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- USGS - Sea Level and Climate (Mar. 07, 2025)
Cyclones and anticyclones are regions of relatively low and high pressure, respectively. They occur over most of Earth’s surface in a variety of sizes ranging from the very large semipermanent examples described above to smaller, highly mobile systems. The latter are the focus of discussion in this section.
Common to both cyclones and anticyclones are the characteristic circulation patterns. The geostrophic-wind and gradient-wind models dictate that, in the Northern Hemisphere, flow around a cyclone—cyclonic circulation—is counterclockwise, and flow around an anticyclone—anticyclonic circulation—is clockwise. Circulation directions are reversed in the Southern Hemisphere (see above the diagrams of mean sea-level pressure). In the presence of friction, the superimposed component of motion toward lower pressure produces a “spiraling” effect toward the low-pressure centre and away from the high-pressure centre.
The cyclones that form outside the equatorial belt, known as extratropical cyclones, may be regarded as large eddies in the broad air currents that flow in the general direction from west to east around the middle and higher latitudes of both hemispheres (see below). They are an essential part of the mechanism by which the excess heat received from the Sun in Earth’s equatorial belt is conveyed toward higher latitudes. These higher latitudes radiate more heat to space than they receive from the Sun, and heat must reach them by winds from the lower latitudes if their temperature is to be continually cool rather than cold. If there were no cyclones and anticyclones, the north-south movements of the air would be much more limited, and there would be little opportunity for heat to be carried poleward by winds of subtropical origin. Under such circumstances the temperature of the lower latitudes would increase, and the polar regions would cool; the temperature gradient between them would intensify.
Strong horizontal gradients of temperature are particularly favourable for the formation and development of cyclones. The temperature difference between polar regions and the Equator builds up until it becomes sufficiently intense to generate new cyclones. As their associated cold fronts sweep equatorward and their warm fronts move poleward, the new cyclones reduce the temperature difference. Thus, the wind circulation on Earth represents a balance between the heating effects of solar radiation occurring in the polar regions and at the Equator. Wind circulation, through the effect of cyclones, anticyclones, and other wind systems, also periodically destroys this temperature contrast.
Cyclones of a somewhat different character occur closer to the Equator, generally forming in latitudes between 10° to 30° N and S over the oceans. They generally are known as tropical cyclones when their winds equal or exceed 74 miles (119 km) per hour. They are also known as hurricanes if they occur in the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, as typhoons in the western Pacific Ocean and the China Sea, and as cyclones off the coasts of Australia. These storms are of smaller diameter than the extratropical cyclones, ranging from 100 to 500 km (60 to 300 miles) in diameter, and are accompanied by winds that sometimes reach extreme violence. These storms are more fully described in the article tropical cyclone.