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- CiteseerX - Primate Cognition (PDF) (Feb. 15, 2025)
In evolutionary terms, increase in size has probably played a large part in determining the direction of primate evolution. Early primates of about 50 million years ago were small forest-living creatures whose molar teeth bore high, pointed cusps but were neither as tall nor as pointed as those of their insectivore-like ancestors, whose molars were ideally adapted for cracking the hard chitinous exoskeletons of insects. This fact suggests that the reduction of the molar cusps was associated with the adoption of a fruit-eating habit. Although this has some validity as a generalization, it should not be taken too literally, as most primates include some insects in their diet and of course there are many almost exclusively insectivorous forms, which have nonetheless reduced the height and acuity of their molar cusps. Increasing body size, a trend that is clearly apparent throughout primate evolution, would have been associated with the adoption of supplementary sources of food. An increase in size and the gradual addition of bulk foods to the diet would in turn have affected the habitat and the pattern of locomotion of primates. Suitable adaptations in this case would have been the facility to climb, leap, and balance in trees.
It is noteworthy that, during evolution, the development of a prehensile foot preceded that of a prehensile hand. Vertical-clinging primates such as the tarsiers or small, squirrel-like quadrupeds such as the marmosets—all of which have prehensile feet but not completely prehensile hands—by remaining or becoming small, have avoided the evolutionary pressures that have impinged on larger primates. A large arboreal primate without entirely prehensile hands is at a considerable disadvantage in moving about in the canopy of trees, but a small one suffers little disadvantage. Amid the large and firm branches, size is no particular hazard, but at the periphery of the crown, where the fruit is most abundant and the branches are slender and flexible, the risk of falling is increased. It is therefore likely that the combination of an increase in body size associated with the inevitable shift toward a bulk diet led first to the evolution of a grasping hand, then to the appearance of a prehensile hand, and finally to an opposable thumb. Four prehensile extremities are obviously more effective than two in defying gravity.
Such adaptations of the forelimbs would have had the effect of equalizing the role of the limbs. The limbs of vertical clingers are functionally disparate, the lower pair being dominantly propulsive and the upper secondary and purely supportive. The limbs of quadrupeds, however, are more homogeneous, both pairs having a propulsive function during running. Thus, it would seem that the transition in locomotor grade between vertical clinging and leaping and quadrupedalism came about as an adaptation to increased body size. Size, diet, ecology, locomotion, and anatomic structure provide a constellation of causes and effects that are critical factors in the evolution of the primates.