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Alan Turing, while a mathematics student at the University of Cambridge, was inspired by German mathematician David Hilbert’s formalist program, which sought to demonstrate that any mathematical problem can potentially be solved by an algorithm—that is, by a purely mechanical process. Turing interpreted this to mean a computing machine and set out to design one capable of resolving all mathematical problems, but in the process he proved in his seminal paper “On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem [‘Halting Problem’]” (1936) that no such universal mathematical solver could ever exist.
In order to design his machine (known to posterity as the “Turing machine”), he needed to find an unambiguous definition of the essence of a computer. In doing so, Turing worked out in great detail the basic concepts of a universal computing machine—that is, a computing machine that could, at least in theory, do anything that a special-purpose computing device could do. In particular, it would not be limited to doing arithmetic. The internal states of the machine could represent numbers, but they could equally well represent logic values or letters. In fact, Turing believed that everything could be represented symbolically, even abstract mental states, and he was one of the first advocates of the artificial-intelligence position that computers can potentially “think.”
Turing’s work up to this point was entirely abstract, entirely a theoretical demonstration. Nevertheless, he made it clear from the start that his results implied the possibility of building a machine of the sort he described. His work characterized the abstract essence of any computing device so well that it was in effect a challenge to actually build one.
Turing’s work had an immediate effect on only a small number of academics at a few universities who were interested in the concept of computing machinery. It had no immediate effect on the growing industry of business machines, all of which were special-purpose devices. But to the few who were interested, Turing’s work was an inspiration to pursue something of which most of the world had not even conceived: a universal computing machine.
Pioneering work
The Atanasoff-Berry Computer
It was generally believed that the first electronic digital computers were the Colossus, built in England in 1943, and the ENIAC, built in the United States in 1945. However, the first special-purpose electronic computer may actually have been invented by John Vincent Atanasoff, a physicist and mathematician at Iowa State College (now Iowa State University), during 1937–42. (Atanasoff also claimed to have invented the term analog computer to describe machines such as Vannevar Bush’s Differential Analyzer.) Together with his graduate assistant Clifford E. Berry, Atanasoff built a successful small prototype in 1939 for the purpose of testing two ideas central to his design: capacitors to store data in binary form and electronic logic circuits to perform addition and subtraction. They then began the design and construction of a larger, more general-purpose computer, known as the Atanasoff-Berry Computer, or ABC.
Various components of the ABC were designed and built from 1939 to 1942, but development was discontinued with the onset of World War II. The ABC featured about 300 vacuum tubes for control and arithmetic calculations, use of binary numbers, logic operations (instead of direct counting), memory capacitors, and punched cards as input/output units. (At Atanasoff’s invitation, another early computer pioneer, John Mauchly, stayed at his home and was freely shown his work for several days in June 1941. For more on the ramifications of this visit, see BTW: Computer patent wars.)
The first computer network
Between 1940 and 1946 George Stibitz and his team at Bell Laboratories built a series of machines with telephone technologies—i.e., employing electromechanical relays. These were the first machines to serve more than one user and the first to work remotely over telephone lines. However, because they were based on slow mechanical relays rather than electronic switches, they became obsolete almost as soon as they were constructed.
Konrad Zuse
Meanwhile, in Germany, engineer Konrad Zuse had been thinking about calculating machines. He was advised by a calculator manufacturer in 1937 that the field was a dead end and that every computing problem had already been solved. Zuse had something else in mind, though.
For one thing, Zuse worked in binary from the beginning. All of his prototype machines, built in 1936, used binary representation in order to simplify construction. This had the added advantage of making the connection with logic clearer, and Zuse worked out the details of how the operations of logic (e.g., AND, OR, and NOT) could be mapped onto the design of the computer’s circuits. (English mathematician George Boole had shown the connection between logic and mathematics in the mid-19th century, developing an algebra of logic now known as Boolean algebra.) Zuse also spent more time than his predecessors and contemporaries developing software for his computer, the language in which it was to be programmed. (His contributions to programming are examined in the section Programming languages.) Although all his early prewar machines were really calculators—not computers—his Z3, completed in December 1941 (and destroyed on April 6, 1945, during an Allied air raid on Berlin), was the first program-controlled processor.
Because all Zuse’s work was done in relative isolation, he knew little about work on computers in the United States and England, and, when the war began, the isolation became complete.
The following section, Developments during World War II, examines the development during the 1940s of the first fully functional digital computers.
Developments during World War II
The exigencies of war gave impetus and funding to computer research. For example, in Britain the impetus was code breaking. The Ultra project was funded with much secrecy to develop the technology necessary to crack ciphers and codes produced by the German electromechanical devices known as the Enigma and the Geheimschreiber (“Secret Writer”). The first in a series of important code-breaking machines, Colossus, also known as the Mark I, was built under the direction of Sir Thomas Flowers and delivered in December 1943 to the code-breaking operation at Bletchley Park, a government research center north of London. It employed approximately 1,800 vacuum tubes for computations. Successively larger and more elaborate versions were built over the next two years.
The Ultra project had a gifted mathematician associated with the Bletchley Park effort, and one familiar with codes. Alan Turing, who had earlier articulated the concept of a universal computing device (described in the section The Turing machine), may have pushed the project farther in the direction of a general-purpose device than his government originally had in mind. Turing’s advocacy helped keep up government support for the project.
Although it lacked some characteristics now associated with computers, Colossus can plausibly be described as the first electronic digital computer, and it was certainly a key stepping stone to the development of the modern computer. Although Colossus was designed to perform specific cryptographic-related calculations, it could be used for more-generalized purposes. Its design pioneered the massive use of electronics in computation, and it embodied an insight from Flowers of the importance of storing data electronically within the machine. The operation at Bletchley foreshadowed the modern data center.
Colossus was successful in its intended purpose: the German messages it helped to decode provided information about German battle orders, supplies, and personnel; it also confirmed that an Allied deception campaign, Operation Fortitude, was working.
The series of Colossus computers were disassembled after the war, and most information about them remained classified until the 1990s. In 1996 the basic Colossus machine was rebuilt and switched on at Bletchley Park.
The Z4
In Germany, Konrad Zuse began construction of the Z4 in 1943 with funding from the Air Ministry. Like his Z3 (described in the section Konrad Zuse), the Z4 used electromechanical relays, in part because of the difficulty in acquiring the roughly 2,000 necessary vacuum tubes in wartime Germany. The Z4 was evacuated from Berlin in early 1945, and it eventually wound up in Hinterstein, a small village in the Bavarian Alps, where it remained until Zuse brought it to the Federal Technical Institute in Zürich, Switzerland, for refurbishing in 1950. Although unable to continue with hardware development, Zuse made a number of advances in software design.
Zuse’s use of floating-point representation for numbers—the significant digits, known as the mantissa, are stored separately from a pointer to the decimal point, known as the exponent, allowing a very large range of numbers to be handled—was far ahead of its time. In addition, Zuse developed a rich set of instructions, handled infinite values correctly, and included a “no-op”—that is, an instruction that did nothing. Only significant experience in programming would show the need for something so apparently useless.
The Z4’s program was punched on used movie film and was separate from the mechanical memory for data (in other words, there was no stored program). The machine was relatively reliable (it normally ran all night unattended), but it had no decision-making ability. Addition took 0.5 to 1.25 seconds, multiplication 3.5 seconds.