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In contrast, some heteropterans (e.g., plant bugs, chinch bug, lace bugs, stinkbugs) damage both wild and domestic plants by sucking sap or injecting tissue-killing fluids. Insertion of a beak or eggs into plant tissue harms the protective layers and allows bacteria and other disease-causing organisms to infect the plant. Although heteropterans are not the major agents for transmission of plant viral diseases, a few species (Piesmatidae) can carry viral diseases of sugar beets and related crops in North America and Europe.
Heteropterans can affect humans in several ways. They are common household pests and can spoil the taste of some fruits (e.g., raspberries contaminated by stinkbugs). But more importantly, some can attack people directly and inflict painful bites as well as introduce disease-causing organisms. The injection of saliva or poison may cause allergic reactions in susceptible persons. Sometimes when they cannot find plants, phytophagous insects probe moist surfaces (e.g., perspiring skin) in search of appropriate food fluids. Transmission of trypanosomes, which cause Chagas disease in the American tropics, occurs through cone nose bugs (Reduviidae), so-called because of the shape of their head. The insect receives trypanosomes when it feeds on the blood of an infected person. The trypanosome passes part of its life cycle in the insect and again becomes infective to humans. Instead of injecting them into a new victim, however, the insect deposits trypanosomes (in its excrement) on the skin of a potential victim. The trypanosomes can enter the bloodstream only through mucous membranes or breaks in the skin (e.g., those that may result from scratching the site of the bite).
Natural history
Life cycle
General features
In tropical regions, where heteropterans are most abundant, populations are influenced by factors such as rainfall, host plant development, and internal rhythms. In addition to these, heteropterans in temperate regions are influenced by seasonal temperature fluctuations.
Heteropterans generally produce one or two generations a year in temperate regions. The dormant stage, which varies from species to species, is dependent in part on the food source of the species. For example, a heteropteran that feeds on perennial plants often lays eggs that remain dormant through the winter in or on the host plant. The nymphs, which hatch in the spring, then have appropriate leaves and succulent stems to furnish the sap necessary for growth. In contrast, heteropterans that feed on annual plants have a dormant winter adult stage that flies to a new host plant each spring after seeds germinate. Species that have short nymphal and adult stages, which coincide with certain plant characteristics (e.g., short-lived flowers), may pass 10 or 11 months as eggs. Among predatory heteropterans, those whose prey is found on plants or in flowers winter as adults; those whose prey is found on the ground may be dormant as nymphs or adults. Aquatic heteropterans may spend the winter as adults, nymphs, or both, whereas semiaquatic forms are dormant as adults.
Heteropterans undergo gradual metamorphosis (hemimetabola). Primary feeding and energy storage, as well as development of adult structures, take place in the nymphal stages. The adults seek mates and potential food sources and are responsible for initiating future generations. The developing embryo, incapable of obtaining food or defending itself, is encapsulated within a protective egg shell that contains adequate food. The nymph, which lacks the locomotor and reproductive ability of the adult, also lacks the hard and rigid extensive exoskeleton necessary for strong muscle action. As a result, however, its body can distend to accommodate large quantities of food. In addition, loss of moisture through the thinner, more membranous body cover is offset by the high water content of the nymph’s food.
Reproduction occurs when eggs are fertilized as they pass through the female ducts by spermatozoa stored in special receptacles in the female. A notable exception to this method occurs in the bat bugs (Polyctenidae). In this case shell-less, yolkless eggs are fertilized in the female ovariole where they remain, while the developing embryo is nourished by special maternal cells through a placenta-like structure consisting of tissues from both parent and offspring. The bat bug nymph leaves the mother’s body only after reaching an advanced stage of development. Heteropteran eggs generally are moderate to large in size relative to adults and have a smooth to finely sculptured surface, sometimes with a colour pattern and often with slender projections. Eggs contain sufficient nutrients to permit the embryo to develop into a free-living, sexually immature, wingless nymph. Just before an egg hatches, the shell becomes translucent and reveals the segmentation and strongly coloured structures (e.g., eyes) of the nymph inside.
Eggs may be laid singly or in clusters. Eggs of plant-eating species generally are glued to a surface or inserted into the tissues of a selected host plant. Eggs of predatory forms often are laid near prey. Aquatic bugs may lay their eggs above or below the water’s surface. Some bugs have special habits; for example, eggs may be glued in a large cluster to the back of a heteropteran male (Belostomatidae) or to the body of a crayfish as in Corixidae.