- Key People:
- Friedrich Johann Karl Becke
- Related Topics:
- marble
- slate
- metamorphism
- gneiss
- schist
- On the Web:
- Texas A and M International University - Identification of Metamorphic Rocks (PDF) (Mar. 13, 2025)
The pressure experienced by a rock during metamorphism is due primarily to the weight of the overlying rocks (i.e., lithostatic pressure) and is generally reported in units of bars or kilobars. The standard scientific notation for pressure is expressed in pascals or megapascals (1 pascal is equivalent to 10 bars). For typical densities of crustal rocks of two to three grams per cubic centimetre, one kilobar of lithostatic pressure is generated by a column of overlying rocks approximately 3.5 km (about 2 miles) thick. Typical continental crustal thicknesses are on the order of 30–40 km (roughly 19–25 miles) but can be as great as 60–80 km (about 37–50 miles) in mountain belts such as the Alps and Himalayas. Hence, metamorphism of continental crust occurs at pressures from a few hundred bars (adjacent to shallow-level intrusions) to 10–20 kilobars at the base of the crust. Oceanic crust is generally 6–10 km (about 4–6 miles) in thickness, and metamorphic pressures within the oceanic crust are therefore considerably less than in continental regions. In subduction zones, however, oceanic and, more rarely, continental crust may be carried down to depths exceeding 100 km (62 miles), and metamorphism at very high pressures may occur. Metamorphic recrystallization also occurs in the mantle at pressures up to hundreds of kilobars.
Changes in lithostatic pressure experienced by a rock during metamorphism are brought about by burial or uplift of the sample. Burial can occur in response either to ongoing deposition of sediments above the sample or tectonic loading brought about, for example, by thrust-faulting or large-scale folding of the region. Uplift, or more properly unroofing, takes place when overlying rocks are stripped off by erosional processes or when the overburden is tectonically thinned.
Fluids trapped in the pores of rocks during metamorphism exert pressure on the surrounding grains. At depths greater than a few kilometres within Earth, the magnitude of the fluid pressure is equal to the lithostatic pressure, reflecting the fact that mineral grain boundaries recrystallize in such a way as to minimize pore space and to seal off the fluid channelways by which solutions rise from depth. At shallow depths, however, interconnected pore spaces can exist, and hence the pressure within a pore is related to the weight of an overlying column of fluid rather than rock. Because metamorphic fluids (dominantly composed of water and carbon dioxide) are less dense than rocks, the fluid pressure at these conditions is lower than the lithostatic pressure.
Deformation of rocks during metamorphism occurs when the rock experiences an anisotropic stress—i.e., unequal pressures operating in different directions. Anisotropic stresses rarely exceed more than a few tens or hundreds of bars but have a profound influence on the textural development of metamorphic rocks (see below Textural features; Structural features).
Rock composition
Classification into four chemical systems
Common metamorphic rock types have essentially the same chemical composition as what must be their equally common igneous or sedimentary precursors. Common greenschists have essentially the same compositions as basalts; marbles are like limestones; slates are similar to mudstones or shales; and many gneisses are like granodiorites. In general, then, the chemical composition of a metamorphic rock will closely reflect the primary nature of the material that has been metamorphosed. If there are significant differences, they tend to affect only the most mobile (soluble) or volatile elements; water and carbon dioxide contents can change significantly, for example.

Despite the wide variety of igneous and sedimentary rock types that can recrystallize into metamorphic rocks, most metamorphic rocks can be described with reference to only four chemical systems: pelitic, calcareous, felsic, and mafic. Pelitic rocks are derived from mudstone (shale) protoliths and are rich in potassium (K), aluminum (Al), silicon (Si), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), and water (H2O), with lesser amounts of manganese (Mn), titanium (Ti), calcium (Ca), and other constituents. Calcareous rocks are formed from a variety of chemical and detrital sediments such as limestone, dolostone, or marl and are largely composed of calcium oxide (CaO), magnesium oxide (MgO), and carbon dioxide (CO2), with varying amounts of aluminum, silicon, iron, and water. Felsic rocks can be produced by metamorphism of both igneous and sedimentary protoliths (e.g., granite and arkose, respectively) and are rich in silicon, sodium (Na), potassium, calcium, aluminum, and lesser amounts of iron and magnesium. Mafic rocks derive from basalt protoliths and some volcanogenic sediments and contain an abundance of iron, magnesium, calcium, silicon, and aluminum. Ultramafic metamorphic rocks result from the metamorphism of mantle rocks and some oceanic crust and contain dominantly magnesium, silicon, and carbon dioxide, with smaller amounts of iron, calcium, and aluminum. For the purposes of this discussion, ultramafic rocks are considered to be a subset of the mafic category.
The particular metamorphic minerals that develop in each of these four rock chemical systems are controlled above all by the protolith chemistry. The mineral calcite (CaCO3), for example, can occur only in rocks that contain sufficient quantities of calcium. The specific pressure-temperature conditions to which the rock is subjected will further influence the minerals that are produced during recrystallization; for example, at high pressures calcite will be replaced by a denser polymorph of CaCO3 called aragonite. In general, increasing pressure favours denser mineral structures, whereas increasing temperature favours anhydrous and less dense mineral phases. Although some minerals, such as quartz, calcite, plagioclase, and biotite, develop under a variety of conditions, other minerals are more restricted in occurrence; examples are lawsonite, which is produced primarily during high-pressure, low-temperature metamorphism of basaltic protoliths, and sillimanite, which develops during relatively high-temperature metamorphism of pelitic rocks.
Thermodynamics of metamorphic assemblages
The number of minerals present in an individual metamorphic rock is limited by the laws of thermodynamics. The number of mineral phases that can coexist stably in a metamorphic rock at a particular set of pressure-temperature conditions is given by the Gibbs phase rule: number of mineral phases = number of chemical components − number of degrees of freedom + 2, where the 2 stands for the two variables of pressure and temperature. The degrees of freedom of the system are the parameters that can be independently varied without changing the mineral assemblage of the rock. For example, a rock with no degrees of freedom can only exist at a single set of pressure-temperature conditions; if either the pressure or the temperature is varied, the minerals will react with one another to change the assemblage. A rock with two degrees of freedom can undergo small changes in pressure or temperature or both without altering the assemblage. Most metamorphic rocks have mineral assemblages that reflect two or more degrees of freedom at the time the rock recrystallized. Thus, a typical pelitic rock made up of the six chemical components silica (SiO2), aluminum oxide (Al2O3), ferrous oxide (FeO), magnesium oxide (MgO), potash (K2O), and water would contain no more than six minerals; the identity of those minerals would be controlled by the pressure and temperature at which recrystallization occurred. In such a rock taken from Earth’s surface, the identity of the six minerals could be used to infer the approximate depth and temperature conditions that prevailed at the time of its recrystallization. Rocks that contain more mineral phases than would be predicted by the phase rule often preserve evidence of chemical disequilibrium in the form of reactions that did not go to completion. Careful examination of such samples under the microscope can often reveal the nature of these reactions and provide useful information on how pressure and temperature conditions changed during the burial and uplift history of the rock.
Metamorphic rocks only rarely exhibit a chemical composition that is characteristically “metamorphic.” This statement is equivalent to saying that diffusion of materials in metamorphism is a slow process, and various chemical units do not mix on any large scale. But occasionally, particularly during contact metamorphism, diffusion may occur across a boundary of chemical dissimilarity, leading to rocks of unique composition. This process is referred to as metasomatism. If a granite is emplaced into a limestone, the contact region may be flooded with silica and other components, leading to the formation of a metasomatic rock. Often such contacts are chemically zoned. A simple example is provided by the metamorphism of magnesium-rich igneous rocks in contact with quartz-rich sediments. A zonation of the type serpentine-talc-quartz may be found, such as Mg6(Si4O10)(OH)8−Mg3(Si4O10)(OH)2−SiO2.
In this case the talc zone has grown by silica diffusion into the more silica-poor environment of the serpentine. Economic deposits are not uncommon in such situations—e.g., the formation of the CaWO4 (calcium tungstate) scheelite when tungstate in the form of WO3 moves from a granite into a limestone contact. The reaction can be expressed as CaCO3 + WO3 (solution) → CaWO4 + CO2 (gas).