Entertainment & Pop CultureGeography & TravelHealth & MedicineLifestyles & Social IssuesLiteratureMoneyPhilosophy & ReligionPolitics, Law & GovernmentScienceSports & RecreationTechnologyVisual ArtsWorld History
Nelson Mandela summary
Nelson Mandela, (born July 18, 1918, Mvezo, Umtata district,...
Nelson Mandela summary
Nelson Mandela, (born July 18, 1918, Mvezo, Umtata district,...
Ukraine summary
Ukraine, Country, eastern Europe.
Denali National Park and Preserve summary
Denali National Park and Preserve, large natural area, south-central...
Gulf of Mexico / Gulf of America summary
Gulf of Mexico / Gulf of America, Gulf, southeastern coast of...
Gaza Strip summary
Gaza Strip, Arabic Qiṭāʿ Ghazzah Hebrew Reẓuʿat ʿAzza , Territory,...
Syria summary
Syria, officially Syrian Arab Republic , Country, Middle East,...
Burundi summary
Burundi, officially Republic of Burundi , Country, east-central...
Albert Luthuli summary
Albert Luthuli, Albert Lutuli , (born 1898, Rhodesia—died July...
Accra summary
Accra, Capital and largest city (pop., 2010: 2,070,463) of Ghana,...
American Indian summary
American Indian, or Native American or Amerindian or indigenous...
Saint Petersburg summary
Saint Petersburg, Russian Sankt-Peterburg formerly (1914–24)...
Guinea-Bissau summary
Guinea-Bissau, officially Republic of Guinea-Bissau formerly...
Hong Kong summary
Hong Kong, Chinese Xianggang or Hsiang-kang , Special administrative...
Rwanda summary
Rwanda, officially Republic of Rwanda , Country, east-central...
Taiwan summary
Taiwan, formerly Formosa , Island, western Pacific Ocean, off...
Kashmir summary
Kashmir, Region of the northwestern Indian subcontinent.
Golan Heights summary
Golan Heights, Arabic Al-Jawlān , Hilly area, southwestern Syria.
H.D. summary
H.D., byname of Hilda Doolittle , (born Sept. 10, 1886, Bethlehem,...
Shivaji summary
Shivaji, or Sivaji , (born Feb. 19, 1630, or April 1627, Shivner,...
West Bank summary
West Bank, Territory west of the Jordan River and east of Jerusalem.
Israel summary
Israel, officially State of Israel , Country, Middle East, at...
Australian Aboriginal peoples summary
Australian Aboriginal peoples, one of the two distinct groups...
South Africa summary
South Africa, officially Republic of South Africa formerly Union...
North Carolina summary
North Carolina, State, southern Atlantic region, U.S.
John Locke Timeline
Timeline of important events in the life of English philosopher...
John Locke’s Important Works
Descriptive list of some of the most important works of English...
Rio de Janeiro summary
Rio de Janeiro, City (pop., 2021 est.: city, 6,775,560; Greater...
São Paulo summary
São Paulo, City (pop., 2021 est.: city, 12,284,940; Greater...
Havana summary
Havana, Spanish La Habana , City, capital, and province (pop.,...
Stockholm summary
Stockholm, City (pop., 2020 est.: city, 975,551; urban agglom.:...
Copenhagen summary
Copenhagen, Danish København , Capital and largest city (pop.,...
Budapest summary
Budapest, City (pop., 2019 est.: 1,752,286), capital of Hungary.
Tokyo summary
Tokyo, Japanese Tōkyō formerly (until 1868) Edo , City (pop.,...
Kyōto summary
Kyōto, City (pop., 2020: 1,463,723), west-central Honshu, Japan.
Yokohama summary
Yokohama, Seaport city (pop., 2020: 3,777,491), east-central...
Almaty summary
Almaty, formerly Alma-Ata , City (pop., 2008 est.: 1,324,739),...
Barbados summary
Barbados, Island country, West Indies.
swamp summary
swamp, Freshwater wetland ecosystem characterized by poorly...
Sidney Poitier summary
Sidney Poitier, (born Feb. 20, 1927, Miami, Fla., U.S.—died...
British Empire summary
British Empire, Worldwide system of dependencies—colonies, protectorates,...
Madison summary
Madison, City (pop., 2020: 269,840), capital of Wisconsin, U.S.
Milwaukee summary
Milwaukee, City (pop., 2020: 577,222) and lake port, southeastern...
Seattle summary
Seattle, City (pop., 2020: 737,015) and seaport, Washington,...
Austin summary
Austin, City (pop., 2020: 961,855), capital of Texas, U.S.
Dallas summary
Dallas, City (pop., 2020: 1,304,379), north-central Texas, U.S.
Fort Worth summary
Fort Worth, City (pop., 2020: 918,915), northern Texas, U.S.
Houston summary
Houston, City (pop., 2020: 2,304,580), southern Texas, U.S.
Salt Lake City summary
Salt Lake City, City (pop., 2020: 199,723), capital of Utah,...
San Antonio summary
San Antonio, City (pop., 2020: 1,434,625), south-central Texas,...
Charleston summary
Charleston, Seaport city (pop., 2020: 150,227), southeastern...
Nashville summary
Nashville, City (pop., 2020: 689,447), capital of Tennessee,...
Oklahoma City summary
Oklahoma City, City (pop., 2020: 681,054), capital of Oklahoma,...
Philadelphia summary
Philadelphia, City (pop., 2020: 1,603,797) and port, southeastern...
Pittsburgh summary
Pittsburgh, City (pop., 2020: 302,971), southwestern Pennsylvania,...
Portland summary
Portland, City (pop., 2020: 652,503) and port, northwestern...
Albuquerque summary
Albuquerque, City (pop., 2020: 564,559), New Mexico, U.S.
Buffalo summary
Buffalo, City (pop., 2020: 278,349), western New York, U.S.
Kansas City summary
Kansas City, City (pop., 2020: 508,090), western Missouri, U.S.,...
Las Vegas summary
Las Vegas, City (pop., 2020: 641,903), southeastern Nevada,...
Lincoln summary
Lincoln, City (pop., 2020: 291,082), capital of Nebraska, U.S.
Newark summary
Newark, City (pop., 2020: 311,549) and port of entry, northeastern...
Omaha summary
Omaha, City (pop., 2020: 486,051), eastern Nebraska, U.S., on...
Detroit summary
Detroit, City (pop., 2020: 639,111), largest in Michigan, U.S.
Minneapolis summary
Minneapolis, City (pop., 2020: 429,954), eastern Minnesota,...
St. Paul summary
Baltimore summary
Baltimore, City (pop., 2020: 585,708), north-central Maryland,...
Boston summary
Boston, Seaport city (pop., 2020: 675,647), capital of Massachusetts,...
New Orleans summary
New Orleans, City (pop., 2020: 383,997), southeastern Louisiana,...
Aztec summary
Aztec, Nahuatl-speaking people who in the 15th and early 16th...
Indianapolis summary
Indianapolis, City (pop., 2020: 887,642), capital of Indiana,...
Springfield summary
Springfield, City (pop., 2020: 114,394), capital of Illinois,...
Atlanta summary
Atlanta, City (pop., 2020: 498,715), capital of Georgia, U.S.
Miami summary
Miami, City (pop., 2020: 442,241), southeastern Florida, U.S.,...
Tampa summary
Tampa, City (pop., 2020: 384,959), west-central Florida, U.S.
Denver summary
Denver, City (pop., 2020: 715,522), capital of Colorado, U.S.
San Diego summary
San Diego, City (pop., 2020: 1,386,932) and port, southern California,...
San Jose summary
San Jose, City (pop., 2020: 1,013,240), west-central California,...
Oakland summary
Oakland, City (pop., 2020: 440,646), western California, U.S.,...
Sacramento summary
Sacramento, City (pop., 2020: 524,943), capital of California,...
canal summary
canal, Artificial waterway built for transportation, irrigation,...
Ottoman Empire Timeline
Timeline of important events in the history of the Ottoman Empire....
Key People of the Ottoman Empire
List of some of the major figures of the Ottoman Empire, including...
Decline of the Ottoman Empire
List of some of the key factors in the decline of the Ottoman...
wetland summary
wetland, Complex ecosystem defined by flooding or saturation...
Africa summary
Africa, Second largest continent on Earth.
ancient Greek civilization summary
ancient Greek civilization, The period between the end of the...
Middle American Indian summary
Middle American Indian, Any member of any of the indigenous...
Phoenix summary
Phoenix, City (pop., 2020: 1,608,139), capital of Arizona, U.S.
Akron summary
Akron, City (pop., 2020: 190,469), northeastern Ohio, U.S.,...
Cincinnati summary
Cincinnati, City (pop., 2020: 309,317), Ohio, U.S.
Cleveland summary
Cleveland, City (pop., 2020: 372,624), northeastern Ohio, U.S.
Columbus summary
Columbus, City (pop., 2020: 905,748), capital of Ohio, U.S.
Dayton summary
Dayton, City (pop., 2020: 137,644), southwestern Ohio, U.S.
Mobile summary
Mobile, City (pop., 2020: 187,041), southwestern Alabama, U.S.
North Rhine–Westphalia summary
North Rhine–Westphalia, German Nordrhein-Westfalen , State (pop.,...
Ottoman Empire summary
Ottoman Empire, Former empire centred in Anatolia.
Nigeria summary
Nigeria, officially Federal Republic of Nigeria , Country, western...
Portuguese India summary
Portuguese India, Portuguese Estado da Índia , Name used for...
history of Arabia summary
history of Arabia, Peninsular region, southwest Asia, that is...
American colonies summary
American colonies, also called thirteen colonies or colonial...
West Papua summary
West Papua, Indonesian Papua Barat formerly West Irian Jaya ,...
Alsace summary
Alsace, Historical region and former région of France, incorporated...
Miao summary
Miao, Mountain-dwelling peoples of China, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar...
Sodom and Gomorrah summary
Sodom and Gomorrah, Legendary cities of ancient Palestine.
Mongol summary
Mongol, Member of a Central Asian ethnographic group originally...
city summary
city, Relatively permanent and highly organized centre of population,...
Dadra and Nagar Haveli summary
Dadra and Nagar Haveli, District, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and...
Daman and Diu summary
Daman and Diu, Former union territory, west-coastal India.
Aachen summary
Aachen, French Aix-la-Chapelle , City (pop., 2007 est.: 258,770),...
abbreviation summary
abbreviation, Shortened form of a written word or phrase used...
ʿAbd al-Malik ibn Marwān summary
ʿAbd al-Malik ibn Marwān, (born 646/647, Medina, Arabia—died...
Abeokuta summary
Abeokuta, City (pop., 2002 est.: 529,700), southwestern Nigeria.
Aberdeen summary
Aberdeen, City, council area (pop., 2001: 212,125), and commercial...
Abruzzo summary
Abruzzo, or Abruzzi , Region (pop., 2004 est.: 1,285,896), central...
Abū Ẓaby summary
Abū Ẓaby, or Abu Dhabi , Largest constituent emirate (pop.,...
Abu Dhabi summary
Abu Dhabi, Arabic Abū Ẓaby , City (pop., 2005 est.: 633,136),...
Abu Simbel summary
Abu Simbel, Site of two temples built by Ramses II in the 13th...
Abydos summary
Abydos, Sacred city, one of the most important archaeological...
Addis Ababa summary
Addis Ababa, Capital and largest city (pop., 2007 est.: 3,100,000)...
Aden summary
Aden, Seaport city (pop., 2004 prelim.: 580,000), southern Yemen,...
Gulf of Aden summary
Gulf of Aden, Arm of the Indian Ocean between the Arabian Peninsula...
Adirondack Mountains summary
Adirondack Mountains, Mountains in northeastern New York state,...
Adriatic Sea summary
Adriatic Sea, Arm of the Mediterranean Sea, lying between Italy...
Aegean Sea summary
Aegean Sea, Arm of the Mediterranean Sea, lying between Greece...
Africa summary
Africa, Proconsular Roman province.
Afro-Asiatic languages summary
Afro-Asiatic languages, formerly Hamito-Semitic languages , ...
Ahmadabad summary
Ahmadabad, or Ahmedabad , City (pop., 2001: metro.
Ainu summary
Ainu, Indigenous people of what is now Japan.
Alabama summary
Alabama, State, south-central U.S.
Åland Islands summary
Åland Islands, Archipelago, southwestern Finland, constituting...
Alaska summary
Alaska, State, U.S., lying at the northwestern extremity of...
Albania summary
Albania, officially Republic of Albania , Country, Balkan Peninsula,...
Albanian language summary
Albanian language, Indo-European language spoken by five to...
Albany summary
Albany, City (pop., 2010: 97,856), capital of New York state,...
Alberta summary
Alberta, Province, western Canada, westernmost of the three...
Leon Battista Alberti summary
Leon Battista Alberti, (born Feb. 14, 1404, Genoa—died April...
Alcatraz Island summary
Alcatraz Island, Rocky island in San Francisco Bay, California,...
Aleppo summary
Aleppo, Arabic Ḥalab , City (pop., 2004 est.: 1,975,200), northwestern...
Aleutian Islands summary
Aleutian Islands, Chain of small islands, Alaska, U.S.
Alexandria summary
Alexandria, Arabic Al-Iskandariyyah , City (metro.
Algiers summary
Algiers, Arabic Al-Jazāʾir French Alger , City (pop., 2010 est.:...
Allahabad summary
Allahabad, ancient Prayag , City (pop., 2001: metro.
alphabet summary
alphabet, Set of symbols or characters that represent language’s...
Alps summary
Alps, Mountain system, south-central Europe.
Alsace-Lorraine summary
Alsace-Lorraine, Area, eastern France.
Altai Mountains summary
Altai Mountains, Russian Altay Chinese Altay Shan Mongol Altayn...
Altaic languages summary
Altaic languages, Group of more than 50 languages, comprising...
Amazon River summary
Amazon River, Portuguese Rio Amazonas , River, northern South...
Ambon summary
Ambon, Island of the Moluccas, Indonesia.
American Indian languages summary
American Indian languages, Languages spoken by the original...
American Samoa summary
American Samoa, officially Territory of American Samoa , Unincorporated...
Amhara summary
Amhara, People of the Ethiopian central highlands.
Amman summary
Amman, City (pop., 2004 est.: 1,036,330), capital of Jordan.
Amsterdam summary
Amsterdam, City (pop., 2010 est.: city, 767,457; 2008 est.:...
Amu Darya summary
Amu Darya, ancient Oxus River , River, Central Asia.
Amur River summary
Amur River, Chinese Heilong Jiang or Hei-lung Chiang , River,...
Anshan summary
Anshan, or An-shan , City (pop., 2003 est.: 1,286,513), Liaoning...
Anatolian languages summary
Anatolian languages, Branch of the Indo-European language family...
Andaman and Nicobar Islands summary
Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Union territory, India.
Andaman Sea summary
Andaman Sea, Sea, eastern extension of the Bay of Bengal.
Andean civilization summary
Andean civilization, Complex of aboriginal cultures that evolved...
Andes Mountains summary
Andes Mountains, Mountain system, western South America.
Andhra Pradesh summary
Andhra Pradesh, State, southeastern India.
Andorra summary
Andorra, officially Principality of Andorra , Parliamentary...
Angkor summary
Angkor, Archaeological site, northwestern Cambodia.
Anguilla summary
Anguilla, Island (pop., 2006 est.: 14,254), West Indies, that...
Anhui summary
Anhui, or An-hui conventional Anhwei , Province, east-central...
Anjou summary
Anjou, Historical region, lower Loire valley, northwestern France.
Ankara summary
Ankara, formerly Angora , City (pop., 2000: 3,203,362), capital...
Antigua and Barbuda summary
Antigua and Barbuda, Island country, Lesser Antilles, Caribbean...
Greater and Lesser Antilles summary
Greater and Lesser Antilles, Two groups of islands in the West...
Antioch summary
Antioch, Turkish Antakya or Hitay , City (pop., 2000: 144,910),...
Antwerp summary
Antwerp, French Anvers Flemish Antwerpen , City (pop., 2000...
Aosta summary
Aosta, City (pop., 2001: 33,926), capital of Valle d’Aosta region,...
Apennines summary
Apennines, Mountain range, central Italy.
aphasia summary
aphasia, or dysphasia , Defect in the expression and comprehension...
Mt. Apo summary
Apollonius Dyscolos summary
Apollonius Dyscolos, (flourished 2nd century ad), Greek grammarian.
Appalachian Mountains summary
Appalachian Mountains, Mountain system, eastern North America.
Appian Way summary
Appian Way, Latin Via Appia. , First and most famous of the...
Appomattox Court House summary
Appomattox Court House, Former town, southern central Virginia,...
Arab summary
Arab, Any member of the Arabic-speaking peoples native to the...
Arabian Peninsula summary
Arabian Peninsula, or Arabia , Peninsular region, southwest...
Arabian Desert summary
Arabian Desert, Desert region, Arabian Peninsula.
Arabian Sea summary
Arabian Sea, Northwestern part of the Indian Ocean, lying between...
Arapaho summary
Arapaho, North American Plains Indian peoples living mostly...
Arc de Triomphe summary
Arc de Triomphe, Massive triumphal arch in Paris.
Arctic Ocean summary
Arctic Ocean, Ocean centring approximately on the North Pole.
Arizona summary
Arizona, State, southwestern U.S.
Arkansas summary
Arkansas, State, south-central U.S.
Armagh summary
Armagh, District (pop., 2001: 54,263), Northern Ireland.
Armenia summary
Armenia, officially Republic of Armenia , Country, Transcaucasia,...
Armenian summary
Armenian, Armenian Hay plural Hayk or Hayq , Member of an Indo-European...
Armenian language summary
Armenian language, Indo-European language of the Armenian people.
Arno River summary
Arno River, River, central Italy.
Aroostook War summary
Aroostook War, (1838–39) Bloodless conflict over the disputed...
articulation summary
articulation, In phonetics, the shaping of the vocal tract (larynx,...
Aruba summary
Aruba, Island, Lesser Antilles, off northwestern Venezuela.
Arunachal Pradesh summary
Arunachal Pradesh, State, extreme northeastern India.
Asante summary
Asante, or Ashanti , People of southern Ghana and adjacent areas...
Ashur summary
Ashur, Ancient religious capital of Assyria.
Mount Aso summary
Mount Aso, Japanese Aso-san , Volcanic mountain, central Kyushu...
Assam summary
Assam, State, northeastern India.
Assyria summary
Assyria, Ancient empire, southwestern Asia.
Athabasca River summary
Athabasca River, River, west-central Canada.
Athabaskan languages summary
Athabaskan languages, or Athapaskan languages , Family of North...
Athens summary
Athens, Greek Athínai , City (pop., 2001: 745,514), capital...
Atlantic Ocean summary
Atlantic Ocean, Ocean separating North and South America from...
Atlas Mountains summary
Atlas Mountains, Mountain system, northwestern Africa.
atoll summary
atoll, Coral reef enclosing a lagoon.
Attica summary
Attica, Greek Attiki , Ancient district, eastern central Greece.
Augsburg summary
Augsburg, City (pop., 2002 est.: 257,800), Bavaria, southern...
Australian Aboriginal languages summary
Australian Aboriginal languages, Group of perhaps as many as...
Australian Capital Territory summary
Australian Capital Territory, Political entity, southeastern...
Austrasia summary
Austrasia, or Ostrasia , Early medieval European kingdom.
Austria-Hungary summary
Austria-Hungary, or Austro-Hungarian Empire , Former monarchy,...
Austrian Netherlands summary
Austrian Netherlands, (1713–95)Provinces located in the southern...
Austroasiatic languages summary
Austroasiatic languages, Superfamily of about 150 languages...
Austronesian languages summary
Austronesian languages, formerly Malayo-Polynesian languages...
Ava summary
Ava, Ruined city, Myanmar.
Lake Avernus summary
Lake Avernus, ancient Lacus Avernus. , Lake, southern Italy.
Aylesbury summary
Aylesbury, Town (pop., 2001: 69,021), south-central England.
Azerbaijan summary
Azerbaijan, officially Republic of Azerbaijan , Country, Transcaucasia,...
Sea of Azov summary
Sea of Azov, Inland sea in Europe between Ukraine and Russia.
Baalbeck summary
Baalbeck, or Baalbek Arabic Baʿlabakk , Large archaeological...
Babuyan Islands summary
Babuyan Islands, Island group, northern Philippines.
Babylon summary
Babylon, Ancient Middle Eastern city.
Bactria summary
Bactria, Ancient country, Central Asia.
Baghdad summary
Baghdad, or Bagdad , City (pop., 2011 est.: 6,150,000), capital...
Baguirmi summary
Baguirmi, or Bagirmi , Former sultanate, now part of southwestern...
A Coruña summary
A Coruña, Spanish La Coruña , City (pop., 2003 est.: 243,902),...
Tell el-Amarna summary
Tell el-Amarna, Ancient city, Egypt.
Apamea Cibotus summary
Apamea Cibotus, City of Hellenistic Phrygia, near modern Dinar,...
New Zealand summary
New Zealand, Island country, South Pacific Ocean.
Māori summary
Māori, Any member of a Polynesian people of New Zealand.
Indian Ocean summary
Indian Ocean, Body of salt water stretching between Africa in...
Afghanistan summary
Afghanistan, officially Islamic State of Afghanistan , Country,...
Algeria summary
Algeria, officially People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria ,...
Anatolia summary
Anatolia, or Asia Minor Turkish Anadolu , Peninsula forming...
Angola summary
Angola, officially Republic of Angola, formerly Portuguese West...
Antarctica summary
Antarctica, Fifth largest continent on Earth.
Argentina summary
Argentina, officially Argentine Republic , Country, southern...
Asia summary
Asia, Largest continent on Earth.
Australia summary
Australia, officially Commonwealth of Australia , Smallest continent...
Austria summary
Austria, officially Republic of Austria , Country, south-central...
Balkans summary
Balkans, or Balkan Peninsula , Peninsula, southeastern Europe.
Belgium summary
Belgium, officially Kingdom of Belgium , Country, northwestern...
Bolivia summary
Bolivia, officially Republic of Bolivia , Country, west-central...
Brazil summary
Brazil, officially Federative Republic of Brazil , Country,...
Bulgaria summary
Bulgaria, officially Republic of Bulgaria , Country, southeastern...
Byzantine Empire summary
Byzantine Empire, Empire, southeastern and southern Europe and...
Julius Caesar summary
Julius Caesar, (born July 12/13, 100 bce, Rome—died March 15,...
Cambodia summary
Cambodia, officially Kingdom of Cambodia , Country, Southeast...
Canada summary
Canada, Country, North America.
Chile summary
Chile , officially Republic of Chile , Country, southwestern...
China summary
China, officially People’s Republic of China , Country, eastern...
Noam Chomsky summary
Noam Chomsky, (born Dec. 7, 1928, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.),...
Colombia summary
Colombia, officially Republic of Colombia , Country, northwestern...
Democratic Republic of the Congo summary
Democratic Republic of the Congo, also called Congo (Kinshasa),...
Cuba summary
Cuba, officially Republic of Cuba , Island country, West Indies.
Denmark summary
Denmark, officially Kingdom of Denmark , Country, north-central...
Ecuador summary
Ecuador, officially Republic of Ecuador , Country, northwestern...
Egypt summary
Egypt, officially Arab Republic of Egypt, formerly United Arab...
English language summary
English language, Language belonging to the Germanic languages...
Erie Canal summary
Erie Canal, Historic waterway, northern U.S.
Ethiopia summary
Ethiopia , officially Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia...
Europe summary
Europe, Second smallest continent on Earth.
Finland summary
Finland, officially Republic of Finland , Country, northern...
France summary
France, officially French Republic , Country, northwestern Europe.
Germany summary
Germany, officially Federal Republic of Germany , Country, north-central...
glacier summary
glacier, Large mass of perennial ice that forms on land through...
Grand Canal summary
Grand Canal, Series of waterways in northern China that link...
Greece summary
Greece, officially Hellenic Republic , Country, Balkan Peninsula,...
Hungary summary
Hungary, Country, central Europe.
India summary
India, officially Republic of India , Country, South Asia.
Indo-Aryan languages summary
Indo-Aryan languages, or Indic languages , Major subgroup of...
Indonesia summary
Indonesia, officially Republic of Indonesia, formerly Netherlands...
Iran summary
Iran, officially Islamic Republic of Iran, formerly Persia ,...
Iraq summary
Iraq, officially Republic of Iraq , Country, Middle East, southwestern...
Ireland summary
Ireland, Country, western Europe, occupying the greater part...
Italy summary
Italy, officially Italian Republic , Country, south-central...
Jammu and Kashmir summary
Jammu and Kashmir, Union territory (pop., 2011: 12,367,013),...
Japan summary
Japan, Island country, East Asia, western Pacific Ocean.
Kenya summary
Kenya, officially Republic of Kenya , Country, eastern Africa.
lake summary
lake, Relatively large body of slow-moving or standing water...
language summary
language, System of conventional spoken or written symbols used...
Latin America summary
Latin America, Countries of South America and North America...
Lebanon summary
Lebanon, officially Lebanese Republic , Country, Middle East,...
John Locke summary
John Locke, (born Aug. 29, 1632, Wrington, Somerset, Eng.—died...
London summary
London, officially Greater London , Capital and largest city...
Madagascar summary
Madagascar, officially Republic of Madagascar , Country, occupying...
Malaysia summary
Malaysia, Country, Southeast Asia.
map summary
map, Graphic representation, drawn to scale and usually on a...
Mesopotamia summary
Mesopotamia, Region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers...
Mexico summary
Mexico, officially United Mexican States , Country, southern...
Mongolia summary
Mongolia, or Outer Mongolia , Country, north-central Asia, between...
Morocco summary
Morocco, officially Kingdom of Morocco , Country, North Africa.
mountain summary
mountain, Landform that rises well above its surroundings, generally...
Mozambique summary
Mozambique , officially Republic of Mozambique formerly Portuguese...
Myanmar summary
Myanmar, or Burma officially Republic of the Union of Myanmar...
Netherlands summary
Netherlands, officially Kingdom of the Netherlands byname Holland...
New South Wales summary
New South Wales, State, southeastern Australia.
New York City summary
New York City, City (pop., 2010: 8,175,133), southeastern New...
North America summary
North America, Continent, Western Hemisphere.
Norway summary
Norway, officially Kingdom of Norway , Country, western Scandinavian...
Pakistan summary
Pakistan, officially Islamic Republic of Pakistan , Country,...
Palestine summary
Palestine, biblical Canaan , Region, at the eastern end of the...
Panama Canal summary
Panama Canal, Lock-type canal, Panama.
Paris summary
Paris, City (pop., 2005 est.: 2,153,600; metro.
Beijing summary
Beijing , or Pei-ching conventional Peking formerly (1928–49)...
Peru summary
Peru, officially Republic of Peru , Country, western South America.
Philippines summary
Philippines, officially Republic of the Philippines , Island...
Poland summary
Poland, officially Republic of Poland , Country, central Europe.
Portugal summary
Portugal, officially Portuguese Republic , Country, on the west...
race summary
race, Term once commonly used in physical anthropology to denote...
river summary
river, Natural stream of water that flows in a channel with...
Romance languages summary
Romance languages, Group of related languages derived from Latin,...
Romania summary
Romania, or Rumania , Country, southeastern Europe.
Rome summary
Rome, Italian Roma , City (pop., 2007 est.: city, 2,705,603;...
Russia summary
Russia, officially Russian Federation , Country, eastern Europe...
Saudi Arabia summary
Saudi Arabia, officially Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , Country,...
South America summary
South America, Continent, Western Hemisphere.
Spain summary
Spain, officially Kingdom of Spain , Country, southwestern Europe.
Sri Lanka summary
Sri Lanka , officially Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka...
Sudan summary
Sudan , officially Republic of the Sudan , Country, northeastern...
Suez Canal summary
Suez Canal, Ship canal, Isthmus of Suez, Egypt.
Sweden summary
Sweden, officially Kingdom of Sweden , Country, eastern Scandinavian...
Switzerland summary
Switzerland, officially Swiss Confederation , Country, central...
Thailand summary
Thailand , officially Kingdom of Thailand formerly Siam , Country,...
Turkey summary
Turkey, officially Republic of Turkey , Country, western Asia...
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics summary
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.), or Soviet Union...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland summary
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, or United...
United States summary
United States, officially United States of America , Country,...
Venezuela summary
Venezuela, officially Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela , Country,...
Vietnam summary
Vietnam, officially Socialist Republic of Vietnam , Country,...
volcano summary
volcano, Vent in the crust of the Earth from which molten rock,...
Washington, D.C. summary
Washington, D.C., City (pop., 2008 est.: 591,833), capital of...
writing summary
writing, System of human visual communication using signs or...
Yemen summary
Yemen , officially Republic of Yemen , Country, Middle East,...
Serbia summary
Serbia , European country located in the west-central Balkans.
Zambia summary
Zambia, officially Republic of Zambia formerly Northern Rhodesia...
England summary
England, Southern part of the island of Great Britain, excluding...
Himachal Pradesh summary
Himachal Pradesh, State, northern India.
Punjab summary
Punjab, State, northwestern India.
Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-Serbian language summary
Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-Serbian language (BCMS), term of...
British Empire Timeline
Timeline of major events in the history of the British Empire....
Key People of the British Empire
List of some of the major figures in the history of the British...
Decline of the British Empire
At the height of the British Empire its colonies and other territories...
Mongol Empire Timeline
Timeline of significant events related to the Mongol Empire,...
Key People of the Mongol Empire
List of key rulers and leaders of the Mongol Empire, one of...
Decline of the Mongol Empire
Summary of major factors in the decline of the Mongol Empire....
Aztec Empire Timeline
Timeline of key events in the history of the Aztec Empire. Beginning...
Key People of the Aztec Empire
List of some of the most important rulers and figures in the...
Decline of the Aztec Empire
List of some of the major factors in the decline and collapse...
Aragon summary
Aragon , Spanish Aragón , Autonomous community (pop., 2001:...
Mount Ararat summary
Mount Ararat, Turkish Ağrı Dağı , Extinct volcanic massif, eastern...
Asturias summary
Asturias , Autonomous community (pop., 2001: 1,062,998) and...
Atacama Desert summary
Atacama Desert, Cool, arid area, north-central Chile.
Mount Athos summary
Mount Athos, Mountain, northern Greece.
Attila summary
Attila , (died 453), King of the Huns (434–53, ruling jointly...
Auschwitz summary
Auschwitz , or Auschwitz-Birkenau , Nazi Germany’s largest concentration...
Auvergne summary
Auvergne , Region (pop., 2006 est.: 1,335,938), south-central...
Avignon summary
Avignon , ancient Avennio , City (pop., 2004 prelim.: 89,400),...
Uluru/Ayers Rock summary
Uluru/Ayers Rock, Rock outcrop, southwestern Northern Territory,...
Baden summary
Baden , Former German state, southern Germany.
The Bahamas summary
The Bahamas, officially Commonwealth of The Bahamas , Archipelago...
Bahia summary
Bahia , State, eastern Brazil.
Bahrain summary
Bahrain , officially Kingdom of Bahrain , Country, Middle East,...
Lake Baikal summary
Lake Baikal, Russian Ozero Baykal , Lake, southern Siberia,...
Baja California summary
Baja California, (Spanish: “Lower California”) Peninsula, northwestern...
Baku summary
Baku , City (pop., 2003 est.: 1,828,800), capital of Azerbaijan.
Balearic Islands summary
Balearic Islands, Spanish Islas Baleares , Archipelago (pop.,...
Bali summary
Bali , Island (pop., 2005 prelim.: 4,309,600), Indonesia.
Lake Balkhash summary
Lake Balkhash, or Lake Balqash , Lake, southeastern Kazakhstan.
Bangalore summary
Bangalore , City (pop., 2001: city, 4,301,326; metro.
Bangkok summary
Bangkok, Thai Krung Thep , City (pop., 2000: metro.
Bangladesh summary
Bangladesh, officially People’s Republic of Bangladesh , Country,...
Barcelona summary
Barcelona , Seaport city (pop., 2005 est.: 1,593,075), capital...
Basque summary
Basque , Spanish Vasco , Member of a people of unknown origin...
Basque Country summary
Basque Country, Spanish País Vasco Euskera Euskadi , Autonomous...
Al-Baṣrah summary
Al-Baṣrah, or Basra , Port and city (pop., 2011 est.: 1,200,000),...
Charles Baudelaire summary
Charles Baudelaire, (born April 9, 1821, Paris, France—died...
Bavaria summary
Bavaria, German Bayern , State (pop., 2006 est.: 12,492,658),...
Beaufort Sea summary
Beaufort Sea , Part of the Arctic Ocean northeast of Alaska,...
Beirut summary
Beirut , City (pop., 2005 est.: urban agglom., 1,777,000), capital...
Belarus summary
Belarus, Country, eastern Europe.
Belém summary
Belém , City (pop., 2000 prelim.: metro.
Belize summary
Belize , formerly (1840–1973) British Honduras , Country, Central...
Belo Horizonte summary
Belo Horizonte , City (pop., 2010: city, 2,375,444), Capital...
David Ben-Gurion summary
David Ben-Gurion, orig.
Bengali language summary
Bengali language, Indo-Aryan language spoken principally in...
Benin summary
Benin , officially Republic of Benin formerly Dahomey , Country,...
Benue-Congo languages summary
Benue-Congo languages, Largest branch of the Niger-Congo language...
Berkshire summary
Berkshire , Geographic county, southern England.
Bermuda summary
Bermuda, British overseas territory, western Atlantic Ocean.
Bhutan summary
Bhutan , officially Kingdom of Bhutan , Country, south-central...
Bihar summary
Bihar , State, northeastern India.
Bilbao summary
Bilbao , Port city (pop., 2001: city, 349,972; metro.
Birmingham summary
Birmingham , City (pop., 2010: 212,237), north-central Alabama,...
Franz Boas summary
Franz Boas, (born July 9, 1858, Minden, Westphalia [Germany]—died...
Boethius summary
Boethius , in full Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius , (born...
Boğazköy summary
Boğazköy , or Boğazkale , Village, north-central Turkey.
Bologna summary
Bologna , City (pop., 2004 est.: 373,539), capital of Emilia-Romagna...
Mumbai summary
Mumbai , formerly Bombay , City (pop., 2011 prelim.: city, 12,478,447;...
Bordeaux summary
Bordeaux , City (pop., 2006 est.: city, 232,260; metro.
Botswana summary
Botswana, officially Republic of Botswana formerly Bechuanaland...
Brahmaputra River summary
Brahmaputra River, River, Central and South Asia.
Braille summary
Braille , Universal system of writing and printing for the blind.
Breton language summary
Breton language, Celtic language spoken in Brittany in France.
British Virgin Islands summary
British Virgin Islands, British overseas territory (pop., 2005...
Brittany summary
Brittany, French Bretagne , Peninsula that forms a historical...
Brunei summary
Brunei , officially State of Brunei Darussalam , Independent...
Brussels summary
Brussels, French Bruxelles Flemish Brussel , City (pop., 2008...
Martin Buber summary
Martin Buber, (born Feb. 8, 1878, Vienna, Austria-Hungary—died...
Bucharest summary
Bucharest , Romanian București , City (pop., 2007 est.: 1,931,838),...
Buenos Aires summary
Buenos Aires , City (pop., 2010: city, 2,890,151; Greater Buenos...
Burgundy summary
Burgundy, French Bourgogne , Historical and governmental region,...
Burkina Faso summary
Burkina Faso , formerly Upper Volta , Country, West Africa.
Mangosuthu G. Buthelezi summary
Mangosuthu G.
Cádiz summary
Cádiz , City (pop., 2001: city, 133,363; metro.
Caesarea summary
Caesarea , modern Ḥorbat Qesari , Ancient seaport, Palestine.
Cairo summary
Cairo , Arabic Al-Qāhirah , City (pop., 2006: city, 7,786,640;...
Calabria summary
Calabria , Region (pop., 2001 prelim.: 1,993,274), southern...
Kolkata summary
Kolkata, formerly Calcutta , City (pop., 2011 prelim.: city,...
Calgary summary
Calgary , City (pop., 2001: city, 878,866; metro.
calligraphy summary
calligraphy , Art of beautiful, stylized, or elegant handwriting...
Cambridgeshire summary
Cambridgeshire , Administrative (pop., 2001: 552,655), geographic,...
Cameroon summary
Cameroon, officially Republic of Cameroon , Country, West Africa.
Campania summary
Campania , Region (pop., 2001 prelim.: 5,652,492), southern...
Canaan summary
Canaan , Ancient name for an area of shifting boundaries but...
Cape Canaveral summary
Cape Canaveral, Cape, eastern Florida, U.S.
Guangzhou summary
Guangzhou , or Kuang-chou conventional Canton , City (pop.,...
Cape Town summary
Cape Town, Afrikaans Kaapstad , City (pop., 2005 est., urban...
Cabo Verde summary
Cabo Verde , officially Republic of Cabo Verde , Island country,...
Cappadocia summary
Cappadocia , Ancient district, eastern Anatolia.
Caracas summary
Caracas , City (pop. 2001: 1,836,000), capital of Venezuela.
Carpathian Mountains summary
Carpathian Mountains, Mountain system, eastern Europe.
Castile summary
Castile , Spanish Castilla , Traditional region, peninsular...
Castile-León summary
Castile-León, Spanish Castilla y León , Autonomous community...
Castile–La Mancha summary
Castile–La Mancha, Spanish Castilla La Mancha , Autonomous community...
Catalan language summary
Catalan language, Romance language spoken in eastern and northeastern...
Catalonia summary
Catalonia, Catalan Catalunya Spanish Cataluña , Autonomous community...
Catania summary
Catania , City (pop., 2001 prelim.: 306,464), Sicily, Italy.
Caucasian languages summary
Caucasian languages, Group of languages spoken in the Caucasus...
Caucasus summary
Caucasus , or Caucasia , Mountainous region, between the Black...
Cayman Islands summary
Cayman Islands, British overseas territory, Caribbean Sea, located...
Celebes summary
Celebes , or Sulawesi , Island (pop., including nearby islands,...
Celt summary
Celt , Any member of an early Indo-European people who spread...
Celtic languages summary
Celtic languages, Branch of the Indo-European language family...
Central African Republic summary
Central African Republic, formerly Ubangi-Shari , Country, central...
Cetshwayo summary
Cetshwayo , (born c. 1826, near Eshowe, Zululand [S.Af.]—died...
Chad summary
Chad, officially Republic of Chad , Country, north-central...
Champagne summary
Champagne , Historical and cultural region, northeastern France.
Chandigarh summary
Chandigarh , City and union territory, joint capital of Haryana...
Changchun summary
Changchun, or Ch’ang-ch’un , City (pop., 2003 est.: 2,283,800),...
Changsha summary
Changsha , or Ch’ang-sha , City (pop., 2003 est.: 1,562,200),...
Chechnya summary
Chechnya , Republic, southwestern Russia.
Zhejiang summary
Zhejiang , or Che-chiang conventional Chekiang , Province, eastern...
Zhengzhou summary
Zhengzhou , or Cheng-chou formerly (1913–49) Zhengxian or Cheng-hsien...
Chengdu summary
Chengdu , or Ch’eng-tu , City (pop., 2003 est.: 2,664,000),...
Jinan summary
Jinan , or Chi-nan conventional Tsinan , City (pop., 2003 est.:...
Chichén Itzá summary
Chichén Itzá , Ancient ruined Mayan city in Mexico’s Yucatán...
Chihuahua summary
Chihuahua , State, northern Mexico.
Qin tomb summary
Qin tomb, or Ch’in tomb , Major Chinese archaeological site...
Chittagong summary
Chittagong , City (pop., 2001 prelim.: city, 2,199,590; metro.
Chongqing summary
Chongqing, or Ch’ung-ch’ing conventional Chungking , City and...
Cologne summary
Cologne , German Köln , City (pop., 2002 est.: city, 967,900;...
Comoros summary
Comoros , officially Union of the Comoros , Island country,...
Republic of the Congo summary
Republic of the Congo, known as Congo (Brazzaville) formerly...
Congo River summary
Congo River, or Zaire River , River, west-central Africa.
Constantine summary
Constantine , ancient Cirta , City (pop., 2008 est.: 520,000),...
Cook Islands summary
Cook Islands, Island group (pop., 2006 prelim.: 19,569), southern...
Corfu summary
Corfu , Greek Kérkira , One of the Ionian Islands, northwestern...
Corsica summary
Corsica , French Corse , Island (pop., 2006 est.: 279,000) in...
Costa Rica summary
Costa Rica, officially Republic of Costa Rica , Country, Central...
Côte d’Ivoire summary
Côte d’Ivoire , or Ivory Coast officially Republic of Côte d’Ivoire...
Crete summary
Crete, Greek Kríti ancient Creta , Island (pop., 2008 est.:...
Crimea summary
Crimea , Autonomous republic (pop., 2001: 2,033,700), southern...
Croatia summary
Croatia , officially Republic of Croatia , Country, northwestern...
cuneiform writing summary
cuneiform writing, System of writing employed in ancient times...
Curaçao summary
Curaçao , Island, Lesser Antilles, in the southern Caribbean...
Cuzco summary
Cuzco , City (pop., 2002 est.: 301,342), south-central Peru.
Cyprus summary
Cyprus, officially Republic of Cyprus , Island and country,...
Czech Republic summary
Czech Republic, formerly (1918–92, with Slovakia) Czechoslovakia...
Dacia summary
Dacia , Ancient country, central Europe.
Dakar summary
Dakar , City (pop., 2004 est.: city, 1,009,256; urban agglom.,...
Dalmatia summary
Dalmatia , Serbo-Croatian Dalmacija , Region of Croatia.
Damascus summary
Damascus , Arabic Dimashq , City (pop., 2004: 1,614,500), capital...
Danube River summary
Danube River, German Donau Slovak Dunaj Serbo-Croatian and Bulgarian...
Darfur summary
Darfur , Historical region and former province, western Sudan.
Darién summary
Darién , Traditional region, eastern Panama.
Dauphiné summary
Dauphiné , Historic region and former province, southeastern...
Dead Sea summary
Dead Sea, Arabic Al-Baḥr Al-Mayyit Hebrew Yam HaMelaẖ ancient...
Delhi summary
Delhi , City and national capital territory, north-central India.
Delos summary
Delos , Greek Dhílos , Island, Greece.
Delphi summary
Delphi , Site of the ancient temple and oracle of Apollo in...
Derbyshire summary
Derbyshire , or Derby , Administrative (pop., 2001: 734,581),...
Devon summary
Devon , Administrative (pop., 2001: 704,499), geographic, and...
Dhaka summary
Dhaka, or Dacca , City (pop., 2001 prelim.: city, 5,644,235;...
Denis Diderot summary
Denis Diderot, (born Oct. 5, 1713, Langres, France—died July...
Djibouti summary
Djibouti , officially Republic of Djibouti, formerly (1967–77)...
Dnieper River summary
Dnieper River , Russian Dnepr ancient Borysthenes , River, east-central...
Dominica summary
Dominica , officially Commonwealth of Dominica , Island country,...
Dominican Republic summary
Dominican Republic, Country in the West Indies, occupying the...
Don River summary
Don River , Tatar Duna ancient Tanais. , River, southwestern...
Dorgon summary
Dorgon , Chinese Chengzong or Ch’eng-tsung , (born Nov. 17,...
Dravidian languages summary
Dravidian languages, Family of 24 languages indigenous to and...
Dubayy summary
Dubayy, or Dubai , Constituent emirate (pop., 2005 prelim.:...
Dubrovnik summary
Dubrovnik , Port city (pop., 2001: 43,770), Croatia.
Duluth summary
Duluth , City (pop., 2010: 86,265) and inland port, northeastern...
Durham summary
Durham , Unitary authority (pop., 2011: 513,242), geographic,...
Easter Island summary
Easter Island, Spanish Isla de Pascua native Rapa Nui , Island...
Ebla summary
Ebla, modern Tell Mardīkh , Ancient city, northwestern Syria.
Edinburgh summary
Edinburgh , City and council area (pop., 2001: 448,624), capital...
El Salvador summary
El Salvador, officially Republic of El Salvador , Country, Central...
Elbe River summary
Elbe River, Czech Labe ancient Albis , River, central Europe.
Elburz Mountains summary
Elburz Mountains, Mountain range, northern Iran.
Emilia-Romagna summary
Emilia-Romagna , Autonomous region (pop., 2001 prelim.: 3,960,549),...
English Channel summary
English Channel, or the Channel French La Manche (“The Sleeve”)...
Ephesus summary
Ephesus , Ancient Ionian Greek city; its ruins lie near the...
Epirus summary
Epirus , Ancient country, northwestern Greece.
Equatorial Guinea summary
Equatorial Guinea, officially Republic of Equatorial Guinea formerly...
Eritrea summary
Eritrea , officially State of Eritrea Tigrinya Hagere Iertra...
Eṣfahān summary
Eṣfahān , or Iṣfahān , City (pop., 2007 est.: 1,628,000), west-central...
Eskimo-Aleut languages summary
Eskimo-Aleut languages, Family of languages spoken in Greenland,...
Estonia summary
Estonia, officially Republic of Estonia , Country, northeastern...
estuary summary
estuary , Partly enclosed coastal body of water in which river...
Euboea summary
Euboea , Greek Évvoia , Island, Greece, in the Aegean Sea.
Mount Everest summary
Mount Everest, Tibetan Chomolungma Nepali Sagarmatha , Peak...
Extremadura summary
Extremadura, or Estremadura , Historical region and autonomous...
Faxian summary
Faxian, or Fa-hsien orig.
Falkland Islands summary
Falkland Islands, Spanish Islas Malvinas , British overseas...
Faroe Islands summary
Faroe Islands, or Faeroe Islands , Group of islands in the Atlantic...
Marsilio Ficino summary
Marsilio Ficino, (born Oct. 19, 1433, Figline, Republic of Florence—died...
Fiji summary
Fiji, officially Republic of Fiji , Country and archipelago,...
Flanders summary
Flanders, Flemish Vlaanderen , Medieval principality extending...
Florence summary
Florence, Italian Firenze , City (pop., 2001 prelim.: 352,227),...
Franche-Comté summary
Franche-Comté , Région (pop., 2006 est.: 1,150,624), east-central...
Gottlob Frege summary
Gottlob Frege, (born Nov. 8, 1848, Wismar, Mecklenburg-Schwerin—died...
French Guiana summary
French Guiana , French Guyane Française , Overseas department...
French Polynesia summary
French Polynesia, formerly French Oceania , French overseas...
Fuzhou summary
Fuzhou, or Fu-chou conventional Foochow , City (pop., 2003 est.:...
Fujian summary
Fujian , or Fu-chien conventional Fukien , Province, southeastern...
Gabon summary
Gabon , officially Gabonese Republic , Country, central Africa.
Galápagos Islands summary
Galápagos Islands, Spanish Archipiélago de Colón , Island group...
Galicia summary
Galicia , ancient Gallaecia , Autonomous community (pop., 2001:...
The Gambia summary
The Gambia, officially Republic of The Gambia , Country, western...
Ganges River summary
Ganges River, Hindi Ganga , River, northern India and Bangladesh.
Gdańsk summary
Gdańsk , German Danzig , City (pop., 2000 est.: 456,574), capital...
Geneva summary
Geneva , French Genève German Genf Italian Ginevra , City (pop.,...
Genoa summary
Genoa , Italian Genova ancient Genua , City (pop., 2001 prelim.:...
Georgia summary
Georgia, Country, Transcaucasia, western Asia.
Germanic languages summary
Germanic languages, Branch of the Indo-European language family,...
Ghana summary
Ghana , officially Republic of Ghana formerly Gold Coast , Country,...
Maḥmūd Ghāzān summary
Maḥmūd Ghāzān, (born Nov. 5, 1271, Abaskun, Iran—died May 11,...
Ghent summary
Ghent , Flemish Gent French Gand , City (pop., 2000 est.: 224,180),...
Gibraltar summary
Gibraltar , British overseas territory, on the Mediterranean...
Glasgow summary
Glasgow , City and council area (pop., 2004 est.: city, 577,670;...
Gloucestershire summary
Gloucestershire , Administrative (pop., 2001: 564,559), geographic,...
Goa summary
Goa , State, southwestern India.
Gobi summary
Gobi , also called Gobi Desert , Desert, Central Asia.
Gran Chaco summary
Gran Chaco , Spanish Chaco or El Chaco , Lowland alluvial plain,...
Greenwich summary
Greenwich , Outer borough (pop., 2001: 214,403), Greater London,...
Grenada summary
Grenada , Island country, Lesser Antilles, Caribbean Sea.
Guadeloupe summary
Guadeloupe , Overseas department and overseas region of France,...
Guam summary
Guam , Island, largest and southernmost of the Mariana Islands,...
Guernsey summary
Guernsey , British crown dependency and the second largest of...
the Guianas summary
the Guianas, Region, northern South America.
Guinea summary
Guinea , officially Republic of Guinea, formerly French Guinea...
Gujarat summary
Gujarat , State and historic region, western India.
Guyana summary
Guyana , officially Co-operative Republic of Guyana formerly...
Gwalior summary
Gwalior , City (pop., 2001: 827,026), Madhya Pradesh state,...
The Hague summary
The Hague, Dutch ’s-Gravenhage or Den Haag , City (pop., 2010...
Hainan summary
Hainan , or Hai-nan , Province and island of China.
Hai River summary
Hai River , River, Hebei province, China.
Haiti summary
Haiti , officially Republic of Haiti , Country in the West Indies,...
Hamburg summary
Hamburg , City (pop., 2002 est.: city, 1,726,363; metro.
Hampshire summary
Hampshire , Administrative (pop., 2001: 1,240,032), geographic,...
Hangzhou summary
Hangzhou, or Hang-chou conventional Hangchow , City (pop., 2003...
Hanoi summary
Hanoi , City (pop., 2009: 2,316,772), capital of Vietnam.
Harbin summary
Harbin , Chinese Ha’erbin or Ha-erh-pin , City (pop., 2003 est.:...
Haryana summary
Haryana , State, northwestern India.
Hausa language summary
Hausa language, Afro-Asiatic language of northern Nigeria and...
Hebrides summary
Hebrides , or Western Isles ancient Ebudae , Group of islands,...
Hebron summary
Hebron , Arabic Al-Khalīl , City (pop., 2005 est.: 160,500)...
Heilongjiang summary
Heilongjiang , or Hei-lung-chiang conventional Heilungkiang ,...
Herculaneum summary
Herculaneum , Ancient city, Campania, Italy.
Hesse summary
Hesse , German Hessen , State (pop., 2002 est.: 6,077,826),...
hieroglyph summary
hieroglyph , Character in any of several systems of writing...
Himalayas summary
Himalayas , or Himalaya , Mountain system, southern Asia.
Hindu Kush summary
Hindu Kush , Latin Caucasus Indicus , Mountain system, south-central...
Hittite summary
Hittite , Any member of an Indo-European people whose empire...
Hefei summary
Hefei , or Ho-fei formerly Luzhou or Lu-chou , City (pop., 2003...
Hohhot summary
Hohhot , or Hu-ho-hao-t’e or Huhehot Mongol Kuk-ukhoto , City...
Friedrich Hölderlin summary
Friedrich Hölderlin, (born March 20, 1770, Lauffen am Neckar,...
Henan summary
Henan , or Ho-nan conventional Honan , Province, north-central...
Honduras summary
Honduras, officially Republic of Honduras , Country, Central...
Hebei summary
Hebei , or Ho-peh conventional Hopeh formerly Chihli , Province,...
Xi River system summary
Xi River system, Chinese Xi Jiang or Hsi Chiang English West...
Xiongnu summary
Xiongnu, or Hsiung-nu , Nomadic pastoral people of Central Asia.
Xuanzang summary
Xuanzang, or Hsüan-tsang , (born 600, Guoshi, China—died 664,...
Hu Shih summary
Hu Shih , or Hu Shi , (born Dec. 17, 1891, Shanghai, China—died...
Huai River summary
Huai River, River, eastern China.
Huang He summary
Huang He, or Huang Ho English Yellow River , River, northern,...
Hunan summary
Hunan , or Hu-nan , Province, south-central China.
Hubei summary
Hubei , or Hu-pei conventional Hupeh , Province, east-central...
Yichang summary
Yichang , or I-ch’ang , City (pop., 2003 est.: 653,040), western...
Iceland summary
Iceland, officially Republic of Iceland , Island country, northern...
Iguazú Falls summary
Iguazú Falls, or Iguaçu Falls, formerly Victoria Falls , A series...
Illyria summary
Illyria , Ancient country, northwestern Balkan Peninsula, southeastern...
Inner Mongolia summary
Inner Mongolia, Chinese Nei Mongol or Nei-meng-ku , Autonomous...
Ionia summary
Ionia , Ancient region, western coast of Asia Minor (modern...
Ionian Islands summary
Ionian Islands, ancient Heptanesos , Group of seven Greek islands...
Irrawaddy River summary
Irrawaddy River, River, Myanmar (Burma).
Isabella I summary
Isabella I, known as Isabella the Catholic Spanish Isabel la...
Lake Ysyk summary
Lake Ysyk, Russian Lake Issyk-Kulʾ , Lake, northeastern Kyrgyzstan.
Italic languages summary
Italic languages, Indo-European languages spoken in the Apennine...
Jakarta summary
Jakarta , formerly (1949–72) Djakarta , Capital (pop., 2000:...
Jamaica summary
Jamaica, Island country, West Indies, located south of Cuba.
Java summary
Java , or Djawa or Jawa , Island (pop., 2005 prelim.: 127,679,800),...
Jerusalem summary
Jerusalem, Hebrew Yerushalayim Arabic Al-Quds , City (pop.,...
Jordan summary
Jordan, officially Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan , Country, Middle...
Kabul summary
Kabul , City (pop., 2006 est.: 2,536,300), capital of Afghanistan.
Kaifeng summary
Kaifeng , or K’ai-feng , City (pop., 2003 est.: 594,887), northern...
Kalahari summary
Kalahari , Desert region, southern Africa.
Kaliningrad summary
Kaliningrad , formerly Königsberg , City (pop., 2006 est.: 423,651),...
Kano summary
Kano , City (pop., 2005 est.: 2,993,000), northern Nigeria.
Gansu summary
Gansu , or Kan-su conventional Kansu , Province, north-central...
Kao-hsiung summary
Kao-hsiung , Port city (pop., 2005 est.: 1,512,677), southwestern...
Karachi summary
Karachi , City (pop., 2007 est.: 12,130,000), Pakistan.
Karakum Desert summary
Karakum Desert, or Kara-Kum Desert , Desert area, Central Asia.
Karnataka summary
Karnataka , formerly Mysore , State, southwestern India.
Kärnten summary
Kärnten , or Carinthia , State (pop., 2004 est.: 559,078), southern...
Kathmandu summary
Kathmandu, or Katmandu , City (pop., 2001: 671,846), capital...
Kazakhstan summary
Kazakhstan, or Kazakstan officially Republic of Kazakhstan ,...
Kentucky summary
Kentucky, officially Commonwealth of Kentucky , State, southeastern...
Kerala summary
Kerala , State, southwestern India.
Khazar summary
Khazar , Any member of a confederation of Turkic-speaking tribes...
Khoisan languages summary
Khoisan languages, Group of more than 20 languages presently...
Khorāsān summary
Khorāsān , or Khurāsān , Historical region situated in what...
Khyber Pass summary
Khyber Pass, Pass in the Spīn Ghār (Safīd Kūh) Range on the...
Jiangxi summary
Jiangxi , or Chiang-hsi conventional Kiangsi , Province, south-central...
Jiangsu summary
Jiangsu , or Chiang-su conventional Kiangsu , Province, eastern...
Kyiv summary
Kyiv , also spelled Kiev , City (pop., 2008: 2,745,006), capital...
Kilauea summary
Kilauea , Crater, eastern side of Mauna Loa, Hawaii Volcanoes...
Kinshasa summary
Kinshasa , formerly Léopoldville , Capital and largest city...
Kiribati summary
Kiribati , officially Republic of Kiribati , Island country,...
Jilin summary
Jilin , or Chi-lin conventional Kirin , Province, northeastern...
Koko Nor summary
Koko Nor, Chinese Qinghai Hu or Ch’ing-hai Hu , Lake, Qinghai...
Konya summary
Konya , ancient Iconium , City (pop., 2007: 967,055), central...
North Korea summary
North Korea, officially Democratic People’s Republic of Korea...
South Korea summary
South Korea, officially Republic of Korea , Country, East Asia,...
Krakatoa summary
Krakatoa , or Krakatau , Island volcano in the centre of the...
Kraków summary
Kraków, or Cracow , City (pop., 2005 est.: 757,430), southern...
Kuala Lumpur summary
Kuala Lumpur , City (pop., 2000 prelim.: 1,297,526), capital...
Kunming summary
Kunming , or K’un-ming , City (pop., 2003 est.: 1,597,800),...
Kunlun Mountains summary
Kunlun Mountains, or K’un-lun Mountains , Mountain system, east-central...
Kuwait summary
Kuwait, officially State of Kuwait , Country, Middle East, southwestern...
Guangxi summary
Guangxi , or Kuang-hsi conventional Kwangsi in full Zhuang Autonomous...
Guangdong summary
Guangdong , or Kuang-tung conventional Kwangtung , Southernmost...
Guizhou summary
Guizhou, or Kuei-chou conventional Kweichow , Province, southwestern...
Kyrgyzstan summary
Kyrgyzstan , officially Kyrgyz Republic , Country, Central Asia.
La Rioja summary
La Rioja , Autonomous community (pop., 2001: 276,702), province,...
Lagos summary
Lagos , City (pop., 2002: 8,030,000) and chief port, Nigeria.
Lahore summary
Lahore , City (pop., 2007 est.: 6,577,000), capital of Punjab...
Lakshadweep summary
Lakshadweep , Union territory of India.
Lanzhou summary
Lanzhou, or Lan-chou , City (pop., 2003 est.: 1,576,400), capital...
Lancashire summary
Lancashire , Administrative (pop. 2001: 1,134,976), historic,...
Languedoc summary
Languedoc , Historical and cultural region, south-central France.
Laos summary
Laos , officially Lao People’s Democratic Republic , Country,...
Latium summary
Latium , Ancient area, west-central Italy, on the Tyrrhenian...
Latvia summary
Latvia, officially Republic of Latvia , Country, northeastern...
Leipzig summary
Leipzig , City (pop., 2002 est.: 493,052), east-central Germany.
Lesbos summary
Lesbos , or Mytilene or Mitilíni , Third largest island (pop.,...
Lesotho summary
Lesotho , officially Kingdom of Lesotho formerly Basutoland ,...
Liaoning summary
Liaoning , formerly (1903–28) Fengtian or Feng-t’ien , Province,...
Liberia summary
Liberia, officially Republic of Liberia , Republic, western...
Libya summary
Libya, officially Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamāhīriyyah...
Liechtenstein summary
Liechtenstein , officially Principality of Liechtenstein , Principality,...
Liège summary
Liège , Flemish Luik , City (pop., 2009 est.: 193,816), eastern...
Lille summary
Lille , City (pop., 2006 est.: city, 226,014; metro.
Lima summary
Lima , City (pop. 2007: metro.
Limousin summary
Limousin , Historical and government region, central France.
Lincolnshire summary
Lincolnshire , Administrative (pop., 2001: 646,646), geographic,...
Franz Liszt summary
Franz Liszt, Hungarian Ferenc Liszt , (born Oct. 22, 1811, Raiding,...
Lithuania summary
Lithuania, officially Republic of Lithuania , Country, the largest...
Lombardy summary
Lombardy , Region (pop., 2003 est.: 9,108,645), northern Italy.
Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov summary
Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, (born Nov. 19, 1711, near Kholmogory,...
Louisville summary
Louisville , City (pop., 2010: 597,337), north-central Kentucky,...
Lu Xun summary
Lu Xun, or Lu Hsün orig.
Dalian summary
Dalian , or Ta-lien formerly (1950–81) Lüda or Lü-ta Japanese...
Lübeck summary
Lübeck , City (population 2002 est.: 213,486), northern Germany.
Lucerne summary
Lucerne , German Luzern , City (pop., 2000: 59,496), central...
Leizhou Peninsula summary
Leizhou Peninsula, or Lei-chou Peninsula conventional Luichow...
Luxembourg summary
Luxembourg , officially Grand Duchy of Luxembourg , Country,...
Luxor summary
Luxor , Arabic Al-Uqṣur , City (pop., 2006: 202,232), Upper...
Lyon summary
Lyon , English Lyons , City (pop., 2006 est.: city, 472,305;...
Macau summary
Macau , or Macao Chinese Aomen , Special administrative region,...
Machu Picchu summary
Machu Picchu , Ancient fortress city of the Incas in the Andes...
Madhya Pradesh summary
Madhya Pradesh , State, central India.
Chennai summary
Chennai , formerly Madras , City (pop., 2001: city, 4,343,645;...
Maharashtra summary
Maharashtra , State, west-central India.
Mainz summary
Mainz , French Mayence , City (pop., 2002 est.: 185,293), west-central...
Strait of Malacca summary
Strait of Malacca, Channel connecting the Indian Ocean and the...
Malawi summary
Malawi , officially Republic of Malawi formerly Nyasaland , ...
Maldives summary
Maldives , officially Republic of Maldives , Archipelago country,...
Mali summary
Mali, officially Republic of Mali , Country, western Africa.
Malta summary
Malta, officially Republic of Malta , Island country, south...
Manaus summary
Manaus , City (pop., 2010: 1,802,014), northwestern Brazil.
Manchu-Tungus languages summary
Manchu-Tungus languages, or Tungusic languages , Family of about...
Manchuria summary
Manchuria , or Northeast Chinese Dongbei or Tung-pei , Historical...
Manipur summary
Manipur , State (pop., 2008 est.: 2,627,000), northeastern India.
Manitoba summary
Manitoba , Province, central Canada.
Clément Marot summary
Clément Marot, (born 1496?, Cahors, France—died September 1544,...
Marseille summary
Marseille, or Marseilles , City (pop., 2006 est.: city, 839,043;...
Martial summary
Martial , Latin Marcus Valerius Martialis , (born c.
Martinique summary
Martinique , Island of the Windward Islands, West Indies, and...
Masada summary
Masada , Ancient mountain fortress, southeastern Israel.
Massif Central summary
Massif Central , Plateau region, south-central France.
Matamba summary
Matamba , Historic African kingdom of the Mbundu people, located...
Mato Grosso summary
Mato Grosso , State, southwestern Brazil.
Mauritania summary
Mauritania, officially Islamic Republic of Mauritania , Country,...
Mauritius summary
Mauritius , officially Republic of Mauritius , Island country,...
Maya summary
Maya , Group of Mesoamerican Indians who between ad 250 and...
Mayotte summary
Mayotte , Island and French overseas department, in the Indian...
Mecca summary
Mecca, Arabic Al-Makkah , City (pop., 2004: 1,294,106), western...
Medina summary
Medina, Arabic Al-Madīnah ancient Yathrib , City (pop., 2004:...
Meghalaya summary
Meghalaya , State, northeastern India.
Mekong River summary
Mekong River, Chinese Lancang Jiang or Lan-Ts’ang Chiang , Longest...
Melbourne summary
Melbourne , City (pop., 2006: 3,592,590), capital of Victoria,...
Gerardus Mercator summary
Gerardus Mercator, orig.
Mesa Verde National Park summary
Mesa Verde National Park, National park, southwestern Colorado,...
Mashhad summary
Mashhad , or Meshed , City (pop., 2007 est.: 2,469,000), northeastern...
México summary
México , State, central Mexico.
Mexico City summary
Mexico City, Spanish Ciudad de México , City (pop., 2000: city,...
Hmong-Mien languages summary
Hmong-Mien languages, or Miao-Yao languages , Language family...
Michoacán summary
Michoacán , State, southwestern Mexico.
Federated States of Micronesia summary
Federated States of Micronesia, Island country, western Pacific...
Milan summary
Milan , Italian Milano , City (pop., 2007 est.: 1,303,437),...
Slobodan Milošević summary
Slobodan Milošević, (born Aug. 29, 1941, Požarevac, Serbia,...
Mizoram summary
Mizoram , State, northeastern India.
Moldova summary
Moldova , officially Republic of Moldova , Country, northeastern...
Moluccas summary
Moluccas , Indonesian Maluku , Island group (pop., 2005 est.:...
Monaco summary
Monaco , officially Principality of Monaco , Independent principality,...
Montenegro summary
Montenegro , European country located in the west-central Balkans.
Montreal summary
Montreal , City (pop., 2011: 1,649,519), southeastern Canada.
Moscow summary
Moscow , Russian Moskva , Capital and largest city (pop., 2006...
Moshoeshoe summary
Moshoeshoe , or Mshweshwe , (born c. 1786, near the upper Caledon...
Munich summary
Munich , German München , City (pop., 2007 est.: city, 1,311,573;...
Mycenae summary
Mycenae , Prehistoric city, northeastern Peloponnese, Greece.
Nagpur summary
Nagpur , City (pop., 2001: 2,052,066), northeastern Maharashtra...
Namib summary
Namib , Desert region, extending 1,200 mi (1,900 km) from Namibe,...
Namibia summary
Namibia , officially Republic of Namibia , Country, southwest...
Nanning summary
Nanning , or Nan-ning formerly (1913–45) Yung-ning , City (pop.,...
Nanjing summary
Nanjing , or Nan-ching, conventional Nanking , City (pop., 2003...
Naples summary
Naples, Italian Napoli ancient Neapolis , City (pop., 2001 prelim.:...
Natal summary
Natal , Former province, southeastern Republic of South Africa.
Nauru summary
Nauru , officially Republic of Nauru , Island country, southeastern...
Navajo summary
Navajo , or Navaho , North American Indian people living mostly...
Ndongo summary
Ndongo , Historical African kingdom of Mbundu people.
Negev summary
Negev , or Ha-Negev , Desert region, southern Israel.
Nepal summary
Nepal , Country, southern Asia.
Pablo Neruda summary
Pablo Neruda, orig.
Netherlands Antilles summary
Netherlands Antilles , Former (1954–2010) nonmetropolitan island...
New Guinea summary
New Guinea, Indonesian Irian , Island, eastern Malay Archipelago,...
Newfoundland and Labrador summary
Newfoundland and Labrador, Province, one of the four Atlantic...
Nez Percé summary
Nez Percé , North American Indian people living mainly in Idaho,...
Nguni summary
Nguni , Cluster of related ethnic groups living in South Africa,...
Nicaragua summary
Nicaragua, officially Republic of Nicaragua , Country, Central...
Nice summary
Nice , ancient Niceaea , City (pop., 2004 est.: 339,000) southeastern...
Niger summary
Niger , officially Republic of Niger , Country, western Africa,...
Niger River summary
Niger River, or Joliba or Kworra , Principal river of western...
Nile River summary
Nile River, Arabic Baḥr al-Nīl , River, eastern and northeastern...
Nilo-Saharan languages summary
Nilo-Saharan languages, Group of perhaps 115 African languages...
Nîmes summary
Nîmes , ancient Nemausus , City (pop., 2006 est.: 144,092),...
Nineveh summary
Nineveh , Oldest and most populous city of ancient Assyria,...
Ningxia summary
Ningxia, or Ningsia in full Hui Autonomous Region of Ningxia...
Nizhny Novgorod summary
Nizhny Novgorod , formerly (1932–90) Gorky , City (pop., 2002:...
Norfolk summary
Norfolk , Administrative and historic county (pop., 2001: 796,733),...
Normandy summary
Normandy, French Normandie , Historic and cultural region, northwestern...
Northamptonshire summary
Northamptonshire , Administrative (pop., 2001: 629,676) and...
Nostratic hypothesis summary
Nostratic hypothesis, Proposal of an overarching northern Eurasian...
Nottinghamshire summary
Nottinghamshire , Administrative (pop., 2001: 748,503), geographic,...
Nova Scotia summary
Nova Scotia , Province, eastern Canada, one of the Maritime...
Numidia summary
Numidia , Ancient country, North Africa, approximately coextensive...
Nunavut summary
Nunavut , Territory, north-central Canada.
Nurhachi summary
Nurhachi , (born 1559, Manchuria—died Sept. 30, 1626), Chieftain...
Nürnberg summary
Nürnberg , also known as Nuremberg , City (pop., 2002 est.:...
Ob River summary
Ob River, River, west-central Russia.
Oder River summary
Oder River, or Odra River ancient Viadua , River, east-central...
Sea of Okhotsk summary
Sea of Okhotsk, Arm of the northwestern Pacific Ocean.
Olduvai Gorge summary
Olduvai Gorge, Archaeological site on the eastern Serengeti...
Olmec summary
Olmec , First elaborate pre-Columbian culture of Mesoamerica.
Oman summary
Oman , officially Sultanate of Oman formerly Muscat and Oman...
Oran summary
Oran , City (pop., 2008: 759,645), northwestern Algeria.
Orinoco River summary
Orinoco River, Major river, South America.
Ottawa summary
Ottawa , City (pop., 2001: 774,072), capital of Canada.
Oxfordshire summary
Oxfordshire , Administrative (pop., 2001: 605,492) and historic...
Pagan summary
Pagan , Village, central Myanmar (Burma).
Palatinate summary
Palatinate , German Pfalz , Historical region, now part of Germany.
Palau summary
Palau , officially Republic of Palau , Island country, western...
Paleo -Siberian languages summary
Paleo -Siberian languages, or Paleo-Asiatic languages , Group...
Palmyra summary
Palmyra , biblical Tadmor , Ancient city, Syria, northeast of...
Pamirs summary
Pamirs , High mountain region, Central Asia.
Panama summary
Panama, officially Republic of Panama , Country, Central America.
Papal States summary
Papal States, Italian Stati Pontifici , Territories of central...
Papua New Guinea summary
Papua New Guinea , officially Independent State of Papua New...
Papuan languages summary
Papuan languages, Group of about 800 languages spoken by indigenous...
Paraguay summary
Paraguay , officially Republic of Paraguay , Country, south-central...
Pasargadae summary
Pasargadae , Ancient Persian city, near modern Shīrāz, Iran.
Nikola Pašić summary
Nikola Pašić, (born Dec. 31, 1845, Zaječar, Serbia—died Dec....
Persepolis summary
Persepolis , Ancient Persian city, northeast of modern Shīrāz,...
Phoenicia summary
Phoenicia , Ancient region, Middle East.
Picardy summary
Picardy , French Picardie , Région (pop., 2003 est.: 1,869,386),...
pidgin summary
pidgin , Language with a very limited vocabulary and a simplified...
Pisa summary
Pisa , ancient Pisae , City (pop., 2001 prelim.: 85,379), central...
playa summary
playa , or pan or flat or dry lake , Flat-bottomed depression...
Pocahontas summary
Pocahontas , (born c. 1596, near present-day Jamestown, Va....
Pompeii summary
Pompeii , Ancient city, southern Italy, southeast of Naples.
Port-au-Prince summary
Port-au-Prince , City (metro.
Porto summary
Porto , Portuguese Oporto , Seaport city (pop., 2001 prelim.:...
Prague summary
Prague , City (pop., 2001 est.: 1,178,576), capital of the Czech...
prosody summary
prosody , Study of the elements of language, especially metre,...
Marcel Proust summary
Marcel Proust, (born July 10, 1871, Auteuil, near Paris, France—died...
Provence summary
Provence , Historical, cultural, and governmental region, southeast-coastal...
Prussia summary
Prussia, German Preussen , In European history, any of three...
Puerto Rico summary
Puerto Rico, officially Commonwealth of Puerto Rico , Self-governing...
Punjabi language summary
Punjabi language, or Panjabi language , Indo-Aryan language...
P’yŏngyang summary
P’yŏngyang , City (pop., 2001 est.: 3,164,000), capital of North...
Pyrenees summary
Pyrenees , Mountain range, southwestern Europe.
Qatar summary
Qatar , officially State of Qatar , Country, Middle East, southwestern...
Quito summary
Quito , City (pop., 2010: 1,607,734), capital of Ecuador.
Rajasthan summary
Rajasthan , State, northwestern India.
Ravenna summary
Ravenna , City (pop., 2001 prelim.: 138,204), northeastern Italy.
Réunion summary
Réunion , Island and French overseas department, Mascarene Islands,...
Riga summary
Riga , City (pop., 2000 prelim.: 764,328), capital of Latvia.
Rio Grande summary
Rio Grande , in Mexico Río Bravo , River, North America.
Riyadh summary
Riyadh , City (pop., 2004: 4,087,152), capital of Saudi Arabia.
Robert Guiscard summary
Robert Guiscard , (born c. 1015, Normandy—died July 17, 1085,...
Romanian language summary
Romanian language , Romance language spoken mainly in Romania...
Romany language summary
Romany language, Indo-Aryan language of the Roma (see Rom),...
Franz Rosenzweig summary
Franz Rosenzweig, (born Dec. 25, 1886, Kassel, Ger.—died Dec....
Dante Gabriel Rossetti summary
Dante Gabriel Rossetti, orig.
Rouen summary
Rouen , City (pop., 2006 est.: city, 107,904; metro.
Saarland summary
Saarland , or Saargebiet , State (pop., 2002 est.: 1,066,470),...
Saint Helena summary
Saint Helena , Island (pop., 2003 est.: 3,800), eastern South...
Saint Kitts and Nevis summary
Saint Kitts and Nevis, officially Federation of Saint Kitts and...
Saint Lucia summary
Saint Lucia , Island country, Windward Islands, in the eastern...
Saint-Pierre and Miquelon summary
Saint-Pierre and Miquelon , French overseas territorial collectivity...
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines summary
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines , Island country, Windward...
Samarkand summary
Samarkand , or Samarqand , City (pop., 2007 est.: 312,863),...
Samoa summary
Samoa, officially Independent State of Samoa formerly Western...
San Juan summary
San Juan , City (pop., 2010: city, 381,931; San Juan–Caguas–Guaynabo...
San Marino summary
San Marino, officially Republic of San Marino alternate long-form...
Sanaa summary
Sanaa , Arabic Ṣanaʿāʾ , City (pop., 2004: 1,747,627), capital...
Santiago summary
Santiago , City (pop., 2002 prelim.: 4,630,000), capital of...
São Francisco River summary
São Francisco River, River, eastern Brazil.
Sao Tome and Principe summary
Sao Tome and Principe , officially Democratic Republic of Sao...
Sardinia summary
Sardinia, Italian Sardegna , Island and autonomous region (pop.,...
Saskatchewan summary
Saskatchewan , Province, western Canada.
Saxony summary
Saxony, German Sachsen , Historical region, former state, and...
Schleswig-Holstein summary
Schleswig-Holstein , Historical area and state (pop., 2006 est.:...
Seine River summary
Seine River, ancient Sequana , Second longest river in France.
Seleucid dynasty summary
Seleucid dynasty , Macedonian Greek dynasty (312–64 bc) founded...
Seminole summary
Seminole , North American Indian people living mainly in Florida...
Semitic languages summary
Semitic languages, Family of Afro-Asiatic languages spoken by...
Senegal summary
Senegal , officially Republic of Senegal , Country, western...
Seoul summary
Seoul , City (pop., 2010: 9,794,304), capital of South Korea...
Serengeti National Park summary
Serengeti National Park, Wildlife refuge, north-central Tanzania.
River Severn summary
River Severn, Welsh Hafren ancient Sabrina , River, eastern...
Sevilla summary
Sevilla , English Seville ancient Hispalis , City (pop., 2008...
Seychelles summary
Seychelles , officially Republic of Seychelles , Island country,...
Shaka summary
Shaka , (born c. 1787—died Sept. 22, 1828), Zulu chief (1816–28),...
Shanghai summary
Shanghai , or Shang-hai , Municipality with provincial status...
Shanxi summary
Shanxi , or Shan-hsi conventional Shansi , Province, northern...
Shandong summary
Shandong , or Shan-tung conventional Shantung , Coastal province,...
Shenyang summary
Shenyang , or Shen-yang formerly Mukden , City (pop., 2003...
Shaanxi summary
Shaanxi , or Shen-hsi conventional Shensi , Province, north-central...
shorthand summary
shorthand, or stenography , System for rapid writing that uses...
Shropshire summary
Shropshire , Unitary authority (pop., 2001: 283,240), geographic...
Xi’an summary
Xi’an , or Hsi-an conventional Sian , City (pop., 2003 est.:...
Sicily summary
Sicily , Italian Sicilia , Island, Italy.
Siena summary
Siena , ancient Saena Julia , City (pop., 2001: 54,366), western...
Sierra Leone summary
Sierra Leone , officially Republic of Sierra Leone , Country,...
Sikkim summary
Sikkim , State, northeastern India.
Silesia summary
Silesia , Polish Śląsk German Schlesien , Historic region, east-central...
Sinai Peninsula summary
Sinai Peninsula, Peninsula, northeastern Egypt.
Singapore summary
Singapore, officially Republic of Singapore , Island country,...
Xinjiang summary
Xinjiang , or Hsin-chiang conventional Sinkiang in full Uygur...
Sino-Tibetan languages summary
Sino-Tibetan languages, Superfamily of languages whose two branches...
Sioux summary
Sioux , A group of related North American Indian peoples living...
Slavic languages summary
Slavic languages, or Slavonic languages , Branch of the Indo-European...
Slovakia summary
Slovakia, officially Slovak Republic , Country, central Europe.
Slovenia summary
Slovenia, officially Republic of Slovenia , Country, northwestern...
Solomon Islands summary
Solomon Islands, Island country, southwestern Pacific Ocean.
Somalia summary
Somalia, Country, eastern Africa.
Songhai empire summary
Songhai empire, or Songhay empire , Ancient Muslim state, West...
Staffordshire summary
Staffordshire , Administrative (pop., 2001: 806,737), geographic,...
Stuttgart summary
Stuttgart , City (pop., 2002 est.: city, 587,152; urban agglom.,...
Sumatra summary
Sumatra , Island (pop., 2000 including adjoining islands: 43,309,707),...
Suriname summary
Suriname , officially Republic of Suriname formerly Dutch Guiana...
Svalbard summary
Svalbard , Archipelago, Norway.
Swabia summary
Swabia, German Schwaben , Duchy, medieval Germany, and current...
Eswatini summary
Eswatini, officially Kingdom of Eswatini formerly Kingdom of...
Sichuan summary
Sichuan , or Ssu-ch’uan conventional Szechwan , Province, upper...
Taiyuan summary
Taiyuan , or T’ai-yüan , City (pop., 2003 est.: 1,970,300),...
Taipei summary
Taipei , City, special (province-level) municipality (pop.,...
Tajikistan summary
Tajikistan , officially Republic of Tajikistan , Country, Central...
Takla Makan Desert summary
Takla Makan Desert, Chinese Taklimakan Shamo or T’a-k’o-la-ma-kan...
Tamil Nadu summary
Tamil Nadu , formerly Madras , State, southeastern India.
Tangier summary
Tangier , French Tanger Arabic Ṭanjah ancient Tingis , Seaport...
Tanzania summary
Tanzania , officially United Republic of Tanzania , Country,...
Tarim River summary
Tarim River, Chinese Talimu He or T’a-li-mu Ho , Chief river...
Tasmania summary
Tasmania , formerly Van Diemen’s Land , Island and state, Australia.
Tatar summary
Tatar , or Tartar , Any member of the Turkic-speaking peoples...
Taxila summary
Taxila , Ancient city, northwestern Pakistan.
Tehrān summary
Tehrān, or Teheran , City (pop., 2006: 7,797,520), capital of...
Tel Aviv–Yafo summary
Tel Aviv–Yafo , or Tel Aviv–Jaffa , City (pop., 2005 est.: 371,400)...
Teotihuacán summary
Teotihuacán , Largest (though not most populous) city of pre-Columbian...
Thar Desert summary
Thar Desert, or Great Indian Desert , Region of hot, dry desert,...
Thebes summary
Thebes , biblical No , Ancient city, Egypt.
Thebes summary
Thebes, Greek Thívai , Ancient city, Boeotia, east-central Greece,...
Thíra summary
Thíra , ancient Thera formerly Santorini , Island, southern...
Thessaloníki summary
Thessaloníki , formerly Salonika , Seaport (pop., 2001: 363,987),...
Third Reich summary
Third Reich , Official designation for the Nazi Party’s regime...
Thuringia summary
Thuringia , German Thüringen , Historic region and state (pop.,...
Tiberias summary
Tiberias , Hebrew Teverya , Town (pop., 2004 est.: 40,100) and...
Tibet summary
Tibet , Tibetan Bod Chinese Xizang or Hsi-tsang , Autonomous...
Tien Shan summary
Tien Shan , Chinese Tian Shan or T’ien Shan (“Celestial Mountains”)...
Tianjin summary
Tianjin , or T’ien-chin conventional Tientsin , Seaport and...
Tirol summary
Tirol, or Tyrol , State (pop., 2001: 673,504), western Austria.
Lake Titicaca summary
Lake Titicaca, South American lake, the world’s highest lake...
Tocharian languages summary
Tocharian languages, or Tokharian languages , Two extinct Indo-European...
Togo summary
Togo, officially Togolese Republic , Republic, western Africa.
Tokelau summary
Tokelau , formerly (1916–46) Union Group , Island territory...
Toledo summary
Toledo , ancient Toletum , City (pop., 2001: 68,382), capital...
Tonga summary
Tonga, officially Kingdom of Tonga , Island country, South Pacific...
Touraine summary
Touraine , Historical region, northwestern central France.
Tours summary
Tours , City (pop., 2006 est.: 136,942), northwest-central France.
Transvaal summary
Transvaal , formerly (1856–77, 1881–1902) South African Republic...
Trinidad and Tobago summary
Trinidad and Tobago , officially Republic of Trinidad and Tobago...
Tripura summary
Tripura , State, northeastern India.
Dongting Lake summary
Dongting Lake, Chinese Dongting Hu or Tung-t’ing Hu , Large,...
Tunisia summary
Tunisia , officially Tunisian Republic , Country, North Africa.
Turkmenistan summary
Turkmenistan, officially Türkmenistan , Country, Central Asia.
Turks and Caicos Islands summary
Turks and Caicos Islands, British dependency (pop., 2002 est.:...
Tuvalu summary
Tuvalu , Island country, west-central South Pacific Ocean.
Tyre summary
Tyre , Arabic Ṣūr , City (pop., 2003 est.: 117,100), southern...
Uganda summary
Uganda , officially Republic of Uganda , Country, eastern Africa.
Ugarit summary
Ugarit , modern Raʾs Shamrah , Ancient city, Middle East.
Uighur summary
Uighur, or Uygur , A Turkic-speaking people of Central Asia...
ʿUmar Tal summary
ʿUmar Tal , in full al-Ḥājj ʿUmar ibn Saʿīd Tal , (born c. 1797,...
United Arab Emirates summary
United Arab Emirates (UAE), formerly Trucial States , Country,...
Ur summary
Ur , Ancient city and district, Sumer, southern Mesopotamia.
Ural Mountains summary
Ural Mountains, Mountain range, Russia and Kazakhstan.
Uralic languages summary
Uralic languages, Family of more than 20 languages spoken by...
Urartu summary
Urartu , Ancient country around Lake Van, southwestern Asia.
Uruguay summary
Uruguay , officially Oriental Republic of Uruguay , Country,...
Usman dan Fodio summary
Usman dan Fodio , (born December 1754, Maratta, Gobir, Hausaland—died...
Utrecht summary
Utrecht , City (pop., 2001 est.: 256,420), central Netherlands.
Uttar Pradesh summary
Uttar Pradesh , formerly United Provinces , State, north-central...
Uxmal summary
Uxmal , Ancient city, Yucatán state, southeastern Mexico.
Uzbekistan summary
Uzbekistan , officially Republic of Uzbekistan , Country, Central...
Lorenzo Valla summary
Lorenzo Valla, (born 1407, Rome, Papal States—died Aug. 1, 1457,...
Valparaíso summary
Valparaíso , City (pop., 2002 est.: 262,000) and port, central...
Vanuatu summary
Vanuatu , officially Republic of Vanuatu , Island country, South...
Varanasi summary
Varanasi , or Benares , City (pop., 2001 prelim.: 1,100,748),...
Venice summary
Venice, Italian Venezia , City (pop., 2008 est.: 268,993), capital...
United States Virgin Islands summary
United States Virgin Islands, Organized unincorporated U.S.
Vistula River summary
Vistula River, Polish Wisła , River, the largest in Poland.
Vladivostok summary
Vladivostok , Seaport city (pop., 2006 est.: 583,673), southeastern...
Vojvodina summary
Vojvodina , Province (pop., 2004 est.: 2,022,257), within the...
Warwickshire summary
Warwickshire , Administrative (pop., 2001: 505,885) and historic...
Chaim Weizmann summary
Chaim Weizmann, (born Nov. 27, 1874, Motol, Pol., Russian Empire—died...
Wiltshire summary
Wiltshire , Administrative (pop., 2001: 432,973), geographic,...
Wrocław summary
Wrocław , German Breslau , City (pop., 2000 est.: 633,857),...
Wuhan summary
Wuhan , or Wu-han , City (pop., 2003 est.: city, 4,593,400;...
Württemberg summary
Württemberg , Former state, Germany.
Yalu River summary
Yalu River, Chinese Yalu Jiang or Ya-lü Chiang Korean Amnok -kang...
Yangon summary
Yangon , formerly Rangoon , City (pop., 2007 prelim.: 4,090,000),...
Yangtze River summary
Yangtze River, Chinese Chang Jiang or Ch’ang Chiang , River,...
Yellow Sea summary
Yellow Sea, Chinese Huang Hai , Large inlet of the western...
Yenisey River summary
Yenisey River, River, central Russia.
Yinchuan summary
Yinchuan , or Yin-ch’uan , City (pop., 2003 est.: 535,743),...
Yorkshire summary
Yorkshire , Historic county, northern England.
Yunnan summary
Yunnan , or Yün-nan , Province, southern China.
Zagreb summary
Zagreb , City (pop., 2001: 691,724), capital of Croatia.
Zambezi River summary
Zambezi River, River, south-central Africa.
Zimbabwe summary
Zimbabwe , officially Republic of Zimbabwe formerly Rhodesia...
Zürich summary
Zürich , or Zurich , City (pop., 2006 est.: 347,517), northern...
Birmingham summary
Birmingham , City and metropolitan borough (pop., 2001: 977,091),...
Corinth summary
Corinth , Greek Kórinthos , Ancient city of the Peloponnese,...
Bosnia and Herzegovina summary
Bosnia and Herzegovina , Country, Balkan Peninsula, southeastern...
Guatemala summary
Guatemala , officially Republic of Guatemala , Country, Central...
geographic information system summary
geographic information system (GIS), Computerized system that...
Hmong summary
Hmong , Mountain-dwelling peoples of China, Vietnam, Laos, and...
South Sudan summary
South Sudan , officially Republic of South Sudan , Country,...
Navarre summary
Navarre , Spanish Navarra , Ancient kingdom, northern Spain,...
W.S. Merwin summary
North Macedonia summary
North Macedonia, officially Republic of North Macedonia , Country,...
Poliziano summary
Poliziano, byname of Angelo Ambrogini , (born July 14, 1454,...
New Caledonia summary
New Caledonia, French unique collectivity, southwestern South...
Crater Lake summary
Crater Lake, Lake, Cascade Range, southwestern Oregon, U.S.
Yellowstone National Park summary
Yellowstone National Park, National preserve in northwestern...
Jordan River summary
Jordan River, River of the Middle East.
biblical translation summary
biblical translation, Art and practice of translating the Bible.
Río de la Plata summary
Río de la Plata, Estuary of the Paraná and Uruguay rivers, between...
Grand Canyon summary
Grand Canyon, Extensive canyon system cut by the Colorado River,...
Memphis summary
Memphis, Capital of ancient Egypt during the Old Kingdom (c....
Nubia summary
Nubia, Ancient region of the Nile River valley, northeastern...
Queensland summary
Queensland, State, northeastern Australia.
Olympia summary
Olympia, Ancient sanctuary and site of the Olympic Games, northwestern...
Southeast Asia summary
Southeast Asia, Vast region of Asia lying east of the Indian...
Washington Monument summary
Washington Monument, Obelisk in Washington, D.C., U.S., honouring...
Red Sea summary
Red Sea, Narrow inland sea between the Arabian Peninsula and...
Sahara summary
Sahara, Largest desert in the world, encompassing almost all...
Sint Eustatius summary
Sint Eustatius, or Statia , Island, Lesser Antilles, in the...
Orissa summary
Orissa, or Odisha , State, eastern India.
Death Valley summary
Death Valley, Valley, southeastern California, U.S., that is...
Canterbury summary
Canterbury, Historic city and administrative district (pop.,...
Babylonia summary
Babylonia, Ancient cultural region of the Tigris and Euphrates...
Northern Mariana Islands summary
Northern Mariana Islands, Self-governing commonwealth in political...
Ohio summary
Ohio, State, Midwestern U.S.
Tennessee summary
Tennessee, State, southeast-central U.S.
Washington summary
Washington, State, northwestern U.S.
Michigan summary
Michigan, State, Midwestern U.S.
Vancouver summary
Vancouver, City (pop., 2011: city, 603,502; metro.
Warsaw summary
Warsaw, City (pop., 2011: 1,700,612), capital of Poland, on...
Brasília summary
Brasília, City (pop., 2010: 2,476,249), capital of Brazil.
Dublin summary
Dublin, ancient Eblana , City (pop., 2011: city, 527,612; Greater...
Edmonton summary
Edmonton, City (pop., 2011: city, 812,201; metro.
Nagasaki summary
Nagasaki, City (pop., 2010: 443,766), western Kyushu, Japan.
Puducherry summary
Puducherry, Union territory, India.
Salvador summary
Salvador, or Bahia , City (pop., 2010: 2,675,875) and port,...
Qinghai summary
Qinghai, or Ch’ing-hai conventional Tsinghai , Province, northwestern...
West Bengal summary
West Bengal, State, eastern India.
Uttarakhand summary
Uttarakhand, State, northern India.
Jharkhand summary
Jharkhand, State, northeastern India.
Baja California summary
Baja California, formerly Baja California Norte , State, northern...
Cork summary
Cork, Seaport and county-level city, southwestern Ireland.
Chhattisgarh summary
Chhattisgarh, State, central India.
Cornwall summary
Cornwall, Unitary authority (pop., 2011 est.: 532,300) and...
Northumberland summary
Northumberland, Unitary authority (pop., 2001: 307,186) and...
Timbuktu summary
Timbuktu, French Tombouctou , Town (pop., 2009: 54,453), Mali,...
Tuscany summary
Tuscany, Italian Toscana , Region (pop., 2011 prelim.: 3,673,457),...
British Columbia summary
British Columbia, Province, western Canada.
New Brunswick summary
New Brunswick, Province, eastern Canada, one of the three Maritime...
Northwest Territories summary
Northwest Territories, Territory, northern Canada.
Ontario summary
Ontario, Province, east-central Canada.
Prince Edward Island summary
Prince Edward Island, Province, eastern Canada, one of the Maritime...
Quebec summary
Quebec, Province, eastern Canada.
Yukon summary
Yukon, formerly Yukon Territory , Territory, northwestern Canada.
Luxembourg summary
Luxembourg, City (pop., 2011 est.: 94,034), capital of Luxembourg.
North Cascades National Park summary
North Cascades National Park, National park, northwestern Washington,...
Olympic National Park summary
Olympic National Park, National park, northwestern Washington,...
Christchurch summary
Christchurch, City (pop., 2011 est: 380,900), South Island,...
Saint Lawrence River and Seaway summary
Saint Lawrence River and Seaway, Hydrographic system of east-central...
Chicago summary
Chicago, City (pop., 2010: 2,695,598), northeastern Illinois,...
Little Rock summary
Little Rock, City (pop., 2010: 193,524), capital of Arkansas,...
Memphis summary
Memphis, City (pop., 2010: 646,889), southwestern Tennessee,...
Rotterdam summary
Rotterdam, City (pop., 2001 est.: 593,000) and seaport, western...
San Francisco summary
San Francisco, City (pop., 2010: 805,235) and port, northern...
Cocos Islands summary
Cocos Islands, or Keeling Islands , Territory of Australia.
Norfolk Island summary
Norfolk Island, Island territory of Australia, southwestern...
Northern Territory summary
Northern Territory, Territory, northern Australia.
South Australia summary
South Australia, State, south-central Australia.
Victoria summary
Victoria, State, southeastern Australia.
Western Australia summary
Western Australia, State, western Australia.
Long Island summary
Long Island, Island (pop., 2010: 7,568,304), southeastern New...
Newport summary
Newport, City (pop., 2010: 24,672) and port of entry, southeastern...
Yosemite National Park summary
Yosemite National Park, National preserve, central California,...
Santa Fe summary
Santa Fe, City (pop., 2010: 67,947), capital of New Mexico,...
New Jersey summary
New Jersey, State, eastern U.S.
Papua summary
Papua, formerly Irian Jaya , Province (pop., 2010 prelim.: 2,833,381),...
Baltic States summary
Baltic States, Republics of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia,...
Mackenzie River summary
Mackenzie River, River system, Northwest Territories, Canada.
Yukon River summary
Yukon River, River system, northwestern North America.
California summary
California, State, western U.S.
Colorado summary
Colorado, State, west-central U.S.
Connecticut summary
Connecticut, State, northeastern U.S.
Delaware summary
Delaware, State, middle Atlantic region, U.S.
Florida summary
Florida, State, southeastern U.S.
Georgia summary
Georgia, State, southeastern U.S.
Hawaii summary
Hawaii, Hawaiian Hawaiʿi formerly Sandwich Islands , State,...
Idaho summary
Idaho, State, northwestern U.S.
Illinois summary
Illinois, State, Midwestern U.S.
Indiana summary
Indiana, State, Midwestern U.S.
Iowa summary
Iowa, State, Midwestern U.S.
Kansas summary
Kansas, State, central U.S.
Louisiana summary
Louisiana, State, southern U.S.
Maine summary
Maine, State, northeastern U.S.
Maryland summary
Maryland, State, eastern U.S.
Massachusetts summary
Massachusetts, officially Commonwealth of Massachusetts , State,...
Minnesota summary
Minnesota, State, midwestern U.S.
Mississippi summary
Mississippi, State, Southern U.S.
Missouri summary
Missouri, State, Midwestern U.S.
Montana summary
Montana, State, northwestern U.S.
Nebraska summary
Nebraska, State, west-central U.S.
Nevada summary
Nevada, State, western U.S.
New Hampshire summary
New Hampshire, State, northeastern U.S.
New Mexico summary
New Mexico, State, southwestern U.S.
New York summary
New York, State, eastern U.S.
North Dakota summary
North Dakota, State, north-central U.S.
Oklahoma summary
Oklahoma, State, southwest-central U.S.
Oregon summary
Oregon, State, northwestern U.S.
Pennsylvania summary
Pennsylvania, officially Commonwealth of Pennsylvania , State,...
Rhode Island summary
Rhode Island, officially Rhode Island and Providence Plantations...
South Dakota summary
South Dakota, State, north-central U.S.
Texas summary
Texas, State, southwestern U.S.
Utah summary
Utah, State, western U.S.
Vermont summary
Vermont, State, northeastern U.S.
Virginia summary
Virginia, State, southeastern U.S.
West Virginia summary
West Virginia, State, east-central U.S.
Wisconsin summary
Wisconsin, State, north-central U.S.
Wyoming summary
Wyoming, State, western U.S.
South Carolina summary
South Carolina, State, southeastern U.S.
Aral Sea summary
Aral Sea, Large salt lake between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
Great Lakes summary
Great Lakes, Chain of lakes, east-central North America.
Great Plains summary
Great Plains, Continental slope of central North America.
Jericho summary
Jericho, Arabic Arīḥā , Town (pop., 2005 prelim.: 19,800), West...
Silicon Valley summary
Silicon Valley, Industrial region, west-central California.
Sydney summary
Sydney, City (pop., 2006: 4,119,191), capital of New South Wales,...
Lisbon summary
Lisbon, Portuguese Lisboa , City (pop., 2001: 564,657), capital...
Troy summary
Troy, or Ilium , Ancient city in Troas, northwestern Anatolia.
valley summary
valley, Elongate depression of the Earth’s surface.
Lorraine summary
Lorraine, Historical duchy of western Europe and government...
Los Angeles summary
Los Angeles, City (pop., 2000: 3,694,820), southern California,...
Pacific Ocean summary
Pacific Ocean, Body of salt water extending from the Antarctic...
Patagonia summary
Patagonia, Semiarid scrub plateau, southern Argentina.
Persian Gulf summary
Persian Gulf, Arm of the Arabian Sea.
Plains Indian summary
Plains Indian, Any member of various Native American tribes...
Southwest Indians summary
Southwest Indians, Any of the American Indians who inhabit what...
speech summary
speech, Human communication through audible language.
River Thames summary
River Thames, ancient Tamesis , Principal river of England.
Southeast Indian summary
Southeast Indian, Any member of the aboriginal North American...
Orange River summary
Orange River, River, southern Africa.
Marshall Islands summary
Marshall Islands, officially Republic of the Marshall Islands...
North Sea summary
North Sea, Arm of the Atlantic Ocean.
Northwest Coast Indian summary
Northwest Coast Indian, Any member of the North American Indian...
Rhine River summary
Rhine River, German Rhein , River, western Europe.
Rhône River summary
Rhône River, River, Switzerland and France.
Rocky Mountains summary
Rocky Mountains, or Rockies , Mountain system, western North...
Sierra Madre summary
Sierra Madre, Principal mountain system, Mexico.
Sierra Nevada summary
Sierra Nevada, Mountain range, eastern California, U.S.
Vatican City summary
Vatican City, in full State of the Vatican City , Independent...
Mediterranean Sea summary
Mediterranean Sea, Inland sea enclosed by Europe, Africa, and...
Madrid summary
Madrid, City (pop., 2001: city, 2,938,723; metro.
Manchester summary
Manchester, City and metropolitan borough (pop., 2004 est.:...
Manila summary
Manila, City (pop., 2000: city, 1,581,082; metro.
Mississippi River summary
Mississippi River, River, central U.S. It rises at Lake Itasca...
Montserrat summary
Montserrat, Island (pop., 2001 est.: 3,600) and British crown...
Karakoram Range summary
Karakoram Range, Mountain system, south-central Asia.
Sénégal River summary
Sénégal River, River, western Africa.
Jamestown Colony summary
Jamestown Colony, First permanent English settlement in North...
Sea of Japan summary
Sea of Japan, or East Sea , Branch of the western Pacific Ocean,...
Johannesburg summary
Johannesburg, City (pop., 2001: metro.
Indus River summary
Indus River, Trans-Himalayan river of southern Asia.
Columbia River summary
Columbia River, River, southwestern Canada and northwestern...
Everglades summary
Everglades, Subtropical saw-grass marsh region, southern Florida,...
Dresden summary
Dresden, City (pop., 2002: 478,600), situated on the Elbe River,...
Bremen summary
Bremen, City (pop., 2002 est.: city, 540,950; metro.
California Indian summary
California Indian, Any member of the various North American...
Caspian Sea summary
Caspian Sea, Inland salt lake between Europe and Asia, bordering...
cave summary
cave, Naturally formed underground cavity.
Lake Chad summary
Lake Chad, Lake, west-central Africa.
Colorado River summary
Colorado River, River, North America.
Baltic Sea summary
Baltic Sea, Sea, northern Europe.
Bay of Bengal summary
Bay of Bengal, Part of the Indian Ocean.
Berlin summary
Berlin, City and state (pop., 2002 est: city, 3,388,000; metro.
Black Sea summary
Black Sea, Sea between Europe and Asia.
Gaul summary
Gaul, Latin Gallia , Ancient country, Europe, located generally...
Holland summary
Holland, Historic region, the Netherlands, occupying the northwestern...
Vienna summary
Vienna, German Wien , City (pop., 2007 est.: 1,664,146; metro.
Volga River summary
Volga River, River, western Russia.
Western Sahara summary
Western Sahara, formerly Spanish Sahara , Territory, northwestern...
Greenland summary
Greenland, Island and self-governing overseas administrative...
Jersey summary
Jersey, British crown dependency, largest and southernmost of...
Isle of Man summary
Isle of Man, Island, in the Irish Sea off the northwestern coast...
Bath summary
Bath, City (pop., 2001: 90,144), southwestern England.
Belfast summary
Belfast, District, seaport, and capital (pop., 2001: 348,291)...
Casablanca summary
Casablanca, Coastal city (pop., 2004: 2,933,684), western Morocco.
Lake Superior summary
Lake Superior, Lake, U.S.
Toronto summary
Toronto, City (pop., 2006: city, 2,503,281; metro.
Sindh summary
Sindh, or Sind , Province (pop., 2006 est.: 35,864,000), southeastern...
Caribbean Sea summary
Caribbean Sea, Arm of the Atlantic Ocean.
Nagaland summary
Nagaland, State (pop., 2008 est.: 2,187,000), northeastern India.
Sir Richard Burton summary
Sir Richard Burton, (born March 19, 1821, Torquay, Devonshire,...
Wallis and Futuna summary
Wallis and Futuna, Island group, west-central Pacific Ocean.
Nagorno-Karabakh summary
Nagorno-Karabakh, Region (pop., 2006 est.: 137,743), southwestern...
Saint Andrews summary
Saint Andrews, City (pop., 2006 est.: 16,640) and seaport, Fife...
Santo Domingo summary
Santo Domingo, City (pop., 2007 est.: 2,154,000), capital of...
Londonderry summary
Londonderry, locally and historically Derry , Seaport (pop.,...
Bridgetown summary
Bridgetown, Capital (pop., 2000: 5,996) of Barbados, West Indies.
Egyptian language summary
Egyptian language, Extinct Afro-Asiatic language of the Nile...
Hollywood summary
Hollywood, District of the city of Los Angeles, Calif., U.S.
creole summary
creole, Any pidgin language that has become established as the...
Pueblo Indian summary
Pueblo Indian, Any of the historic descendants of the prehistoric...
Central America summary
Central America, Southern portion of North America (pop., 2006...
Kurd summary
Kurd, Member of an ethnic and linguistic group native to parts...
Kurdistan summary
Kurdistan, Broad designation given to a mountainous region that...
Navarra summary
Navarra, conventional Navarre , Autonomous community (pop.,...
Cape Province summary
Cape Province, or Cape of Good Hope, formerly Cape Colony ,...
Canary Islands summary
Canary Islands, Spanish Islas Canarias , Island group and autonomous...
Carthage summary
Carthage, Ancient city and state, northern Africa.
Leptis Magna summary
Leptis Magna, modern Labdah , Largest city of ancient Tripolitania,...
Parthia summary
Parthia, Ancient land, southwestern Asia.
Singapore summary
Singapore, City (pop., 2005 est.: 4,291,000), capital of the...
Mohenjo Daro summary
Mohenjo Daro, Ancient city on the bank of the Indus River, in...
Borneo summary
Borneo, Island, Malay Archipelago.
Hyderabad summary
Hyderabad, City (pop., 2001: 3,637,483), capital of Andhra Pradesh...
iceberg summary
iceberg, Floating mass of ice that has broken from the seaward...
Auckland summary
Auckland, City (pop., 2006: city, 396,000; metro.
Plateau Indian summary
Plateau Indian, Any member of various North American Indian...
Liverpool summary
Liverpool, City (pop., 2001: 439,473), northwestern England,...
Apache summary
Apache, North American Indians of the southwestern U.S.
Cherokee summary
Cherokee, American Indian people of Iroquoian lineage living...
Lake Victoria summary
Lake Victoria, or Victoria Nyanza , Largest lake in Africa and...
Manchu summary
Manchu, People, many of Juchen ancestry, who acquired a Manchu...
Sherpa summary
Sherpa, Any member of a mountain-dwelling people of the Himalayas.
Tai languages summary
Tai languages, Family of closely related languages spoken in...
Turkistan summary
Turkistan, or Turkestan , Historical region, Central Asia.
Chinese writing system summary
Chinese writing system, System of symbols used to write the...
Mount Rushmore National Memorial summary
Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Colossal sculpture, Black...
the Pampas summary
the Pampas, Vast grassy plains in South America, primarily in...
Spanish language summary
Spanish language, Romance language spoken in Spain and in large...
continental shelf summary
continental shelf, Broad, relatively shallow submarine platform...
Istanbul summary
Istanbul, formerly Constantinople ancient Byzantium , City and...
Bering Sea summary
Bering Sea, Marginal sea, North Pacific Ocean.
Bethlehem summary
Bethlehem, Arabic Bayt Laḥm , Town (pop., 2005 prelim.: 29,000),...
China Sea summary
China Sea, Part of the western Pacific Ocean.
Holy Roman Empire summary
Holy Roman Empire, German Heiliges Römisches Reich , Realm of...
Karnak summary
Karnak, Village, Upper Egypt.
Valley of the Kings summary
Valley of the Kings, Narrow gorge, Upper Egypt, near the ancient...
Northwest Passage summary
Northwest Passage, Sea passage between the Atlantic and Pacific...
Pitcairn Island summary
Pitcairn Island, Island (pop., 2003 est.: 47) and British overseas...
Tahiti summary
Tahiti, Island, Society Islands, French Polynesia, central South...
Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes summary
Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Volcanic region, southern Alaska,...
Winnipeg summary
Winnipeg, City (pop., 2001: metro.
Banff National Park summary
Banff National Park, Park, southwestern Alberta, Canada.
Champa summary
Champa, Ancient kingdom, Southeast Asia.
Fort Sumter National Monument summary
Fort Sumter National Monument, Historic site, on a man-made...
Yucatán Peninsula summary
Yucatán Peninsula, Peninsula, northeastern Central America.
Zululand summary
Zululand, Historical region, eastern South Africa.
Delaware River summary
Delaware River, River in Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey,...
Great Zimbabwe summary
Great Zimbabwe, Extensive stone ruins in southeastern Zimbabwe.
Gulf of Guinea summary
Gulf of Guinea, Great inlet of the Atlantic Ocean on the western...
Great Barrier Reef summary
Great Barrier Reef, Extensive complex of coral reefs, shoals,...
Darling River summary
Darling River, River, southeastern Australia.
Panama City summary
Panama City, City (pop., 2000: 415,964), capital of Panama.
Robert Bly summary
Robert Bly, (born Dec. 23, 1926, Madison, Minn., U.S.), U.S.
Rudolf Carnap summary
Rudolf Carnap, (born May 18, 1891, Ronsdorf, Ger.—died Sept....
William Congreve summary
William Congreve, (born Jan. 24, 1670, Bardsey, near Leeds,...
Mount Etna summary
Mount Etna, Active volcano, eastern coast of Sicily, Italy.
Mount Fuji summary
Mount Fuji, or Fujiyama Japanese Fuji-san , Mountain, central...
Lake Tiberias summary
Lake Tiberias, or Sea of Galilee , Freshwater lake, northern...
Robert Lowell summary
Robert Lowell, orig.
Christopher Marlowe summary
Christopher Marlowe, (baptized Feb. 26, 1564, Canterbury, Kent,...
Tomáš Masaryk summary
Tomáš Masaryk, (born March 7, 1850, near Gölding, Moravia, Austrian...
Felix Mendelssohn summary
Felix Mendelssohn, (born Feb. 3, 1809, Hamburg—died Nov. 4,...
Lake Michigan summary
Lake Michigan, Third largest of the five Great Lakes and the...
Kingdom of Naples summary
Kingdom of Naples, Former kingdom comprising the southern portion...
Lake Nicaragua summary
Lake Nicaragua, Lake, southwestern Nicaragua.
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands summary
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Former United Nations...
Alexander Pope summary
Alexander Pope, (born May 21, 1688, London, Eng.—died May 30,...
Ezra Pound summary
Ezra Pound, (born Oct. 30, 1885, Hailey, Idaho, U.S.—died Nov....
Ram Mohun Roy summary
Ram Mohun Roy, (born May 22, 1772, Radhanagar, Bengal, India—died...
Gulf of Saint Lawrence summary
Gulf of Saint Lawrence, Deep gulf of the Atlantic Ocean off...
Sir Edward Burnett Tylor summary
Sir Edward Burnett Tylor, (born Oct. 2, 1832, London, Eng.—died...
dance notation summary
dance notation, Written recording of dance movements.
Halifax summary
Halifax, City (pop., 2001: 119,292), capital of Nova Scotia,...
meteorite crater summary
meteorite crater, Depression that results from the impact of...
Luba summary
Luba, or Baluba , Cluster of some 5.6 million Bantu-speaking...
musical notation summary
musical notation, Written, printed, or other visual representation...
ocean current summary
ocean current, Horizontal and vertical circulation system of...
sign language summary
sign language, Any means of communication through bodily movements,...
Cossacks summary
Cossacks, Peoples dwelling in the northern hinterlands of the...
Hawaiian summary
Hawaiian, Any of the aboriginal people of Hawaii.
Berber summary
Berber, Any member of a community native to the Maghrib who...
Malay Archipelago summary
Malay Archipelago, Largest group of islands in the world, located...
Frankfurt (am Main) summary
Frankfurt (am Main), City (pop., 2002 est.: city, 641,076; metro.
Syracuse summary
Syracuse, Italian Siracusa ancient Syracusae , Seaport city...
Transylvania summary
Transylvania, Historic region, northwestern and central Romania.
Trieste summary
Trieste, ancient Tergeste , Seaport city (pop., 2001 prelim.:...
Turin summary
Turin, Italian Torino , City (pop., 2001 prelim.: 857,433),...
Valencia summary
Valencia, Autonomous community (pop., 2001: 4,162,776), eastern...
Valencia summary
Valencia, City (pop., 2001: city, 738,441; metro.
Verona summary
Verona, City (pop., 2001 prelim.: 243,474), northern Italy.
Vesuvius summary
Vesuvius, Active volcano, eastern side of the Bay of Naples,...
Wessex summary
Wessex, Ancient Anglo-Saxon kingdom, southern England.
Cambridge summary
Cambridge, City and administrative district (pop., 2001: 108,878),...
Cardiff summary
Cardiff, City and county (pop., 2001: 305,340), capital of Wales.
Jura Mountains summary
Jura Mountains, Mountain range, central Europe.
Kent summary
Kent, Administrative (pop., 2001: 1,329,653), geographic, and...
Mayflower Compact summary
Mayflower Compact, (1620) Document signed by 41 male passengers...
Orkney Islands summary
Orkney Islands, Island group (pop., 2001: 19,245), Scotland.
Aquitaine summary
Aquitaine, Historical region, southwestern France.
Leeds summary
Leeds, City and metropolitan borough (pop., 2001: 715,404),...
Low Countries summary
Low Countries, Coastal region, northwestern Europe, consisting...
Stonehenge summary
Stonehenge, Monumental circular arrangement of standing stones...
Bristol summary
Bristol, City and unitary authority (pop., 2001: 380,615), southwestern...
Dorset summary
Dorset, Administrative (pop., 2001: 390,986), geographic, and...
Essex summary
Essex, Administrative (pop., 2001: 1,310,922), geographic, and...
Oxford summary
Oxford, ancient Oxonia , City and administrative district (pop.,...
Preston summary
Preston, City and borough (pop., 2001: 129,642), county seat...
Siberia summary
Siberia, Region, north-central Asia, largely in Russia.
Somerset summary
Somerset, Administrative (pop., 2001: 498,093), geographic,...
Surrey summary
Surrey, Administrative county (pop., 2001: 1,059,015) and historic...
Newcastle upon Tyne summary
Newcastle upon Tyne, or Newcastle , City and metropolitan borough...
Split summary
Split, ancient Spalatum , Seaport (pop., 2001: 188,694), Dalmatia,...
Chinese languages summary
Chinese languages, or Sinitic languages , Family of languages...
Etruscan language summary
Etruscan language, Language spoken by the ancient people of...
French language summary
French language, Romance language spoken as a first language...
German language summary
German language, Official language of Germany and Austria and...
Greek language summary
Greek language, Indo-European language spoken mostly in Greece.
Hindi language summary
Hindi language, Indo-Aryan language of India, spoken or understood...
Indo-European languages summary
Indo-European languages, Family of languages with the greatest...
Iranian languages summary
Iranian languages, Major subgroup of the Indo-Iranian branch...
Japanese language summary
Japanese language, Language spoken by about 125 million people...
Korean language summary
Korean language, Official language of North Korea and South...
Latin language summary
Latin language, Indo-European language of the Italic group;...
Mongolian languages summary
Mongolian languages, Family of about eight Altaic languages...
Niger-Congo languages summary
Niger-Congo languages, Family of some 1,400 languages of Africa.
Rhineland summary
Rhineland, German Rheinland , Region of Germany.
Salamanca summary
Salamanca, ancient Salmantica or Helmantica , City (pop., 2001:...
Salzburg summary
Salzburg, ancient Juvavum , City (pop., 2001: city, 142,662;...
Sanskrit language summary
Sanskrit language, Old Indo-Aryan language, the classical literary...
Santiago de Compostela summary
Santiago de Compostela, City (pop., 2001: 90,188), capital of...
Sardinian language summary
Sardinian language, Romance language spoken in Sardinia, the...
Turkic languages summary
Turkic languages, Family of more than 20 Altaic languages spoken...
Sonoran Desert summary
Sonoran Desert, Arid region, western North America.
Sudan summary
Sudan, Vast tract of open savanna plains, north-central Africa.
Victoria summary
Victoria, City (pop., 2001: metro.
Vinland summary
Vinland, Wooded land in North America visited and named by Leif...
Bohemia summary
Bohemia, Former kingdom, central Europe.
grammar summary
grammar, Rules of a language governing its phonology, morphology,...
name summary
name, One or more words designating an individual entity.
punctuation summary
punctuation, Standard set of marks used in written and printed...
slang summary
slang, Nonstandard vocabulary of extreme informality, usually...
Thrace summary
Thrace, Ancient and modern region, southeastern Balkan Peninsula.
Frank summary
Frank, Member of a Germanic-speaking people who invaded the...
Inca summary
Inca, Group of South American Indians who ruled an empire that...
Philip IV summary
Philip IV, French Philippe known as Philip the Fair , (born...
dialect summary
dialect, Variety of a language spoken by a group of people and...
El Niño summary
El Niño, In oceanography and climatology, the appearance, every...
gulf summary
gulf, Any large coastal indentation, similar to a bay but larger.
literacy summary
literacy, Ability to read and write.
Midwest summary
Midwest, or Middle West , Region, northern and central U.S.,...
Niagara River summary
Niagara River, River forming the U.S.-Canada boundary between...
oceanic ridge summary
oceanic ridge, Continuous, submarine mountain chain extending...
permafrost summary
permafrost, Perennially frozen earth, with a temperature below...
plateau summary
plateau, Extensive area of flat upland, usually bounded by an...
Portuguese language summary
Portuguese language, Romance language spoken by about 170 million...
West Indies summary
West Indies, Islands, enclosing the Caribbean Sea.
Bern summary
Bern, City (pop., 2000 est: city, 128,600; metro.
Bonn summary
Bonn, City (pop., 2002 est: city, 306,000; metro.
Brandenburg summary
Brandenburg, Historical region and province of Prussia.
Northeast Passage summary
Northeast Passage, Maritime route along the northern coast of...
Baltic languages summary
Baltic languages, Branch of the Indo-European language family...
Basque language summary
Basque language, Language spoken by an estimated 1,000,000 Basque...
Harlem summary
Harlem, District occupying part of northern Manhattan Island,...
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park summary
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, National preserve, southeastern...
Hudson Bay summary
Hudson Bay, Inland sea, indenting east-central Canada.
Hudson River summary
Hudson River, River, New York, U.S.
Missouri River summary
Missouri River, River, central U.S.
New France summary
New France, Possessions of France in North America from 1534...
Niagara Falls summary
Niagara Falls, Great falls of the Niagara River, on the U.S.-Canadian...
Quebec summary
Quebec, or Quebec City , City (pop., 2001: metro.
beach summary
beach, Sediments that accumulate along sea or lake shores.
coral reef summary
coral reef, Ridge or hummock formed in shallow ocean areas from...
deep-sea trench summary
deep-sea trench, or oceanic trench , Any long, narrow, steep-sided...
Gulf Stream summary
Gulf Stream, Warm ocean current, part of a general clockwise-rotating...
lagoon summary
lagoon, Area of relatively shallow, quiet water with access...
marine sediment summary
marine sediment, Any deposit of insoluble material, primarily...
marsh summary
marsh, Freshwater or marine wetland ecosystem characterized...
sand dune summary
sand dune, Hill, mound, or ridge of windblown sand or other...
submarine canyon summary
submarine canyon, Narrow, steep-sided underwater valley cut...
waterfall summary
waterfall, Area where flowing river water drops abruptly and...
Great Salt Lake summary
Great Salt Lake, Lake, northern Utah, U.S.
Baffin Bay summary
Baffin Bay, Large inlet, Atlantic Ocean, between western Greenland...
Gambia River summary
Gambia River, River, western Africa.
Po River summary
Po River, ancient Padus. , River, northern Italy.
Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument summary
Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, National monument, southwestern...
park summary
park, Large outdoor area set aside for recreation.
Capitol Reef National Park summary
Capitol Reef National Park, Park, south-central Utah, U.S.
Carlsbad Caverns National Park summary
Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Preserve, southeastern New Mexico,...
Norman summary
Norman, Any of the Vikings, or Norsemen, who settled in northern...
Oregon Trail summary
Oregon Trail, Major U.S.
Boris I summary
Boris I, orig.
Ferdinand II summary
Ferdinand II, known as Ferdinand the Catholic Spanish Fernando...
Joshua Tree National Park summary
Joshua Tree National Park, National park, southeastern California,...
Dorian summary
Dorian, Any member of a major division of the ancient Greeks.
ethnic group summary
ethnic group, Social group or category of the population that,...
Etruscan summary
Etruscan, Any member of an ancient people of Etruria, whose...
Rom summary
Rom, or Gypsy plural Roma , Any member of a people originating...
Viking summary
Viking, or Norseman , Member of the Scandinavian seafaring warriors...