Variable-cycle engines
- Related Topics:
- turbojet
- ramjet
- propulsor
- turboramjet
- turboshaft
For aircraft designed to fly mixed missions (i.e., at subsonic, transonic, and supersonic flight speeds) with low levels of fuel consumption, it is desirable to have an engine with the characteristics of both a high-bypass engine (for subsonic flight speed) and a low-bypass engine (for supersonic flight speed). This requirement is typical for many high-speed commercial airliners, including the Concorde, a type of supersonic transport built by the British and French that was in service from 1976 to 2003. The Concorde was capable of traveling over oceans and unpopulated land areas at supersonic cruise speeds, but it could not fly efficiently and quietly at subsonic flight speed for takeoff, ascent, cruising over populated areas, and approach and landing. This dual function is expected to be accomplished in the future by the variable-cycle engine (VCE). If the components of an engine are designed to accommodate the extreme limits of flow, pressure ratio, and other conditions involved in both high-bypass and low-bypass operation, the engine may be operated at either extreme of bypass ratio or at any bypass ratio between those extremes by means of a valve (or valves) in the bypass stream (in conjunction with a variable exhaust nozzle). When the valves are closed, they restrict the flow in the bypass stream to achieve low bypass for supersonic flight. When the valves are open, the bypass is increased to its maximum value for efficient subsonic flight.
As noted above, the ramjet provides a simple and efficient means of propulsion for aircraft at relatively high supersonic flight speeds. It is, however, quite inefficient at transonic flight speeds and is completely ineffective at subsonic velocities. The turboramjet has been developed to overcome this inadequacy. In this system (shown in ), a turbofan engine is built into the inlet of a ramjet engine to charge the latter with a pressurized stream of air at subsonic flight speed where ram pressure is insufficient for effective ramjet operation. During supersonic flight the fan blades, if they are of variable pitch, may be feathered so that they do not interfere with the flow of ram air to the ramjet. A separate inlet to the core engine that drives the fan may be closed off so as not to expose the turbomachinery to the hostile environment of the high-temperature ram air.
Another variation of the turboramjet does without the core inlet and the core compressor altogether. Instead, the aircraft carries a tank of an oxidizer, such as liquid oxygen. The oxidizer is fed into the core combustion chamber along with the fuel to support the combustion process, which generates the hot gas stream to power the turbine that drives the fan. During supersonic flight, the fan may be feathered, and a surplus of fuel may be introduced into the core combustor. The unburned fuel passes through the fan turbine and undergoes combustion in the ramjet burner when it mixes with the fresh air entering via the bypass stream from the fan.
Fredric F. EhrichDevelopment of jet engines
Like many other inventions, jet engines were envisaged long before they became a reality. The earliest proposals were based on adaptations of piston engines and were usually heavy and complicated. The first to incorporate a turbine design was conceived as early as 1921, and the essentials of the modern turbojet were contained in a patent in 1930 by Frank Whittle in England. His design was first tested in 1937 and achieved its first flight in May 1941. In Germany, parallel but completely independent work followed issuance of a patent in 1935. It proceeded more rapidly, and the very first flight of a turbojet-powered aircraft, a Heinkel HE-178, came in August 1939. By the end of World War II these prototype aircraft had developed into a few operational turbojet squadrons in the German, British, and U.S. air forces.
In the military area, jet fighter aircraft developed rapidly and were in use during the Korean War (1950–53), flying at speeds of 1,000 km per hour. During the next decade they overcame the sound barrier and established normal operations up to more than twice the speed of sound (Mach 2). Bomber and transport jet aircraft were also able to reach and cruise at supersonic speeds.
The first civil jet transport, the British de Havilland Comet, flew in 1949, and regular transatlantic jet services were started in 1958 with the Comet 4 and the American Boeing 707. By 1974 more than 90 percent of hours flown throughout the world were flown by jets; the first supersonic airliner, the British-French Concorde, flying at more than twice the speed of sound, entered regular service in January 1976 and flew until late 2003.
During the 1980s various major aircraft manufacturers undertook programs to develop fuel-saving propfan and unducted-fan propulsion systems. Some authorities believe that the next generation of commercial air transport may very well be powered by such advanced-technology propeller engines.
Alexander D. Baxter Fredric F. Ehrich