The maintenance support provided by aerospace-industry firms is applied primarily to corporate, commercial, and military aircraft. Light-plane maintenance is generally handled by local fixed-base operators, which are not considered part of the aerospace industrial complex. Launch vehicles and uncrewed spacecraft, although maintained throughout their prelaunch life by constant checking and correction, are single-use systems. For crewed spacecraft the paramount concern is crew safety. The space shuttle, for example, is thoroughly overhauled by NASA and contractor personnel after every flight. Small military missiles are maintained in the field by specialists in their operating units. Ballistic missiles similarly undergo routine maintenance at their field installations, but certain types of work, for example, realignment of structure and sensors, require return of the missile to the originating plant.
Routine maintenance of aircraft is normally carried out by the civil or military operator. It includes frequent inspections, either after every flight or a designated series of flights or after a time interval, and minor maintenance such as replacement of a part or repair of a faulty item of equipment. This type of maintenance can be handled at most airline terminals and military bases. Major maintenance work involves complete rework of an airplane or engine that has had considerable service time. Larger airlines have their own extensive technical facilities for major overhaul, and major military air forces are similarly equipped. Usually these facilities specialize in servicing specific models to achieve a high degree of proficiency and efficiency. Despite their competition in the air, smaller airlines often cooperate on the ground and contract for the technical services of other carriers to do their maintenance work. Some manufacturers offer maintenance service through subsidiaries that specialize in this business. The costs involved in the maintenance of aerospace systems are substantial. For example, over the lifetime of a normal jet engine, an operator will spend about two to three times its original acquisition cost on maintenance.
The role of the actual manufacturer in the maintenance of its products is principally that of a supplier of parts, documentation, and advice. Provision of spare parts is a particularly important source of revenue for the original equipment manufacturers. Boeing, for example, sends out some 650,000 spare parts per year to about 400 airlines. The firm’s key spare-parts centre holds 410,000 different parts—50,000,000 items altogether—and operates 24 hours a day. The supplying of documentation in electronic form is now a routine feature. Documentation for the Airbus A320 jetliner, which originally involved 60,000 text pages, 16,000 figures, and legions of microfilms and which weighed 100 kg (220 pounds), has been replaced by several CD-ROMs, which include the maintenance manual, an illustrated spare-parts catalog, a troubleshooting manual, and a product management database.
Inspection technologies
The most critical portion of maintenance work is inspection to detect cracks, flaws, debonds, delamination, corrosion, and other detrimental changes before they threaten the aircraft. Inspectors do much of their work visually, often using nothing more sophisticated than a flashlight and a mirror. For most of the remainder, they use ultrasound, X-rays, eddy currents, and other nondestructive evaluation (NDE) methods (see materials testing: Nondestructive testing). Current research efforts in NDE techniques seek ultimately to probe entire aircraft with no disassembly. A number of newer NDE technologies including holography, pulsed thermometry, shearography, and neutron radiation are used routinely by manufacturers, especially for such critical elements as turbine components and composites, but they have as yet only limited applications in maintenance.
Airframe and engine overhaul
To ensure the safe operation of airliners, airframes and engines of civil and military aircraft have obligatory major overhauls after specified time intervals. For the airframes of commercial airliners, this is required after about five years (22,000 flight hours) of operation. In such a major overhaul, the first phase is an evaluation of the technical “health” of the aircraft and its engines. To do this, the entire structure is disassembled, and each component is visually inspected for wear and damage. Additionally, structures are examined by X-ray, fluorescent, ultrasonic, and dye-penetrant methods to detect defects not visible to the eye. Corrosion is removed by sandblasting or vacuum blasting. Defective components are repaired or replaced, sometimes requiring machining operations to make a part not carried as a spare. With delamination being the most frequent problem faced during maintenance of composites, specialized shops have been established as part of maintenance facilities to make required repairs.
The second phase of overhaul consists of modifications to an aircraft, either because they are recommended by the manufacturer (through service bulletins) on the basis of service experience or because performance can be improved. An example of the latter is the strengthening of structural components to increase the maximum takeoff weight.
Engines, on a more frequent cycle, are completely disassembled, and individual parts are inspected and cleaned. Precision measurement equipment verifies conformance to the tight tolerance limits set by the manufacturers, and those components that are even marginally off are repaired or replaced. Engines are then reassembled, mounted in a test cell, and run through a lengthy series of tests. In all maintenance and overhaul operations, whether airframe, engine, or accessories, technicians are required to follow the same quality-control procedures that were in effect during original manufacture.
Remanufacture and upgrading
The most elaborate type of program under the general heading of maintenance is the remanufacturing process. Performed at aircraft-manufacturing facilities, remanufacture is a measure that combines a general overhaul with an upgrade of some of the aircraft’s systems. The latter process often paces the progressive development of a basic airplane type through several models, and it incorporates design changes and improved onboard systems dictated by service experience with the original model. Thus, if a particular model in service still has years of useful life, it is more economical to upgrade its systems by remanufacture than to build an entirely new aircraft.
A second reason for upgrades is the increasing in-service time being demanded from all aircraft. Factors such as the escalating prices of new military fighters and declining defense budgets have forced most countries to modernize their existing aircraft in order to prolong their useful life until newer craft can be afforded. The jet-fighter upgrade market has become increasingly significant, spawning an industry ranging from independent small firms to large national aircraft conglomerates, including the original manufacturers, which often team with the industry of the potential customer country to make a sales offer more attractive. The leading company in the fighter upgrade market is Israel Aircraft Industries, which transformed an aborted airplane-development program into this lucrative market. Fighter upgrades most often target three areas: avionics, engines, and armament, all of which can greatly improve the performance of the vehicle. Following reassembly, painting, and production testing, upgraded fighters frequently come close in performance to that of later models.
For commercial aircraft the upgrade process is analogous. Here, too, the emphasis is on avionics and engines, especially the latter. These upgrades can prolong the profitable operation of the aircraft or allow it to meet the latest noise and emission regulations.
Stanley I. Weiss Amir R. Amir