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- CiteseerX - Primate Cognition (PDF) (Feb. 15, 2025)
Renewed interest in primate origins
Beginning in the 1950s, there was a notable expression of interest in primate paleontology. Since then, hardly a year has passed without the announcement of some new major discovery. New sites have been opened up and old discoveries redescribed and reallocated. New techniques in geologic dating, palynology (the study of fossil pollen), paleoclimatology and paleoecology, and taphonomy (the interpretation of fossil sites) have helped to lift primate paleontology into the forefront of the life sciences and have aroused public interest to an unprecedented level. The popularity of all aspects of the evolution of human beings is reflected, for instance, in the spate of books covering this field published during this period.
The African continent has contributed the greatest share of significant early finds. Fayum in Egypt; Rusinga, Songhor, Kalodirr, Fort Ternan, Kanapoi, and Koobi Fora in Kenya; Olduvai and Laetolil in Tanzania; Omo and Hadar in Ethiopia; and Sterkfontein, Kromdraai, Swartkrans, and Makapansgat in South Africa are names with which every anthropology student and much of the general public are familiar.
Elsewhere, pieces of this colossal worldwide jigsaw puzzle have been discovered in Europe, notably in Turkey, Greece, Hungary, France, and Italy; in the Siwālik Hills of northwestern India; in China and Burma; in the ever-prolific Middle Eocene Bridger Beds of North America; and in Colombia, Argentina, and Bolivia. The 1990s saw a proliferation of discoveries of the previously impoverished fossil record of New World monkeys.
While new discoveries have clarified the human story, older ones, which had served only to cloud it, have been repudiated. Piltdown man was shown unequivocally to be a fake in 1953; and Galley Hill man in England, the Olmo remains in Italy, and the Calaveras skull in the United States have been shown to be recent intrusions (burials in the case of Galley Hill and Olmo, fraudulent in the case of Calaveras) into Pliocene or Pleistocene levels (5.3 million to 11,700 years ago). Questionable finds from the remoter geologic period of the Eocene and Oligocene epochs (56 million to 23 million years ago) have also been reexamined, with the result that a number of confusing fossils have been dismissed.
Progress in constructing the phylogeny of the primates has been bedeviled by a number of controversies concerning taxonomy and nomenclature. New-school and old-school taxonomists have come into conflict. But, with the rapid advances in molecular genetics, in the new concepts of phylogenetic species, and in population anthropology, a fresh equilibrium is slowly being acquired as the pendulum swings between the traditional “splitting,” in which every new discovery was provided with a new generic name, and the reactionary “lumping” of such taxa as genera. Finally, cladistic methodology has become virtually universal, and most biologists and palaeontologists today accept the principle that a taxonomic group should be monophyletic (i.e., including only—and all—the descendants of a common ancestor).
The primate fossil record
The known temporal range of supposed primates was extended to about 66 million years ago (Late Cretaceous Epoch) by the discovery in Montana, U.S., of five teeth, representing two species of insectivore-like primates that were assigned in 1965 to a new genus, Purgatorius. This diagnosis, based on the characters of one premolar and four molar teeth since augmented by a few complete jaws, is not by any means universally accepted.
The first known supposed primates date to about 60 million years ago, as complete skulls and partial postcranial skeletons are available for the genera Plesiadapis, Ignacius, and Palaechthon from Europe and North America. The skulls show a number of dental specializations, including, in the case of Plesiadapis, procumbent rodentlike incisors in the upper and lower jaw and the absence of other antemolar teeth, though the molar teeth show more plausible primate affinities. Recent finds of limb bones, especially finger bones, of Ignacius and other genera have suggested that some, perhaps all, of these Paleocene supposed primates may actually belong to the order Dermoptera, whose only living representative is the gliding colugo (“flying lemur”) of Southeast Asia. If this is so, then the Paleocene fossil record of primates is reduced to a handful of teeth of dubious status from China and France.