PEOPLE KNOWN FOR: philanthropy

129 Biographies
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John Ruskin
English writer and artist
John Ruskin was an English critic of art, architecture, and society who was a gifted painter, a distinctive prose stylist, and an important example of the Victorian Sage, or Prophet: a writer of polemical...
Cecil Rhodes
prime minister of Cape Colony
Cecil Rhodes was a financier, statesman, and empire builder of British South Africa. He was prime minister of Cape Colony (1890–96) and organizer of the giant diamond-mining company De Beers Consolidated...
The Painter and His Pug, self-portrait by William Hogarth, oil on canvas, 1745; in the Tate Gallery, London.
English artist
William Hogarth was the first great English-born artist to attract admiration abroad, best known for his moral and satirical engravings and paintings—e.g., A Rake’s Progress (eight scenes,1733). His attempts...
Alfred Nobel
Swedish inventor
Alfred Nobel was a Swedish chemist, engineer, and industrialist who invented dynamite and other more powerful explosives and who also founded the Nobel Prizes. Alfred Nobel was the fourth son of Immanuel...
Andrew Carnegie
American industrialist and philanthropist
Andrew Carnegie was a Scottish-born American industrialist who led the enormous expansion of the American steel industry in the late 19th century. He was also one of the most important philanthropists...
Bill Gates
American computer programmer, businessman, and philanthropist
Bill Gates is an American computer programmer and entrepreneur who cofounded Microsoft Corporation, the world’s largest personal-computer software company. Gates wrote his first software program at the...
Audrey Hepburn
Belgian-born British actress
Audrey Hepburn was a Belgian-born British actress known for her radiant beauty and style, her ability to project an air of sophistication tempered by a charming innocence, and her tireless efforts to aid...
John D. Rockefeller
American industrialist
John D. Rockefeller was an American industrialist and philanthropist who founded the Standard Oil Company, which dominated the oil industry and was the first great U.S. business trust. He is the major...
Imran Khan
prime minister of Pakistan
Imran Khan is an antiestablishment politician in Pakistan who in 2022 became the first prime minister (2018–22) to be removed by a parliamentary vote. He rose to fame as a cricket player who led Pakistan’s...
Walker, Madam C.J.
American businesswoman and philanthropist
Madam C.J. Walker was an American businesswoman and philanthropist who was one of the first African American female millionaires in the United States. The first child in her family born after the Emancipation...
American financier and philanthropist
Sanford I. Weill is an American financier and philanthropist whose company, Travelers Group, merged with Citicorp to form Citigroup in 1998—the largest merger in history at the time. Weill was born to...
Anna Wintour
British editor
Anna Wintour is a British editor who, as the longtime editor in chief (1988– ) of American Vogue magazine, became one of the most powerful figures in fashion. Wintour is the daughter of Charles Vere Wintour,...
South Korean businessman
Kim Woo Choong was a Korean businessman and founder of the Daewoo Group. Kim’s actions leading up to Daewoo’s eventual bankruptcy led to his fleeing the country and to his eventual prosecution on fraud...
Louis Comfort Tiffany
American designer
Louis Comfort Tiffany was an American painter, craftsman, philanthropist, decorator, and designer, internationally recognized as one of the greatest forces of the Art Nouveau style, who made significant...
Raj Rajaratnam
American investor
Raj Rajaratnam is an American investor who was convicted in 2011 of securities fraud and conspiracy in one of the largest prosecutions of insider trading (trading on information not available to the public)...
British philanthropist and entrepreneur
Sir Sigmund Sternberg was a Hungarian-born British philanthropist and entrepreneur who was known for his efforts to foster connectedness between various religious faiths. He was the founder and president...
Chilean television personality
Don Francisco is a Chilean television personality who hosted the popular variety show Sábado Gigante (“Giant Saturday”), one of the longest-running programs in television history. Kreutzberger was born...
Cornelius Vanderbilt
American industrialist and philanthropist [1794–1877]
Cornelius Vanderbilt was an American shipping and railroad magnate who acquired a personal fortune of more than $100 million. The son of an impoverished farmer and boatman, Vanderbilt quit school at age...
Wyclef Jean
Haitian rapper, producer, and philanthropist
Wyclef Jean is a Haitian rapper, producer, and philanthropist whose dynamic, politically inflected rhymes and keen ear for hooks established him as a significant force in popular music. Born in a suburb...
John Caius
British physician
John Caius was a prominent humanist and physician whose classic account of the English sweating sickness is considered one of the earliest histories of an epidemic. Caius attended Gonville Hall (now Gonville...
Sloan, Alfred P., Jr.
American industrialist
Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. was an American corporate executive and philanthropist who headed General Motors (GM) as president and chairman for more than a quarter of a century. The son of a coffee and tea importer,...
Boardman, Mabel Thorp
American Red Cross leader
Mabel Thorp Boardman was an American Red Cross leader who reestablished the organization’s funding base and greatly extended its other resources and services. Boardman was from a well-to-do family and...
American financier and politician
Andrew Mellon was an American financier, philanthropist, and secretary of the treasury (1921–32) who reformed the tax structure of the U.S. government in the 1920s. His benefactions made possible the building...
Whitney, John Hay
American sportsman and businessman
John Hay Whitney was an American multimillionaire and sportsman who had a multifaceted career as a publisher, financier, philanthropist, and horse breeder. Whitney was born into a prominent family; his...
Dorothy Leib Harrison Wood Eustis
American dog breeder and trainer
Dorothy Leib Harrison Wood Eustis was an American philanthropist and dog breeder whose work with German shepherds led her to establish and endow The Seeing Eye, Inc., and other groups for the training...
Paul Mellon
American philanthropist
Paul Mellon was an American philanthropist who was heir to an enormous fortune amassed by his father, financier and industrialist Andrew W. Mellon, but chose not to centre his career in the business world....
American publisher and philanthropist
Ellen Browning Scripps was an English-born American journalist, publisher, and philanthropist whose personal fortune, accrued from investments in her family’s newspaper enterprises, allowed her to make...
Sir Moses Montefiore.
British philanthropist
Sir Moses Montefiore, Baronet was an Italian-born businessman who was noted for his philanthropy and support of Jewish rights. Scion of an old Italian Jewish merchant family, Montefiore was taken to England...
Warren Buffett
American businessman and philanthropist
Warren Buffett is an American businessman and philanthropist, widely considered the most successful investor of the 20th and early 21st centuries, having defied prevailing investment trends to amass a...
American reformer
Mary Morton Kimball Kehew was an American reformer who worked to improve the living and working conditions of mid-19th-century workingwomen in Boston, especially through labour union participation. In...
John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
American philanthropist
John D. Rockefeller, Jr. was an American philanthropist, the only son of John D. Rockefeller, Sr., and heir to the Rockefeller fortune, who built Rockefeller Center in New York City and was instrumental...
Reed Hastings
American entrepreneur
Reed Hastings is an American entrepreneur who was cofounder (1997) of Netflix, a media-streaming and video-rental company. He served as its CEO (1998–2020) and co-CEO (2020–23) before becoming executive...
American businessman and philanthropist
Albert Lasker was an American advertising executive and philanthropist who is credited with being the founder of modern advertising because he insisted that advertising copy actively sell rather than simply...
American philanthropist and writer
Brooke Russell Astor was an American socialite, philanthropist, and writer, who employed her position, wealth, and energies in the interest of cultural enrichment and the poor. The daughter of a U.S. Marine...
American philanthropist
Margaret Olivia Slocum Sage was an American philanthropist whose exceptional generosity in her lifetime, especially to numerous educational and social causes, is continued by the Russell Sage Foundation,...
Tappan, Arthur
American philanthropist
Arthur Tappan was an American philanthropist who used much of his energy and his fortune in the struggle to end slavery. After a devoutly religious upbringing, Tappan moved to Boston at age 15 to enter...
American philanthropist
Anna M. Richardson Harkness was an American philanthropist, perhaps best remembered for establishing the Commonwealth Fund, which continues as a major foundation focusing largely on health services and...
William Henry Vanderbilt, engraving
American industrialist and philanthropist
William Henry Vanderbilt was an American railroad magnate and philanthropist who nearly doubled the Vanderbilt family fortune established and in large part bequeathed to him by his father, Cornelius. A...
Russian philanthropist and civil-rights activist
Horace, Baron Günzburg was a Russian businessman, philanthropist, and vigilant fighter for the rights of his Jewish co-religionists in the teeth of persecution by the Russian government. His father was...
Smith, Gerrit
American philanthropist and social reformer
Gerrit Smith was an American reformer and philanthropist who provided financial backing for the antislavery crusader John Brown. Smith was born into a wealthy family. In about 1828 he became an active...
Graham, Isabella Marshall
American educator and philanthropist
Isabella Marshall Graham was a Scottish-American educator and philanthropist who was principal in founding one of the earliest relief societies in the United States to provide assistance to the poor. Isabella...
British industrialist
William Richard Morris, Viscount Nuffield was a British industrialist and philanthropist whose automobile manufacturing firm introduced the Morris cars. The son of a farm labourer, Morris was obliged by...
Fell, portrait by Sir Peter Lely; in the City Art Gallery, Bristol, county of Avon
English educator, priest, and author
John Fell was an English Anglican priest, author, editor, and typographer who as dean and bishop at Oxford was a benefactor to the University of Oxford and its press. Ordained in 1647, Fell was deprived...
American financier
Charles Tyson Yerkes was an American financier who put together the syndicate of companies that built Chicago’s mass-transit system. Yerkes started as a clerk at a Philadelphia commission broker, and by...
Palmer, Bertha Honoré
American philanthropist
Bertha Honoré Palmer was an American socialite remembered especially for her active contributions to women’s, artistic, and Chicago civic affairs. Bertha Honoré in 1871 married Potter Palmer, a wealthy...
Johann Friedrich Oberlin, engraving by Henri Charles Muller (1784-1846)
German educator
Johann Friedrich Oberlin was a Lutheran pastor and philanthropist who spent his life transforming desperately poor parishes in the Vosges region of France into materially as well as spiritually flourishing...
British economist, banker, and philanthropist
Henry Thornton was an English economist, banker, and philanthropist who made significant contributions to monetary theory. Thornton was the son of a noted merchant and philanthropist. He became a leading...
Hewitt, Abram Stevens
mayor of New York City
Abram Stevens Hewitt was an American industrialist, philanthropist, and politician who in 1886 defeated Henry George and Theodore Roosevelt to become mayor of New York City. Hewitt won a scholarship to...
A photo of Jamsetji Tata.
Indian industrialist
Jamsetji Tata was an Indian entrepreneur and philanthropist who founded the Tata Group, one of India’s largest conglomerates. His ambitious endeavors helped catapult India into the league of industrialized...
Queen Noor
queen of Jordan
Queen Noor is an American-born architect who was the consort (1978–99) of King Hussein of Jordan. (Read Queen Noor’s Britannica essay on land mines.) Born into a prominent Arab American family, Halaby...