Other approaches to explanation
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- law of nature
- unified science
- metatheory
- criterion of falsifiability
- operationalism
By the early 1970s, Hempel’s approach to explanation (known as the covering-law model) seemed to be in trouble on a number of fronts, leading philosophers to canvass alternative treatments. An influential early proposal elaborated on the diagnosis of the last paragraph. Wesley Salmon (1925–2001) argued that probabilistic explanation should be taken as primary and that probabilistic explanations proceed by advancing information that raises the probability of the event (or fact) to be explained. Building on insights of Reichenbach, Salmon noted that there are cases in which giving information that raises probability is not explanatory: the probability that there is a storm goes up when one is told that the barometer is falling, but the fall of the barometer does not explain the occurrence of the storm. Reichenbach had analyzed such examples by seeing both the barometer’s fall and the storm as effects of a common cause and offering a statistical condition to encompass situations in which common causes are present. Salmon extended Reichenbach’s approach, effectively thinking of explanation as identifying the causes of phenomena and, consonant with empiricist scruples, attempting to provide an analysis of causation in terms of statistical relations. Unfortunately, it proved very difficult to reconstruct causal notions in statistical terms, and by the 1980s most philosophers had abandoned the attempt as hopeless.
Many, however—including Salmon—remained convinced that the notion of causation is central to the understanding of explanation and that scientific explanation is a matter of tracing causes. They were divided (and continue to be divided) into two groups: those who believed that Humean worries about causation are important and that, in consequence, a prior analysis of causation is needed, and those who think that Hume and his successors adopted a faulty picture of human knowledge, failing to recognize that people are capable of detecting causal relations perceptually. Salmon was the most prominent member of the first group, offering an intricate account of causal processes, causal propagation, and causal interaction by appealing (in later work) to the conservation of physical quantities. He also argued, against his earlier view, that causal explanation can sometimes proceed by making the event explained appear less probable than it formerly seemed. (Imagine a golfer whose ball strikes a tree and is deflected into the hole; a description of the initial trajectory of the ball would decrease the probability that the result will be a hole in one.)
Although regarding explanation as a matter of tracing causes responds in a very direct way to several of the problems encountered by Hempel’s approach, it was not the only program in the recent theory of explanation. Some philosophers attempted to remain closer to Hempel’s project by thinking of explanation in terms of unification. Especially concerned with examples of theoretical explanation in the sciences, they proposed that the hallmark of explanation is the ability to treat from a single perspective phenomena previously seen as highly disparate. They elaborate on the remark of the English biologist T.H. Huxley (1825–95) that “in the end, all phenomena are incomprehensible and that the task of science is to reduce the fundamental incomprehensibilities to the smallest possible number.” This view, however, faced considerable technical difficulties in addressing some of the problems that arose for Hempel’s approach. Its principal merits lay in the avoidance of any reliance on causal concepts and in the ability to give an account of explanation in areas of theoretical science in which talk of causation seems strained.
A different strategy began by questioning the Hempelian proposal that ordinary explanations consist in explanation sketches whose force derives from an unarticulated ideal explanation. Philosophers such as Peter Achinstein and Bas van Fraassen offered pragmatic theories, according to which what counts as an explanation is contextually determined. Their accounts remained close to the everyday practice of explaining, but, to the extent that they eschewed context-independent conditions on explanation, they encouraged a return to the idea that explanation is a purely subjective business, a matter of what an audience will be satisfied with. Indeed, van Fraassen welcomed a conclusion of this type, holding that explanatory power is not an objective virtue of scientific theories.
The current state of scientific explanation is thus highly fragmentary. Although many philosophers hold that explanations trace causes, there is still considerable disagreement about whether or not the notion of causation should be analyzed and, if so, how. The question of whether theoretical explanation can always be construed in causal terms remains open. It is unclear whether unifying the phenomena is an explanatory virtue and how a satisfactory notion of unification should be understood. Perhaps most fundamentally, there are controversies about whether there is a single notion of explanation that applies to all sciences, all contexts, and all periods and about whether explanatory power counts as an objective quality of theories.
Scientific laws
Similar uncertainties affect recent discussions of scientific laws. As already noted, logical empiricism faced a difficult problem in distinguishing between genuine laws and accidental generalizations. Just as theorists of explanation sometimes liberated themselves from hard problems by invoking a concept hitherto held as taboo—the notion of causation—so too some philosophers championed an idea of natural necessity and tried to characterize it as precisely as possible. Others, more sympathetic to Hume’s suspicions, continued the logical-empiricist project of analyzing the notion independently of the concept of natural necessity. The most important approach along these lines identifies the laws of nature as the generalizations that would figure in the best systematization of all natural phenomena. This suggestion fits naturally with the unificationist approach to explanation but encounters similar difficulties in articulating the idea of a “best systematization.” Perhaps more fundamentally, it is not obvious that the concept of “all natural phenomena” is coherent (or, even if it is, whether this is something in which science should be interested).
There is an even more basic issue. Why is the notion of a scientific law of any philosophical interest? Within the framework of logical empiricism, and specifically within Hempel’s approach to explanation, there was a clear answer. Explanations depend on laws, and the notion of law is to be explicated without appeal to suspect notions such as natural necessity. But Hempel’s approach is now defunct, and many contemporary philosophers are suspicious of the old suspicions, prepared to be more tolerant of appeals to causation and natural necessity. What function, then, would an account of laws now serve?
Perhaps the thought is that the search for the laws of nature is central to the scientific enterprise. But, to begin with, the scientific habit of labeling certain statements as “laws” seems extremely haphazard. There are areas, moreover, in which it is hard to find any laws—large tracts of the life and earth sciences, for example—and yet scientists in these areas are credited with the most important discoveries. James Watson and Francis Crick (1916–2004) won a Nobel Prize for one of the greatest scientific achievements of the 20th century (indeed, arguably the most fruitful), but it would be hard to state the law that they discovered. Accordingly, philosophers of science are beginning to abandon the notion that laws are central to science, focusing instead on the search for symmetries in physics, on the differing uses of approximate generalizations in biology, and on the deployment of models in numerous areas of the sciences.