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The fossil record is too poor to offer significant help in reconstructing the phylogeny of the Heteroptera. Their small size, the fragile nature of dead individuals, and a preference for habitats that seldom are conducive to fossilization have resulted in few fossils. Often only wings or parts of wings are represented. Known fossils do reveal, however, that during the Permian Period (299 million to 251 million years ago) two major lines existed. The order Protohemiptera, which revealed a number of features common to homopterans and heteropterans, including stylet-like mouthparts assumed to be piercing-sucking, actually represents an unrelated parallel development.
The appearance of the Heteroptera as a line distinct from the Homoptera also is represented in Permian fossils. The oldest known member of the order Heteroptera (from the Permian in Australia) represents the only family (Paraknightiidae) with no living species. Fossils from the next geological period, the Triassic, reveal that the major forking of the heteropterans into aquatic and terrestrial branches had already occurred near the beginning of the Mesozoic Era. Several modern aquatic family types are recognizable in the Mesozoic. The bulk of modern terrestrial heteropterans appears in the fossil record by the Paleogene and Neogene periods of the Cenozoic Era.
Distinguishing taxonomic features
Modifications of mouthparts and wings are generally accepted as important characteristics by which to divide the class Insecta into orders. One peculiar type of mouthpart, possessed by more than 50,000 insect species, is the piercing-sucking type in which the labium forms a trough containing two pairs of threadlike stylets (highly modified mandibles and maxillae). All modern insects with mouthparts of this type are closely related to each other but not to other insects, none of which possess truly comparable modifications. Some entomologists consider all insects with piercing-sucking mouthparts as members of a single order, the Hemiptera (sometimes called Rhyngota or Rhynchota), with two suborders Homoptera and Heteroptera separated traditionally by texture and resting position of the forewings and by the apparent origin of the beak. Other entomologists, while recognizing the proximity of relationship between these two groups, consider that the relationship is of superorder value and that features separating the two groups are of sufficient magnitude to warrant full ordinal status for each group.
Separation of the two groups is reflected by differences in several important functioning body parts. The gula of the Heteroptera is a hard bridge that separates the mouthparts from the prothorax. In the homopterans the gula is small and membranous or absent, allowing the base of the mouthparts to abut or fuse to the prothorax. The forewings of heteropterans are generally divided into basal and apical halves of different texture. Homopteran forewings, on the other hand, are generally of similar texture for their full length. Scent glands are present in all terrestrial and some aquatic nymphs and adults of the Heteroptera. Homopterans lack scent glands.
Reduction and loss of the gula in homopterans, coupled with the migration of the mouthparts to the prothorax, were significant changes in functional specialization. In some homopteran families of the suborder Sternorrhyncha, the mouthparts have fused to the prothorax and remain attached to it if the cranium is removed. These and other basic characters that began to differentiate in the geologically remote Permian time (when many other insect orders were evolving) indicate an important branching of the phylogenetic line of homopterans and heteropterans and substantiate their separation at the ordinal level.
The heteropterans are divided into suborders on the basis of habitat, antennal structure, ability to produce sound (stridulate), and presence and arrangement of long hairs (called trichobothria) on various parts of the body. Division into families is based on structural differences and adaptations for specialized ways of life.