- Also called:
- Anglo-American law
- Related Topics:
- equity
- coverture
- feme sole
- stare decisis
- judicial lawmaking
The legal systems rooted in the English common law have diverged from their parent system so greatly over time that, in many areas, the legal approaches of common-law countries differ as much from one another as they do from civil-law countries. Indeed, England and the United States have so many legal differences that they are sometimes described as “two countries separated by a common law.” The most striking differences are found in the area of public law. England has no written constitution and restricts judicial review, whereas every court in the United States possesses the power to pass judgment on the conformity of legislation and on other official actions to constitutional norms. Throughout the 20th century and beyond, many areas of U.S. law were “constitutionalized” by the increasing exercise of judicial power. Other factors that account for much of the distinctiveness of public law in the United States include its complex federal system and its presidential, rather than parliamentary, form of government. In the area of private law, however, family resemblances between the common-law systems are much greater. Yet even there, despite broad basic similarities, the common-law countries have developed distinctive variations over time.
Personal law
The law of personal status (nationality, capacity, domicile, etc.) has been transformed by the advancement of the principle of equality of the sexes. In the area of divorce law, the intense legislative activity of the 1960s and ’70s left most common-law countries with systems of “mixed grounds” for divorce. One can obtain a divorce based upon the fault of the other spouse or upon some no-fault ground, such as separation or breakdown of the marriage. Some American states have eliminated fault grounds entirely. The major differences between common-law systems appear in the legal treatment of the economic consequences of divorce. Most common-law countries follow the English model that permits judges to use their own discretion in reallocating the property and income of the spouses in a way that seems fair, whereas some American states adhere to the principle of equal rather than discretionary division of assets. Following the Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges (2015), same-sex marriages became legal in the United States. Same-sex marriages were legalized in England and Wales in 2013 and in Scotland in 2014.
Property and succession
The basic principles of property and succession are much the same everywhere, but the newer countries have special laws on forests, mines, and water rights. In Australia, for example, the crown reserves all mineral rights to itself. The transfer of land in England is governed by a system of title registration. In Canada and the United States, the separate deeds are recorded and title insurance is widely used to protect the purchaser. In England since the 1960s, there has been a significant development of the law relating to restitution, the right to recover property mistakenly transferred to another. Owing nothing to statute and much to the writings of academic lawyers, this demonstrates the continued liveliness of the common-law tradition of decision-based legal development.
Succession on intestacy is broadly similar throughout common-law countries but varies everywhere in detail. The widow, for example, may get more in one country and the children more in another. All children of both sexes generally take equal shares. In regard to intestate succession, nearly all American states protect the surviving spouse against disinheritance by securing to him or her a fixed indefeasible share of the decedent’s estate. In England and most Commonwealth countries, however, not only the spouse but also children and certain other dependents of the deceased are permitted to petition the court for discretionary financial provision out of an estate if, in the judgment of the court, the testator did not make reasonable provision for them.
In most American states and some Canadian provinces, there are homestead laws, which protect the family house or a certain minimum sum of money from the claims of creditors.
Tort law
Tort law (i.e., the law relating to private civil wrongs) is largely common law, as opposed to statute-based law, in England, Canada, and the United States. Several major reforms have been introduced along the same lines in different countries. Allowing claims by dependents of persons tortuously killed and removing the immunity of the crown or government or charitable institutions from tort claims provide examples. The liability of manufacturers to the ultimate consumer was first laid down by U.S. and then by English judges. After a slow start (compared with Europe), the protection of employees proceeded apace in the United States in the second half of the 20th century so as to cover almost any accident occasioned in the workplace, however unrelated to the employer’s business or fault. In the wider world also, the growth of insurance subtly affected tort law by shifting liability to those most able to pay for coverage.
In the field of libel, U.S. practice is less strict than the English. In the United States public figures cannot sue for honest but unfair and untrue criticisms of their activities, whereas in England published facts must be true and comments fair. In some Australian states truth is not necessarily a defense to an action.
A notable U.S. tort is interference with privacy. Examples include a stranger’s using one’s photograph for advertising without permission, using electronic eavesdropping in one’s home or searching it, or taking photographs of persons in embarrassing situations. In England privacy is still seen as related to commercial considerations; it is possible to buy privacy but not to enjoy it as a right.
Contract law is basically similar in the common-law countries. The most interesting difference relates to the question of enforcement of contracts by third parties who are not actually parties to the contract but are persons for whose benefit the contract was made. English law excludes such rights, except in an occasional statute. The Indian Contract Code of 1872 generally allows it, as does U.S. state law. In all countries, legislation now protects consumers against the power of large commercial corporations and regulates the operation of credit transactions.
English law has largely repealed the laws requiring written evidence of ordinary contracts, sometimes to the surprise of consumers. Written evidence is often called for in the United States.
The various areas of special contracts, such as those applying to employment, sale of land, and agency, are broadly similar everywhere but are regulated by local legislation and by a wealth of labour legislation.