- The process of evolution
Genetic variation and rate of evolution
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- The Royal Society Publishing - Interface Focus - Extended genomes: symbiosis and evolution (Feb. 26, 2025)
The more genetic variation that exists in a population, the greater the opportunity for evolution to occur. As the number of gene loci that are variable increases and as the number of alleles at each locus becomes greater, the likelihood grows that some alleles will change in frequency at the expense of their alternates. The British geneticist R.A. Fisher mathematically demonstrated a direct correlation between the amount of genetic variation in a population and the rate of evolutionary change by natural selection. This demonstration is embodied in his fundamental theorem of natural selection (1930): “The rate of increase in fitness of any organism at any time is equal to its genetic variance in fitness at that time.”
This theorem has been confirmed experimentally. One study employed different strains of Drosophila serrata, a species of vinegar fly from eastern Australia and New Guinea. Evolution in vinegar flies can be investigated by breeding them in separate “population cages” and finding out how populations change over many generations. Experimental populations were set up, with the flies living and reproducing in their isolated microcosms. Single-strain populations were established from flies collected either in New Guinea or in Australia; in addition, a mixed population was constituted by crossing these two strains of flies. The mixed population had the greater initial genetic variation, since it began with two different single-strain populations. To encourage rapid evolutionary change, the populations were manipulated such that the flies experienced intense competition for food and space. Adaptation to the experimental environment was measured by periodically counting the number of individuals in the populations.
Two results deserve notice. First, the mixed population had, at the end of the experiment, more flies than the single-strain populations. Second, and more relevant, the number of flies increased at a faster rate in the mixed population than in the single-strain populations. Evolutionary adaptation to the environment occurred in both types of population; both were able to maintain higher numbers as the generations progressed. But the rate of evolution was more rapid in the mixed group than in the single-strain groups. The greater initial amount of genetic variation made possible a faster rate of evolution.
Measuring gene variability
Because a population’s potential for evolving is determined by its genetic variation, evolutionists are interested in discovering the extent of such variation in natural populations. It is readily apparent that plant and animal species are heterogeneous in all sorts of ways—in the flower colours and growth habits of plants, for instance, or the shell shapes and banding patterns of snails. Differences are more readily noticed among humans—in facial features, hair and skin colour, height, and weight—but such morphological differences are present in all groups of organisms. One problem with morphological variation is that it is not known how much is due to genetic factors and how much may result from environmental influences.
Animal and plant breeders select for their experiments individuals or seeds that excel in desired attributes—in the protein content of corn (maize), for example, or the milk yield of cows. The selection is repeated generation after generation. If the population changes in the direction favoured by the breeder, it becomes clear that the original stock possessed genetic variation with respect to the selected trait.
The results of artificial selection are impressive. Selection for high oil content in corn increased the oil content from less than 5 percent to more than 19 percent in 76 generations, while selection for low oil content reduced it to below 1 percent. Thirty years of selection for increased egg production in a flock of White Leghorn chickens increased the average yearly output of a hen from 125.6 to 249.6 eggs. Artificial selection has produced endless varieties of dog, cat, and horse breeds. The plants grown for food and fibre and the animals bred for food and transportation are all products of age-old or modern-day artificial selection. Since the late 20th century, scientists have used the techniques of molecular biology to modify or introduce genes for desired traits in a variety of organisms, including domestic plants and animals; this field has become known as genetic engineering or recombinant DNA technology. Improvements that in the past were achieved after tens of generations by artificial selection can now be accomplished much more effectively and rapidly (within a single generation) by molecular genetic technology.
The success of artificial selection for virtually every trait and every organism in which it has been tried suggests that genetic variation is pervasive throughout natural populations. But evolutionists like to go one step farther and obtain quantitative estimates. Only since the 1960s, with the advances of molecular biology, have geneticists developed methods for measuring the extent of genetic variation in populations or among species of organisms. These methods consist essentially of taking a sample of genes and finding out how many are variable and how variable each one is. One simple way of measuring the variability of a gene locus is to ascertain what proportion of the individuals in a population are heterozygotes at that locus. In a heterozygous individual the two genes for a trait, one received from the mother and the other from the father, are different. The proportion of heterozygotes in the population is, therefore, the same as the probability that two genes taken at random from the gene pool are different.
Techniques for determining heterozygosity have been used to investigate numerous species of plants and animals. Typically, insects and other invertebrates are more varied genetically than mammals and other vertebrates, and plants bred by outcrossing (crossing with relatively unrelated strains) exhibit more variation than those bred by self-pollination. But the amount of genetic variation is in any case astounding. Consider as an example humans, whose level of variation is about the same as that of other mammals. The human heterozygosity value at the level of proteins is stated as H = 0.067, which means that an individual is heterozygous at 6.7 percent of his genes, because the two genes at each locus encode slightly different proteins. The human genome contains an estimated 20,000–25,000 genes. This means that a person is heterozygous at no fewer than 30,000 × 0.067 = 2,010 gene loci. An individual heterozygous at one locus (Aa) can produce two different kinds of sex cells, or gametes, one with each allele (A and a); an individual heterozygous at two loci (AaBb) can produce four kinds of gametes (AB, Ab, aB, and ab); an individual heterozygous at n loci can potentially produce 2n different gametes. Therefore, a typical human individual has the potential to produce 22,010, or approximately 10605 (1 with 605 zeros following), different kinds of gametes. That number is much larger than the estimated number of atoms in the universe, about 1080.
It is clear, then, that every sex cell produced by a human being is genetically different from every other sex cell and, therefore, that no two persons who ever existed or will ever exist are likely to be genetically identical—with the exception of identical twins, which develop from a single fertilized ovum. The same conclusion applies to all organisms that reproduce sexually; every individual represents a unique genetic configuration that will likely never be repeated again. This enormous reservoir of genetic variation in natural populations provides virtually unlimited opportunities for evolutionary change in response to the environmental constraints and the needs of the organisms.
The origin of genetic variation: mutations
Life originated about 3.5 billion years ago in the form of primordial organisms that were relatively simple and very small. All living things have evolved from these lowly beginnings. At present there are more than two million known species, which are widely diverse in size, shape, and way of life, as well as in the DNA sequences that contain their genetic information. What has produced the pervasive genetic variation within natural populations and the genetic differences among species? There must be some evolutionary means by which existing DNA sequences are changed and new sequences are incorporated into the gene pools of species.
The information encoded in the nucleotide sequence of DNA is, as a rule, faithfully reproduced during replication, so that each replication results in two DNA molecules that are identical to each other and to the parent molecule. But heredity is not a perfectly conservative process; otherwise, evolution could not have taken place. Occasionally “mistakes,” or mutations, occur in the DNA molecule during replication, so that daughter cells differ from the parent cells in the sequence or in the amount of DNA. A mutation first appears in a single cell of an organism, but it is passed on to all cells descended from the first. Mutations can be classified into two categories—gene, or point, mutations, which affect only a few nucleotides within a gene, and chromosomal mutations, which either change the number of chromosomes or change the number or arrangement of genes on a chromosome.