Humanities, SLO-VIV
The humanities are those branches of knowledge that concern themselves with human beings and their culture. The humanities include the study of all languages and literatures, the arts, history, and philosophy.
Humanities Encyclopedia Articles By Title
Nicolas Slonimsky was a Russian-born U.S. musicologist, conductor, and composer. He left the Soviet Union after......
Smith College, liberal arts college for women in Northampton, Massachusetts, U.S. One of the Seven Sisters schools,......
Erminnie Adele Platt Smith was an American anthropologist who was the first woman to specialize in ethnographic......
Harry Smith was an American filmmaker, painter, musicologist, ethnographer, collector, and mystic. Smith is best......
William Robertson Smith was a Scottish Semitic scholar, encyclopaedist, and student of comparative religion and......
C.P. Snow was a British novelist, scientist, and government administrator. Snow was graduated from Leicester University......
social Darwinism, the theory that human groups and races are subject to the same laws of natural selection as Charles......
social equilibrium, a theoretical state of balance in a social system referring both to an internal balance between......
social science, any branch of academic study or science that deals with human behaviour in its social and cultural......
sociobiology, the systematic study of the biological basis of social behaviour. The term sociobiology was popularized......
sociolinguistics, the study of the sociological aspects of language. The discipline concerns itself with the part......
sociology, a social science that studies human societies, their interactions, and the processes that preserve and......
- Introduction
- Replacing Determinism, Social Structures, Interactionism
- Functionalism, Conflict, Debate
- Social Stratification, Inequality, Class
- Qualitative, Establishment, Historical
- Quantitative, Qualitative, Theory
- Data Collection, Surveys, Interviews
- Social Structures, Research, Theory
- Scientific Status, Theory, Research
- Research, Analysis, Education
sociometry, measurement techniques used in social psychology, in sociology, and sometimes in social anthropology......
Tiyo Soga was a Xhosa journalist, minister, translator, composer of hymns, and collector of black South African......
solar calendar, any dating system based on the seasonal year of approximately 365 14 days, the time it takes the......
Antonio Soler was the most important composer of instrumental and church music in Spain in the late 18th century.......
Oscar Sonneck was an American musicologist, librarian, and editor. Sonneck was mainly educated in Germany and attended......
Susan Sontag was an American intellectual and writer best known for her essays on modern culture. Sontag (who adopted......
Georg Spalatin was a humanist friend of Martin Luther and a prolific writer whose capacity for diplomacy helped......
Frank Gouldsmith Speck was an American cultural anthropologist known for his work on the Algonquin Indian tribes......
Sir Baldwin Spencer was an English biologist and anthropologist, and the first trained and experienced scientist......
Philipp Spitta was a German scholar, one of the principal figures in 19th-century musicology and author of the......
St. John’s College, private coeducational institution of higher education at Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.; there is......
Sir John Stainer was an English organist and church composer and a leading early musicologist. As a boy Stainer......
state monopoly on violence, in political science and sociology, the concept that the state alone has the right......
Gertrude Stein was an avant-garde American writer, eccentric, and self-styled genius whose Paris home was a salon......
George Steiner was an influential French-born American literary critic who studied the relationship between literature......
Stendhal was one of the most original and complex French writers of the first half of the 19th century, chiefly......
Sir Leslie Stephen was an English critic, man of letters, and the first editor of the Dictionary of National Biography.......
Matilda Coxe Stevenson was an American ethnologist who became one of the major contributors to her field, particularly......
Julian Steward was an American anthropologist best known as one of the leading neoevolutionists of the mid-20th......
Richard Henry Stoddard was an American poet, critic, and editor, more important as a figure in New York literary......
Tom Stoppard is a Czech-born British playwright and screenwriter whose work is marked by verbal brilliance, ingenious......
Strabo was a Greek geographer and historian whose Geography is the only extant work covering the whole range of......
strain theory, in sociology, proposal that pressure derived from social factors, such as lack of income or lack......
William Duncan Strong was an American anthropologist who studied North and South American Indian cultures and emphasized......
structural functionalism, in sociology and other social sciences, a school of thought according to which each of......
structuralism, in cultural anthropology, the school of thought developed by the French anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss,......
structuralism, in linguistics, any one of several schools of 20th-century linguistics committed to the structuralist......
structuration theory, concept in sociology that offers perspectives on human behaviour based on a synthesis of......
stylistics, study of the devices in languages (such as rhetorical figures and syntactical patterns) that are considered......
subsistence theory, in labour economics, a theory of the factors that determine the level of wages in a capitalist......
supply-side economics, theory that focuses on influencing the supply of labor and goods, using tax cuts and benefit......
surplus value, Marxian economic concept that professed to explain the instability of the capitalist system. Adhering......
John Reed Swanton was an American anthropologist and a foremost student of North American Indian ethnology. His......
Swarthmore College, private, coeducational institution of higher learning in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, U.S. It......
synchronic linguistics, the study of a language at a given point in time. The time studied may be either the present......
Syntactic Structures, foundational work of transformational-generative grammar, first published in 1957, by the......
systems theory, in social science, the study of society as a complex arrangement of elements, including individuals......
Paul Sérusier was a French Post-Impressionist painter and theorist who was instrumental in the formation of the......
Nathan Söderblom was a Swedish Lutheran archbishop and theologian who in 1930 received the Nobel Prize for Peace......
Villy Sørensen was an influential writer of modernist short stories and a leading literary critic in Denmark after......
Giuseppe Tartini was an Italian violinist, composer, and theorist who helped establish the modern style of violin......
Sol Tax was an American cultural anthropologist who founded the journal Current Anthropology. He was also known......
textual criticism, the technique of restoring texts as nearly as possible to their original form. Texts in this......
Long ago in a century far away, “Jane Austen” referred simply to “THE AUTHOR OF ‘PRIDE AND PREJUDICE,’ &c. &c.,”......
Thermidor, the name given during the French Revolution to the eleventh month of the year in the republican calendar.......
Michel Thomas was a Polish-born linguist, teacher, and member of the French Resistance during World War II, known......
David Thompson was an English explorer, geographer, and fur trader in the western parts of what are now Canada......
Sir J. Eric S. Thompson was a leading English ethnographer of the Mayan people. Thompson devoted his life to the......
Virgil Thomson was an American composer, conductor, and music critic whose forward-looking ideas stimulated new......
Jacques-Auguste de Thou was a French statesman, bibliophile, and historiographer whose detached, impartial approach......
law of three stages, theory of human intellectual development propounded by the French social theorist Auguste......
Richard Thurnwald was a German anthropologist and sociologist known for his comparative studies of social institutions.......
Tibetan calendar, dating system based on a cycle of 60 Tibetan years, each of which usually has 354 days (12 cycles......
Cornelis Petrus Tiele was a Dutch theologian and scholar, whose influence on the comparative study of religion,......
Johannes Tinctoris was a Flemish music theorist, composer, and author of the earliest dictionary of musical terms.......
toponymy, taxonomic study of place-names, based on etymological, historical, and geographical information. A place-name......
Thomas Frederick Tout was an English historian and teacher who specialized in medieval studies and, with James......
Sir Donald Francis Tovey was an English pianist and composer, known particularly for his works of musical scholarship.......
Alfred M. Tozzer was a U.S. anthropologist and archaeologist who made substantial contributions to knowledge of......
transnationalism, economic, political, and cultural processes that extend beyond the boundaries of nation-states.......
transportation economics, the study of the allocation of transportation resources in order to meet the needs of......
Trinity College, private, coeducational institution of higher learning in Hartford, Conn., U.S. It is a nonsectarian......
François Truffaut was a French film critic, director, and producer whose attacks on established filmmaking techniques......
Sir Edward Burnett Tylor was an English anthropologist regarded as the founder of cultural anthropology. His most......
Wilhelm Uhde was a German collector, art dealer, and writer who was strongly influenced by the ideas of Friedrich......
Ulrich von Hutten was a Franconian knight and humanist, famed as a German patriot, satirist, and supporter of Martin......
Joachim Vadianus was a Swiss religious reformer and one of the most important native Swiss Humanists. Crowned poet......
Alfonso de Valdés was a humanist satirist, one of the most influential and cultured thinkers of the early 16th......
Juan de Valdés was a Spanish Humanist. He and his twin brother, Alfonso, were members of an influential intellectual......
Lorenzo Valla was an Italian humanist, philosopher, and literary critic who attacked medieval traditions and anticipated......
S.S. Van Dine was an American critic, editor, and author of a series of best-selling detective novels featuring......
Mariana Alley Griswold Van Rensselaer was an American writer and critic who is perhaps best remembered for her......
Carl Van Vechten was a U.S. novelist and music and drama critic, an influential figure in New York literary circles......
Bernhardus Varenius was a major figure in the revival of geographic learning in Europe, whose scholarly general......
Mario Vargas Llosa is a Peruvian Spanish writer whose commitment to social change is evident in his novels, plays,......
Giorgio Vasari was an Italian painter, architect, and writer who is best known for his important biographies of......
Vassar College, private, coeducational institution of higher learning in Poughkeepsie, New York, U.S., one of the......
Vendémiaire, first month in the French republican calendar. It also was the name given to the event of 13 Vendémiaire......
Karl Vennberg was a poet and critic who was the critical-analytical leader in Swedish poetry of the 1940s. Vennberg......
Pietro Paolo Vergerio was an Italian educator whose treatises on humanistic education greatly influenced educational......
Polydore Vergil was an Italian-born Humanist who wrote an English history that became required reading in schools......
Karl Verner was a linguist and formulator of Verner’s law, which provided convincing evidence of the regularity......
Giambattista Vico was an Italian philosopher of cultural history and law, who is recognized today as a forerunner......
victimology, branch of criminology that scientifically studies the relationship between an injured party and an......
Paul Vidal de La Blache was a French geographer who had a profound influence on the development of modern geography.......
Cintio Vitier was a Cuban poet, anthologist, critic, and scholar of Cuban poetry. Vitier began as a writer of extremely......
Philippe de Vitry was a French prelate, music theorist, poet, and composer. Vitry studied at the Sorbonne and was......
Juan Luis Vives was a Spanish humanist and student of Erasmus, eminent in education, philosophy, and psychology,......