- Related Topics:
- plant bug
- water strider
- Amphibicorisae
- Paropia
- Hydrocorisae
Aquatic Heteroptera vary in their independence of atmospheric oxygen. Members of one of the nonswimming families (Nepidae) submerge just below the water’s surface and obtain oxygen through a slender, terminal breathing tube that breaks the surface film. Some swimming families (Corixidae, Notonectidae) dive deeply but must surface periodically to replenish air supplies either stored in chambers formed against body surfaces by the folded wings or entrapped by rows of dense hairs folded against the body. These insects swim to overcome the buoyancy of the renewed air supply, grasping underwater objects to anchor themselves. Heteropterans with air storage chambers are independent of oxygen dissolved in the water; therefore, they survive in warm springs or polluted waters almost devoid of oxygen. Another family (Naucoridae) contains species that spend their entire lives below the water’s surface and can obtain oxygen from that dissolved in the surrounding water. Water insulates its inhabitants from cold temperature extremes, allowing aquatic species to exhibit considerable activity throughout the year. Chilled water holds more dissolved oxygen than warm water, and air is available also between the water’s surface and the ice layer during winter months in temperate regions.
Semiaquatic bugs literally walk on water in that they are supported solely by the water’s surface film. Their small, slender bodies have little bulk to support. Long, thin middle and hind legs spread the points of contact with the water, with the tarsus of each leg causing only a slight dent in the surface film. The shorter front legs may rest on the water or capture and hold prey. Wetting of the body during submersion is prevented by a thin layer of air trapped by the fine, dense, water-repellent (hydrofuge) pile that covers the insect. Many surface dwellers live in quiet water, whereas others prefer flowing water, even rapids, where considerable strength is needed to overcome the current. In some cases, a bug may anchor the legs on one side of its body to some fixed object in a stream and wait for food carried to it by the rushing water. Adults survive the winter beneath objects on land either close to or some distance removed from a body of water.
Although shore bugs normally frequent shore lines, they occasionally make short forays onto the surface of adjacent bodies of water. Shore bugs generally are heavier bodied than surface dwellers. Their strong, and often long, legs enable them to run quickly across ground, rocks, and other exposed surfaces; short rapid flights are not uncommon. All shore bug families are predatory. Their front legs often are thickened distinctly and sometimes spined for grasping prey. Adults generally overwinter beneath convenient objects.
Terrestrial heteropteran species are more abundant than either aquatic or semiaquatic forms and have a variety of habits and life histories. Some species wander over leaves, flowers, and other surfaces exposed to sunlight, whereas others prefer protected areas such as crevices and the underside of foliage, rocks, logs, and loose bark. Some species, which are active during the night, hide only during the day, whereas other groups (e.g., Aradidae) live in obscure habitats and leave only if the environmental conditions become unsatisfactory. Members of one family (Cydnidae) burrow by cutting soil in front of them and shoving it behind and live in moving underground chambers. Species in at least two families (Nabidae, Reduviidae) live in spider webs and skillfully avoid entanglement as they eat trapped insects or, in some cases, the spider itself.
Relationships of heteropterans to plants vary. Plants may serve simply as a site on which to stand or move, as a lure for plant feeding insects on which predatory bugs feed, or, most importantly, as a source of nourishing sap for phytophagous heteropterans. A few species can cause modifications in plant growth. For example, a feeding insect may cause leaves to roll up around it. In Europe certain lace bugs (Tingidae) insert their eggs into flower buds, which enlarge and house developing lace bug nymphs. A new adult lace bug does not need jaws to gnaw its way out because it simply waits for the bud to begin to open.
Food habits
Predation is common throughout the Heteroptera, sometimes as a family-wide feeding pattern, sometimes as a deviation within an otherwise phytophagous family. In the suborder Hydrocorisae all families except one (Corixidae) are predatory on small aquatic animals, including small fish, tadpoles, and frogs. The exception has been known to add mosquito larvae to its usual algal diet. The suborder Amphibicorisae, without reported exception, contains forms that prey on plankton, small arthropods, or worms. In the suborder Geocorisae, many families of the series Cimicomorpha (e.g., Reduviidae, Nabidae, Phymatidae) are predatory, generally on other insects. However, a few assassin bugs (Reduviidae), bedbugs (Cimicidae), and bat bugs (Polyctenidae) seek the warm blood of birds and mammals. In addition, some members of plant feeding families (including the Miridae) attack other arthropods; a few families (Pentatomidae, Lygaeidae) of the series Pentatomomorpha, fundamentally plant feeders, contain insect-eating species. The original food habit of this order is not yet clear, but even in some avidly predatory species, the first and second nymphal instars may be plant feeders. In capturing its prey, a heteropteran may use front legs modified for grasping or insert feeding stylets. In either case the victim is paralyzed quickly by an injected salivary secretion.
Any insectan stage may fall to the hungry predator. Insect eggs are a favourite food for many small (Anthocoridae) or very young heteropteran predators. Caterpillars and other larvae commonly are attacked by predatory Heteroptera, and it is estimated that one stinkbug (Pentatomidae) may destroy more than 200 caterpillars during its lifetime. One stinkbug, long known to feed upon bedbugs, was recommended for use in control as early as 1776.
Other arthropods also may be attacked. One anthocorid bug (Anthocoridae) may destroy an average of 33 mites per day. In some instances size of prey is no barrier. In Sri Lanka a small assassin bug (Reduviidae) only 4 mm (0.157 inch) long can paralyze a giant millipede 150 mm (5.9 inches) long.
Individual heteropterans may associate accidently on a food source. On quiet pools of water, water striders (Gerridae, Veliidae) often assemble in milling “schools” of a few to hundreds of individuals that quickly reassemble if dispersed. Sometimes a female will reassemble disturbed batches of eggs. In cases where the female lays her eggs on the back of a male, the parental responsibility is his.
Members of one family (Termitaphididae), unable to live alone, share the nests of certain termites and feed on the fluids of the fungi growing there. In exchange, a substance secreted from pores on the backs of these bugs is eaten by the termites. Reports of heteropteran associations are difficult to assess and may reflect coincidental use of the same environment.