- The process of evolution
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- The Royal Society Publishing - Interface Focus - Extended genomes: symbiosis and evolution (Feb. 26, 2025)
Evolutionary trees are models that seek to reconstruct the evolutionary history of taxa—i.e., species or other groups of organisms, such as genera, families, or orders. The trees embrace two kinds of information related to evolutionary change, cladogenesis and anagenesis. The can be used to illustrate both kinds. The branching relationships of the trees reflect the relative relationships of ancestry, or cladogenesis. Thus, in the right side of the figure, humans and rhesus monkeys are seen to be more closely related to each other than either is to the horse. Stated another way, this tree shows that the last common ancestor to all three species lived in a more remote past than the last common ancestor to humans and monkeys.
Evolutionary trees may also indicate the changes that have occurred along each lineage, or anagenesis. Thus, in the evolution of cytochrome c since the last common ancestor of humans and rhesus monkeys (again, the right side of the figure), one amino acid changed in the lineage going to humans but none in the lineage going to rhesus monkeys. Similarly, the left side of the figure shows that three amino acid changes occurred in the lineage from B to C but only one in the lineage from B to D.
There exist several methods for constructing evolutionary trees. Some were developed for interpreting morphological data, others for interpreting molecular data; some can be used with either kind of data. The main methods currently in use are called distance, parsimony, and maximum likelihood.
Distance methods
A “distance” is the number of differences between two taxa. The differences are measured with respect to certain traits (i.e., morphological data) or to certain macromolecules (primarily the sequence of amino acids in proteins or the sequence of nucleotides in DNA or RNA). The two trees illustrated in the were obtained by taking into account the distance, or number of amino acid differences, between three organisms with respect to a particular protein. The amino acid sequence of a protein contains more information than is reflected in the number of amino acid differences. This is because in some cases the replacement of one amino acid by another requires no more than one nucleotide substitution in the DNA that codes for the protein, whereas in other cases it requires at least two nucleotide changes.
The relationships between species as shown in the figure correspond fairly well to the relationships determined from other sources, such as the fossil record. According to the figure, chickens are less closely related to ducks and pigeons than to penguins, and humans and monkeys diverged from the other mammals before the marsupial kangaroo separated from the nonprimate placentals. Although these examples are known to be erroneous relationships, the power of the method is apparent in that a single protein yields a fairly accurate reconstruction of the evolutionary history of 20 organisms that started to diverge more than one billion years ago.
Morphological data also can be used for constructing distance trees. The first step is to obtain a distance matrix based on a set of morphological comparisons between species or other taxa. For example, in some insects one can measure body length, wing length, wing width, number and length of wing veins, or another trait. The most common procedure to transform a distance matrix into a phylogeny is called cluster analysis. The distance matrix is scanned for the smallest distance element, and the two taxa involved (say, A and B) are joined at an internal node, or branching point. The matrix is scanned again for the next smallest distance, and the two new taxa (say, C and D) are clustered. The procedure is continued until all taxa have been joined. When a distance involves a taxon that is already part of a previous cluster (say, E and A), the average distance is obtained between the new taxon and the preexisting cluster (say, the average distance between E to A and E to B). This simple procedure, which can also be used with molecular data, assumes that the rate of evolution is uniform along all branches.
Other distance methods (including the one used to construct the tree in the
of the 20-organism phylogeny) relax the condition of uniform rate and allow for unequal rates of evolution along the branches. One of the most extensively used methods of this kind is called neighbour-joining. The method starts, as before, by identifying the smallest distance in the matrix and linking the two taxa involved. The next step is to remove these two taxa and calculate a new matrix in which their distances to other taxa are replaced by the distance between the node linking the two taxa and all other taxa. The smallest distance in this new matrix is used for making the next connection, which will be between two other taxa or between the previous node and a new taxon. The procedure is repeated until all taxa have been connected with one another by intervening nodes.Maximum parsimony methods
Maximum parsimony methods seek to reconstruct the tree that requires the fewest (i.e., most parsimonious) number of changes summed along all branches. This is a reasonable assumption, because it usually will be the most likely. But evolution may not necessarily have occurred following a minimum path, because the same change instead may have occurred independently along different branches, and some changes may have involved intermediate steps. Consider three species—C, D, and E. If C and D differ by two amino acids in a certain protein and either one differs by three amino acids from E, parsimony will lead to a tree with the structure shown in the left side of the illustrating the two simple phylogenies. It may be the case, however, that in a certain position at which C and D both have amino acid g while E has h, the ancestral amino acid was g. Amino acid g did not change in the lineage going to C but changed to h in a lineage going to the ancestor of D and E and then changed again, back to g, in the lineage going to D. The correct phylogeny would lead then from the common ancestor of all three species to C in one branch (in which no amino acid changes occurred), and to the last common ancestor of D and E in the other branch (in which g changed to h) with one additional change (from h to g) occurring in the lineage from this ancestor to E.
Not all evolutionary changes, even those that involve a single step, may be equally probable. For example, among the four nucleotide bases in DNA, cytosine (C) and thymine (T) are members of a family of related molecules called pyrimidines; likewise, adenine (A) and guanine (G) belong to a family of molecules called purines. A change within a DNA sequence from one pyrimidine to another (C ⇌ T) or from one purine to another (A ⇌ G), called a transition, is more likely to occur than a change from a purine to a pyrimidine or the converse (G or A ⇌ C or T), called a transversion. Parsimony methods take into account different probabilities of occurrence if they are known.
Maximum parsimony methods are related to cladistics, a very formalistic theory of taxonomic classification, extensively used with morphological and paleontological data. The critical feature in cladistics is the identification of derived shared traits, called synapomorphic traits. A synapomorphic trait is shared by some taxa but not others because the former inherited it from a common ancestor that acquired the trait after its lineage separated from the lineages going to the other taxa. In the evolution of carnivores, for example, domestic cats, tigers, and leopards are clustered together because of their possessing retractable claws, a trait acquired after their common ancestor branched off from the lineage leading to the dogs, wolves, and coyotes. It is important to ascertain that the shared traits are homologous rather than analogous. For example, mammals and birds, but not lizards, have a four-chambered heart. Yet birds are more closely related to lizards than to mammals; the four-chambered heart evolved independently in the bird and mammal lineages, by parallel evolution.
Maximum likelihood methods
Maximum likelihood methods seek to identify the most likely tree, given the available data. They require that an evolutionary model be identified, which would make it possible to estimate the probability of each possible individual change. For example, as is mentioned in the preceding section, transitions are more likely than transversions among DNA nucleotides, but a particular probability must be assigned to each. All possible trees are considered. The probabilities for each individual change are multiplied for each tree. The best tree is the one with the highest probability (or maximum likelihood) among all possible trees.
Maximum likelihood methods are computationally expensive when the number of taxa is large, because the number of possible trees (for each of which the probability must be calculated) grows factorially with the number of taxa. With 10 taxa, there are about 3.6 million possible trees; with 20 taxa, the number of possible trees is about 2 followed by 18 zeros (2 × 1018). Even with powerful computers, maximum likelihood methods can be prohibitive if the number of taxa is large. Heuristic methods exist in which only a subsample of all possible trees is examined and thus an exhaustive search is avoided.
Evaluation of evolutionary trees
The statistical degree of confidence of a tree can be estimated for distance and maximum likelihood trees. The most common method is called bootstrapping. It consists of taking samples of the data by removing at least one data point at random and then constructing a tree for the new data set. This random sampling process is repeated hundreds or thousands of times. The bootstrap value for each node is defined by the percentage of cases in which all species derived from that node appear together in the trees. Bootstrap values above 90 percent are regarded as statistically strongly reliable; those below 70 percent are considered unreliable.