Climate and changes in the albedo of the surface
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- USGS - Sea Level and Climate (Mar. 07, 2025)
The amount of solar energy available at the surface for sensible and latent heating of the atmosphere depends on the albedo, or the reflectivity, of the surface. Surface albedos vary by location, season, and land cover type. The albedo of unvegetated ground devoid of snow ranges from 0.1 to 0.6 (10 to 60 percent), while the albedo of fully forested lands ranges from 0.08 to 0.15. An increase of 0.1 in regional albedo has been associated with a 20 percent decline in rainfall events connected with thunderstorms. Equivalent reductions in both evaporation and transpiration have also been reported in areas with sudden increases in albedo.
The greatest changes in albedo occur in regions undergoing desertification and deforestation. Depending on the albedo of the underlying soil, reductions in vegetative land cover may give rise to albedo increases of as much as 0.2. Model studies of the vegetative zone known as the Sahel in Africa reveal that albedo increased from 0.14 to 0.35 due to desertification occurring during the 20th century. This coincided with a 40 percent decrease in rainfall. In addition, it is likely that the clearing of forests and prairies for agricultural crops over the past several hundred years has altered the albedo of extensive regions of the middle latitudes.
Contemporary agricultural practices give rise to large variations in albedo from season to season as the land passes through the cycle of tilling, planting, crop growth, and harvest. At larger scales, an agricultural mosaic often emerges as each different plot of ground is covered by plantings of a single species. Viewed from the air, landscapes in the middle latitudes appear as a heterogeneous mix of forests, grasslands, meadows, water bodies, farmlands, wetlands, and urban types. The resultant patchiness in the landscape produces a patchiness in surface albedo. The mosaic of land use types creates a mix in the fluxes of sensible and latent heat to the atmosphere. Such changes to the heat flux have been shown to cause changes in the timing, intensity, and frequency of summer thunderstorms.
The effect of vegetation patchiness on mesoscale climates
The establishment of vegetation bands or patches 50 to 100 km (30 to 60 miles) in width in semiarid regions could increase atmospheric convection and precipitation beyond that expected over areas of uniform vegetation. This convection creates spatial differences in the upward and downward wind velocities and contributes to the development of mesoscale (20 to 200 km [12 to 120 miles]) circulation in the atmosphere (see Upper-level winds: Characteristics). For example, when creating models for forecasting atmospheric conditions on the Great Plains and along the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains, the mix of land cover and vegetation types must be specified to properly relate the fluxes of momentum and sensible and latent heat to the larger-scale circulation of the atmosphere. Proper calculations are also necessary to estimate rainfall. In addition, the specific location and hour of the day that thunderstorms occur depend on the heterogeneity of the vegetation cover of this region. Field observations have shown that the heterogeneity of surface roughness (small-scale irregularities in topography), soil moisture, forest coverage, and transpiration affect the location and pace of the formation of convective clouds and rainfall. Both convection and thunderstorm development tend to occur earlier in the day in heterogeneous landscapes.
Biosphere controls on surface friction and localized winds
Averaged annually over Earth’s entire surface, the Sun provides about 345 watts per square metre of energy. About 30 percent of this energy is reflected away to space and is never used in the Earth-atmosphere system. Of that which remains, a little less than 1 percent (3.1 watts per square metre) accelerates the air by generating winds. An equal amount of energy must eventually be lost, or else wind speeds would perpetually increase.
Earth as a thermodynamic system is dissipative—the mechanical energy of the winds is eventually converted to heat through friction. Over the continents, it is the combination of terrain and the veneer of vegetation that offers the frictional roughness to dissipate the surface winds and convert this kinetic energy into heat. Marine winds approaching the British Isles average about 12 metres per second (27 miles per hour), but they are decelerated to 6 metres per second (13 miles per hour) because of the friction of the landscape’s surface shortly after the winds make landfall. Without vegetation cover, the continents would offer much less friction to the wind, and wind speeds in unvegetated landscapes would be nearly twice as fast as those in vegetated landscapes.
The correct specification of Earth’s surface roughness due to vegetation, for use in computer models of the atmosphere, is critical to proper model performance. If the height of the terrain and vegetation are not specified correctly, the patterns of Earth’s winds, global geography, and rainfall will be poorly modeled. When modeling newly desertified areas, such as the Sahel, it is important to understand that desertification creates vegetation of lower stature and thus lower surface roughness values. As a result, both wind velocities and wind direction could change from previous patterns over landscapes with taller vegetation.
The extent of this impact of the biosphere on the atmosphere is revealed in climate model studies. One such study modeled the influence of reduced vegetation on surface roughness over the Indian subcontinent and provided evidence for a weaker monsoon and reduced rainfall. Given that much of the northwest third of India underwent a severe desertification and cultural collapse near the beginning of historical times, the role cultures play in vegetation reduction and climate change should not be ignored.
The vegetation cover of the continents is not passive in response to the winds. Greenhouse-grown trees subjected to mechanical forces designed to mimic the winds lay down new woody tissue called “reaction wood,” which results in a stiffer tree over time. This material helps trees become more resilient and offer more frictional resistance to wind. This negative feedback, where increased winds result in stiffer vegetation and thereby subsequently reduced wind speeds, might well apply at the global scale by balancing the energy used to heat and accelerate the air (3.1 watts per square metre) with the surface friction needed to dissipate it.