Phase diagram of a pure substance
When the temperature and pressure of a pure substance are fixed, the equilibrium state of the substance is also fixed. This is illustrated in , which shows the phase diagram for pure argon. In the diagram a single phase is shown as an area, two as a line, and three as the intersection of the lines at the triple point, T. Along the line TC, called the vapour-pressure curve, liquid and vapour exist in equilibrium. The liquid region exists to the left and above this line while the gas, or vapour, region exists below it. At the upper extreme, this curve ends at the critical point, C. If line TC is crossed by moving directly from point P to S, there is a distinct phase change accompanied by abrupt changes in the physical properties of the substance (e.g., density, heat capacity, viscosity, and dielectric constant) because the vapour and liquid phases have distinctly different properties. At the critical point, however, the vapour and liquid phases become identical, and above the critical point, the two phases are no longer distinct. Thus, if the substance moves from point P to S by the path PQRS so that no phase-change lines are crossed, the change in properties will be smooth and continuous, and the specific moment when the substance converts from a liquid to a gas is not clearly defined. In fact, the path PQRS demonstrates the essential continuity of state between liquid and gas, which differ in degree but which together constitute the single fluid state. Strictly speaking, the term liquid should be applied only to the denser of the two phases on the line TC, but it is generally extended to any dense fluid state at low temperatures—i.e., to the area lying within the angle CTM.
The extension of line TC below the triple point is called the sublimation curve. It represents the equilibrium between solid and gas, and when the sublimation curve is crossed, the substance changes directly from solid to gas. This conversion occurs when dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) vaporizes at atmospheric pressure to form gaseous carbon dioxide because the triple-point pressure for carbon dioxide is greater than atmospheric pressure. Line TM is the melting curve and represents an equilibrium between solid and liquid; when this curve is crossed from left to right, solid changes to liquid with the associated abrupt change in properties.
The melting curve is initially much steeper than the vapour-pressure curve; hence, as the pressure is changed, the temperature does not change much, and the melting temperature is little affected by pressure. No substance has been found to have a critical point on this line, and there are theoretical reasons for supposing that it continues indefinitely to high temperatures and pressures, until the substance is so compressed that the molecules break up into atoms, ions, and electrons. At pressures above 106 bars (one bar is equal to 0.987 atmosphere, where one atmosphere is the pressure exerted by the air at sea level), it is believed that most substances pass into a metallic state.
It is possible to cool a gas at constant pressure to a temperature lower than that of the vapour-pressure line without producing immediate condensation, since the liquid phase forms readily only in the presence of suitable nuclei (e.g., dust particles or ions) about which the drops can grow. Unless the gas is scrupulously cleaned, such nuclei remain; a subcooled vapour is unstable and will ultimately condense. It is similarly possible to superheat a liquid to a temperature where, though still a liquid, the gas is the stable phase. Again, this occurs most readily with clean liquids heated in smooth vessels, because bubble formation occurs around foreign particles or sharp points. When the superheated liquid changes to gas, it does so with almost explosive violence. A liquid also may be subcooled to below its freezing temperature.
Representative values of phase-diagram parameters
To a certain extent the behaviour of all substances is similar to that described in parameters that vary from substance to substance are the particular values of the triple-point and critical-point temperature and pressure, the size of the various regions, and the slopes of the lines. Triple-point temperatures range from 14 K (0 K equals -273.15° C [-459.67° F]), for hydrogen to temperatures too high for accurate measurement. Triple-point pressures are generally low, that of carbon dioxide at 5.2 bars being one of the highest. Most are around 10-3 bar, and those of some hydrocarbons are as low as 10-7 bar. The normal melting point of a substance is defined as the melting temperature at a pressure of one atmosphere (equivalent to 1.01325 bars); it differs little from the triple-point temperature, because of the steepness of melting lines (TM in ). Critical temperatures (the maximum temperature at which a gas can be liquefied by pressure) range from 5.2 K, for helium, to temperatures too high to measure. Critical pressures (the vapour pressure at the critical temperature) are generally about 40–100 bars. The normal boiling point is the temperature at which the vapour pressure reaches one atmosphere. The normal liquid range is defined as the temperature interval between the normal melting point and the normal boiling point, but such a restriction is artificial, the true liquid range being from triple point to critical point. Substances whose triple-point pressures are above atmospheric (e.g., carbon dioxide) have no normal liquid range but sublime at atmospheric pressure.
. TheEach of the three two-phase lines in
In this equation, dp/dT is the slope of the curve under consideration—i.e., either the melting, sublimation, or vapour-pressure curve. ΔH is the latent heat required for the phase change, and ΔV is the change in volume associated with the phase change. Thus, for the sublimation and vapour-pressure curves, since ΔH and ΔV are both positive (i.e., heat is required for vaporization, and the volume increases on vaporization), the slope is always positive. Although not apparent from , the slope of the sublimation curve immediately below the triple point is greater than the slope of the vapour-pressure curve immediately above it, so that the vapour-pressure curve is not continuous through the triple point. This is consistent with equation (1) because the heat of sublimation for a substance is somewhat larger than its heat of vaporization. The slope of the melting line is usually positive, but there are a few substances, such as water and bismuth, for which the melting-line slope is negative. The negative melting-line slope is consistent with equation (1) because, for these two substances, the density of the solid is less than the density of the liquid. This is the reason ice floats. For water, this negative volume change (i.e., shrinking) persists to 2.1 kilobars and -22° C, at which point the normal form of ice changes to a denser form, and thereafter the change in volume on melting is positive.