Classification of metamorphic rocks
- Key People:
- Friedrich Johann Karl Becke
- Related Topics:
- marble
- slate
- metamorphism
- gneiss
- schist
- On the Web:
- Texas A and M International University - Identification of Metamorphic Rocks (PDF) (Mar. 13, 2025)
Because of the diverse chemistry, mineralogy, and primary origin of metamorphic rocks and because of the diverse fabrics or textures that may develop depending on the stresses that may operate during their formation, there is no simple, universally used classification of these rocks. Any classification of metamorphic rocks tends to stress either their fabric, mineralogy, or primary origin. Some common metamorphic rock types are described here.
Rocks in which metamorphic minerals are easily seen by eye or hand lens and in which the mineral grains have a highly orientated fabric are called schists. Grains of acicular (needlelike) or platy minerals (e.g., amphiboles and micas) tend to lie with their long directions parallel or their planar directions parallel. Often the rocks show a pronounced mineralogical layering; quartz layers a few millimetres or centimetres in thickness may lie between mica layers, for example. Other words often qualify schist: as described above, greenschist is a schist rich in the green mineral chlorite; blueschist is rich in the blue amphibole, glaucophane; mica-schist is rich in mica; and a graphite-schist is rich in graphite. Schists that are rich in the amphibole hornblende and are often derived by metamorphism of common igneous rocks of the basalt-gabbro type are called amphibolites.
A very fine-grained metamorphic rock (usually developed from clay-rich sediments) exhibiting perfect planar layering and perfection of splitting into layers (slaty cleavage) is slate. Such rocks are normally rich in micas and chlorites. As the intensity of metamorphism increases, porphyroblasts may grow; such slates are sometimes called spotted slates. As metamorphism proceeds, the average crystal size increases, and mineral segregation develops; the rock then may be termed a phyllite.
A gneiss is produced by intense metamorphism, at high temperature and pressure. The grain size is coarser than that in schists, and layering is often well developed; mineral orientation is less perfect than in schists, however. Very common granitic gneisses of Precambrian areas have been derived from metamorphism of granitic igneous rocks.
The hornfels are formed by contact metamorphism and typically show little sign of the action of directed pressure. They are fine-grained rocks in which crystals display little orientation.
Rocks derived from the metamorphism of carbonate sediments containing calcite or dolomite are marbles. The main result of metamorphism is an increase in grain size. Because of the rather equidimensional habit of calcite and dolomite crystals, they rarely appear schistose unless they contain other minerals such as mica.
Mylonites and cataclastites
These are rocks in which the texture is the result of ductile shearing or mechanical shattering of grains. They often show only slight, if any, development of new minerals. They form on fault planes or in zones of intense shearing. If the crustal rocks have an appropriate composition, phyllonites may develop where new mica crystals grow parallel to the shearing direction. If shearing is extreme, melting may occur, locally producing a pseudo-tachylite. Tachylite is a term applied to certain types of glass formed by rapid cooling of molten rocks.
Other classes
Most of the above terms indicate structural or fabric classification of metamorphic rocks. Sometimes terms are used to indicate chemical features. Several types of schists, for example, include the following: pelitic schists contain much aluminum oxide and often are derivatives of clay-rich sediments; quartzofeldspathic schists are high in quartz and feldspars and often are derivatives of sandstones or quartz-rich igneous rocks; calcareous schists have a high content of lime (CaO) and often are derivatives of impure limestones, dolomites, or calcareous muds; and mafic schists contain the elements of mafic igneous rocks—namely, calcium, magnesium, and iron.
William S. Fyfe Jane Selverstone