The 16th-century revolution
- Also called:
- Anglo-American law
- Related Topics:
- equity
- coverture
- feme sole
- stare decisis
- judicial lawmaking
Throughout Europe, the 16th century was a period of considerable change in the law. In part a reaction by the learned against the law of the past—which was seen to be too dependent upon ancient Roman models or local Germanic custom—the changes usually took the form of an explicit commitment to improved procedures, above all written rather than oral. One consequence was the increased influence of universities and university-trained lawyers. In England, the old customary law applied by the central courts at Westminster was too firmly entrenched to be lightly overthrown, but even here the development of written pleadings and new, speedier remedies had a transforming effect. The aforementioned prerogative, or conciliar, courts, together with the Court of Chancery, competed with common-law courts for jurisdiction over the same cases and followed a written procedure modeled after that still being used on the Continent. Roman law and canon law were taught at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, which awarded doctorates to the practitioners in these courts.
One of the accusations reportedly made against Thomas Wolsey, the cardinal and lord chancellor who fell from favour in 1529, was that he planned to introduce Roman law into England; Wolsey did appoint many clergy to the Council of the North and as justices of the peace. The 19th-century English legal historian Frederic William Maitland discussed this legal crisis in his work English Law and the Renaissance (1901). Maitland ascribed the survival of the common law in part to the solid front presented by the Inns of Court, which trained lawyers practically and not theoretically. The English law tradition depended not on abstract scholarly commentaries but on detailed judicial rulings about specific points of law arising in practice.
The influence of Roman-law ideas, however, was probably greater than generally admitted. The actions of trespass and disseisin (dispossession; see adverse possession) had Roman analogies, as did the liabilities of those following the so-called “common callings” of innkeeper, carrier of goods, and stable keeper. The equitable remedy of injunction had analogies in canon law, and the law of redemption of mortgages may have been related to the usury laws, which forbade making excessive profits from loans. The law of trusts and deceit resembled the breach of faith of the church courts. Continental mercantile law, which contained Roman-law elements, was absorbed into English law as it stood. Continental law also contributed to some of the rules of contract, such as the effect of mistake, and the Roman concept of fault played a part in the law of negligence. Many old European legal ideas, in fact, survived longer in England—where they escaped being eliminated in codifications—than in Europe.
An account of the development of common law in the Tudor-Stuart period would be incomplete without mention of Sir Edward Coke, who combined a distinguished career as a barrister and a judge and produced a wealth of legal writings. In 1606 he risked removal from the office of chief justice by challenging the exaggerated claims of the royalist party to prerogative powers outside the common law. He disapproved of legislation by proclamation, of dispensation from the law in individual cases, and of the mushrooming jurisdictions of the prerogative courts. He helped draft the Petition of Right in 1628.
Coke’s 11 volumes of Reports appeared between 1600 and 1615, and two posthumous volumes followed. Coke commented rather than reported, but he was careful to supply a copy of the court record of each case. As the only formal series of collected law cases available at the time, his reports formed the main source for the citation of cases for many years. His four volumes of Institutes of the Lawes of England, published between 1628 and 1644, dealt with the law of real property (Coke on Littleton), medieval statutes, criminal law (pleas of the crown), and jurisdiction of the courts.

Coke was no objective historian but an open advocate of the common law. Though he was old-fashioned and at times in error, his greatest works restated the common law in acceptable form and did much to preserve it.
Further growth of statute law
The Tudors made use of proclamations by the king to invoke emergency measures, to establish detailed regulations, especially on economic matters, and to grant royal charters to trading companies. Parliament passed laws of a political nature, such as those enforcing the king’s supremacy over the newly established Church of England. Statutes also regulated imports and exports, controlled farming, and defined what was unfair competition. A law of 1562–63 regulated apprenticeships and provided for annual wage fixing by magistrates in accordance with the cost of living.
There were other important statutory innovations during these years. The Statute of Monopolies of 1623 confirmed that monopolies were contrary to common law but made exceptions for patentable inventions, and a statute of 1601 became the basis of the privileges enjoyed by charitable trusts. Additionally, the series of Poor Laws enacted in the late 16th century remedied the neglect of the poor caused by the dissolution of the monasteries.
In 1540 legal actions to recover land were subjected to time limits. However, in 1623–24 the principle of limitation of actions by lapse of time was introduced into the law of contract and tort.
During the Commonwealth (1649–60), many reform projects were drafted. Although they anticipated 19th-century reforms, none of them were carried out. These reforms included supplying counsel to prisoners, modernizing the land and law procedure, and permitting civil marriages.
The outstanding enactment of the later Stuart period was the Statute of Frauds of 1677. As a response to the growth of literacy and the prevalence of perjury and fraud, wills and contracts for the sale of land or goods (of more than a certain amount) were required to be in writing. Though drafted by eminent judges, the statute was to require endless interpretation.
Consolidation of equity
Although one eminent contemporary observer, legal historian John Selden, regarded the fate of a lawsuit in chancery as varying with the chancellor’s personality, the types of suits that would be granted relief had eventually become fairly clear. Precedent was being followed, and law reports of equity decisions and books on equity began to be published.
In 1615 King James I declared that the chancery was to retain its traditional superiority over the common-law courts, but only in areas in which its authority was well recognized. If the applicability of equity was in doubt, the common law was to be followed.
The main development in this period was in the law of trusts (see property law). In medieval England from the 14th century, most land was held “to uses” (i.e., by nominees for the true owners). This situation may have been partly due to devices used to evade feudal taxation, but it also enabled wills of land to be made. “Death duties” were payable if a man died while he was the legal proprietor. However, if the land was transferred to another person prior to death, these could be avoided. Wills of land were not generally allowed before 1540, but the use of land could be transferred to another person while the owner was still alive, as long as the transferee observed the owner’s wishes regarding the land while the owner lived. The beneficiary of such a use or trust usually stayed on the land as apparent owner, though the trustee held the legal title. Because the common-law courts recognized the trustee as the only owner, a beneficiary had to go to chancery in order to enforce his rights. A statute of Richard III (reigned 1483–85), however, allowed the beneficiary to transfer the property, and in 1536 the Statute of Uses eliminated the middleman and revested the legal title in the beneficiary. This was done to ensure that the crown maximized its income from feudal taxation: the beneficiary was now the legal owner of the land and liable to the feudal dues, as he had been before the development of the device. Although old-style uses could not be created for some time following the statute, the old use was revived from the late 16th century as the modern trust in chancery, first for trusts involving money and leases and finally for trusts of land itself. The spur was the desire to separate the legal and beneficial titles, especially when the beneficiary was young or inexperienced. But the trust was adapted to many other ends, such as giving property to clubs and other unincorporated bodies and to churches.