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- USGS - Sea Level and Climate (Mar. 07, 2025)
Of the two types of large-scale cyclones, extratropical cyclones are the most abundant and exert influence on the broadest scale; they affect the largest percentage of Earth’s surface. Furthermore, this class of cyclones is the principal cause of day-to-day weather changes experienced in middle and high latitudes and thus is the focal point of much of modern weather forecasting. The seeds for many current ideas concerning extratropical cyclones were sown between 1912 and 1930 by a group of Scandinavian meteorologists working in Bergen, Nor. This so-called Bergen school, founded by Norwegian meteorologist and physicist Vilhelm Bjerknes, formulated a model for a cyclone that forms as a disturbance along a zone of strong temperature contrast known as a front, which in turn constitutes a boundary between two contrasting air masses. In this model the masses of polar and mid-latitude air around the globe are separated by the polar front (the transition region separating warmer tropical air from colder polar air). This region possesses a strong temperature gradient, and thus it is a reservoir of potential energy that can be readily tapped and converted into the kinetic energy associated with extratropical cyclones.
For this reservoir to be tapped, a cyclone (called a wave, or frontal, cyclone) must develop much in the way shown in the diagram. The feature that is of primary importance prior to cyclone development (cyclogenesis) is a front, represented in the initial stage (A) as a heavy black line with alternating triangles or semicircles attached to it. This stationary or very slow-moving front forms a boundary between cold and warm air and thus is a zone of strong horizontal temperature gradient (sometimes referred to as a baroclinic zone). Cyclone development is initiated as a disturbance along the front, which distorts the front into the wavelike configuration (B; wave appearance). As the pressure within the disturbance continues to decrease, the disturbance assumes the appearance of a cyclone and forces poleward and equatorward movements of warm and cold air, respectively, which are represented by mobile frontal boundaries. As depicted in the cyclonic circulation stage (C), the front that signals the advancing cold air (cold front) is indicated by the triangles, while the front corresponding to the advancing warm air (warm front) is indicated by the semicircles. As the cyclone continues to intensify, the cold dense air streams rapidly equatorward, yielding a cold front with a typical slope of 1 to 50 and a propagation speed that is often 8 to 15 metres per second (about 18 to 34 miles per hour) or more. At the same time, the warm less-dense air moving in a northerly direction flows up over the cold air east of the cyclone to produce a warm front with a typical slope of 1 to 200 and a typically much slower propagation speed of about 2.5 to 8 metres per second (6 to 18 miles per hour). This difference in propagation speeds between the two fronts allows the cold front to overtake the warm front and produce yet another, more complicated frontal structure, known as an occluded front. An occluded front (D) is represented by a line with alternating triangles and semicircles on the same side. This occlusion process may be followed by further storm intensification. The separation of the cyclone from the warm air toward the Equator, however, eventually leads to the storm’s decay and dissipation (E) in a process called cyclolysis.
The life cycle of such an event is typically several days, during which the cyclone may travel from several hundred to a few thousand kilometres. In its path and wake occur dramatic weather changes. A typical sequence of weather possibly resulting from the approach and passage of a cyclone and its fronts through an area is depicted in the cross section of the clouds and precipitation that usually occur along line ab. Warm frontal weather is most frequently characterized by stratiform clouds, which ascend as the front approaches and potentially yield rain or snow. The passing of a warm front brings a rise in air temperature and clearing skies. The warmer air, however, may also harbour the ingredients for rain shower or thunderstorm formation, a condition that is enhanced as the cold front approaches.
. Shown in the occluded-front stage of the cyclogenesis diagram is aThe passage of the cold front is marked by the influx of colder air, the formation of stratocumulus clouds with some lingering rain or snow showers, and then eventual clearing. While this is an oft-repeated scenario, it is important to recognize that many other weather sequences can also occur. For example, the stratiform clouds of a warm front may have imbedded cumulus formations and thunderstorms; the warm sector might be quite dry and yield few or no clouds; the pre-cold-front weather may closely resemble that found ahead of the warm front; or the post-cold-front air may be completely cloud-free. Cloud patterns oriented along fronts and spiraling around the cyclone vortex are consistently revealed in satellite pictures of Earth.
The actual formation of any area of low pressure requires that mass in the column of air lying above Earth’s surface be reduced. This loss of mass then reduces the surface pressure. In the late 1930s and early ’40s, three members of the Bergen school—Norwegian American meteorologists Jacob Bjerknes and Jørgen Holmboe and Swedish American meteorologist Carl-Gustaf Rossby—recognized that transient surface disturbances were accompanied by complementary wave features in the flow in the middle and higher atmospheric layers associated with the jet stream. These wave features are accompanied by regions of mass divergence and convergence that support the growth of surface-pressure fields and direct their movement.
While extratropical cyclones form and intensify in association with fronts, there are small-scale cyclones that appear in the middle of a single air mass. A notable example is a class of cyclones, generally smaller than the frontal variety, that form in polar air streams in the wake of a frontal cyclone. These so-called polar lows are most prominent in subpolar marine environments and are thought to be caused by the transfer of heat and moisture from the warmer water surface into the overlying polar air and by supporting middle-tropospheric circulation features. Other small-scale cyclones form on the lee side of mountain barriers as the general westerly flow is disturbed by the mountain. These “lee cyclones” may produce major windstorms and dust storms downstream of a mountain barrier.