Regular solutions
The word regular implies that the molecules mix in a completely random manner, which means that there is no segregation or preference; a given molecule chooses its neighbours with no regard for chemical identity (species 1 or 2). In a regular solution of composition x1 and x2, the probability that the neighbour of a given molecule is of species 1 is given by the mole fraction x1, and the probability that it is of species 2 is given by x2.
Two liquids form a solution that is approximately regular when the molecules of the two liquids do not differ appreciably in size and there are no strong orienting forces caused by dipoles or hydrogen bonding. In that event, the mixing process can be represented by the lattice model shown in ; the left half of the diagram shows pure liquids 1 and 2, and the right half shows the mixture obtained when the central molecule of liquid 1 is interchanged with the central molecule of liquid 2. Before interchange, the potential energy between central molecule 1 and one of its immediate neighbours is Γ11, and that between central molecule 2 and one of its immediate neighbours is Γ22. After interchange, the potential energy between molecule 1 and one of its immediate neighbours is Γ12, and that between molecule 2 and one of its immediate neighbours is also Γ12. The change in energy that accompanies this mixing process is equal to twice the interchange energy (ω), which is equal to the potential energy after mixing less one-half the sum of the potential energies before mixing, the whole multiplied by the number of immediate neighbours, called the coordination number (z), surrounding the two shifted molecules:
In the two-dimensional representation (dimensions, z varies between 6 and 12, depending on the lattice geometry. In this simple lattice model, the interchange process occurs without change of volume; thus, in this particular case, the excess enthalpy is the same as the energy change upon mixing. Assuming regular-solution behaviour (i.e., SE = 0), an equation may be derived relating Gibbs energy, Avogadro’s number, interchange energy, and mole fractions. In principle, the interchange energy (ω) may be positive or negative, but, for simple molecules, for which only London forces of attraction are important, ω is positive. The equation obtained from the simple lattice model can be extended semiempirically to apply to mixtures of molecules whose sizes are not nearly the same by using volume fractions instead of mole fractions to express the effect of composition and by introducing the concept of cohesive energy density, which is defined as the potential energy of a liquid divided by its volume. The adjective cohesive is well chosen because it indicates that this energy is associated with the forces that keep the molecules close together in a condensed state. Again restricting attention to nonpolar molecules and assuming a completely random mixture (SE = 0), an equation may be derived that requires only pure-component properties to predict the excess Gibbs energy (and hence the activity coefficients) of binary mixtures. Because of many simplifying assumptions, this equation does not give consistently accurate results, but in many cases it provides good semiquantitative estimates. The form of the equation is such that the excess Gibbs energy is larger than zero; hence, the equation is not applicable to mixtures that have negative deviations from Raoult’s law.
), z equals 4; but, in threeAthermal solutions
In a solution in which the molecules of one component are much larger than those of the other, the assumption that the solution is regular (i.e., that SE = 0) no longer provides a reasonable approximation even if the effect of intermolecular forces is neglected. A large flexible molecule (e.g., a chain molecule such as polyethylene) can attain many more configurations when it is surrounded by small molecules than it can when surrounded by other large flexible molecules; the state of disorder in such a solution is therefore much larger than that of a regular solution in which SE = 0. A solution of very large molecules (i.e., polymers) in an ordinary liquid solvent is analogous to a mixture of cooked spaghetti (representing the polymers) and tomato sauce (the solvent). When there is a large amount of sauce and relatively little spaghetti, each piece of spaghetti is free to exist in many different shapes; this freedom, however, becomes restricted as the number of spaghetti pieces rises and the amount of sauce available for each strand declines. The excess entropy then is determined primarily by the freedom that the spaghetti has in the tomato sauce mixture relative to the freedom it has in the absence of sauce.
Regular solutions and athermal solutions represent limiting cases; real solutions are neither regular nor athermal. For real solutions it has been proposed to calculate GE by combining the equations derived separately for regular solutions and for athermal solutions, but, in view of the restrictive and mutually inconsistent assumptions that were made in deriving these two equations, the proposal has met with only limited success.