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- CiteseerX - Primate Cognition (PDF) (Feb. 15, 2025)
Among mammals in general, the olfactory system is the primary receptor for environmental information; consequently, the brain of most mammals is dominated by the olfactory centres. In primates the sense of smell is considerably less important than the well-developed visual system and highly refined sense of touch. The primate brain is enlarged in the specific areas concerned with vision (occipital lobes) and touch (parietal lobes) and thus takes a characteristic shape throughout the higher primates.
The skin of the primate hand is well adapted for tactile discrimination. Meissner’s corpuscles, the principal receptors for touch in hairless skin, are best developed in apes and humans, but they can be found in all primates. Structurally correlated with a high level of tactile sensitivity are certain anatomic features of the skin of the hands and feet, such as the absence of pads on the palms and soles and the presence of a finely ridged pattern of skin corrugations known as dermatoglyphics (the basis for fingerprints).
Eyes and vision
The evolutionary trend toward frontality of the eyes has not proceeded as far in most lemurs as in lorises and more advanced primates. In primitive mammals the central axes of the two bony orbits are 140° apart. In lemurs this angle is considerably less, 60°–70°, and in the apes and monkeys and in the slender loris (genus Loris), the divergence has been reduced to 20°. It should be noted that the axes of the eyeballs (as distinct from the bony orbits) in apes and monkeys are, in fact, parallel.
Colour vision is of considerable advantage to arboreal animals living on fruits and insects. Most mammals have both rod and cone receptors in their retinas, and almost all primates have at least two kinds of cones, a short-wavelength (blue) type and a medium–long-wavelength (red-green) type. All, therefore, seem to have well-developed colour vision, the exceptions so far known being some of the nocturnal species: durukulis of South America, the tarsiers, and at least some of the galagos. Catarrhines and howler monkeys have separate red- and green-responding cones, determined by closely linked loci on the X chromosome. In most other investigated platyrrhines (New World monkeys), red and green are determined by alleles at a single locus, again on the X chromosome; thus, males are always dichromatic, whereas females may be either dichromatic (if homozygous) or trichromatic (if heterozygous). It is suggested that, during the evolution of catarrhines, the red-green locus duplicated, one of the daughter loci fixing the red gene and the other the green.
Nervous integration
The elaboration of touch and vision supplements the senses of smell, hearing, and taste, providing the primate with a sensory armament of great range and flexibility. The primate central nervous system is sufficiently refined to deal with the elaborate bombardment of environmental information reaching it. Association areas provide connections between the input and output centres of the brain—the motor and sensory cortex. Association areas are the memory banks where the memory of past experience is encoded in the infinitely complicated plexiform arrangement of the neurons, the brain cells, and their processes. All sensory impulses reaching the cortical centres of the central nervous system are routed through the association areas for conditioning, as it were, before reaching the effector side or output side where the appropriate response is initiated in the cells of the motor cortex. The more highly developed the association areas of the brain are, the more specific and appropriate is the behaviour and the more versatile is the animal in facing environmental demands.
The brain
The principal evolutionary trend in brain development has been toward elaboration. The neocortex of higher primates possesses highly developed associative functions, an aptitude for receiving, analyzing, and synthesizing the sensory input from visual, olfactory, auditory, gustatory, and tactile receptors and converting them into the appropriate motor responses.
The brain of monkeys and apes is larger, both absolutely and relatively, than that of lemurs, lorises, or tarsiers. For instance, the weight of the simplest anthropoid brain, that of a marmoset, is three times greater than the brain weight of a bush baby of comparative size. This quantitative increase is attributable in part to the elaboration of the regions of the neocortex concerned with tactile and visual sensitivity and in part to the elaboration of the intrinsic pathways connecting one part of the brain with another. The large brain of humans is attributable not so much to an increased nerve cell content as to an increase in the size of the nerve cells and to a greater complexity of the connections linking one cell to another.
The external form of the anthropoid cerebral cortex is characterized by a complicated pattern of folds and fissures (sulci and gyri) in the brain surface. The fissural pattern is seen in its simplest form in the marmosets, but in the larger New World monkeys (capuchins, for instance), the cerebrum is richly convoluted. Gyri and sulci are well marked in Old World monkeys and in the apes, the complexity of the pattern closely approximating the tortuous mazelike pattern seen in humans.