Dutch educator and author
Kees Boeke was a Dutch educator, Quaker, and pacifist, who was the author of the children’s book Cosmic View (1957). Boeke grew up in Alkmaar, Neth., where his father was director of the local secondary...
French philosopher
Pierre Leroux was a French pantheistic philosopher, economist, pacifist, government official, and champion of socialism through various reviews and newspapers that he helped found. In 1824, with Paul-François...
German journalist and politician
Helmut von Gerlach was a German pacifist journalist and politician, a consistent opponent of German nationalism, whose writings exercised a significant influence on public opinion during the latter part...
American activist and author
Tom Hayden was an American activist and author. One of the preeminent activists of the 1960s, Hayden helped found Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and was arrested as one of the Chicago Seven indicted...
American peace activist
Cindy Sheehan is an American peace activist whose public opposition to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan began after her son was killed in Iraq in 2004. Sheehan’s vigil outside U.S. Pres. George W. Bush’s...
American physicist
Leo Szilard was a Hungarian-born American physicist who helped conduct the first sustained nuclear chain reaction and was instrumental in initiating the Manhattan Project for the development of the atomic...
American activist
Roger Nash Baldwin was an American civil-rights activist, cofounder of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Born into an aristocratic Massachusetts family, Baldwin attended Harvard University (B.A.,...
American bridge player
Ely Culbertson was an American authority on the card game known as Contract Bridge who later abandoned the game to work for world peace. Culbertson was the son of an American oil explorer and lived as...
Northern Irish activist
Betty Williams was a Northern Irish peace activist who, with Máiread Maguire and Ciaran McKeown, founded the Peace People, a grassroots movement dedicated to ending the sectarian strife in Northern Ireland....
Swiss political scientist
Charles-Albert Gobat was a Swiss politician, administrator, philanthropist, and author, who co-won the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1902. He shared the prize with Élie Ducommun (d. 1906), whom he succeeded...
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