Humanities, JOS-MAC
The humanities are those branches of knowledge that concern themselves with human beings and their culture. The humanities include the study of all languages and literatures, the arts, history, and philosophy.
Humanities Encyclopedia Articles By Title
Gabriel Josipovici is a French-born British novelist, literary theorist, dramatist, and short-story writer whose......
Pierre-Jean Jouve was a French poet, novelist, and critic. Early in his career, Jouve was influenced by the Abbaye......
Donald Judd was an American artist and critic associated with Minimalism. Credited as Minimalism’s principal spokesman,......
Julian calendar, dating system established by Julius Caesar as a reform of the Roman republican calendar. By the......
Julian period, chronological system now used chiefly by astronomers and based on the consecutive numbering of days......
Henri Alexandre Junod was a Swiss Protestant missionary and anthropologist noted for his ethnography of the Tsonga......
jurisprudence, Science or philosophy of law. Jurisprudence may be divided into three branches: analytical, sociological,......
Pauline Kael was a prominent American film critic of the second half of the 20th century. Kael graduated from the......
Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler was a German-born French art dealer and publisher who is best known for his early espousal......
Kalamazoo College, private, coeducational institution of higher learning in Kalamazoo, Mich., U.S. It is a liberal......
Wassily Kandinsky was a Russian-born artist, one of the first creators of pure abstraction in modern painting.......
Kenyon College, private, coeducational institution of higher learning in Gambier, Ohio, U.S., about 40 miles (65......
Károly Kerényi was a Hungarian classical philologist and authority in comparative religions, who pioneered research......
Keynesian economics, body of ideas set forth by John Maynard Keynes in his General Theory of Employment, Interest......
Ralph Kirkpatrick was an American musicologist and one of the most influential harpsichordists of the 20th century.......
Virginia Kirkus was an American critic, editor, and writer, remembered for her original book review for booksellers,......
Gustav Friedrich Klemm was a German anthropologist who developed the concept of culture and is thought to have......
Clyde K.M. Kluckhohn was an American professor of anthropology at Harvard University, who contributed to anthropology......
Yury Valentinovich Knorozov was a Russian linguist, epigraphist, and ethnologist, who played a major role in the......
Knox College, private, coeducational institution of higher learning in Galesburg, Illinois, U.S. The college, founded......
Kobayashi Hideo was one of the most influential critics in the Japanese cultural world. Kobayashi studied French......
Jan Kochanowski was a humanist poet who dominated the culture of Renaissance Poland. Born into the country nobility,......
Zoltán Kodály was a prominent composer and authority on Hungarian folk music. He was also important as an educator......
Charles Koechlin was a composer and teacher who had a strong impact on his own and younger generations of French......
Komitas was an ethnomusicologist and composer who created the basis for a distinctive national musical style in......
Komparu Zenchiku was a nō actor and playwright who also wrote critical works on drama. Zenchiku, who married a......
Wilhelm Koppers was a Roman Catholic priest and cultural anthropologist who advocated a comparative, historical......
Karl Kraus was an Austrian journalist, critic, playwright, and poet who has been compared with Juvenal and Jonathan......
Rosalind Krauss is an American art critic and historian of 20th-century art who first came to prominence when she......
F. Reinhold Kreutzwald was a physician, folklorist, and poet who compiled the Estonian national epic poem Kalevipoeg......
Julia Kristeva is a Bulgarian-born French psychoanalyst, critic, novelist, and educator, best known for her writings......
A.L. Kroeber was an influential American anthropologist of the first half of the 20th century, whose primary concern......
Joseph Wood Krutch was an American naturalist, conservationist, writer, and critic. Krutch attended the University......
Vincas Krėvė-Mickievičius was a Lithuanian poet, philologist, and playwright whose mastery of style gave him a......
Adalbert Kuhn was a German language scholar and folklorist who founded a new school of comparative mythology based......
Kulturkreis, location from whence ideas and technology subsequently diffused over large areas of the world. It......
Jaap Kunst was a Dutch ethnomusicologist who was one of the founders of modern ethnomusicology. Kunst began to......
Donald Kuspit is an American art critic and art historian widely regarded as the foremost practitioner of psychoanalytic......
Kâtip Çelebi was a Turkish historian, geographer, and bibliographer. Kâtip became an army clerk and took part in......
Oswin Köhler was a German linguist and ethnologist specializing in African languages and culture. In 1962 Köhler......
John La Farge was an American painter, muralist, and stained-glass designer. After graduating from St. Mary’s College......
Oliver La Farge was an American anthropologist, short-story writer, and novelist who acted as a spokesman for Native......
Francis La Flesche was a U.S. ethnologist and champion of the rights of American Indians who wrote a book of general......
labeling theory, in criminology, a theory stemming from a sociological perspective known as “symbolic interactionism,”......
labour economics, study of the labour force as an element in the process of production. The labour force comprises......
William Labov was an American linguist who was known for his pioneering work on regional variations in language.......
Julius Pomponius Laetus was an Italian humanist and founder of the Academia Romana, a semi-secret society devoted......
Jules Laforgue was a French Symbolist poet, a master of lyrical irony and one of the inventors of vers libre (“free......
Sydney M. Lamb is an American linguist and originator of stratificational grammar, an outgrowth of glossematics......
Constant Lambert was an English composer, conductor, and critic who played a leading part in establishing the ballet......
Wanda Landowska was a Polish-born harpsichordist who helped initiate the revival of the harpsichord in the 20th......
Susanne K. Langer was an American philosopher and educator who wrote extensively on linguistic analysis and aesthetics.......
John Lascaris was a Greek scholar and diplomat whose career shows the close connections that linked political interests......
latitude and longitude, in cartography, a coordinate system used to determine and describe the position of any......
Anatole Le Braz was a French folklorist, novelist, and poet who collected and edited the legends and popular beliefs......
leap year, year containing some intercalary period, especially a Gregorian year having a 29th day of February instead......
Edward Lear was an English landscape painter who is more widely known as the writer of an original kind of nonsense......
Lebensraum, policy of Nazi Germany that involved expanding German territories to the east to provide land and material......
Lee Ufan is a Korean artist, critic, philosopher, and poet who was a prominent theorist and proponent of the Tokyo-based......
Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples was an outstanding French humanist, theologian, and translator whose scholarship stimulated......
Eino Leino was a prolific and versatile poet, a master of Finnish poetic forms, the scope of whose talent ranges......
Jules Lemaître was a French critic, storyteller, and dramatist, now remembered for his uniquely personal and impressionistic......
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing was a German dramatist, critic, and writer on philosophy and aesthetics. He helped free......
Oscar Ivar Levertin was a Swedish poet and scholar, a leader of the Swedish Romantic movement of the 1890s. Levertin......
Wyndham Lewis was an English artist and writer who founded the Vorticist movement, which sought to relate art and......
José Lezama Lima was a Cuban experimental poet, novelist, and essayist whose baroque writing style and eclectic......
André Lhote was a French painter, sculptor, writer, and educator who was a prominent critic and teacher of modern......
Li Zhizao was a Chinese mathematician, astronomer, and geographer whose translations of European scientific books......
liberal arts, college or university curriculum aimed at imparting general knowledge and developing general intellectual......
library science, the principles and practices of library operation and administration, and their study. Libraries......
Rensis Likert was an American social scientist who developed scales for attitude measurement and introduced the......
William Lily was an English Renaissance scholar and classical grammarian, a pioneer of Greek learning in England......
linguistics, the scientific study of language. The word was first used in the middle of the 19th century to emphasize......
- Introduction
- Greek, Roman, Antiquity
- Renaissance, Grammar, Language
- 19th Century, Grammar, Phonology
- Structuralism, Generative Grammar, Sociolinguistics
- Transformational, Generative, Grammar
- Structures, Grammar, Phonology
- Morphology, Syntax, Semantics
- Syntax, Grammar, Semantics
- Semantics, Meaning, Language
- Chomsky's Grammar
- Modifications, Chomsky, Grammar
- Tagmemics, Grammar, Semantics
- Stratificational, Grammar, Syntax
- Prague School, Structuralism, Phonology
- Historical, Diachronic
- Comparative, Historical, Analysis
- Criticisms, Comparative Method
- Language Classification
- Grammar, Semantics, Phonology
- Sociolinguistics, Dialects, Variation
- Syntax, Semantics, Phonology
- Dialects, Geography, Variation
- Social Dialectology
Ralph Linton was an American anthropologist who had a marked influence on the development of cultural anthropology.......
Lucy Lippard is an American activist, feminist, art critic, and curator noted for her many articles and books on......
Justus Lipsius was a Flemish humanist, classical scholar, and moral and political theorist. Appointed to the chair......
This is an alphabetically ordered list of architecture, art, cultural, dance, dramatic, film, literary, musical,......
This is a list of economists, ordered alphabetically by country of birth or residence. (See also...
literary criticism, the reasoned consideration of literary works and issues. It applies, as a term, to any argumentation......
living will, document in which an individual specifies medical measures to be taken or withheld in the event that......
Sir Richard Winn Livingstone was a classical scholar and university administrator who championed the classical......
location theory, in economics and geography, theory concerned with the geographic location of economic activity;......
John Gibson Lockhart was a Scottish critic, novelist, and biographer, best remembered for his Life of Sir Walter......
Alan Lomax was an American ethnomusicologist, one of the most dedicated and knowledgeable folk-music scholars of......
Fernão Lopes was a Portuguese historian, the first and greatest of the Portuguese royal chroniclers and the most......
Loras College, private, coeducational institution of higher learning in Dubuque, Iowa, U.S. Affiliated with the......
Robert H. Lowie was an Austrian-born American anthropologist whose extensive studies of North American Plains Indians......
Leopoldo Lugones was an Argentine poet, literary and social critic, and cultural ambassador, considered by many......
lunar calendar, any dating system based on a year consisting of synodic months—i.e., complete cycles of phases......
Artur Lundkvist was a Swedish poet, novelist, and literary critic. Lundkvist grew up in a rural community, where......
A.R. Luria was a Soviet neuropsychologist. After earning degrees in psychology, education, and medicine, he became......
luxury, word that implies a relatively large consumption of wealth for nonessential pleasures. There is, however,......
Lycoming College, private, coeducational institution of higher learning in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, U.S. It......
Claude Lévi-Strauss was a French social anthropologist and leading exponent of structuralism, a name applied to......
Elias Lönnrot was a folklorist and philologist who created the Finnish national epic, the Kalevala (1835, enlarged......
Michel de L’Hospital was a statesman, lawyer, and humanist who, as chancellor of France from 1560 to 1568, was......
Jean Mabillon was a French monastic scholar, antiquarian, and historian who pioneered the study of ancient handwriting......
Sir Desmond MacCarthy was an English journalist who, as a weekly columnist for the New Statesman known as the “Affable......
Dwight Macdonald was an American writer and film critic. He graduated from Yale University. In the 1930s he became......
Niccolò Machiavelli was an Italian Renaissance political philosopher and statesman, secretary of the Florentine......