Punctuation in English since 1600
- Related Topics:
- comma
- paragraphos
- kunten mark
- kaeriten mark
- indentation
- On the Web:
- Utah Valley University - Basic Punctuation (PDF) (Feb. 17, 2025)
By the end of the 16th century writers of English were using most of the marks described by the younger Aldo in 1566; but their purpose was elocutionary, not syntactic. When George Puttenham, in his treatise The Arte of English Poesie (1589), and Simon Daines, in Orthoepia Anglicana (1640), specified a pause of one unit for a comma, of two units for a semicolon, and of three for a colon, they were no doubt trying to bring some sort of order into a basically confused and unsatisfactory situation. The punctuation of Elizabethan drama, of the devotional prose of John Donne or of Richard Hooker, and indeed of Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress (1678) was almost wholly elocutionary; and it lacked the inflectional element that had been the making of 12th-century punctuation. It was Ben Jonson, in his English Grammar, a work composed about 1617 and published posthumously in 1640, who first recommended syntactic punctuation in England. An early example is the 1625 edition of Francis Bacon’s Essayes; and from the Restoration onward syntactic punctuation was in general use. Influential treatises on syntactic punctuation were published by Robert Monteith in 1704 and Joseph Robertson in 1795. Excessive punctuation was common in the 18th century: at its worst it used commas with every subordinate clause and separable phrase. Vestiges of this attitude are found in a handbook published in London as late as 1880. It was the lexicographers Henry Watson Fowler and Francis George Fowler, in The King’s English, published in 1906, who established the current British practice of light punctuation. Punctuation in the United States has followed much the same path as in Britain, but the rules laid down by American authorities have in general been more rigid than the British rules.
The system of punctuation now used by writers of English has been complete since the 17th century. Three of its most important components are the space left blank between words; the indentation of the first line of a new paragraph; and the uppercase, or capital, letter written at the beginning of a sentence and at the beginning of a proper name or a title. The marks of punctuation, also known as points or stops, and the chief parts that they play in the system are as follows.
The end of a grammatically complete sentence is marked by a full point, full stop, or period. The period may also be used to mark abbreviations. The colon (:), which was once used like a full point and was followed by an uppercase letter, now serves mainly to indicate the beginning of a list, summary, or quotation. The semicolon (;) ranks halfway between a comma and a full point. It may be substituted for a period between two grammatically complete sentences that are closely connected in sense; in a long or complicated sentence, it may precede a coordinate conjunction (such as or, and, or but). A comma (,) is the “lightest” of the four basic stops. As the most usual means of indicating the syntactic turning points in a sentence, it is exposed to abuse. It may be used to separate the elements of a series, before a relative clause that does not limit or define its antecedent, in pairs to set off or isolate words or phrases, or in combination with coordinating conjunctions.
Other punctuation marks used in modern English include parentheses, which serve, like a pair of commas, to isolate a word or phrase; question, exclamation, and quotation marks; the hyphen; and the apostrophe (the use of which became standardized only in the 19th century).
Punctuation in French, Spanish, German, and Russian
Since the modern punctuation of all the western European languages stems from the practice of the great Italian and French printers of the 15th and 16th centuries, national differences are not considerable. In French, guillemets (<< >>) or dashes are used to mark quotations. In Spanish, since the middle of the 18th century, an inverted mark of interrogation or exclamation has stood at the beginning of sentences as well as the normal mark at the end; and quotations may be marked either as in French or as in English. German punctuation, which is still based on rules propounded in 1781, is more rigorously syntactic than the rest: all relative clauses and all clauses beginning with dass (“that”) must be preceded by a comma. Quotations are marked either by pairs of commas (,,“) or by reversed guillemets (>> <<). Letter spacing, as well as italic type, is used for emphasis. Early Russian punctuation was based on Greek practice, since the Cyrillic alphabet is derived from the Greek; and by the 17th century several quite elaborate systems had evolved in different areas. Since the 18th century Russia has used a form of western European punctuation that has much in common with German practice: notably an even wider obligatory use of commas with subordinate and indeed coordinate clauses, and letter spacing (as well as italics) for emphasis. German quotation marks, French guillemets, and dashes may be used for direct speech.