Historical context
Understanding modern aerospace manufacturing processes requires that they be viewed in the context of the historical development of vehicle design. The spruce and fir frames of aircraft through World War I required skilled woodworkers and their equipment, coupled with crafters—often women transferring homemaking skills to the shop—who laced or sewed fabric to the frames. These “skins” for the wings and fuselages were painted with acetone-based lacquers or dopes to tighten and toughen surfaces; thus factories had large brush or spray areas with natural or induced air circulation to enhance drying and dissipation of fumes. At the same time, with the exception of the air-cooled engine designs developed by the Wright brothers and sold widely in Europe, aircraft engine manufacturing was an extension of the production of liquid-cooled automobile motors. Emphasized were refined machining techniques for the cylinder head fins, which provided the extensive cooling surfaces needed.
The advent of metal airframes changed both the character of manufacturing processes and the skills required of production workers. At first, only the wood framework of fuselages was replaced by tubular aluminum trusses connected with mechanical fasteners or welding; coverings were still sewn and glued fabric. In the mid 1930s, as thin rolled aluminum alloys became available, all-metal structures for fuselages and then wings became prevalent. Skilled craftsmen were required to operate the metalworking machines, and new emphasis was placed on flush riveting and welding and on hard tooling of fixtures to facilitate alignment and assembly. At the same time, the forging of landing-gear components and major structural fittings and the forming of sheet metal grew to resemble processes in the automobile industry. This affinity became particularly close as all-metal bombers and transports revolutionized manufacturing of all but small private planes. It was not surprising, therefore, that the mass producers of automobiles and related equipment became manufacturers of military aircraft during World War II.
After the war, jet propulsion and other technical advances led to further changes in manufacturing techniques and processes. The economics of high-speed transports resulted in increases in passenger capacity, which necessitated aircraft much larger than wartime bombers. This, in turn, required expanded facilities and fixtures such that by the start of the 21st century initial plant investment for modern airliners had reached as high as $2 billion, even with more than 50 percent of the work being done by suppliers to the prime contractor. Thus, a community of structural subassembly contractors building wings, sections of fuselages, and horizontal surfaces now relieve some of the space and tooling needs of prime contractors such as Boeing in the United States and Airbus Industrie in Europe. Russian companies, however, still operate in a more vertically integrated mode, keeping all aspects of component manufacture and assembly within one organization.
Modern aircraft manufacture has been described as “a craft process with a mass production mentality.” With the exception of experimental and very specialized airplanes, this has generally been true. Large aircraft consist of the assembly of one million to five million separate parts, and complex spacecraft of several hundred thousand parts. Each different type demands unique skills and manufacturing methods.
Because of the extensive range of skills and facilities required, no single company builds an entire flight vehicle. Manufacturing in the aerospace industry crosses nearly all construction boundaries—for example, conventional machine shops for mechanical components, clean rooms for electronic parts, and unusually large final-assembly facilities for multi-hundred-ton aircraft, space vehicles, and missiles. In every developed country of the world, major aerospace production programs incorporate a complete range of hardware and software from suppliers that operate as subcontractors to the prime contractor or systems integrator. Subcontracting covers not only the onboard equipment but also, in most large projects, major elements of the airframe itself. In Europe, where large developments occur in multinational cooperative efforts, the distribution of the production is especially broad.
Fabrication processes and materials
Fabrication involves the manufacture of individual components that make up larger assemblies or end products. This activity encompasses the working of metals and the incorporation of electrical and electronic devices into processors, circuit boards, and subassemblies for the components of navigation, communication, and control systems. Most of the basic metal-fabrication methods have been employed since World War II. Modern differences, such as tighter metal-cutting tolerances, are related to advances in the capabilities of machines and tools (see metallurgy: Metalworking). In electronic fabrication, changes have mirrored those of the semiconductor and computer industries. In past decades, electronic elements having single functions were linked with wiring to make up the multiple functions necessary for systems. In modern systems, hundreds of functions are performed by a single microchip or, in conjunction with microminiaturized elements, by printed circuit boards (see integrated circuit).
Working of materials
Metals are cut, shaped, bored, bent, and formed by tools and machines operated manually or, increasingly, under the control of computers programmed to guide the necessary operations consistently and with greater precision than can normally be provided by humans. The parallels for electrical and electronic fabrication are robotic tools for insertion of components into circuit boards, wave soldering (an automated process for securing components to circuit boards with a standing wave of molten solder) for rapid, uniform connections, and photolithography (photographic transfer of a pattern to a surface for etching) for making circuit boards and multichip modules.
Materials play an important role not only in the fabrication methods used but also in the safety measures employed. For example, beryllium, whose combination of light weight, high strength, and high melting point makes it a valuable structural material, yields dust and chips during machining. Because exposure to beryllium particles can cause adverse health effects, special care is required to preclude their contamination of personnel or atmosphere. Polymer-matrix composites also require special contamination protection because of the toxic character of the resins involved.
In the production of components that must bear high loads yet be as light as possible, aerospace fabricators have evolved engineering techniques for modifying the characteristics of a material. The most notable example is the so-called honeycomb sandwich, which is far lighter than a metal plate of comparable thickness and has greater resistance to bending. The sandwich consists of a honeycomb core, composed of rows of hollow hexagonal cells, bonded between extremely thin metal face sheets. Aluminum is the most extensively used metal in both core and face sheets, but the technique is applicable to a large variety of metallic and nonmetallic materials. Sandwich construction is now employed to some degree in almost every type of flight vehicle.
Polymer-matrix composites are valued in the aerospace industry for their stiffness, lightness, and heat resistance (see materials science: Polymer-matrix composites). They are fabricated materials in which carbon or hydrocarbon fibres (and sometimes metallic strands, filaments, or particles) are bonded together by polymer resins in either sheet or fibre-wound form. In the former, individual sheet elements are layered in metal, wood, or plastic molds and joined with adhesives. Applications for sheet composites include wing skins and fuselage bulkheads in aircraft and the underlying support for solar arrays in satellites. In fibre-wound forms, tubular or spherical shapes are fabricated by winding continuous fibre on a spinning mold (mandrel) with high-speed, computer-programmed precision, injecting liquid resin as the part is formed, and then curing the resin. This process is used for forming rocket motor casings; spherical containers for fuels, lubricants, and gases; and ducts for aircraft environmental systems.
Special requirements of military aircraft
Military aircraft demand lightweight structures to achieve high performance. Moreover, the materials used must be able to withstand the temperatures created by air friction when the vehicle is flying at high speeds. These requirements have fostered the use of new metals such as aluminum-magnesium alloys and titanium, as well as composites and polymers for many surfaces—as much as 35 percent of the structure (see materials science: Materials for aerospace). The manufacture of these materials and their products has created new challenges. Titanium, although a relatively brittle material, has high strength-to-weight properties at operating temperatures as high as 480 °C (900 °F). Forming it into sheets generally requires heated dies and specialized machining and grinding. Titanium is therefore usually limited to applications, such as leading edges for wings and tails and related fittings, where its characteristics excel. Composites, on the other hand, are increasingly becoming staples of aircraft outer surfaces; thus, most structure manufacturers incorporate the necessary fabrication technology in their factories. To achieve required strengths, composite materials must be bonded in either hot- or cold-cure processes. Bonding is achieved within a vacuum, supplied either within evacuated rubberized bags or in autoclaves (temperature- and pressure-controlled chambers). Complementing the fabrication of composite sheets and fibre-wound forms is a comparatively recent method called pultrusion, which extrudes composite shapes in much the same fashion as molten metals are forced through a die. Other composite-making techniques incorporate the kind of ultralight structural practices used with metals and fibreglass, such as sandwich construction.