Humanities, OBE-PéR
The humanities are those branches of knowledge that concern themselves with human beings and their culture. The humanities include the study of all languages and literatures, the arts, history, and philosophy.
Humanities Encyclopedia Articles By Title
Oberlin College, private coeducational institution of higher learning at Oberlin, Ohio, offering programs in liberal......
Occidental College, Private liberal-arts college in Los Angeles, founded in 1887. It awards the baccalaureate degree......
Johann Oecolampadius was a German humanist, preacher, and patristic scholar who, as a close friend of the Swiss......
Okakura Kakuzō was an art critic who had a great influence upon modern Japanese art. Okakura graduated (1880) from......
Olivet College, private, coeducational institution of higher learning in Olivet, Mich., U.S., located about 30......
opportunism, a foundational assumption of many economic theories that claims human beings are generally self-interested......
optimum currency area, a currency area in which the benefits of using a common currency outweigh the costs of individual......
organizational analysis, in management science, the study of the processes that characterize all kinds of organizations,......
Orientalism, Western scholarly discipline of the 18th and 19th centuries that encompassed the study of the languages,......
Fernando Ortiz was an anthropologist, essayist, and philologist who pioneered in the study of neo-African cultures......
Paul van Ostaijen was a Flemish man of letters whose avant-garde Expressionist poetry and writings on literature......
Amédée Ozenfant was a French painter and theoretician, who cofounded the 20th-century art movement known as Purism.......
José Emilio Pacheco was a Mexican critic, novelist, short-story writer, translator, and poet. Early in his career......
paleoanthropology, interdisciplinary branch of anthropology concerned with the origins and development of early......
paleogeography, the ancient geography of Earth’s surface. Earth’s geography is constantly changing: continents......
paleography, study of ancient and medieval handwriting. The term is derived from the Greek palaios (“old”) and......
Francis Turner Palgrave was an English critic and poet, editor of the influential anthology The Golden Treasury.......
Andrea Palladio was an Italian architect, regarded as the greatest architect of 16th-century northern Italy. His......
Palomino De Castro Y Velasco was a Spanish painter, scholar, and author, the last court painter to King Charles......
Jacob Paludan was a Danish novelist and conservative critic whose work expressed a mistrust—based on the fear of......
Vito Pandolfi was an Italian critic, theatrical scholar, and director known for his adherence to traditional forms......
Erwin Panofsky was a German American art historian who gained particular prominence for his studies in iconography......
papyrology, the care, reading, and interpretation of ancient documents written on papyrus, which is of prime importance......
papyrus, writing material of ancient times and also the plant from which it was derived, Cyperus papyrus (family......
parallel, imaginary line extending around the Earth parallel to the equator; it is used to indicate latitude. The......
Gaston Paris was the greatest French philologist of his age. After a thorough education in German universities......
Sir Hubert Hastings Parry, Baronet was a composer, writer, and teacher, influential in the revival of English music......
Elsie Clews Parsons was an American sociologist and anthropologist whose studies of the Pueblo and other Native......
particularism, school of anthropological thought associated with the work of Franz Boas and his students (among......
Francesco Pasinetti was an Italian motion picture director, historian, critic, comedy writer, screenwriter, and......
Siegfried Passarge was a geographer and geomorphologist known for his studies of southern Africa. A professor at......
Walter Pater was an English critic, essayist, and humanist whose advocacy of “art for art’s sake” became a cardinal......
pedagogy, the study of teaching methods, including the aims of education and the ways in which such goals may be......
Christiern Pedersen was a Danish humanist who was among the first to rediscover Denmark’s national literary and......
Holger Pedersen was a Danish linguist of exceptional accomplishment, especially in comparative Celtic grammar.......
Johannes Peder Ejler Pedersen was a Danish Old Testament scholar and Semitic philologist, important for his conception......
pedology, scientific discipline concerned with all aspects of soils, including their physical and chemical properties,......
Felipe Pedrell was a Spanish composer and musical scholar who devoted his life to the development of a Spanish......
Mario Pei was an Italian-born American linguist whose many works helped to provide the general public with a popular......
Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc was a French antiquary, humanist, and influential patron of learning who discovered......
Albrecht Penck was a geographer, who exercised a major influence on the development of modern German geography,......
penology, the division of criminology that concerns itself with the philosophy and practice of society in its efforts......
George Perle was an American composer, music theorist, musicologist, and educator who expanded ways of working......
W.J. Perry was a British geographer and anthropologist noted for his diffusionist theory of cultural development.......
Pestalozzianism, pedagogical doctrines of Swiss educator Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746–1827) stressing that......
Petrarch was an Italian scholar, poet, and humanist whose poems addressed to Laura, an idealized beloved, contributed......
Raffaele Pettazzoni was an Italian historian of religions and educator, a founder and president (1950–59) of the......
Johannes Pfefferkorn was a German controversialist—a Christianized Jew—and opponent of Jewish literature, whose......
philology, traditionally, the study of the history of language, including the historical study of literary texts.......
Philostratus the Lemnian was an ancient Greek writer, son-in-law of Flavius Philostratus. He was the author of......
phonemics, in linguistics, the study of the phonemes and phonemic system of a language. For linguists who analyze......
phonetics, the study of speech sounds and their physiological production and acoustic qualities. It deals with......
phonology, study of the sound patterns that occur within languages. Some linguists include phonetics, the study......
physical anthropology, branch of anthropology concerned with the origin, evolution, and diversity of people. Physical......
physiocrat, any of a school of economists founded in 18th-century France and characterized chiefly by a belief......
Francis Picabia was a French painter, illustrator, designer, writer, and editor, who was successively involved......
Kenneth L. Pike was an American linguist and anthropologist known for his studies of the aboriginal languages of......
Steven Pinker is a Canadian-born American psychologist who advocates evolutionary explanations for the functions......
Pius II was an outstanding Italian humanist and astute politician who as pope (reigned 1458–64) tried to unite......
Platonic criticism, literary criticism based on the philosophical writings of Plato, especially his views on art......
Thomas Platter was a Swiss writer and humanist known for his autobiography. After years of hardship, spent as a......
Edgar Allan Poe was an American short-story writer, poet, critic, and editor who is famous for his cultivation......
Gian Francesco Poggio Bracciolini was an Italian humanist and calligrapher, foremost among scholars of the early......
polar region, area around the North Pole or the South Pole. The northern polar region consists mainly of floating......
political economy, branch of social science that studies the relationships between individuals and society and......
political science, the systematic study of governance by the application of empirical and generally scientific......
Poliziano was an Italian poet and humanist, a friend and protégé of Lorenzo de’ Medici, and one of the foremost......
Pietro Pomponazzi was a philosopher and leading representative of Renaissance Aristotelianism, which had developed......
Giovanni Pontano was an Italian prose writer, poet, and royal official whose works reflect the diversity of interests......
Fairfield Porter was an American painter, printmaker, and writer best known for his naturalistic painting as well......
postindustrial society, society marked by a transition from a manufacturing-based economy to a service-based economy,......
August Pott was a German linguist who was one of the founders of Indo-European historical linguistics. He established......
Henri Pousseur was a Belgian composer whose works encompass a variety of 20th-century musical styles. He wrote......
Hortense Powdermaker was a U.S. cultural anthropologist who helped to initiate the anthropological study of contemporary......
John Wesley Powell was an American explorer, geologist, and ethnologist, best known for his exploration of the......
power, in political science and sociology, the capacity to influence, lead, dominate, or otherwise have an impact......
Michael Praetorius was a German music theorist and composer whose Syntagma musicum (1614–20) is a principal source......
pragmatics, in philosophy and linguistics, the study of how linguistic utterances are typically used to communicate......
Price refers to the amount of money required to purchase a product or service. Price can also be seen as a measure......
price discrimination, practice of selling a commodity at different prices to different buyers, even though sales......
price maintenance, measures taken by manufacturers or distributors to control the resale prices of their products......
Jean Price Mars was a Haitian physician, public official, diplomat, ethnologist, and historian of his country’s......
price system, a means of organizing economic activity. It does this primarily by coordinating the decisions of......
price-fixing, any agreement between business competitors (“horizontal”) or between manufacturers, wholesalers,......
James Cowles Prichard was an English physician and ethnologist who was among the first to assign all the human......
primatology, the study of the primate order of mammals—other than recent humans (Homo sapiens). The species are......
Pearl Primus was an American dancer, choreographer, anthropologist, and teacher whose performance work drew on......
F.T. Prince was a South African-born poet who wrote verse of quiet intensity. His work is best exemplified by his......
production chain, in economics, an analytical tool used to understand the nature of the production process (including......
production function, in economics, equation that expresses the relationship between the quantities of productive......
theory of production, in economics, an effort to explain the principles by which a business firm decides how much......
propensity to consume, in economics, the proportion of total income or of an increase in income that consumers......
propensity to save, in economics, the proportion of total income or of an increase in income that consumers save......
psycholinguistics, the study of psychological aspects of language. Experiments investigating such topics as short-term......
Ptolemy was an Egyptian astronomer, mathematician, and geographer of Greek descent who flourished in Alexandria......
Samuel, baron von Pufendorf was a German jurist and historian, best known for his defense of the idea of natural......
purchasing power parity (PPP), a measure of the relative value of currencies that compares the prices of purchasing......
Frederic Ward Putnam was an American anthropologist who was a leader in the founding of anthropological science......
Samuel Putnam was an American editor, publisher, and author, best known for his translations of works by authors......
Fernán Pérez de Guzmán was a Spanish poet, moralist, and historian, author of the first important work of history......