Medium-bypass turbofans, high-bypass turbofans, and ultrahigh-bypass engines
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Moving up in the spectrum of flight speeds to the transonic regime—Mach numbers from 0.75 to 0.9—the most common engine configurations are turbofan engines, such as those shown in Figures designation bypass stream) and goes directly to an exhaust nozzle. The core stream, with some modest fraction of the gas horsepower remaining (not extracted to drive the fan) proceeds directly to its own exhaust nozzle.
and . In a turbofan, only a part of the gas horsepower generated by the core is extracted to drive a propulsor, which usually consists of a single low-pressure-ratio, shrouded turbocompression stage. The fan is generally placed in front of the core inlet so that the air entering the core first passes through the fan and is partially compressed by it. Most of the air, however, bypasses the core (hence theA key parameter for classifying the turbofan is its bypass ratio, defined as the ratio of the mass flow rate of the bypass stream to the mass flow rate entering the core. Since the highest propulsion efficiencies are obtained by the engines with the highest bypass ratios, one would expect to find all engines of that design in this flight speed regime. (Some of the variation derives from historical evolution.) In actuality, however, one finds engines with a broad spectrum of bypass ratios, including medium-bypass engines (with bypass ratios from 2 to 4), high-bypass engines (with bypass ratios from 5 to 8), and ultrahigh-bypass engines, so-called UBEs (with bypass ratios from 9 to 15 or higher). A whole generation of low- and medium-bypass engines has completely supplanted the first generation of aircraft powered by (zero-bypass) turbojet engines. Moreover, that generation was itself supplanted by a third generation of medium- and high-bypass turbofan engines. There are several other reasons why engines with less than the highest bypass ratios hypothetically achievable are still in use. Very high bypass ratios involve the use of fans with very large diameters, which in turn entail very heavy components; this increases the difficulty of installing the engine on aircraft and maintaining sufficient ground clearance. In addition, the weight and complexity of the apparatus required to reverse the direction of the bypass stream (to achieve thrust reversal in order to shorten the aircraft’s landing roll) also increases with the bypass ratio. The long-term trend, however, is definitely toward higher and higher bypass ratios.
There are several unique features and ancillary devices found in turbofan engines. Ultrahigh-bypass engines (as shown in ) may have a gearbox between the drive turbine and the fan to simplify the design of the small-diameter turbine (with the attendant high rotative speed) without compromising the performance of the very large-diameter fan (with the attendant low rotative speed). Variable-pitch fan blades are generally required for thrust reversal in such ultrahigh-bypass fans, while in medium- and high-bypass engines the thrust reversing is usually accomplished by introducing blocker doors into the bypass stream. In high- and medium-bypass turbofans ( ), a small but significant improvement in propulsive efficiency can be achieved by mixing the airstream of the hot core and cold bypass streams before the total airstream enters a single jet nozzle.