Bill Clinton, in full William Jefferson Clinton orig.
Jean Cocteau summary
Jean Cocteau, (born July 5, 1889, Maisons-Laffitte, near Paris,...
Samuel Taylor Coleridge summary
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, (born Oct. 21, 1772, Ottery St.
Colette summary
Colette , in full Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette , (born Jan. 28,...
John Amos Comenius summary
John Amos Comenius, Czech Jan Amos Komenský , (born March 28,...
Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat, marquis de Condorcet summary
Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat, marquis de Condorcet,...
Pierre Corneille summary
Pierre Corneille, (born June 6, 1606, Rouen, France—died Oct....
William Cowper summary
William Cowper, (born Nov. 26, 1731, Great Berkhamstead, Hertfordshire,...
Benedetto Croce summary
Benedetto Croce, (born Feb. 25, 1866, Pescasseroli, Italy—died...
Gabriele D’Annunzio summary
Gabriele D’Annunzio, (born March 12, 1863, Pescara, Italy—died...
Rubén Darío summary
Rubén Darío, pseudonym of Félix Rubén García Sarmiento , (born...
Alphonse Daudet summary
Alphonse Daudet, (born May 13, 1840, Nîmes, France—died Dec....
Paul de Man summary
Paul de Man, (born Dec. 6, 1919, Antwerp, Belg.—died Dec. 21,...
Daniel Defoe summary
Daniel Defoe, orig.
Eugène Delacroix summary
Eugène Delacroix, (born April 26, 1798, Charenton-Saint-Maurice,...
Jacques Derrida summary
Jacques Derrida, (born July 15, 1930, El Biar, Alg.—died Oct....
Denis Diderot summary
Denis Diderot, (born Oct. 5, 1713, Langres, France—died July...
Ding Ling summary
Ding Ling , or Ting Ling orig.
dithyramb summary
dithyramb , Choric poem, chant, or hymn of ancient Greece.
John Donne summary
John Donne, (born c.
Theodore Dreiser summary
Theodore Dreiser, (born Aug. 27, 1871, Terre Haute, Ind., U.S.—died...
Alexandre Dumas summary
Alexandre Dumas, known as Dumas père , (born July 24, 1802,...
Bob Dylan summary
Bob Dylan, orig.
Umberto Eco summary
Umberto Eco, (born Jan. 5, 1932, Alessandria, Italy—died Feb....
Dwight D. Eisenhower summary
Dwight D.
Encyclopédie summary
Encyclopédie , French encyclopedia created in the 18th century...
epitaph summary
epitaph , Inscription in verse or prose on a tomb, or, by extension,...
Desiderius Erasmus summary
Desiderius Erasmus, (born Oct. 27, 1469, Rotterdam, Holland—died...
Euclid summary
Euclid , (flourished c. 300 bc, Alexandria, Egypt), Greek mathematician...
Leonhard Euler summary
Leonhard Euler, (born April 15, 1707, Basel, Switz.—died Sept....
Euripides summary
Euripides , (born c. 484 bc, Athens—died 406 bc, Macedonia),...
Eusebius of Caesarea summary
Eusebius of Caesarea , (flourished 4th century, Caesarea Palestinae,...
Faxian summary
Faxian, or Fa-hsien orig.
William Faulkner summary
William Faulkner, orig.
Ferdowsī summary
, or Firdusī or Firdousī orig.
Lawrence Ferlinghetti summary
Lawrence Ferlinghetti, orig.
Gustave Flaubert summary
Gustave Flaubert, (born Dec. 12, 1821, Rouen, France—died May...
Anne Frank summary
Anne Frank, (born June 12, 1929, Frankfurt am Main, Ger.—died...
Carlos Fuentes summary
Carlos Fuentes, (born Nov. 11, 1928, Panama City, Pan.—died...
Galen summary
Galen , Latin Galenus , (born ad 129, Pergamum, Mysia, Anatolia—died...
John Galsworthy summary
John Galsworthy, (born Aug. 14, 1867, Kingston Hill, Surrey,...
Federico García Lorca summary
Federico García Lorca, (born June 5, 1898, Fuente Vaqueros,...
Gabriel García Márquez summary
Gabriel García Márquez, (born March 6, 1927, Aracataca, Colom.—died...
Théophile Gautier summary
Théophile Gautier, (born Aug. 31, 1811, Tarbes, France—died...
Friedrich Gentz summary
Friedrich Gentz, (born May 2, 1764, Breslau, Silesia, Prussia—died...
al-Ghazālī summary
al-Ghazālī, or al-Ghazzālī in full Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad...
Edward Gibbon summary
Edward Gibbon, (born May 8, 1737, Putney, Surrey, Eng.—died...
André Gide summary
André Gide, (born Nov. 22, 1869, Paris, France—died Feb. 19,...
Nikolay Gogol summary
Nikolay Gogol, (born March 19, 1809, Sorochintsy, near Poltava,...
Günter Grass summary
Günter Grass, (born Oct. 16, 1927, Danzig—died April 13, 2015,...
Franz Grillparzer summary
Franz Grillparzer, (born Jan. 15, 1791, Vienna—died Jan. 21,...
Hugo Grotius summary
Hugo Grotius, orig.
haiku summary
haiku , Unrhymed Japanese poetic form.
Edmond Halley summary
Edmond Halley, (born Nov. 8, 1656, Haggerston, Shoreditch, near...
Peter Handke summary
Peter Handke, (born Dec. 6, 1942, Griffen, Austria), Austrian...
Gerhart Hauptmann summary
Gerhart Hauptmann, (born Nov. 15, 1862, Bad Salzbrunn, Silesia,...
William Randolph Hearst summary
William Randolph Hearst, (born April 29, 1863, San Francisco,...
Heinrich Heine summary
Heinrich Heine, orig.
Aleksandr Herzen summary
Aleksandr Herzen, (born April 6, 1812, Moscow, Russia—died Jan....
Hesiod summary
Hesiod , (flourished c. 700 bc), Greek poet.
Hermann Hesse summary
Hermann Hesse, (born July 2, 1877, Calw, Ger.—died Aug. 9, 1962,...
Hippocrates summary
Hippocrates , (born c. 460 bc, island of Cos, Greece—died c....
Hugo von Hofmannsthal summary
Hugo von Hofmannsthal, (born Feb. 1, 1874, Vienna, Austria—died...
Ludvig, Baron Holberg summary
Ludvig, Baron Holberg, (born Dec. 3, 1684, Bergen, Nor.—died...
Friedrich Hölderlin summary
Friedrich Hölderlin, (born March 20, 1770, Lauffen am Neckar,...
Xuanzang summary
Xuanzang, or Hsüan-tsang , (born 600, Guoshi, China—died 664,...
Hu Shih summary
Hu Shih , or Hu Shi , (born Dec. 17, 1891, Shanghai, China—died...
Ibn al-ʿArabī summary
Ibn al-ʿArabī , (born July 28, 1165, Murcia, Valencia—died Nov....
Ibn Baṭṭūṭah summary
Ibn Baṭṭūṭah , orig.
Ibn Gabirol summary
Ibn Gabirol , orig.
Ibn Ḥazm summary
Ibn Ḥazm , in full Abū Muḥammad ʿAli ibn Aḥmad ibn Saʿīd ibn...
Henrik Ibsen summary
Henrik Ibsen, (born March 20, 1828, Skien, Nor.—died May 23,...
Isocrates summary
Isocrates , (born 436, Athens—died 338 bc, Athens), Athenian...
Rūmī summary
Rūmī , in full Jalāl al-Dīn al-Rūmī byname Mawlānā (Arabic: “Our...
Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afghānī summary
Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afghānī , (born 1838, Asadābād, Persia—died...
Cornelius Otto Jansen summary
Cornelius Otto Jansen, (born Oct. 28, 1585, Acquoi, near Leerdam,...
Joachim of Fiore summary
Joachim of Fiore , (born c. 1130/35, Celico, Kingdom of Naples—died...
Juvenal summary
Juvenal , orig.
Kalidasa summary
Kalidasa , (flourished c. 5th century), Indian poet and dramatist.
Jack Kerouac summary
Jack Kerouac, orig.
André Kertész summary
André Kertész, (born July 2, 1894, Budapest, Austro-Hungarian...
Heinrich von Kleist summary
Heinrich von Kleist, (born Oct. 18, 1777, Frankfurt an der Oder,...
Lajos Kossuth summary
Lajos Kossuth, (born Sept. 19, 1802, Monok, Hung.—died March...
Jean de La Fontaine summary
Jean de La Fontaine, (born July 8?, 1621, Château-Thierry, France—died...
François VI, duke de La Rochefoucauld summary
François VI, duke de La Rochefoucauld, (born Sept. 15, 1613,...
Jean-Baptiste de Monet, knight de Lamarck summary
Jean-Baptiste de Monet, knight de Lamarck, (born Aug. 1, 1744,...
Alphonse de Lamartine summary
Alphonse de Lamartine, (born Oct. 21, 1790, Mâcon, France—died...
Dorothea Lange summary
Dorothea Lange, (born May 26, 1895, Hoboken, N.J., U.S.—died...
Antoine Lavoisier summary
Antoine Lavoisier, (born Aug. 26, 1743, Paris, France—died May...
Mikhail Lermontov summary
Mikhail Lermontov, (born Oct. 15, 1814, Moscow, Russia—died...
Carolus Linnaeus summary
Carolus Linnaeus, Swedish Carl von Linné , (born May 23, 1707,...
Livy summary
Livy , orig.
Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov summary
Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, (born Nov. 19, 1711, near Kholmogory,...
Lu Xun summary
Lu Xun, or Lu Hsün orig.
Lucian summary
Lucian , or Lucianos Latin Lucianus , (born c.
Lucretius summary
Lucretius , in full Titus Lucretius Carus , (flourished 1st...
Isaac ben Solomon Luria summary
Isaac ben Solomon Luria, (born 1534, Jerusalem—died Aug. 5,...
Sir Charles Lyell summary
Sir Charles Lyell, (born Nov. 14, 1797, Kinnordy, Forfarshire,...
Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron Macaulay of Rothley summary
Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron Macaulay of Rothley, (born...
Mahabharata summary
Mahabharata , One of the two major Sanskrit epics of India,...
Stéphane Mallarmé summary
Stéphane Mallarmé, (born March 18, 1842, Paris, France—died...
André Malraux summary
André Malraux, (born Nov. 3, 1901, Paris, France—died Nov. 23,...
Osip Mandelshtam summary
Osip Mandelshtam, or Osip Emilyevich Mandelstam , (born Jan....
Thomas Mann summary
Thomas Mann, (born June 6, 1875, Lübeck, Ger.—died Aug. 12,...
Jean-Paul Marat summary
Jean-Paul Marat, (born , May 24, 1743, Boudry, near Neuchâtel,...
Clément Marot summary
Clément Marot, (born 1496?, Cahors, France—died September 1544,...
Martial summary
Martial , Latin Marcus Valerius Martialis , (born c.
Andrew Marvell summary
Andrew Marvell, (born March 31, 1621, Winestead, Yorkshire,...
Guy de Maupassant summary
Guy de Maupassant, (born Aug. 5, 1850, Château de Miromesnil?,...
Vladimir Mayakovsky summary
Vladimir Mayakovsky, (born July 19, 1893, Bagdadi, Georgia,...
Giuseppe Mazzini summary
Giuseppe Mazzini, (born June 22, 1805, Genoa—died March 10,...
Prosper Mérimée summary
Prosper Mérimée, (born Sept. 28, 1803, Paris, France—died Sept....
Pietro Metastasio summary
Pietro Metastasio, orig.
Adam Mickiewicz summary
Adam Mickiewicz, (born Dec. 24, 1798, Zaosye, near Nowogródek,...
Honoré-Gabriel Riqueti, count de Mirabeau summary
Honoré-Gabriel Riqueti, count de Mirabeau, orig.
Mishima Yukio summary
Mishima Yukio, orig.
Frédéric Mistral summary
Frédéric Mistral, (born Sept. 8, 1830, Maillane, France—died...
Helmuth, count von Moltke summary
Helmuth, count von Moltke, (born Oct. 26, 1800, Parchim, Mecklenburg—died...
Theodor Mommsen summary
Theodor Mommsen, (born Nov. 30, 1817, Garding, Schleswig—died...
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu summary
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, orig.
Michel de Montaigne summary
Michel de Montaigne, (born Feb. 28, 1533, Château de Montaigne,...
Charles-Louis de Secondat, baron de Montesquieu summary
Charles-Louis de Secondat, baron de Montesquieu, (born Jan....
Johannes Peter Müller summary
Johannes Peter Müller, (born July 14, 1801, Koblenz, France—died...
Vladimir Nabokov summary
Vladimir Nabokov, (born April 22, 1899, St.
Nanak summary
Nanak , (born April 15, 1469, Rai Bhoi di Talvandi, near Lahore,...
Thomas Nashe summary
Thomas Nashe, (born 1567, Lowestoft, Suffolk, Eng.—died c. 1601,...
Negritude summary
Negritude , Literary movement of the 1930s, ’40s, and ’50s.
Pablo Neruda summary
Pablo Neruda, orig.
Blessed John Henry Newman summary
Blessed John Henry Newman, known as Cardinal Newman , (born...
Ngugi wa Thiong’o summary
Ngugi wa Thiong’o , orig.
Nibelungenlied summary
Nibelungenlied , (German: “Song of the Nibelungs”) Middle High...
Niẓām al-Mulk summary
Niẓām al-Mulk , orig.
Odysseus summary
Odysseus , Roman Ulysses , Hero of Homer’s Odyssey.
Ōe Kenzaburō summary
Ōe Kenzaburō, (born Jan. 31, 1935, Ehime prefecture, Shikoku,...
Omar Khayyam summary
Omar Khayyam , byname of Ghiyāth al-Dīn Abū al-Fatḥ ʿUmar ibn...
Origen summary
Origen , orig.
Sir William Osler summary
Sir William Osler, (born July 12, 1849, Bond Head, Canada West,...
Ouyang Xiu summary
Ouyang Xiu , or Ou-yang Hsiu , (born 1007, Mianyang, Sichuan...
Ovid summary
Ovid , Latin Publius Ovidius Naso , (born March 20, 43 bc, Sulmo,...
Andrea Palladio summary
Andrea Palladio, orig.
Paracelsus summary
Paracelsus , orig.
Blaise Pascal summary
Blaise Pascal, (born June 19, 1623, Clermont-Ferrand, France—died...
Nikola Pašić summary
Nikola Pašić, (born Dec. 31, 1845, Zaječar, Serbia—died Dec....
pastoral summary
pastoral , Literary work dealing in a usually artificial manner...
Octavio Paz summary
Octavio Paz, (born March 31, 1914, Mexico City, Mex.—died April...
Samuel Pepys summary
Samuel Pepys, (born Feb. 23, 1633, London, Eng.—died May 26,...
Petrarch summary
Petrarch , Italian Francesco Petrarca , (born July 20, 1304,...
Philo Judaeus summary
Philo Judaeus , or Philo of Alexandria , (born 10–15 bc, Alexandria—died...
Plautus summary
Plautus , (born c. 254, Sarsina, Umbria?—died 184 bc), Roman...
Pliny the Elder summary
Pliny the Elder, Latin Gaius Plinius Secundus , (born ad 23,...
Plutarch summary
Plutarch , Greek Plutarchos Latin Plutarchus , (born ad 46,...
Sextus Propertius summary
Sextus Propertius, (born 55/43, Assisi, Umbria—died after 16...
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon summary
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, (born Jan. 15, 1809, Besançon, France—died...
Marcel Proust summary
Marcel Proust, (born July 10, 1871, Auteuil, near Paris, France—died...
Ptolemy summary
Ptolemy , Latin Claudius Ptolemaeus , (born c.
Rashi summary
Rashi , in full Rabbi Shlomo Yitzhaqi , (born 1040, Troyes,...
Rainer Maria Rilke summary
Rainer Maria Rilke, orig.
Arthur Rimbaud summary
Arthur Rimbaud, (born Oct. 20, 1854, Charleville, France—died...
Eric Rohmer summary
Eric Rohmer, orig.
Pierre de Ronsard summary
Pierre de Ronsard, (born Sept. 11, 1524, La Possonnière, near...
Christina Rossetti summary
Christina Rossetti, (born Dec. 5, 1830, London, Eng.—died Dec....
Dante Gabriel Rossetti summary
Dante Gabriel Rossetti, orig.
Saadia ben Joseph summary
Saadia ben Joseph , Arabic Saʿīd ibn Yūsuf al-Fayyūmī , (born...
Marquis de Sade summary
Marquis de Sade, orig.
Carl Sagan summary
Carl Sagan, (born Nov. 9, 1934, Brooklyn, N.Y., N.Y., U.S.—died...
Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve summary
Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve, (born Dec. 23, 1804, Boulogne,...
George Sand summary
George Sand, orig.
George Santayana summary
George Santayana, orig.
Sappho summary
Sappho , (flourished 610–c. 570 bc, Lesbos, Asia Minor), Greek...
José Saramago summary
José Saramago, (born Nov. 16, 1922, Azinhaga, Port.—died June...
Jean-Paul Sartre summary
Jean-Paul Sartre, (born June 21, 1905, Paris, France—died April...
Friedrich Schiller summary
Friedrich Schiller, (born Nov. 10, 1759, Marbach, Württemberg—died...
Seneca summary
Seneca, (born c. 4 bce, Corduba, Spain—died 65 ce, Rome), Roman...
Léopold Senghor summary
Léopold Senghor, (born Oct. 9, 1906, Joal, Senegal, French West...
Tobias Smollett summary
Tobias Smollett, (baptized March 19, 1721, Cardross, Dumbartonshire,...
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn summary
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, (born Dec. 11, 1918, Kislovodsk, Russia—died...
Sophocles summary
Sophocles , (born c. 496, Colonus, near Athens—died 406 bc,...
Robert Southey summary
Robert Southey, (born Aug. 12, 1774, Bristol, Gloucestershire,...
Wole Soyinka summary
Wole Soyinka, in full Akinwande Oluwole Soyinka , (born July...
Madame de Staël summary
Madame de Staël, orig.
Stendhal summary
Stendhal , orig.
Alfred Stieglitz summary
Alfred Stieglitz, (born Jan. 1, 1864, Hoboken, N.J., U.S.—died...
Harriet Beecher Stowe summary
Harriet Beecher Stowe, orig.
August Strindberg summary
August Strindberg, (born Jan. 22, 1849, Stockholm, Swed.—died...
Tacitus summary
Tacitus , in full Publius Cornelius Tacitus , (born ad 56—died...
Hippolyte Taine summary
Hippolyte Taine, (born April 21, 1828, Vouziers, Ardennes, France—died...
Torquato Tasso summary
Torquato Tasso, (born March 11, 1544, Sorrento, Kingdom of Naples—died...
Tecumseh summary
Tecumseh , (born 1768, Old Piqua, in modern Clark county, Ohio,...
Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson summary
Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson, known as Alfred, Lord Tennyson...
Tertullian summary
Tertullian , (born c. 155/160, Carthage—died after 220, Carthage),...
Adolphe Thiers summary
Adolphe Thiers, (born April 18, 1797, Marseille, France—died...
Henry David Thoreau summary
Henry David Thoreau, (born July 12, 1817, Concord, Mass., U.S.—died...
Tirso de Molina summary
Tirso de Molina , orig.
J.R.R. Tolkien summary
Anthony Trollope summary
Anthony Trollope, (born April 24, 1815, London, Eng.—died Dec....
Ivan Turgenev summary
Ivan Turgenev, (born Nov. 9, 1818, Oryol, Russia—died Sept....
Paul Valéry summary
Paul Valéry, (born Oct. 30, 1871, Sète, France—died July 20,...
Lorenzo Valla summary
Lorenzo Valla, (born 1407, Rome, Papal States—died Aug. 1, 1457,...
Sir John Vanbrugh summary
Sir John Vanbrugh, (baptized Jan. 24, 1664, London, Eng.—died...
Mario Vargas Llosa summary
Mario Vargas Llosa, (born March 28, 1936, Arequipa, Peru), Peruvian...
Lope de Vega summary
Lope de Vega, in full Lope Félix de Vega Carpio , (born Nov....
Paul Verlaine summary
Paul Verlaine, (born March 30, 1844, Metz, France—died Jan....
Paolo Veronese summary
Paolo Veronese, orig.
Andreas Vesalius summary
Andreas Vesalius, Flemish Andries van Wesel , (born Dec. 1514,...
Gil Vicente summary
Gil Vicente, (born c. 1465, Portugal—died 1536/37), Portuguese...
Gore Vidal summary
Gore Vidal, orig.
Alfred-Victor, count de Vigny summary
Alfred-Victor, count de Vigny, (born March 27, 1797, Loches,...
François Villon summary
François Villon, orig.
Rudolf Virchow summary
Rudolf Virchow, (born Oct. 13, 1821, Schivelbein, Pomerania,...
Virgil summary
Virgil, or Vergil orig.
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. summary
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., (born Nov. 11, 1922, Indianapolis, Ind.,...
Wang Anshi summary
Wang Anshi, or Wang An-shih , (born 1021, Linchuan, Jiangsu...
Elie Wiesel summary
Elie Wiesel, orig.
Mary Wollstonecraft summary
Mary Wollstonecraft, (born April 27, 1759, London, Eng.—died...
Xenophon summary
Xenophon , (born 431, Attica, Greece—died shortly before 350...
William Butler Yeats summary
William Butler Yeats, (born June 13, 1865, Sandymount, Dublin,...
Sergey Yesenin summary
Sergey Yesenin, or Sergey Esenin , (born Oct. 3, 1895, Konstantinovo,...
Yevgeny Zamyatin summary
Yevgeny Zamyatin, or Yevgeny Zamiatin , (born Feb. 1, 1884,...
Émile Zola summary
Émile Zola, (born April 2, 1840, Paris, France—died Sept. 28,...
Studs Terkel summary
Studs Terkel, orig.
Fluxus summary
Fluxus , International avant-garde group of artists founded...
Harold Bloom summary
Harold Bloom, (born July 11, 1930, Bronx, N.Y., U.S.—died Oct....
Toni Morrison summary
Toni Morrison, orig.
W.S. Merwin summary
Poliziano summary
Poliziano, byname of Angelo Ambrogini , (born July 14, 1454,...
Sam Shepard summary
Sam Shepard, orig.
Ha Jin summary
Ha Jin, pseudonym of Xuefei Jin , (born Feb. 21, 1956, Jinzhou,...
Vincente Minnelli summary
Vincente Minnelli, (born Feb. 28, 1903, Chicago, Ill., U.S.—died...
Library of Congress summary
Library of Congress, U.S.
John Updike summary
John Updike, (born March 18, 1932, Reading, Pa., U.S.—died Jan....
Ray Bradbury summary
Ray Bradbury, (born Aug. 22, 1920, Waukegan, Ill., U.S.—died...
François Hollande summary
François Hollande, (born Aug. 12, 1954, Rouen, France), President...
Joseph Campbell summary
Joseph Campbell, (born March 26, 1904, New York, N.Y., U.S.—died...
Tillie Olsen summary
Tillie Olsen, orig.
Oprah Winfrey summary
Oprah Winfrey, (born Jan. 29, 1954, Kosciusko, Miss., U.S.),...
Horace summary
Horace, orig.
Horace Greeley summary
Horace Greeley, (born Feb. 3, 1811, Amherst, N.H., U.S.—died...
literary criticism summary
literary criticism, Discipline concerned with philosophical,...
tragedy summary
tragedy, Drama of a serious and dignified character that typically...
novel summary
novel, Fictional prose narrative of considerable length and...
romance summary
romance, Literary form that developed in the aristocratic courts...
short story summary
short story, Brief fictional prose narrative.
satire summary
satire, Artistic form in which human or individual vices, folly,...
science fiction summary
science fiction, Fiction dealing principally with the impact...
graphic novel summary
graphic novel, In American and British usage, a comic story...
children’s literature summary
children’s literature, Body of written works produced to entertain...
Walter Cronkite summary
Walter Cronkite, (born Nov. 4, 1916, St.
rhetoric summary
rhetoric, Principles of training communicators. It may entail...
Sir Richard Burton summary
Sir Richard Burton, (born March 19, 1821, Torquay, Devonshire,...
comedy summary
comedy, Genre of dramatic literature that deals with the light...
Gordon Craig summary
Gordon Craig, (born Jan. 16, 1872, Stevenage, Hertfordshire,...
Orhan Pamuk summary
Orhan Pamuk, (born June 7, 1952, Istanbul, Tur.), Turkish novelist.
Harold Pinter summary
Harold Pinter, (born Oct. 10, 1930, London, Eng.—died Dec. 24,...
Arthur C. Clarke summary
Arthur C.
Norman Mailer summary
Norman Mailer, (born Jan. 31, 1923, Long Branch, N.J., U.S.—died...
Marco Polo summary
Marco Polo, (born c. 1254, Venice [Italy]—died Jan. 8, 1324,...
Gary Snyder summary
Gary Snyder, (born May 8, 1930, San Francisco, Calif., U.S.),...
Jack London summary
Jack London, orig.
trickster tale summary
trickster tale, In oral traditions worldwide, a story of deceit,...
Henry Howard, earl of Surrey summary
Henry Howard, earl of Surrey, (born 1517, Hunsdon, Hertfordshire,...
Arthurian legend summary
Arthurian legend, Body of stories and medieval romances centring...
Izaak Walton summary
Izaak Walton, (born Aug. 9, 1593, Stafford, Staffordshire, Eng.—died...
Hillel summary
Hillel, (flourished 1st century bc–c.
Neorealism summary
Neorealism, or neorealismo , Italian aesthetic movement that...
George Orwell summary
George Orwell, orig.
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz summary
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, (born Nov. 12, 1651, San Miguel...
Joyce Carol Oates summary
Joyce Carol Oates, (born June 16, 1938, Lockport, N.Y., U.S.),...
Georges Duby summary
Georges Duby, (born Oct. 7, 1919, Paris, France—died Dec. 3,...
Zora Neale Hurston summary
Zora Neale Hurston, (born Jan. 7, 1891, Notasulga, Ala., U.S.—died...
August Wilson summary
August Wilson, (born April 27, 1945, Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.—died...
John Smith summary
John Smith, (baptized Jan. 6, 1580, Willoughby, Lincolnshire,...
Janet Frame summary
Janet Frame, (born Aug. 28, 1924, Dunedin, N.Z.—died Jan. 29,...
Arthur Miller summary
Arthur Miller, (born Oct. 17, 1915, New York, N.Y., U.S.—died...
Ernest Hemingway summary
Ernest Hemingway, (born July 21, 1899, Cicero [now in Oak Park],...
Matthew Arnold summary
Matthew Arnold, (born Dec. 24, 1822, Laleham, Middlesex, Eng.—died...
Fred Astaire summary
Fred Astaire, orig.
Jane Austen summary
Jane Austen, (born Dec. 16, 1775, Steventon, Hampshire, Eng.—died...
Roger Bacon summary
Roger Bacon, (born c. 1220, Ilchester, Somerset, or Bisley,...
Sir James Barrie summary
Sir James Barrie, (born May 9, 1860, Kirriemuir, Angus, Scot.—died...
Samuel Beckett summary
Samuel Beckett, (born April 13?, 1906, Foxrock, Co.
William Beckford summary
William Beckford, (born Sept. 29, 1760, London, Eng.—died May...
Robert Benchley summary
Robert Benchley, (born Sept. 15, 1889, Worcester, Mass., U.S.—died...
Alan Bennett summary
Alan Bennett, (born May 9, 1934, Leeds, Yorkshire, Eng.), British...
Arnold Bennett summary
Arnold Bennett, (born May 27, 1867, Hanley, Staffordshire, Eng.—died...
Aleksandr Blok summary
Aleksandr Blok, (born Nov. 28, 1880, St.
Robert Bly summary
Robert Bly, (born Dec. 23, 1926, Madison, Minn., U.S.), U.S.
James Boswell summary
James Boswell, (born Oct. 29, 1740, Edinburgh, Scot.—died May...
John Bright summary
John Bright, (born Nov. 16, 1811, Rochdale, Lancashire, Eng.—died...
Robert Browning summary
Robert Browning, (born May 7, 1812, London, Eng.—died Dec. 12,...
Giordano Bruno summary
Giordano Bruno, orig.
William Jennings Bryan summary
William Jennings Bryan, (born March 19, 1860, Salem, Ill., U.S.—died...
John Bunyan summary
John Bunyan, (born November 1628, Elstow, Bedfordshire, Eng.—died...
Robert Burns summary
Robert Burns, (born Jan. 25, 1759, Alloway, Ayrshire, Scot.—died...
Samuel Butler summary
Samuel Butler, (born Feb. 8, 1612, Strensham, Worcestershire,...
Samuel Butler summary
Samuel Butler, (born Dec. 4, 1835, Langar Rectory, Nottinghamshire,...
George Byron, 6th Baron Byron summary
George Byron, 6th Baron Byron, known as Lord Byron , (born Jan....
Thomas Carlyle summary
Thomas Carlyle, (born Dec. 4, 1795, Ecclefechan, Dumfriesshire,...
Lewis Carroll summary
Lewis Carroll, orig.
Whittaker Chambers summary
Whittaker Chambers, orig.
Thomas Chatterton summary
Thomas Chatterton, (born Nov. 20, 1752, Bristol, Gloucestershire,...
John Cheever summary
John Cheever, (born May 27, 1912, Quincy, Mass., U.S.—died June...
William Cobbett summary
William Cobbett, (born March 9, 1763, Farnham, Surrey, Eng.—died...
William Congreve summary
William Congreve, (born Jan. 24, 1670, Bardsey, near Leeds,...
Joseph Conrad summary
Joseph Conrad, orig.
James Fenimore Cooper summary
James Fenimore Cooper, (born Sept. 15, 1789, Burlington, N.J.,...
Stephen Crane summary
Stephen Crane, (born Nov. 1, 1871, Newark, N.J., U.S.—died June...
Thomas Cranmer summary
Thomas Cranmer, (born July 2, 1489, Aslacton, Nottinghamshire,...
William Cullen summary
William Cullen, (born April 15, 1710, Hamilton, Lanarkshire,...
James D. Dana summary
James D.
Dorothy Day summary
Dorothy Day, (born Nov. 8, 1897, New York, N.Y., U.S.—died Nov....
Thomas De Quincey summary
Thomas De Quincey, (born Aug. 15, 1785, Manchester, Lancashire,...
Frederick Douglass summary
Frederick Douglass, orig.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle summary
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, (born May 22, 1859, Edinburgh, Scot.—died...
John Dryden summary
John Dryden, (born Aug. 9, 1631, Aldwinkle, Northamptonshire,...
Meister Eckhart summary
Meister Eckhart, orig.
George Eliot summary
George Eliot, orig.
Ralph Waldo Emerson summary
Ralph Waldo Emerson, (born May 25, 1803, Boston, Mass., U.S.—died...
Henry Fielding summary
Henry Fielding, (born April 22, 1707, Sharpham Park, Somerset,...
Ian Fleming summary
Ian Fleming, (born May 28, 1908, London, Eng.—died Aug. 12,...
George Fox summary
George Fox, (born July 1624, Drayton-in-the-Clay, Leicestershire,...
Robert Frost summary
Robert Frost, (born March 26, 1874, San Francisco, Calif., U.S.—died...
Margaret Fuller summary
Margaret Fuller, married name Marchesa Ossoli , (born May 23,...
David Garrick summary
David Garrick, (born Feb. 19, 1717, Hereford, Herefordshire,...
William Lloyd Garrison summary
William Lloyd Garrison, (born Dec. 10/12, 1805, Newburyport,...
Henry Louis Gates summary
Henry Louis Gates, (born Sept. 16, 1950, Keyser, W.Va., U.S.),...
John Gay summary
John Gay, (born , June 30, 1685, Barnstaple, Devon, Eng.—died...
Charlotte Perkins Gilman summary
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, (born July 3, 1860, Hartford, Conn.,...
Oliver Goldsmith summary
Oliver Goldsmith, (born Nov. 10, 1730, Kilkenny West, County...
Asa Gray summary
Asa Gray, (born Nov. 18, 1810, Sauquoit, N.Y., U.S.—died Jan....
Thomas Gray summary
Thomas Gray, (born Dec. 26, 1716, London, Eng.—died July 30,...
Graham Greene summary
Graham Greene, (born Oct. 2, 1904, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire,...
Alexander Hamilton summary
Alexander Hamilton, (born Jan. 11, 1755/57, Nevis, British West...
Thomas Hardy summary
Thomas Hardy, (born June 2, 1840, Higher Bockhampton, Dorset,...
Nathaniel Hawthorne summary
Nathaniel Hawthorne, (born July 4, 1804, Salem, Mass., U.S.—died...
William Hazlitt summary
William Hazlitt, (born April 10, 1778, Maidstone, Kent, Eng.—died...
Patrick Henry summary
Patrick Henry, (born May 29, 1736, Studley, Va.—died June 6,...
Johann Gottfried von Herder summary
Johann Gottfried von Herder, (born Aug. 25, 1744, Mohrungen,...
Gerard Manley Hopkins summary
Gerard Manley Hopkins, (born July 28, 1844, Stratford, Essex,...
Victor Hugo summary
Victor Hugo, (born Feb. 26, 1802, Besançon, France—died May...
Aldous Huxley summary
Aldous Huxley, (born July 26, 1894, Godalming, Surrey, Eng.—died...
Washington Irving summary
Washington Irving, (born April 3, 1783, New York, N.Y., U.S.—died...
Charles E. Ives summary
Charles E.
Henry James summary
Henry James, (born April 15, 1843, New York, N.Y., U.S.—died...
Saint Jerome summary
Saint Jerome, (born c. 347, Stridon, Dalmatia—died 419/420,...
Ben Jonson summary
Ben Jonson, (born June 11?, 1572, London, Eng.—died Aug. 6,...
James Joyce summary
James Joyce, (born Feb. 2, 1882, Dublin, Ire.—died Jan. 13,...
John Keats summary
John Keats, (born Oct. 31, 1795, London, Eng.—died Feb. 23,...
Rudyard Kipling summary
Rudyard Kipling, (born Dec. 30, 1865, Bombay, India—died Jan....
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing summary
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, (born Jan. 22, 1729, Kamenz, Upper...
Wyndham Lewis summary
Wyndham Lewis, (born Nov. 18, 1882, on a yacht near Amherst,...
Wilhelm Liebknecht summary
Wilhelm Liebknecht, (born March 29, 1826, Giessen, Hesse—died...
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow summary
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, (born Feb. 27, 1807, Portland, Mass.,...
James Russell Lowell summary
James Russell Lowell, (born Feb. 22, 1819, Cambridge, Mass.,...
Robert Lowell summary
Robert Lowell, orig.
Christopher Marlowe summary
Christopher Marlowe, (baptized Feb. 26, 1564, Canterbury, Kent,...
Herman Melville summary
Herman Melville, orig.
George Meredith summary
George Meredith, (born Feb. 12, 1828, Portsmouth, Hampshire,...
Edna St. Vincent Millay summary
Edna St.
Margaret Mitchell summary
Margaret Mitchell, (born Nov. 8, 1900, Atlanta, Ga., U.S.—died...
William Morris summary
William Morris, (born March 24, 1834, Walthamstow, near London,...
Sean O’Casey summary
Sean O’Casey, orig.
Flannery O’Connor summary
Flannery O’Connor, (born March 25, 1925, Savannah, Ga., U.S.—died...
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis summary
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, orig.
Eugene O’Neill summary
Eugene O’Neill, (born Oct. 16, 1888, New York, N.Y., U.S.—died...
John Osborne summary
John Osborne, (born Dec. 12, 1929, London, Eng.—died Dec. 24,...
Edward de Vere, 17th earl of Oxford summary
Edward de Vere, 17th earl of Oxford, orig.
Thomas Paine summary
Thomas Paine, (born Jan. 29, 1737, Thetford, Norfolk, Eng.—died...
Dorothy Parker summary
Dorothy Parker, orig.
Boris Pasternak summary
Boris Pasternak, (born Feb. 10, 1890, Moscow, Russia—died May...
William Penn summary
William Penn, (born Oct. 14, 1644, London, Eng.—died July 30,...
Gaius Petronius Arbiter summary
Gaius Petronius Arbiter, orig.
Luigi Pirandello summary
Luigi Pirandello, (born June 28, 1867, Agrigento, Sicily, Italy—died...
Sylvia Plath summary
Sylvia Plath, (born Oct. 27, 1932, Boston, Mass., U.S.—died...
Edgar Allan Poe summary
Edgar Allan Poe, (born Jan. 19, 1809, Boston, Mass., U.S.—died...
Alexander Pope summary
Alexander Pope, (born May 21, 1688, London, Eng.—died May 30,...
Ezra Pound summary
Ezra Pound, (born Oct. 30, 1885, Hailey, Idaho, U.S.—died Nov....
Joseph Priestley summary
Joseph Priestley, (born March 13, 1733, Birstall Fieldhead,...
Aleksandr Pushkin summary
Aleksandr Pushkin, (born June 6, 1799, Moscow, Russia—died Feb....
Sir Walter Raleigh summary
Sir Walter Raleigh, (born 1554?, Hayes Barton, near Budleigh...
Ayn Rand summary
Ayn Rand, orig.
John Ray summary
John Ray, (born Nov. 29, 1627, Black Notley, Essex, Eng.—died...
Henry Hobson Richardson summary
Henry Hobson Richardson, (born Sept. 29, 1838, Priestley Plantation,...
Samuel Richardson summary
Samuel Richardson, (baptized Aug. 19, 1689, Mackworth, near...
Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov summary
Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov, (born March 18, 1844, Tikhvin, near...
Faith Ringgold summary
Faith Ringgold, (born Oct. 8, 1930, New York, N.Y., U.S.), U.S.
Benjamin Rush summary
Benjamin Rush, (born Jan. 4, 1746, Byberry, near Philadelphia,...
John Ruskin summary
John Ruskin, (born Feb. 8, 1819, London, Eng.—died Jan. 20,...
Robert Schumann summary
Robert Schumann, (born June 8, 1810, Zwickau, Saxony—died July...
Sir Walter Scott, 1st Baronet summary
Sir Walter Scott, 1st Baronet, (born Aug. 15, 1771, Edinburgh,...
George Bernard Shaw summary
George Bernard Shaw, (born July 26, 1856, Dublin, Ire.—died...
Percy Bysshe Shelley summary
Percy Bysshe Shelley, (born Aug. 4, 1792, Field Place, near...
Richard Brinsley Sheridan summary
Richard Brinsley Sheridan, (baptized Nov. 4, 1751, Dublin, Ire.—died...
Sir Philip Sidney summary
Sir Philip Sidney, (born Nov. 30, 1554, Penshurst, Kent, Eng.—died...
Upton Sinclair summary
Upton Sinclair, (born Sept. 20, 1878, Baltimore, Md., U.S.—died...
Edmund Spenser summary
Edmund Spenser, (born 1552/53, London, Eng.—died Jan. 13, 1599,...
Sir Henry Morton Stanley summary
Sir Henry Morton Stanley, orig.
Sir Richard Steele summary
Sir Richard Steele, (born 1672, Dublin, Ire.—died Sept. 1, 1729,...
John Steinbeck summary
John Steinbeck, (born Feb. 27, 1902, Salinas, Calif., U.S.—died...
Laurence Sterne summary
Laurence Sterne, (born Nov. 24, 1713, Clonmel, County Tipperary,...
Robert Louis Stevenson summary
Robert Louis Stevenson, (born Nov. 13, 1850, Edinburgh, Scot.—died...
Sir Tom Stoppard summary
Sir Tom Stoppard, orig.
Emanuel Swedenborg summary
Emanuel Swedenborg, (born Jan. 29, 1688, Stockholm, Swed.—died...
Jonathan Swift summary
Jonathan Swift, (born Nov. 30, 1667, Dublin, Ire.—died Oct....
Algernon Swinburne summary
Algernon Swinburne, (born April 5, 1837, London, Eng.—died April...
William Makepeace Thackeray summary
William Makepeace Thackeray, (born July 18, 1811, Calcutta,...
Dylan Thomas summary
Dylan Thomas, (born Oct. 27, 1914, Swansea, Wales—died Nov....
Lew Wallace summary
Lew Wallace, (born April 10, 1827, Brookville, Ind., U.S.—died...
Mercy Otis Warren summary
Mercy Otis Warren, orig.
James D. Watson summary
James D.
Daniel Webster summary
Daniel Webster, (born Jan. 18, 1782, Salisbury, N.H., U.S.—died...
Noah Webster summary
Noah Webster, (born Oct. 16, 1758, West Hartford, Conn., U.S.—died...
Edith Wharton summary
Edith Wharton, orig.
Walt Whitman summary
Walt Whitman, (born May 31, 1819, West Hills, Long Island, N.Y.,...
John Greenleaf Whittier summary
John Greenleaf Whittier, (born Dec. 17, 1807, near Haverhill,...
Oscar Wilde summary
Oscar Wilde, (born Oct. 16, 1854, Dublin, Ire.—died Nov. 30,...
John Wilkes summary
John Wilkes, (born Oct. 17, 1725, London, Eng.—died Dec. 26,...
Tennessee Williams summary
Tennessee Williams, orig.
Edmund Wilson summary
Edmund Wilson, (born May 8, 1895, Red Bank, N.J., U.S.—died...
William Wordsworth summary
William Wordsworth, (born April 7, 1770, Cockermouth, Cumberland,...
Richard Wright summary
Richard Wright, (born Sept. 4, 1908, near Natchez, Miss., U.S.—died...
Seymour Hersh summary
Seymour Hersh, (born April 8, 1937, Chicago, Ill., U.S.), U.S.
vampire summary
vampire, In popular legend, a bloodsucking creature that rises...
bibliography summary
bibliography, Broadly, the systematic study and description...
Quintilian summary
Quintilian, Latin Marcus Fabius Quintilianus , (born ad 35,...
minstrel summary
minstrel, Wandering musician of the Middle Ages, often of low...
slave narrative summary
slave narrative, Account of the life, or a major portion of...
sonnet summary
sonnet, Fixed verse form having 14 lines that are typically...
hymn summary
hymn, Song used in Christian worship, usually sung by the congregation...
Gettysburg Address summary
Gettysburg Address, (Nov. 19, 1863) Speech by Pres.
deconstruction summary
deconstruction, Method of philosophical and literary analysis,...
epic summary
epic, Long, narrative poem in an elevated style that celebrates...
Federalist papers summary
Federalist papers, formally The Federalist , Eighty-five essays...
journalism summary
journalism, Collection, preparation, and distribution of news...
news agency summary
news agency, or news service or wire service , Organization...
p’ansori summary
p’ansori, (Korean: “story singing”) A form of sung folk narrative.
Leo XIII summary
Leo XIII, orig.
parody summary
parody, In literature, a work in which the style of an author...
picaresque novel summary
picaresque novel, Early form of the novel, usually a first-person...
Pindar summary
Pindar, (born 518/522, Cynoscephalae—died c. 438 bc, Argos),...
Pliny the Younger summary
Pliny the Younger, Latin Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus , ...
poetry summary
poetry, Writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness...
proverb summary
proverb, Succinct and pithy saying that is in general use and...
essay summary
essay, Analytic, interpretative, or critical literary composition,...
Terence summary
Terence, orig.
biography summary
biography, Form of nonfictional literature whose subject is...
detective story summary
detective story, Type of popular literature dealing with the...
Symbolist movement summary
Symbolist movement, Literary movement that originated with a...
British Library summary
British Library, National library of Great Britain, formed by...
Futurism summary
Futurism, Early 20th-century art movement, centred in Italy,...
Expressionism summary
Expressionism, In the visual arts, artistic style in which the...
Surrealism summary
Surrealism, Movement in the visual arts and literature that...
ballad summary
ballad, Form of short narrative folk song.
Romanticism summary
Romanticism, Literary, artistic, and philosophical movement...
saga summary
saga, Genre of prose narrative typically dealing with prominent...
pamphlet summary
pamphlet, Unbound printed publication with a paper cover or...
fable summary
fable, Narration intended to enforce a useful truth, especially...
figure of speech summary
figure of speech, Form of expression used to convey meaning...