64 Biographies
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Mahatma Gandhi
Indian leader
Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian lawyer, politician, social activist, and writer who became the leader of the Indian Independence Movement against British rule. As such, he came to be considered the father...
Bertrand Russell
British logician and philosopher
Bertrand Russell was a British philosopher, logician, and social reformer, a founding figure in the analytic movement in Anglo-American philosophy, and recipient of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1950....
British-born activist
Mirabehn was a British-born follower of Mahatma Gandhi who participated in the movement for India’s independence. Madeleine Slade was the daughter of an English aristocratic family. Because her father,...
Hardie, drawing by Cosmo Rowe; in the National Portrait Gallery, London
British labor leader
J. Keir Hardie was a British labour leader, first to represent the workingman in Parliament as an Independent (1892) and first to lead the Labour Party in the House of Commons (1906). A dedicated socialist,...
Andrews, Fannie Fern Phillips
American pacifist and author
Fannie Fern Phillips Andrews was a Canadian-born American pacifist and writer, a tireless advocate, nationally and internationally, for education and peace. Fannie Phillips grew up in Nova Scotia and,...
Schwimmer, Rosika
Hungarian feminist and pacifist
Rosika Schwimmer was a Hungarian-born feminist and pacifist whose national and international activism brought her both persecution and worldwide accolades. Schwimmer was obliged by family financial reverses...
Martin, Anne Henrietta
American reformer and educator
Anne Henrietta Martin was an American reformer who was an ardent feminist and pacifist in the early 20th century. Martin attended Whitaker’s School for Girls in Reno, Nevada, and the University of Nevada...
Dutch educator and author
Kees Boeke was a Dutch educator, Quaker, and pacifist, who was the author of the children’s book Cosmic View (1957). Boeke grew up in Alkmaar, Neth., where his father was director of the local secondary...
French philosopher
Pierre Leroux was a French pantheistic philosopher, economist, pacifist, government official, and champion of socialism through various reviews and newspapers that he helped found. In 1824, with Paul-François...
Thomas, Norman
American politician
Norman Thomas was an American socialist, social reformer, and frequent candidate for political office. Following his graduation from Union Theological Seminary, New York City, about 1911, Thomas accepted...
German journalist and politician
Helmut von Gerlach was a German pacifist journalist and politician, a consistent opponent of German nationalism, whose writings exercised a significant influence on public opinion during the latter part...
Kagawa Toyohiko
Japanese social reformer and author
Kagawa Toyohiko was a Christian social reformer, author, and leader in Japanese labour and democratic movements who focused attention upon the poor of Japan. As a youth Kagawa enrolled in a Bible class...
Lansbury, oil painting by Sylvia Gosse; in the National Portrait Gallery, London
British politician
George Lansbury was a leader of the British Labour Party (1931–35), a Socialist and poor-law reformer who was forced to resign the party leadership because of his extreme pacifism. A railway worker at...
Andrey Sakharov
Soviet physicist and dissident
Andrey Sakharov was a Soviet nuclear theoretical physicist, an outspoken advocate of human rights, civil liberties, and reform in the Soviet Union as well as rapprochement with noncommunist nations. In...
Bright, John
British politician
John Bright was a British reform politician and orator active in the early Victorian campaigns for free trade and lower grain prices. He was a co-founder of the Anti-Corn Law League, as well as campaigns...
Carrie Chapman Catt
American feminist leader
Carrie Chapman Catt was an American feminist leader who led the women’s rights movement for more than 25 years, culminating in the adoption of the Nineteenth Amendment (for women’s suffrage) to the U.S....
Joan Baez
American singer and political activist
Joan Baez is an American folksinger and political activist who interested young audiences in folk music during the 1960s. Despite the inevitable fading of the folk music revival, Baez continued to be a...
David Trimble
British politician
David Trimble was a politician who served as first minister of the Northern Ireland Assembly (1998–2002), leader of the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP; 1995–2005), and a member of the British Parliament (1990–2005)....
Daniel Berrigan
American priest and poet
Daniel Berrigan was an American writer, Roman Catholic priest, and antiwar activist whose poems and essays reflect his deep commitment to social, political, and economic change in American society. Berrigan,...
John Hume
Irish leader
John Hume was the leader of the Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP) in Northern Ireland from 1979 to 2001. He served in the British Parliament from 1983 to 2005 and the European Parliament from 1979...
Jane Fonda
American actress
Jane Fonda is an actress and political activist who first gained fame in comedic roles but later established herself as a serious actress, winning Academy Awards for her work in Klute (1971) and Coming...
American activist and author
Tom Hayden was an American activist and author. One of the preeminent activists of the 1960s, Hayden helped found Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and was arrested as one of the Chicago Seven indicted...
Abzug, Bella
American politician
Bella Abzug was a U.S. congresswoman (1971–77) and lawyer who founded several liberal political organizations for women and was a prominent opponent of the Vietnam War and a supporter of equal rights for...
Lord Noel-Baker.
British statesman
Philip John Noel-Baker, Baron Noel-Baker was a British statesman and advocate of international disarmament who received the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1959. Fluent in seven languages, he campaigned widely...
Balch, Emily Greene
American political scientist
Emily Greene Balch was an American sociologist, political scientist, economist, and pacifist, a leader of the women’s movement for peace during and after World War I. She received the Nobel Prize for Peace...
Jeannette Rankin, 1918
American politician
Jeannette Rankin was the first woman member of the U.S. Congress, representing Montana in the House of Representatives (1917–19, 1941–43). Rankin was a vigorous feminist and a lifetime pacifist and crusader...
Caldicott, Helen Broinowski
American physician
Helen Caldicott is an Australian-born American physician and activist whose advocacy focused on the medical and environmental hazards of nuclear weapons. Helen Broinowski graduated in 1961 from the University...
American peace activist
Cindy Sheehan is an American peace activist whose public opposition to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan began after her son was killed in Iraq in 2004. Sheehan’s vigil outside U.S. Pres. George W. Bush’s...
Erzberger, Matthias
German politician
Matthias Erzberger was a leader of the left wing of the Roman Catholic Centre Party in Germany and signatory of the Armistice of World War I. The son of a craftsman, Erzberger turned from teaching school...
Benjamin Spock
American pediatrician
Benjamin Spock was an American pediatrician whose books on child-rearing, especially his Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care (1946; 6th ed., 1992), influenced generations of parents and made his name...
Abbie Hoffman
American activist
Abbie Hoffman was an American political activist who founded the Youth International Party (Yippies) and was known for his successful media events. He was also one of the Chicago Seven put on trial in...
Bertha, baroness von Suttner.
German author
Bertha, baroness von Suttner was an Austrian novelist who was one of the first notable woman pacifists. She is credited with influencing Alfred Nobel in the establishment of the Nobel Prize for Peace,...
Máiread Maguire
Northern Irish peace activist
Máiread Maguire is a Northern Irish peace activist who, with Betty Williams and Ciaran McKeown, founded the Peace People, a grassroots movement of both Roman Catholic and Protestant citizens dedicated...
Carl von Ossietzky
German journalist and pacifist
Carl von Ossietzky was a German journalist and pacifist, winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace for 1935. In 1912 Ossietzky joined the German Peace Society but was conscripted into the army and served throughout...
Ludwig Quidde.
German historian and politician
Ludwig Quidde was a historian, politician, and one of the most prominent German pacifists of the early 20th century. He was the co-winner (with Ferdinand-Édouard Buisson) of the Nobel Prize for Peace in...
German writer
René Schickele was a German journalist, poet, novelist, and dramatist, whose personal experience of conflict between nations made his work an intense plea for peace and understanding. Schickele was active...
Crystal Eastman.
American lawyer, writer, activist
Crystal Eastman was an American lawyer, suffragist, and writer, a leader in early 20th-century feminist and civil liberties activism. Reared in upper New York state, Eastman graduated from Vassar College,...
Estournelles de Constant, Paul-Henri-Benjamin d'
French diplomat
Paul-H.-B. d’Estournelles de Constant was a French diplomat and parliamentarian who devoted most of his life to the cause of international cooperation and in 1909 was co-winner (with Auguste-Marie-François...
American physicist
Leo Szilard was a Hungarian-born American physicist who helped conduct the first sustained nuclear chain reaction and was instrumental in initiating the Manhattan Project for the development of the atomic...
American activist
Roger Nash Baldwin was an American civil-rights activist, cofounder of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Born into an aristocratic Massachusetts family, Baldwin attended Harvard University (B.A.,...
Pire, Dominique
Belgian clergyman and educator
Dominique Pire was a Belgian cleric and educator who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1958 for his aid to displaced persons in Europe after World War II. Pire entered the Dominican monastery of...
Courtney, detail of a watercolour by Théobald Chartran, 1880; in the National Portrait Gallery, London
British politician
Leonard Henry Courtney, Baron Courtney was a radical British politician who gained fame as an advocate of proportional representation in Parliament and as an opponent of imperialism and militarism. A lawyer,...
American bridge player
Ely Culbertson was an American authority on the card game known as Contract Bridge who later abandoned the game to work for world peace. Culbertson was the son of an American oil explorer and lived as...
German writer
Ernst Toller was a dramatist, poet, and political activist, who was a prominent exponent of Marxism and pacifism in Germany in the 1920s. His Expressionist plays embodied his spirit of social protest....
La Fontaine, Henri
Belgian lawyer
Henri La Fontaine was a Belgian international lawyer and president of the International Peace Bureau (1907–43) who received the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1913. La Fontaine studied law at the Free University...
Moneta, Ernesto Teodoro
Italian journalist
Ernesto Teodoro Moneta was an Italian journalist and international activist on behalf of peace (except where Italian interests required war). He won (with Louis Renault) the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1907....
Alva Myrdal.
Swedish diplomat
Alva Reimer Myrdal was a Swedish diplomat, government minister, author, and advocate of nuclear disarmament. She was the corecipient with Alfonso García Robles of Mexico of the Nobel Prize for Peace in...
Northern Irish activist
Betty Williams was a Northern Irish peace activist who, with Máiread Maguire and Ciaran McKeown, founded the Peace People, a grassroots movement dedicated to ending the sectarian strife in Northern Ireland....
Swiss political scientist
Charles-Albert Gobat was a Swiss politician, administrator, philanthropist, and author, who co-won the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1902. He shared the prize with Élie Ducommun (d. 1906), whom he succeeded...
Sir Norman Angell, c. 1925.
British economist
Sir Norman Angell was an English economist and worker for international peace, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1933. After an education in France, London, and Geneva, Angell spent several...