American radical cleric
Anwar al-Awlaki was an American Islamic preacher and al-Qaeda terrorist killed by a controversial U.S. drone attack. One of the United States’ most-wanted terrorists, Awlaki was directly linked to multiple...
Venezuelan terrorist
Carlos the Jackal is a Venezuelan militant who orchestrated some of the highest-profile terrorist attacks of the 1970s and ’80s. Ramírez was born into an upper-class Venezuelan family; his father operated...
American criminal
George Metesky was an American terrorist known for having planted at least 33 bombs throughout New York City during the 1940s and ’50s. The 16-year hunt for the Mad Bomber was solved by using one of the...
Peruvian revolutionary
Abimael Guzmán was the founder and leader of the Peruvian revolutionary organization Shining Path (in Spanish, Sendero Luminoso). According to Peru’s 2003 Truth and Reconciliation Commission, 54 percent...
Egyptian-born cleric
Omar Abdel Rahman was an Egyptian-born cleric who served as the spiritual leader of al-Jamāʿah al-Islāmiyyah (Arabic: “the Islamic Group”), one of Egypt’s largest and most active militant organizations...
Libyan national
Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi was a Libyan national who was the only person to be convicted in the 1988 Pan Am flight 103 bombing (also known as the Lockerbie bombing), in which 270 people died. Megrahi...
Libyan al-Qaeda strategist
Abū Yaḥyā al-Lībī was a Libyan al-Qaeda strategist who emerged as one of the organization’s top leaders in the early 21st century. Al-Lībī was considered one of al-Qaeda’s main theologians, because the...
Palestinian leader
Abū Niḍāl was a militant leader of the Fatah Revolutionary Council, more commonly known as the Abū Niḍāl Organization (ANO), or Abū Niḍāl Group, a Palestinian organization that engaged in numerous acts...
Japanese religious leader
Asahara Shoko was the founder of AUM Shinrikyo (“Supreme Truth”; renamed Aleph in 2000), a millenarian new religious movement in Japan. Asahara was born partially blind and was sent to a school for the...
Russian revolutionary
Boris Viktorovich Savinkov was a revolutionary who violently opposed both the imperial and the Soviet regimes in Russia. He wrote several pseudonymous novels based on his career as a terrorist. Savinkov...
Filipino political leader
Luis Taruc was a Philippine leader (1942–54) of the communist Huk (Hukbalahap) movement. The son of poor peasants, Taruc studied at the University of Manila for two years (1932–34) and then became involved...
Russian revolutionary
Sergey Gennadiyevich Nechayev was a Russian revolutionary known for his organizational scheme for a professional revolutionary party and for his ruthless murder of one of the members of his organization....
Palestinian political leader
George Ḥabash was a militant Palestinian and leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Ḥabash was forced to flee Palestine in 1948, after the State of Israel was established there,...
Russian revolutionary
Vera Nikolayevna Figner was a leader in the Russian Revolutionary Populist (Narodnik) movement. Abandoning her marriage and medical studies for a life devoted to the revolutionary movement, Figner worked...
Uruguayan rebel
Raúl Sendic was the Uruguayan rebel leader and the founder of the leftist Tupamaro National Liberation Front (1963). Sendic’s guerrilla movement waged a relentless battle against the Uruguayan police and...
Irish political activist
David O’Connell was an Irish political activist and a cofounder of the Provisional (“Provo”) wing of the Irish Republican Army (IRA). O’Connell, who later became a teacher, joined the IRA at the age of...
Russian revolutionary
Andrey Ivanovich Zhelyabov was a Russian revolutionary and a leading Narodnik. Born to a family of serfs shortly before emancipation, Zhelyabov entered the law school at Novorossiysk University in Odessa...
Lebanese religious leader
ʿAbbās al-Mūsawī was a Lebanese Shīʿite Muslim cleric and secretary-general (1991–92) of the militant Hezbollah (“Party of God”) movement. Mūsawī studied at a Shīʿite madrasah (religious college) in Al-Najaf,...
prime minister of Pakistan
Yousaf Raza Gilani is a Pakistani politician who was the prime minister of Pakistan (2008–12). Gilani was born into a prominent family of landowners from the Punjab province, many of whom were involved...
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