- Key People:
- Friedrich Johann Karl Becke
- Related Topics:
- marble
- slate
- metamorphism
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- schist
- On the Web:
- Texas A and M International University - Identification of Metamorphic Rocks (PDF) (Mar. 13, 2025)
Reactions that introduce new minerals in rocks of a specific bulk composition are referred to as mineral appearance isograds. Isograds can be mapped in the field as lines across which the metamorphic mineral assemblage changes. Caution must be exercised to note the approximate bulk composition of the rocks throughout the map area, however, because the same mineral can develop at quite different sets of pressure-temperature conditions in rocks of dissimilar chemical composition. For example, garnet generally appears at a lower temperature in pelitic rocks than it does in mafic rocks; hence, the garnet isograd in pelitic rocks will not be the same map line as that in metabasaltic (i.e., metamorphosed basalt) compositions. (Isograd patterns are discussed further in Structural features below.)
Principal types
Metamorphic reactions can be classified into two types that show different degrees of sensitivity to temperature and pressure changes: net-transfer reactions and exchange reactions. Net-transfer reactions involve the breakdown of preexisting mineral phases and corresponding nucleation and growth of new phases. (Nucleation is the process in which a crystal begins to grow from one or more points, or nuclei.) They can be either solid-solid reactions (mineral A + mineral B = mineral C + mineral D) or devolatilization reactions (hydrous mineral A = anhydrous mineral B + water), but in either case they require significant breaking of bonds and reorganization of material in the rock. They may depend most strongly on either temperature or pressure changes. In general, devolatilization reactions are temperature-sensitive, reflecting the large increase in entropy (disorder) that accompanies release of structurally bound hydroxyl groups (OH−) from minerals to produce molecular water. Net-transfer reactions that involve a significant change in density of the participating mineral phases are typically more sensitive to changes in pressure than in temperature. An example is the transformation of albite (NaAlSi3O8) to the sodic pyroxene jadeite (NaAlSi2O6) plus quartz (SiO2). Albite and quartz have similar densities, of about 2.6 grams per cubic cm (1.5 ounces per cubic inch), whereas jadeite has a density of 3.3 grams per cubic cm (1.9 ounces per cubic inch). The increased density reflects the closer packing of atoms in the jadeite structure. Not surprisingly, the denser phase jadeite is produced during subduction zone (high-pressure) metamorphism. Net-transfer reactions always involve a change in mineral assemblage, and textural evidence of the reaction often remains in the sample (see below Textural features); isograd reactions are invariably net-transfer reactions.
In contrast to net-transfer reactions, exchange reactions involve redistribution of atoms between preexisting phases rather than nucleation and growth of new phases. The reactions result simply in compositional changes of minerals already present in the rock and do not modify the mineral assemblage. For example, the reaction involving almandine garnet (Fe3Al2Si3O12) and magnesium biotite (KMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2) that yields pyrope garnet (Mg3Al2Si3O12) and iron biotite (KFe3AlSi3O10(OH)2) results in redistribution of iron and magnesium between garnet and biotite but creates no new phases. This reaction is limited by the rates at which iron and magnesium can diffuse through the garnet and biotite structures. Because diffusion processes are strongly controlled by temperature but are nearly unaffected by pressure, exchange reactions are typically sensitive to changes only in metamorphic temperature. Exchange reactions leave no textural record in the sample and can be determined only by detailed microanalysis of the constituent mineral phases. The compositions of minerals as controlled by exchange reactions can provide a useful record of the temperature history of a metamorphic sample.
The types of reactions cited here are typical of all metamorphic changes. Gases are lost (hydrous minerals lose water, carbonates lose carbon dioxide), and mineral phases undergo polymorphic or other structural changes; low-volume, dense mineral species are formed by high pressures, and less dense phases are favoured by high temperatures. Considering the immense chemical and mineralogical complexity of Earth’s crust, it is clear that the number of possible reactions is vast. In any given complex column of crustal materials some chemical reaction is likely for almost any incremental change in pressure and temperature. This is a fact of immense importance in unraveling the history and mechanics of Earth, for such changes constitute a vital record and are the primary reason for the study of metamorphic rocks.