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- The Royal Society Publishing - Interface Focus - Extended genomes: symbiosis and evolution (Feb. 26, 2025)
Molecular phylogeny of genes
The methods for obtaining the nucleotide sequences of DNA have enormously improved since the 1980s and have become largely automated. Many genes have been sequenced in numerous organisms, and the complete genome has been sequenced in various species ranging from humans to viruses. The use of DNA sequences has been particularly rewarding in the study of gene duplications. The genes that code for the hemoglobins in humans and other mammals provide a good example.
Knowledge of the amino acid sequences of the hemoglobin chains and of myoglobin, a closely related protein, has made it possible to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the duplications that gave rise to the corresponding genes. But direct examination of the nucleotide sequences in the genes coding for these proteins has shown that the situation is more complex, and also more interesting, than it appears from the protein sequences.
DNA sequence studies on human hemoglobin genes have shown that their number is greater than previously thought. Hemoglobin molecules are tetramers (molecules made of four subunits), consisting of two polypeptides (relatively short protein chains) of one kind and two of another kind. In embryonic hemoglobin E, one of the two kinds of polypeptide is designated ε; in fetal hemoglogin F, it is γ; in adult hemoglobin A, it is β; and in adult hemoglobin A2, it is δ. (Hemoglobin A makes up about 98 percent of human adult hemoglobin, and hemoglobin A2 about 2 percent). The other kind of polypeptide in embryonic hemoglobin is ζ; in both fetal and adult hemoglobin, it is α. The genes coding for the first group of polypeptides (ε, γ, β, and δ) are located on chromosome 11; the genes coding for the second group of polypeptides (ζ and α) are located on chromosome 16.
There are yet additional complexities. Two γ genes exist (known as Gγ and Aγ), as do two α genes (α1 and α2). Furthermore, there are two β pseudogenes (ψβ1 and ψβ2) and two α pseudogenes (ψα1 and ψα2), as well as a ζ pseudogene. These pseudogenes are very similar in nucleotide sequence to the corresponding functional genes, but they include terminating codons and other mutations that make it impossible for them to yield functional hemoglobins.
The similarity in the nucleotide sequence of the polypeptide genes, and pseudogenes, of both the α and β gene families indicates that they are all homologous—that is, that they have arisen through various duplications and subsequent evolution from a gene ancestral to all. Moreover, homology also exists between the nucleotide sequences that separate one gene from another. The evolutionary history of the genes for hemoglobin and myoglobin is summarized in the .
Multiplicity and rate heterogeneity
Cytochrome c consists of only 104 amino acids, encoded by 312 nucleotides. Nevertheless, this short protein stores enormous evolutionary information, which made possible the fairly good approximation, shown in the diverse species over a period longer than one billion years. But cytochrome c is a slowly evolving protein. Widely different species have in common a large proportion of the amino acids in their cytochrome c, which makes possible the study of genetic differences between organisms only remotely related. For the same reason, however, comparing cytochrome c molecules cannot determine evolutionary relationships between closely related species. For example, the amino acid sequence of cytochrome c in humans and chimpanzees is identical, although they diverged about 6 million years ago; between humans and rhesus monkeys, which diverged from their common ancestor 35 million to 40 million years ago, it differs by only one amino acid replacement.
, to the evolutionary history of 20 veryProteins that evolve more rapidly than cytochrome c can be studied in order to establish phylogenetic relationships between closely related species. Some proteins evolve very fast; the fibrinopeptides—small proteins involved in the blood-clotting process—are suitable for reconstructing the phylogeny of recently evolved species, such as closely related mammals. Other proteins evolve at intermediate rates; the hemoglobins, for example, can be used for reconstructing evolutionary history over a fairly broad range of time (see ).
One great advantage of molecular evolution is its multiplicity, as noted above in the section DNA and protein as informational macromolecules. Within each organism are thousands of genes and proteins; these evolve at different rates, but every one of them reflects the same evolutionary events. Scientists can obtain greater and greater accuracy in reconstructing the evolutionary phylogeny of any group of organisms by increasing the number of genes investigated. The range of differences in the rates of evolution between genes opens up the opportunity of investigating different sets of genes for achieving different degrees of resolution in the tree, relying on slowly evolving ones for remote evolutionary events. Even genes that encode slowly evolving proteins can be useful for reconstructing the evolutionary relationships between closely related species, by examination of the redundant codon substitutions (nucleotide substitutions that do not change the encoded amino acids), the introns (noncoding DNA segments interspersed among the segments that code for amino acids), or other noncoding segments of the genes (such as the sequences that precede and follow the encoding portions of genes); these generally evolve much faster than the nucleotides that specify the amino acids.