While classification under the heading electrolyte-solution or nonelectrolyte-solution is often useful, some solutions have properties near the boundary between these two broad classes. Although such substances as ordinary salt and hydrogen chloride are strong electrolytes—i.e., they dissociate completely in an ionizing solvent—there are many substances, called weak electrolytes, that dissociate to only a small extent in ionizing solvents. For example, in aqueous solution, acetic acid can dissociate into a positive hydrogen ion and a negative acetate ion (CH3COO-), but it does so to a limited extent; in an aqueous solution containing 50 grams acetic acid and 1,000 grams water, less than 1 percent of the acetic acid molecules are dissociated into ions. Therefore, a solution of acetic acid in water exhibits some properties associated with electrolyte solutions (e.g., it is a fair conductor of electricity), but in general terms it is more properly classified as a nonelectrolyte solution. By similar reasoning, an aqueous solution of carbon dioxide is also considered a nonelectrolyte solution even though carbon dioxide and water have a slight tendency to form carbonic acid, which, in turn, dissociates to a small extent to hydrogen ions and bicarbonate ions (HCO3-).
Endothermic and exothermic solutions
When two substances mix to form a solution, heat is either evolved (an exothermic process) or absorbed (an endothermic process); only in the special case of an ideal solution do substances mix without any heat effect. Most simple molecules mix with a small endothermic heat of solution, while exothermic heats of solution are observed when the components interact strongly with one another. An extreme example of an exothermic heat of mixing is provided by adding an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide, a powerful base, to an aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride, a powerful acid; the hydroxide ions (OH-) of the base combine with the hydrogen ions of the acid to form water, a highly exothermic reaction that yields 75,300 calories per 100 grams of water formed. In nonelectrolyte solutions, heat effects are usually endothermic and much smaller, often about 100 calories, when roughly equal parts are mixed to form 100 grams of mixture.
Formation of a solution usually is accompanied by a small change in volume. If equal parts of benzene and stannic chloride are mixed, the temperature drops; if the mixture is then heated slightly to bring its temperature back to that of the unmixed liquids, the volume increases by about 2 percent. On the other hand, mixing roughly equal parts of acetone and chloroform produces a small decrease in volume, about 0.2 percent. It frequently happens that mixtures with endothermic heats of mixing expand—i.e., show small increases in volume—while mixtures with exothermic heats of mixing tend to contract.
A large decrease in volume occurs when a gas is dissolved in a liquid. For example, at 0° C and atmospheric pressure, the volume of 28 grams of nitrogen gas is 22,400 cubic centimetres. When these 28 grams of nitrogen are dissolved in an excess of water, the volume of the water increases only 40 cubic centimetres; the decrease in volume accompanying the dissolution of 28 grams of nitrogen in water is therefore 22,360 cubic centimetres. In this case, it is said that the nitrogen gas has been condensed into a liquid, the word condense meaning “to make dense”—i.e., to decrease the volume.
Properties of solutions
Composition ratios
The composition of a liquid solution means the composition of that solution in the bulk—that is, of that part that is not near the surface. The interface between the liquid solution and some other phase (for example, a gas such as air) has a composition that differs, sometimes very much, from that of the bulk. The environment at an interface is significantly different from that throughout the bulk of the liquid, and in a solution the molecules of a particular component may prefer one environment over the other. If the molecules of one component in the solution prefer to be at the interface as opposed to the bulk, it is said that this component is positively adsorbed at the interface. In aqueous solutions of organic liquids, the organic component is usually positively adsorbed at the solution-air interface; as a result, it is often possible to separate a mixture of an organic solute from water by a process called froth separation. Air is bubbled vigorously into the solution, and a froth is formed. The composition of the froth differs from that of the bulk because the organic solute concentrates at the interfacial region. The froth is mechanically removed and collapsed, and, if further separation is desired, a new froth is generated. The tendency of some dissolved molecules to congregate at the surface has been utilized in water conservation. A certain type of alcohol, when added to water, concentrates at the surface to form a barrier to evaporating water molecules. In warm climates, therefore, water loss by evaporation from lakes can be significantly reduced by introducing a solute that adsorbs positively at the lake-air interface.
The composition of a solution can be expressed in a variety of ways, the simplest of which is the weight fraction, or weight percent; for example, the salt content of seawater is about 3.5 weight percent—i.e., of 100 grams of seawater, 3.5 grams is salt. For a fundamental understanding of solution properties, however, it is often useful to express composition in terms of molecular units such as molecular concentration, molality, or mole fraction. To understand these terms, it is necessary to define atomic and molecular weights. The atomic weight of elements is a relative figure, with one atom of the carbon-12 isotope being assigned the atomic weight of 12; the atomic weight of hydrogen is then approximately 1, of oxygen approximately 16, and the molecular weight of water (H2O) 18. The atomic and molecular theory of matter asserts that the atomic weight of any element in grams must contain the same number of atoms as the atomic weight in grams (the gram-atomic weight) of any other element. Thus, two grams of molecular hydrogen (H2)—its gram-molecular weight—contain the same number of molecules as 18 grams of water or 32 grams of oxygen molecules (O2). Further, a specified volume of any gas (at low pressure) contains the same number of molecules as the same volume of any other gas at the same temperature and pressure. At standard temperature and pressure (0° C and one atmosphere) the volume of one gram-molecular weight of any gas has been determined experimentally to be approximately 22.4 litres (23.7 quarts). The number of molecules in this volume of gas, or in the gram-molecular weight of any compound, is called Avogadro’s number.