- Related Topics:
- law of nature
- unified science
- metatheory
- criterion of falsifiability
- operationalism
The complexities of the notion of falsification, originally diagnosed by Duhem, had considerable impact on contemporary philosophy of science through the work of the American philosopher W.V.O. Quine (1908–2000). Quine proposed a general thesis of the underdetermination of theory by evidence, arguing that it is always possible to preserve any hypothesis in the face of any evidence. This thesis can be understood as a bare logical point, to the effect that an investigator can always find some consistent way of dealing with observations or experiments so as to continue to maintain a chosen hypothesis (perhaps by claiming that the apparent observations are the result of hallucination). So conceived, it appears trivial. Alternatively, one can interpret it as proposing that all the criteria of rationality and scientific method permit some means of protecting the favoured hypothesis from the apparently refuting results. On the latter reading, Quine went considerably beyond Duhem, who held that the “good sense” of scientists enables them to distinguish legitimate from illegitimate ways of responding to recalcitrant findings.
The stronger interpretation of the thesis is sometimes inspired by a small number of famous examples from the history of physics. In the early 18th century, there was a celebrated debate between Leibniz and Samuel Clarke (1675–1729), an acolyte of Newton, over the “true motions” of the heavenly bodies. Clarke, following Newton, defined true motion as motion with respect to absolute space and claimed that the centre of mass of the solar system was at rest with respect to absolute space. Leibniz countered by suggesting that, if the centre of mass of the solar system were moving with uniform velocity with respect to absolute space, all the observations one could ever make would be the same as they would be if the universe were displaced in absolute space. In effect, he offered infinitely many alternatives to the Newtonian theory, each of which seemed equally well supported by any data that could be collected. Recent discussions in the foundations of physics sometimes suggested a similar moral. Perhaps there are rival versions of string theory, each of which is equally well supported by all the evidence that could become available.
Such examples, which illustrate the complexities inherent in the notion of falsification, raise two important questions: first, when cases of underdetermination arise, what is it reasonable to believe? And second, how frequently do such cases arise? One very natural response to the motivating examples from physics is to suggest that, when one recognizes that genuinely rival hypotheses could each be embedded in a body of theory that would be equally well supported by any available evidence, one should look for a more minimal hypothesis that will somehow “capture what is common” to the apparent alternatives. If that natural response is right, then the examples do not really support Quine’s sweeping thesis, for they do not permit the rationality of believing either (or any) of a pair (or collection) of alternatives but rather insist on articulating a different, more minimal, view.
A second objection to the strong thesis of underdetermination is that the historical examples are exceptional. Certain kinds of mathematical theories, together with plausible assumptions about the evidence that can be collected, allow for the formulation of serious alternatives. In most areas of science, however, there is no obvious way to invoke genuine rivals. Since the 1950s, for example, scientists have held that DNA molecules have the structure of a double helix, in which the bases jut inward, like the rungs of a ladder, and that there are simple rules of base pairing. If Quine’s global thesis were correct, there should be some scientific rival that would account equally well for the vast range of data that supports this hypothesis. Not only has no such rival been proposed, but there are simply no good reasons for thinking that any exists.
Many contemporary discussions in the philosophy of science take up the issues of this section, seeking algorithms for scientific discovery, attempting to respond to the worries about Bayesian confirmation theory or to develop a rival, and exploring the notions of falsification and underdetermination. These discussions often continue the inquiries begun by the principal logical empiricists—Carnap, Hempel, Reichenbach, and Popper—adhering to the conceptions of science and philosophy that were central to their enterprise. For a significant number of philosophers, however, the questions posed in this section were transformed by reactions to logical empiricism, by the historicist turn in the philosophy of science, and by the increasing interest in the social dimensions of scientific research. As will be discussed in later sections, some of the issues already raised arise in different forms and with more disturbing implications.