Cats & the Feline Family, 9 (-WIL

Cat, (Felis catus), also called house cat or domestic cat, domesticated member of the family Felidae, order Carnivora, and the smallest member of that family. Like all felids, domestic cats are characterized by supple low-slung bodies, finely molded heads, long tails that aid in balance, and specialized teeth and claws that adapt them admirably to a life of active hunting. Cats possess other features of their wild relatives in being basically carnivorous, remarkably agile and powerful, and finely coordinated in movement.
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Cats & the Feline Family Encyclopedia Articles By Title

9 (Lives of) Famous Cat Lovers
Cats are among the most beloved pet animals in the world. Second only to dogs as the most common pet of choice,......
Abyssinian, breed of domestic cat, probably of Egyptian origin, that has been considered to approximate the sacred......
African wildcat
African wildcat, (Felis silvestris libyca), small, tabbylike cat (family Felidae) found in open and forested regions......
Asiatic lion
Asiatic lion, (subspecies Panthera leo leo), population of lions whose geographic range once extended from Turkey......
Barbary lion
Where did Barbary lions historically live? Barbary lions once inhabited large areas of North Africa’s Maghreb region......
Bengal tiger
Bengal tiger, (subspecies Panthera tigris tigris), subspecies of tiger (Pantheria tigris) inhabiting the hot and......
black panther
black panther, colloquial term used to refer to large felines classified in the genus Panthera that are characterized......
bobcat, (Lynx rufus), bobtailed North American cat (family Felidae), found from southern Canada to southern Mexico.......
Burmese, breed of domestic cat, presumably of Asian origin. The Burmese is a compactly built cat with a small,......
calico cat
calico cat, In North America, a blotched or spotted domestic cat, usually predominantly white with red and black......
caracal, (Caracal caracal), short-tailed cat (family Felidae) found in hills, deserts, and plains of Africa, the......
cat, (Felis catus), domesticated member (felid) of the family Felidae. The family is generally divided between......
cats as pets
Cats are second only to dogs as the most common pets in the world. Their association with humans goes back thousands......
cheetah, (Acinonyx jubatus), one of the world’s most-recognizable cats, known especially for its speed. Cheetahs’......
clouded leopard
clouded leopard, strikingly marked cat, very similar in colouring and coat pattern to the smaller, unrelated marbled......
domestic shorthair
domestic shorthair, breed of domestic cat often referred to as a common, or alley, cat; a good show animal, however,......
feline, (family Felidae), any of 37 cat species that among others include the cheetah, puma, jaguar, leopard, lion,......
fishing cat
fishing cat, (species Felis viverrina), tropical cat of the family Felidae, found in India and Southeast Asia.......
flat-headed cat
flat-headed cat, (Felis planiceps), extremely rare Asian cat found in the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Borneo.......
Florida panther
Florida panther, member of a population of large New World cats belonging to the species Puma concolor, family......
Geoffroy’s cat
Geoffroy’s cat, (Oncifelis geoffroyi), South American cat of the family Felidae, found in mountainous regions,......
golden cat
golden cat, either of two cats of the family Felidae: the African golden cat (Profelis aurata), or the Asian golden......
Himalayan, breed of domestic cat with the colouring of the Siamese and the build and coat of the longhair, or Persian.......
jaguar, (Panthera onca), largest New World member of the cat family (Felidae), found from northern Mexico southward......
jaguarundi, (Puma yagouaroundi), small, unspotted New World cat (family Felidae), also known as the otter-cat because......
leopard, (Panthera pardus), large cat closely related to the lion, tiger, and jaguar. The name leopard was originally......
leopard cat
leopard cat, (Prionailurus bengalensis), forest-dwelling cat, of the family Felidae, found across India, Southeast......
liger, offspring of a male lion and a female tiger. The liger is a zoo-bred hybrid, as is the tigon, which is the......
lion, (Panthera leo), large, powerfully built cat (family Felidae) that is second in size only to the tiger; it......
longhair, breed of domestic cat noted for its long, soft, flowing coat. Long-haired cats were originally known......
lynx, (genus Lynx), any of four species of short-tailed cats (family Felidae) found in the forests of Europe, Asia,......
Maine coon cat
Maine coon cat, North America’s only native breed of longhaired domestic cat. Though its origins are unknown, it......
Manx, breed of tailless domestic cat of unknown origin but presumed by tradition to have come from the Isle of......
marbled cat
marbled cat, (species Felis marmorata), rare Southeast Asian cat, family Felidae, often referred to as a miniature......
margay, (Leopardus wiedii), small cat (family Felidae) that ranges from South through Central America and, rarely,......
Norwegian Forest Cat
Norwegian Forest Cat, a breed of long-haired domestic cat known for its large size, strong, muscular body, and......
ocelot, (Felis, or Leopardus, pardalis), spotted cat of the New World, found in lowland areas from Texas southward......
Pallas’s cat
Pallas’s cat, (Felis manul), small, long-haired cat (family Felidae) native to deserts and rocky, mountainous regions......
pampas cat
pampas cat, (Felis colocolo), small cat, family Felidae, native to South America. It is about 60 cm (24 inches)......
panther, either of two mammals of the cat family (Felidae), the leopard or the puma. For information about large......
puma, (Puma concolor), large brownish New World cat comparable in size to the jaguar—the only other large cat of......
Rex cat
Rex cat, curly-coated breed of domestic cat that has a dense, soft coat lacking any projecting guard hairs, or......
Russian Blue
Russian Blue, breed of domestic cat noted for the quality of its short, plushlike coat. Characteristically a quiet......
Scottish fold cat
Scottish fold cat, Breed of domestic cat with ears that fold forward and down. A Scottish shepherd discovered the......
serval, (Felis serval), long-limbed cat, family Felidae, found in Africa south of the Sahara, especially in grass-......
Siamese, popular short-haired breed of domestic cat originally from Thailand, a country whose official name was......
Siberian tiger
Siberian tiger, (subspecies Panthera tigris altaica), subspecies of tiger (Pantheria tigris) inhabiting the cold-climate......
Smilodon, extinct genus of large mammalian carnivores known collectively by the common name sabre-toothed cat.......
snow leopard
snow leopard, large long-haired Asian cat, classified as either Panthera uncia or Uncia uncia in the family Felidae.......
sphynx cat
sphynx cat, Breed of hairless domestic cat, founded on two spontaneous mutations in shorthaired cats. The first......
tabby, type of dark-striped coat colouring found in both wild and domestic cats. One of the most common coat colours,......
tiger, (Panthera tigris), largest member of the cat family (Felidae), rivaled only by the lion (Panthera leo) in......
tigon, offspring of a tiger and a lioness. The tigon, or tiglon, is a zoo-bred hybrid, as is the liger, the product......
Turkish Angora cat
Turkish Angora cat, Breed of longhaired domestic cat that probably arose from a domesticated cat of Tatars who......
Turkish Van cat
Turkish Van cat, breed of semilonghaired domestic cat distinguished mainly by its unusual colour pattern: white,......
white tiger
white tiger, colour variant of the Bengal tiger (Pantheria tigris tigris), the Siberian tiger (P. tigris altaica),......
Why Do Cats Purr?
While purring is often associated with a cat’s contentment, such as when they are being petted or snuggled up in......
wildcat, (species Felis silvestris), a small wild member of the cat family (Felidae) native to Eurasia and Africa.......