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Some entrepreneurs, particularly in the San Francisco Bay area, saw opportunities to build add-on devices, or peripherals, for the Altair; others decided to design competitive hardware products. Because different machines might use different data paths, or buses, peripherals built for one computer might not work with another computer. This led the emerging industry to petition the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers to select a standard bus. The resulting standard, the S-100 bus, was open for all to use and became ubiquitous among early personal computers. Standardizing on a common bus helped to expand the market for early peripheral manufacturers, spurred the development of new devices, and relieved computer manufacturers of the onerous need to develop their own proprietary peripherals.
These early microcomputer companies took the first steps toward building a personal computer industry, but most of them eventually collapsed, unable to build enough reliable machines or to offer sufficient customer support. In general, most of the early companies lacked the proper balance of engineers, entrepreneurs, capital, and marketing experience. But perhaps even more significant was a dearth of software that could make personal computers useful to a larger, nonhobbyist market.
Early microcomputer software
From Star Trek to Microsoft
The first programs developed for the hobbyists’ microcomputers were games. With the early machines limited in graphic capabilities, most of these were text-based adventure or role-playing games. However, there were a few graphical games, such as Star Trek, which were popular on mainframes and minicomputers and were converted to run on microcomputers. One company created the game Micro Chess and used the profits to fund the development of an important program called VisiCalc, the industry’s first spreadsheet software. These games, in addition to demonstrating some of the microcomputer’s capabilities, helped to convince ordinary individuals, in particular small-business owners, that they could operate a computer.
As was the case with large computers, the creation of application software for the machines waited for the development of programming languages and operating systems. Gary Kildall developed the first operating system for a microcomputer as part of a project he contracted with Intel several years before the release of the Altair. Kildall realized that a computer had to be able to handle storage devices such as disk drives, and for this purpose he developed an operating system called CP/M.
There was no obvious use for such software at the time, and Intel agreed that Kildall could keep it. Later, when a few microcomputer companies had emerged from among the hobbyists and entrepreneurs inspired by MITS, a company called IMSAI realized that an operating system would attract more software to its machine, and it chose CP/M. Most companies followed suit, and Kildall’s company, Digital Research, became one of the first software giants in the emerging microcomputer industry.
High-level languages were also needed in order for programmers to develop applications. Two young programmers realized this almost immediately upon hearing of the MITS Altair. Childhood friends Bill Gates and Paul Allen were whiz kids with computers as they grew up in Seattle, Washington, debugging software on minicomputers at the ages of 13 and 15, respectively. As teenagers they had started a company and had built the hardware and written the software that would provide statistics on traffic flow from a rubber tube strung across a highway. Later, when the Altair came out, Allen quit his job, and Gates left Harvard University, where he was a student, in order to create a version of the programming language BASIC that could run on the new computer. They licensed their version of BASIC to MITS and started calling their partnership Microsoft. The Microsoft Corporation went on to develop versions of BASIC for nearly every computer that was released. It also developed other high-level languages. When IBM eventually decided to enter the microcomputer business in 1980, it called on Microsoft for both a programming language and an operating system, and the small partnership was on its way to becoming the largest software company in the world. (See the section The IBM Personal Computer.)
Application software
The availability of BASIC and CP/M enabled more widespread software development. By 1977 a two-person firm called Structured Systems Group started developing a General Ledger program, perhaps the first serious business software, which sold for $995. The company shipped its software in ziplock bags with a manual, a practice that became common in the industry. General Ledger began to familiarize business managers with microcomputers. Another important program was the first microcomputer word processor, called Electric Pencil, developed by a former camera operator turned computer hobbyist. Electric Pencil was one of the first programs that allowed nontechnical people to perform useful tasks on personal computers. Nevertheless, the early personal computer companies still underestimated the value of software, and many refused to pay the software developer to convert Electric Pencil to run on their machines. Eventually the availability of some software would play a major role in determining the success of a computer.
In 1979 a Harvard business graduate named Dan Bricklin and a programmer named Bob Frankston developed VisiCalc, the first personal computer financial analysis tool. VisiCalc made business forecasting much simpler, allowing individuals to ask “What if” questions about numerical data and get the sort of immediate response that was not even possible for giant corporations using mainframe computer systems. Personal Software, the company that distributed VisiCalc, became hugely successful. With a few companies such as Microsoft leading the way, a software industry separate from the hardware field began to emerge.
The personal computer
Commodore and Tandy enter the field
In late 1976 Commodore Business Machines, an established electronics firm that had been active in producing electronic calculators, bought a small hobby-computer company named MOS Technology. For the first time, an established company with extensive distribution channels would be selling a microcomputer.
The next year, another established company entered the microcomputer market. Tandy Corporation, best known for its chain of Radio Shack stores, had followed the development of MITS and decided to enter the market with its own TRS-80 microcomputer, which came with four kilobytes of memory, a Z80 microprocessor, a BASIC programming language, and cassettes for data storage. To cut costs, the machine was built without the ability to type lowercase letters. Thanks to Tandy’s chain of stores and the breakthrough price ($399 fully assembled and tested), the machine was successful enough to convince the company to introduce a more powerful computer two years later, the TRS-80 Model II, which could reasonably be marketed as a small-business computer. Tandy started selling its computers in greater volumes than most of the microcomputer start-ups, except for one.