Low-bypass turbofans and turbojets
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In the next higher regime of aircraft flight speed, the low supersonic range from Mach numbers above 1 up to 2 or 3, one finds the application of the simple turbojet (with no bypass stream) and the low-bypass turbofan engine (with a bypass ratio up to 2).
Although the low-bypass turbofan (shown in unique to low-bypass engines. The lower total flow in the fan generally involves a higher fan pressure ratio (for equivalent amounts of energy available from the drive turbine), and so such a fan usually has more than one (i.e., two or three) turbocompressor stages. Engines designed to operate at the low supersonic range generally have insufficient thrust in other flight regimes or modes where they must operate for short durations, as, for instance, acceleration through transonic speed, takeoff from high-altitude airports under conditions of extremely high temperatures and high gross weight, or combat maneuvers at high supersonic flight speed. Rather than installing a larger engine to meet these requirements, it is more effective to add an afterburner to a turbofan engine as a means of thrust augmentation. The afterburner is a secondary combustion system that operates in the exhaust stream of the engine before the stream is introduced into the exhaust nozzle. Such a device is not as fuel-efficient as the main turbofan section of the engine because heat addition occurs at a lower pressure than in the main burner. The afterburner, however, is relatively simple and lightweight, since it does not contain any rotating machinery. For the same reason, it may be operated to a much higher discharge temperature (typically 1,760 °C), so that it is capable of augmenting the thrust of the turbofan by as much as 50 percent.
) has the same general appearance as a turbofan with a larger bypass ratio, certain special features areThe afterburner in a turbofan usually requires a mixer for mixing the relatively cool bypass air with the hot core stream (see environment of an afterburner. Also, in both the turbojet and the turbofan with an afterburner, the exhaust nozzle must have a variable throat area to accommodate the large variations in volumetric flow rate between the very hot exhaust stream from the operating afterburner and the cooler airstream discharged from the engine when the afterburner is not in use. Engines intended for supersonic flight generally have a much lower compression-pressure ratio than higher-bypass machines intended for subsonic or transonic operation. A major contributor to this tendency is the additional pressure ratio developed in the engine’s inlet as it slows down or diffuses the very high-speed airstream that is ingested as the engine’s working fluid—the ram effect. At transonic flight speed this pressure ratio is almost 2:1, so that the engine’s compressor may be built to provide that much less pressure where peak pressure is otherwise limiting.
); the cooler air is otherwise difficult to burn in the low-pressureEarly generations of jet-propelled aircraft in this low supersonic flight regime were powered by turbojet engines, but subsequent generations built for the same flight regime have largely been equipped with low-bypass turbofans. This substitution of engine type was undertaken primarily because such aircraft expend a great deal of their fuel at subsonic flight speed (e.g., in takeoff, climb, loiter, acceleration, approach, and landing), where the turbofan provides an advantage in propulsive efficiency.