Punctuation in Asian and African languages
- Related Topics:
- parenthesis
- paragraphos
- kunten mark
- kaeriten mark
- indentation
- On the Web:
- Utah Valley University - Basic Punctuation (PDF) (Feb. 17, 2025)
In Hebrew manuscripts written since the 9th century the main use of points is to indicate the vowel sounds, the alphabet being consonantal only. In biblical texts points and commas are used to mark the middle and end of verses; and in the commentaries points mark the end of sentences. Since the late 18th century, when Jews in Germany began to compose secular texts in Hebrew, the punctuation of such texts has been based on German practice. Early Arabic manuscripts had no punctuation, since the structure of the language ensured that the main and subordinate clauses were readily distinguishable without it. After Arabic began to be printed, European punctuation marks were gradually adopted. The first such mark was the reversed comma; it is now the most common and indicates a suitable point at which to pause and draw breath.
In Sanskrit, prose texts use one vertical stroke to mark the end of the sentence, and verse texts use one vertical stroke for the end of a line, two for the end of a couplet. In Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, and Marathi, the vertical stroke is used as in Sanskrit, in conjunction with other marks borrowed from English. The diacritical signs and elements of punctuation found in Tamil were introduced early in the 18th century by a Jesuit missionary.
Before the modern period, the grammatical structure of written Chinese was such that no punctuation was required; but in the 19th century editors of texts began to add hollow circles, intended either to mark the ends of phrases or to emphasize particular passages. Since 1912 some of the European punctuation marks have been adopted, notably the marks of interrogation and exclamation and the comma (the hollow circle serves as full point). Direct speech is indicated either by double inverted commas or by an L-shaped mark placed at a corner of the first and last characters. Characters are capitalized by the addition of a straight or wavy line underneath or at the side, according to whether the text is written horizontally or vertically.
In Japan a complicated system of kaeriten and kunten marks was used from the 8th century onward to clarify the meaning and grammatical construction of texts in Chinese. As a result of contact with Europeans in the 15th and 16th centuries, a hollow point and a reversed virgule (\) were used during the Edo period (1603–1868) as equivalents of the European full point and comma. Since 1868 they have been joined by the solid point (to separate items in a list), by the dash used as in English, and, finally, by the European marks of exclamation and interrogation.
The history of punctuation in Africa is part of the history of the scripts used in different parts of the continent: the Coptic script, based on the Greek alphabet with some additions from demotic writing, for the ancient language of Egypt; a derivative of South Semitic script, known as Ethiopic, for the languages of Ethiopia; Arabic script for speakers of Arabic, Amazigh (Berber) languages, and Swahili; Latin—i.e., European—script for the languages first recorded during and since the 19th century.