American economist and sociologist
Thorstein Veblen was an American economist and social scientist who sought to apply an evolutionary, dynamic approach to the study of economic institutions. With The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899)...
French bishop, scholar, and economist
Nicholas Oresme was a French Roman Catholic bishop, scholastic philosopher, economist, and mathematician whose work provided some basis for the development of modern mathematics and science and of French...
Zambian economist and writer
Dambisa Moyo is a Zambisa economist and writer whose books, articles, and public lectures centre on the creation of wealth and the perpetuation of poverty in a global economy. Much of her writing focuses...
German economist and politician
Horst Köhler was a German economist and politician who served as managing director of the International Monetary Fund (2000–04) and as president of Germany (2004–10). Horst also was Germany’s lead official...
American economist
Paul Volcker was an American economist and banker who, as chairman of the board of governors of the U.S. Federal Reserve System (1979–87), played a key role in the economic program of President Ronald...
American economist and game theorist
Thomas C. Schelling was an American economist who shared the 2005 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences with Robert J. Aumann. Schelling specialized in the application of game theory to cases in which adversaries...
Argentine economist and politician
Domingo Cavallo is an Argentine economist and politician who served as economy minister of Argentina (1991–96, 2001). Cavallo was trained as a certified public accountant (1966) and earned master’s (1968)...
British industrialist and politician
David Simon, Lord Simon of Highbury is a British industrialist and politician who served as the chief executive officer of British Petroleum (BP; now BP PLC) from 1992 to 1997 and as minister for trade...
American economist
Arthur Laffer is an American economist who propounded the idea that lowering tax rates could result in higher revenues. His theory on taxes influenced U.S. economic policy in the 1980s, which during the...
British economist and banker
Eddie George was a British economist and banker who, as governor (1993–2003) of the Bank of England (BOE), guided the British central bank to independence and thus full control over the country’s monetary...
American economist
Helen Laura Sumner Woodbury was an American economist whose investigative work centred largely on historical and contemporary labour issues, particularly in relation to women and children. Helen Sumner...
Canadian economist
Robert A. Mundell was a Canadian-born economist who in 1999 received the Nobel Prize for Economics for his work on monetary dynamics and optimum currency areas. Mundell attended the University of British...
Portuguese South African economist and businesswoman
Maria Ramos is a Portuguese South African economist and businesswoman who served as CEO of the transportation company Transnet (2004–09) and later of the financial group Absa (2009–19). Ramos moved to...
American economist
Jeffrey D. Sachs is an American economist, who advised countries throughout the world in economic reform and developed initiatives intended to eradicate poverty on a global scale. Sachs studied economics...
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