- The process of evolution
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- The Royal Society Publishing - Interface Focus - Extended genomes: symbiosis and evolution (Feb. 26, 2025)
The geographic separation of populations derived from common ancestors may continue long enough so that the populations become completely differentiated species before ever regaining sympatry and the opportunity to interbreed. As the allopatric populations continue evolving independently, RIMs develop and morphological differences may arise. The second stage of speciation—in which natural selection directly stimulates the evolution of RIMs—never comes about in such situations, because reproductive isolation takes place simply as a consequence of the continued separate evolution of the populations.
This form of allopatric speciation is particularly apparent when colonizers reach geographically remote areas, such as islands, where they find few or no competitors and have an opportunity to diverge as they become adapted to the new environment. Sometimes the new regions offer a multiplicity of environments to the colonizers, giving rise to several different lineages and species. This process of rapid divergence of multiple species from a single ancestral lineage is called adaptive radiation.
Many examples of speciation by adaptive radiation are found in archipelagoes removed from the mainland. The Galapagos Islands are about 1,000 km (600 miles) off the west coast of South America. When Charles Darwin arrived there in 1835 during his voyage on the HMS Beagle, he discovered many species not found anywhere else in the world—for example, several species of finches, of which 14 are now known to exist (called Galapagos, or Darwin’s, finches). These passerine birds have adapted to a diversity of habitats and diets, some feeding mostly on plants, others exclusively on insects. The various shapes of their bills are clearly adapted to probing, grasping, biting, or crushing—the diverse ways in which the different Galapagos species obtain their food. The explanation for such diversity is that the ancestor of Galapagos finches arrived in the islands before other kinds of birds and encountered an abundance of unoccupied ecological niches. Its descendants underwent adaptive radiation, evolving a variety of finch species with ways of life capable of exploiting opportunities that on various continents are already exploited by other species.
The Hawaiian archipelago also provides striking examples of adaptive radiation. Its several volcanic islands, ranging from about 1 million to more than 10 million years in age, are far from any continent or even other large islands. In their relatively small total land area, an astounding number of plant and animal species exist. Most of the species have evolved on the islands, among them about two dozen species (about one-third of them now extinct) of honeycreepers, birds of the family Drepanididae, all derived from a single immigrant form. In fact, all but one of Hawaii’s 71 native bird species are endemic; that is, they have evolved there and are found nowhere else. More than 90 percent of the native species of flowering plants, land mollusks, and insects are also endemic, as are two-thirds of the 168 species of ferns.
There are more than 500 native Hawaiian species of Drosophila flies—about one-third of the world’s total number of known species. Far greater morphological and ecological diversity exists among the species in Hawaii than anywhere else in the world. The species of Drosophila in Hawaii have diverged by adaptive radiation from one or a few colonizers, which encountered an assortment of ecological niches that in other lands were occupied by different groups of flies or insects but that were available for exploitation in these remote islands.
Quantum speciation
In some modes of speciation the first stage is achieved in a short period of time. These modes are known by a variety of names, such as quantum, rapid, and saltational speciation, all suggesting the shortening of time involved. They are also known as sympatric speciation, alluding to the fact that quantum speciation often leads to speciation between populations that exist in the same territory or habitat. An important form of quantum speciation, polyploidy, is discussed separately below.
Quantum speciation without polyploidy has been seen in the annual plant genus Clarkia. Two closely related species, Clarkia biloba and C. lingulata, are both native to California. C. lingulata is known only from two sites in the central Sierra Nevada at the southern periphery of the distribution of C. biloba, from which it evolved starting with translocations and other chromosomal mutations (see above Chromosomal mutations). Such chromosomal rearrangements arise suddenly but reduce the fertility of heterozygous individuals. Clarkia species are capable of self-fertilization, which facilitates the propagation of the chromosomal mutants in different sets of individuals even within a single locality. This makes hybridization possible with nonmutant individuals and allows the second stage of speciation to go ahead.
Chromosomal mutations are often the starting point of quantum speciation in animals, particularly in groups such as moles and other rodents that live underground or have little mobility. Mole rats of the species group Spalax ehrenbergi in Israel and gophers of the species group Thomomys talpoides in the northern Rocky Mountains are well-studied examples.
The speciation process may also be initiated by changes in just one or a few gene loci when these alterations result in a change of ecological niche or, in the case of parasites, a change of host. Many parasites use their host as a place for courtship and mating, so organisms with two different host preferences may become reproductively isolated. If the hybrids show poor fitness because they are not effective parasites in either of the two hosts, natural selection will favour the development of additional RIMs. This type of speciation seems to be common among parasitic insects, a large group comprising tens of thousands of species.
As discussed above in Chromosomal mutations, the multiplication of entire sets of chromosomes is known as polyploidy. Whereas a diploid organism carries in the nucleus of each cell two sets of chromosomes, one inherited from each parent, a polyploid organism has three or more sets of chromosomes. Many cultivated plants are polyploid—bananas are triploid, potatoes are tetraploid, bread wheat is hexaploid, some strawberries are octaploid. These cultivated polyploids do not exist in nature, at least in any significant frequency. Some of them first appeared spontaneously; others, such as octaploid strawberries, were intentionally produced.
In animals polyploidy is relatively rare because it disrupts the balance between the sex chromosome and the other chromosomes, a balance being required for the proper development of sex. Naturally polyploid species are found in hermaphroditic animals—individuals having both male and female organs—which include snails, earthworms, and planarians (a group of flatworms). They are also found in forms with parthenogenetic females (which produce viable progeny without fertilization), such as some beetles, sow bugs, goldfish, and salamanders.
All major groups of plants have naturally polyploid species, but they are most common among angiosperms, or flowering plants, of which about 47 percent are polyploids. Polyploidy is rare among gymnosperms, such as pines, firs, and cedars, although the redwood, Sequoia sempervirens, is a polyploid. Most polyploid plants are tetraploids. Polyploids with three, five, or some other odd-number multiple of the basic chromosome number are sterile, because the separation of homologous chromosomes cannot be achieved properly during formation of the sex cells. Some plants with an odd number of chromosome sets persist by means of asexual reproduction, particularly through human cultivation; the triploid banana is one example.
Polyploidy is a mode of quantum speciation that yields the beginnings of a new species in just one or two generations. There are two kinds of polyploids—autopolyploids, which derive from a single species, and allopolyploids, which stem from a combination of chromosome sets from different species. Allopolyploid plant species are much more numerous than autopolyploids.
An allopolyploid species can originate from two plant species that have the same diploid number of chromosomes. The chromosome complement of one species may be symbolized as AA and the other BB. A hybrid of two different species, represented as AB, will usually be sterile because of abnormal chromosome pairing and segregation during formation at meiosis of the gametes, which are haploid (i.e., having only half of the chromosomes, of which in a given gamete some come from the A set and some from the B set). But chromosome doubling may occur in a diploid cell as a consequence of abnormal mitosis, in which the chromosomes divide but the cell does not. If this happens in the hybrid above, AB, the result is a plant cell with four sets of chromosomes, AABB. Such a tetraploid cell may proliferate within the plant (which is otherwise constituted of diploid cells) and produce branches and flowers of tetraploid cells. Because the flowers’ cells carry two chromosomes of each kind, they can produce functional diploid gametes via meiosis with the constitution AB. The union of two such gametes, such as happens during self-fertilization, produces a complete tetraploid individual (AABB). In this way, self-fertilization in plants makes possible the formation of a tetraploid individual as the result of a single abnormal cell division.
Autopolyploids originate in a similar fashion, except that the individual in which the abnormal mitosis occurs is not a hybrid. Self-fertilization thus enables a single individual to multiply and give rise to a population. This population is a new species, since polyploid individuals are reproductively isolated from their diploid ancestors. A cross between a tetraploid and a diploid yields triploid progeny, which are sterile.