Humanities, EAS-GOS
The humanities are those branches of knowledge that concern themselves with human beings and their culture. The humanities include the study of all languages and literatures, the arts, history, and philosophy.
Humanities Encyclopedia Articles By Title
Charles Locke Eastlake was an English museologist and writer on art who gave his name to a 19th-century furniture......
Sir Charles Lock Eastlake was an English Neoclassical painter who helped develop England’s national collection......
Roger Ebert was an American film critic, perhaps the best known of his profession, who became the first person......
Umberto Eco was an Italian literary critic, novelist, and semiotician (student of signs and symbols) best known......
econometrics, the statistical and mathematical analysis of economic relationships, often serving as a basis for......
economic openness, in political economy, the degree to which nondomestic transactions (imports and exports) take......
economic rationality, conceptions of rationality used in economic theory. Although there is no single notion of......
economics, social science that seeks to analyze and describe the production, distribution, and consumption of wealth.......
efficiency, in economics and organizational analysis, a measure of the input a system requires to achieve a specified......
Egyptian calendar, dating system established several thousand years before the common era, the first calendar known......
Alfred Einstein was an eminent German-American musicologist and critic. Einstein was born into a family of scholars......
Robert Eitner was a German musicologist, editor, and bibliographer. Largely self-taught in music, Eitner in 1853......
ekistics, science of human settlements. Ekistics involves the descriptive study of all kinds of human settlements......
elite theory, in political science, theoretical perspective according to which (1) a community’s affairs are best......
Harlan Ellison was an American writer of short stories, novels, essays, and television and film scripts. Though......
Jacques Ellul was a French political and social scientist, Protestant theologian, and philosopher of technology,......
Elmira College, private, coeducational institution of higher learning in Elmira, New York, U.S. It is a liberal......
embeddedness, in social science, the dependence of a phenomenon—be it a sphere of activity such as the economy......
environmental economics, subdiscipline of economics that applies the values and tools of mainstream macroeconomics......
Okwui Enwezor was a Nigerian-born poet, art critic, art historian, and curator who helped bring global attention......
epigraphy, the study of written matter recorded on hard or durable material. The term is derived from the Classical......
- Introduction
- Ancient Inscriptions, Archaeology, Historiography
- Ancient Mesopotamia, Cuneiform, Inscriptions
- Ancient Middle East, Regions, Scripts
- Ancient Iran, Cuneiform, Inscriptions
- Greek Inscriptions, Archaeology, Scripts
- Roman Inscriptions, Archaeology, Scripts
- Turkic Peoples, Inscriptions, Scripts
- Inscriptions, Social Records, Cultural Records
- Ancient Egypt, Hieroglyphs, Writing
- Hittite, Cuneiform, Hieroglyphs
- Greek Inscriptions, Archaeology, Scripts
- Inscriptions, Archaeology, History
- Ancient Writing, Archaeology, Decipherment
Equator, great circle around Earth that is everywhere equidistant from the geographic poles and lies in a plane......
Erasmus was a Dutch humanist who was the greatest scholar of the northern Renaissance, the first editor of the......
Saint John Ervine was a British playwright, novelist, and critic, one of the first to write dramas in the style......
ethical consumerism, form of political activism based on the premise that purchasers in markets consume not only......
ethnobotany, systematic study of the botanical knowledge of a social group and its use of locally available plants......
ethnography, descriptive study of a particular human society or the process of making such a study. Contemporary......
ethnolinguistics, that part of anthropological linguistics concerned with the study of the interrelation between......
ethnomusicology, field of scholarship that encompasses the study of all world musics from various perspectives.......
Eunapius was a Greek rhetorician and historiographer whose Lives of the Philosophers and Sophists is important......
E.E. Evans-Pritchard was one of England’s foremost social anthropologists, especially known for his investigations......
John Evelyn was an English country gentleman, author of some 30 books on the fine arts, forestry, and religious......
evolutionary economics, field of economics that focuses on changes over time in the processes of material provisioning......
explication de texte, a method of literary criticism involving a detailed examination of each part of a work, such......
Émile Faguet was a French literary historian and moralist who wrote many influential critical works revealing a......
fair-trade law, in the United States, any law allowing manufacturers of branded or trademarked goods (or in some......
Fei Xiaotong was one of the foremost Chinese social anthropologists, noted for his studies of village life in China.......
Ernest F. Fenollosa was an American Orientalist and educator who made a significant contribution to the preservation......
Roberto Fernández Retamar was a Cuban poet, essayist, and literary critic and cultural spokesman for the regime......
John R. Firth was a British linguist specializing in contextual theories of meaning and prosodic analysis. He was......
Sir Raymond Firth was a New Zealand social anthropologist best known for his research on the Maori and other peoples......
David Hackett Fischer is an American educator and historian whose books on American and comparative history combine......
Saint John Fisher ; canonized May 19, 1935; feast day July 9) was an English humanist, martyr, and prelate, who,......
Dudley Fitts was an American teacher, critic, poet, and translator, best known for his contemporary English versions......
Ennio Flaiano was an Italian screenwriter, playwright, novelist, journalist, and drama critic who was especially......
Alice Cunningham Fletcher was an American anthropologist whose stature as a social scientist, notably for her pioneer......
folklore, in modern usage, an academic discipline the subject matter of which (also called folklore) comprises......
Ford Foundation, American philanthropic foundation, established in 1936 with gifts and bequests from Henry Ford......
forensic anthropology, application of physical anthropology to legal cases, usually with a focus on the human skeleton.......
Johann Nikolaus Forkel was one of the first great musicologists and the first biographer of Johann Sebastian Bach.......
Formalism, innovative 20th-century Russian school of literary criticism. It began in two groups: OPOYAZ, an acronym......
Meyer Fortes was a British social anthropologist known for his investigations of West African societies. After......
frame analysis, a broadly applied, relatively flexible label for a variety of approaches to studying social constructions......
Frankfurt School, group of researchers associated with the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt am Main,......
Franklin and Marshall College, private, coeducational institution of higher learning in Lancaster, Pennsylvania,......
Sir James George Frazer was a British anthropologist, folklorist, and classical scholar, best remembered as the......
Maurice Freedman was a British scholar who was one of the world’s leading experts on Chinese anthropology. After......
French republican calendar, dating system that was adopted in 1793 during the French Revolution and which was intended......
Douglas Freshfield was a British mountaineer, explorer, geographer, and author who advocated the recognition of......
Freudian criticism, literary criticism that uses the psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud to interpret a work......
Philipp Nikodemus Frischlin was a German philologist, poet, and commentator on Virgil. He was one of the last of......
Leo Frobenius was a German explorer and ethnologist, one of the originators of the culture-historical approach......
Roger Fry was an English art critic and artist, best known as the champion of the movement he termed Post-Impressionism.......
Carlos Fuentes was a Mexican novelist, short-story writer, playwright, critic, and diplomat whose experimental......
Margaret Fuller was an American critic, teacher, and woman of letters whose efforts to civilize the taste and enrich......
functionalism, in linguistics, the approach to language study that is concerned with the functions performed by......
functionalism, in social sciences, theory based on the premise that all aspects of a society—institutions, roles,......
Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges was a French historian, the originator of the scientific approach to the study of......
futurology, in the social sciences, the study of current trends in order to forecast future developments. While......
François-Joseph Fétis was a prolific scholar and pioneer scientific investigator of music history and theory. He......
Josef Bohuslav Förster was a Czech composer belonging to the school of Leoš Janác̆ek and Josef Suk. The son of......
Vincenzo Galilei was the father of the astronomer Galileo and a leader of the Florentine Camerata, a group of musical......
Théophile Gautier was a poet, novelist, critic, and journalist whose influence was strongly felt in the period......
Clifford Geertz was an American cultural anthropologist, a leading rhetorician and proponent of symbolic anthropology......
George Gemistus Plethon was a Byzantine philosopher and humanist scholar whose clarification of the distinction......
genealogy, the study of family origins and history. Genealogists compile lists of ancestors, which they arrange......
general semantics, a philosophy of language-meaning that was developed by Alfred Korzybski (1879–1950), a Polish-American......
Arnold van Gennep was a French ethnographer and folklorist, best known for his studies of the rites of passage......
geography, the study of the diverse environments, places, and spaces of Earth’s surface and their interactions.......
- Introduction
- Exploration, Mapping, Science
- Academic Discipline, 19th Century, Education
- Exploration, Mapping, Cartography
- UK, Academic, Development
- Spatial Analysis, Human-Environment Interaction, Globalization
- Landforms, Climate, Environment
- Locational Analysis, Human Impact, Spatial Patterns
- GIS, Mapping, Analysis
- Human-Environment Interaction, Spatial Analysis, Globalization
- Human, Population, Landscape
- Mapping, Cartography, GIS
- Physical, Human, Regional
geomorphology, scientific discipline concerned with the description and classification of the Earth’s topographic......
geopolitics, analysis of the geographic influences on power relationships in international relations. The word......
George Of Trebizond was a Byzantine humanist, Greek scholar, and Aristotelian polemist. His academic influence......
Ira Gershwin was an American lyricist who collaborated with his younger brother, George Gershwin, on more than......
Gettysburg College, private, coeducational institution of higher learning in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, U.S. Though......
Lorenzo Ghiberti was an early Italian Renaissance sculptor, whose doors (Gates of Paradise; 1425–52) for the Baptistery......
Edward W. Gifford was an American anthropologist, archaeologist, and student of California Indian ethnography who......
Jeannette Leonard Gilder was an American editor and writer, a prolific and influential figure in popular journalism,......
Brendan Gill was an American critic and writer chiefly known for his work as critic of film, drama, and architecture......
Francis James Gillen was an Australian anthropologist who did pioneering fieldwork among the Aborigines of central......
Louis Ginzberg was a Lithuanian-born American Judaic scholar. Ginzberg studied the Talmud at several rabbinical......
Fra Giovanni Giocondo was an Italian humanist, architect, and engineer, whose designs and written works signal......
Henricus Glareanus was a Swiss Humanist, poet, teacher, and music theorist, known especially for his publication......
Jean Berko Gleason is an American psycholinguist best known as the creator of the Wug Test, a tool used to study......
cultural globalization, phenomenon by which the experience of everyday life, as influenced by the diffusion of......
glossematics, system of linguistic analysis based on the distribution and interrelationship of glossemes, the smallest......
Max Gluckman was a South African social anthropologist esteemed for his contributions to political and legal anthropology,......
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was a German poet, playwright, novelist, scientist, statesman, theatre director, critic,......
- Introduction
- Sturm und Drang, Poet, Dramatist
- German Poet, Dramatist, Novelist
- Italian Journey, Poet, Dramatist
- German Poet, Philosopher, Playwright
- Schiller, Poet, Dramatist
- Napoleonic Period, Poet, Dramatist
- German Poet, Dramatist, Novelist
- German Poet, Dramatist, Novelist
- German Poet, Dramatist, Novelist
Alexander Goldenweiser was an American anthropologist whose analyses of cultural questions ranged widely, encompassing......
Theodor Gomperz was a philosopher and classical scholar, remembered chiefly for his Griechische Denker: eine Geschichte......
Goshen College, private, coeducational institution of higher learning in Goshen, Ind., U.S. It is a Mennonite liberal......