- Key People:
- Edward Tyson
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- On the Web:
- CiteseerX - Primate Cognition (PDF) (Feb. 15, 2025)
General structure
The basis of the success of the order Primates is the relatively unspecialized nature of their structure and the highly specialized plasticity of their behaviour. This combination has permitted the primates throughout their evolutionary history to exploit the wide variety of novel ecological opportunities that have come their way. Although there are a few highly specialized species among the lower primates (the aye-aye, the tarsier, the potto, and the lorises, for instance), the higher primates, collectively known as the anthropoids, are extremely conservative in their structure; morphologically speaking, they have maintained a position in the evolutionary midstream and have avoided the potential stagnation of specialized life near the banks. Specialization is not always a liability; in times of environmental stability, the specialized animal enjoys many advantages, but, in a rapidly changing world, it is the less-specialized animals that are more likely to survive and flourish. The plasticity of primate behaviour is largely a function of the brain. The primate brain is distinguished by its relatively large size compared with the size of the body as a whole; it is also notable for the complexity and elaboration of the cerebral cortex, the function of which is to receive, analyze, and synthesize the incoming impulses from the sense organs and to convert them into appropriate motor actions, which in turn constitute behaviour.
Primates are essentially arboreal animals whose limbs are adapted for climbing, leaping, and running in trees. Active arboreal life requires the mechanical assistance of a long tail and sensitive, grasping hands and feet with opposable thumbs and big toes to aid in climbing and to ensure stability on slender branches high above the ground. Active arboreal locomotion also requires a much more accurate judgment of distances than life on the ground; this is facilitated by the development of stereoscopic vision, the anatomic basis of visual judgments in depth. The forward-facing eyes of primates are adaptations for this type of visual precision. A highly developed sense of smell is not nearly as important for animals leading an arboreal life as it is for those on the ground. Many primates thus have a much-reduced olfactory mechanism; noses are shorter, and the nasal concha (scroll bones) of the nose are reduced in number and complexity compared with most nonprimate mammals—although it should not be overlooked that many lemurs and New World monkeys do enjoy a rich olfactory world, especially in the social sphere.
Above all, the principal evolutionary trend of primates has been the elaboration of the brain, particularly of that portion of the cerebral hemispheres known as the neopallium or neocortex. A neocortex is characteristic of higher vertebrates, such as mammals, which operate under the control of multiple sources of sensory input. In many mammals, the olfactory system dominates the senses, and the cerebral hemispheres consist largely of palaeocortex—the “smell brain”—of lower vertebrates. The arboreal habit of primates has led to a dethronement of the olfactory sense and the accession of a tactile, visually dominant sensory system. This evolutionary trend has resulted in the dramatic expansion and differentiation of the neocortex.
Vertebral column and posture
All primates retain collarbones (lost in many mammalian groups), a separate radius and ulna in the forearm, and a separate tibia and fibula in the lower leg. The single exception to this among living primates is the tarsier, in which the fibula becomes fused to the tibia.
The primate vertebral column shows a basic mammalian pattern of components, including an “anticlinal” vertebra situated in the mid-thoracic (upper-back) region of the spinal column and marking the transition between the forelimb and hind limb segments. In a galloping greyhound, the anticlinal vertebra is at the apex of the acute curve of the back. An anticlinal vertebra is characteristic of all quadrupeds and is seen in all primate families except the apes, whose posture is upright or semiupright. The evolutionary trend in the vertebral column is toward shortening the lumbar, sacral, and caudal regions. Extreme shortening in the lumbar region, with complete loss of the caudal (tail) vertebrae, occurs in gibbons, the great apes, and humans. Prehensility of the tail is a specialization of certain New World monkeys, but it appears also for a brief period in the infants of many Old World monkey groups, in which it provides an important mechanical aid to survival.