Major features
- Key People:
- Friedrich Johann Karl Becke
- Related Topics:
- marble
- slate
- metamorphism
- gneiss
- schist
- On the Web:
- Texas A and M International University - Identification of Metamorphic Rocks (PDF) (Mar. 13, 2025)
The most obvious features of metamorphic rocks are certain planar features that are often termed s-surfaces. The simplest planar features may be primary bedding (akin to the layering in sedimentary rocks). As the rock crystallizes or recrystallizes under directed pressure, new crystals may grow in some preferred direction, sometimes subparallel to the primary bedding but often at new angles defining new planar structures. At the same time, folding of layers may occur, leading to folds with amplitudes on scales of kilometres or millimetres. Fabric symmetry may be represented by the nature of deformed fossils, pebbles in a conglomerate, or any objects with a known shape prior to deformation.
A few terms that commonly are used to describe several types of preferred orientation in metamorphic rocks include foliation, a general term describing any type of s-surface, bedding, or crystal orientation; slaty cleavage, a planar structure leading to facile cleavage that is normally caused by the preferred orientation of mica crystals; schistosity, a term used to describe repetitive and pronounced foliation of the type that is present in schists; and lineation, which is any linear structure, such as the axis of the fold, grooves on a fault plane, or the direction of stretching of pebbles.
The various mineral phases of a metamorphic rock have different physical properties and symmetries. When a rock is subjected to recrystallization in a stress field, different substances will behave differently according to such physical properties and symmetries. Some minerals always tend to grow in better-formed crystals than others; rates of nucleation may differ, and this can lead to different patterns of growth of crystals—there may be a few large crystals or a mass of small crystals. Minerals can be arranged in order of their tendency to form crystals showing planar surfaces—namely, magnetite, garnet, epidote, mica, calcite, quartz, and feldspar. Minerals that have a tendency to form large single crystals (e.g., garnet) are termed porphyroblasts.
Porphyroblastic crystals may grow before, during, or after an episode of deformation (pre-, syn-, or postkinematic growth, respectively); the relative timing of mineral growth and deformation can often be determined by examining the sample under a microscope. Prekinematic porphyroblasts may be fractured by subsequent deformation; the orientation of the fractures and any offset of the grains along them provide information on the directed stresses responsible for the deformation. Prekinematic grains may also be surrounded by pressure shadows produced by minerals such as quartz that dissolve in zones of maximum compressive stress and reprecipitate in zones of lesser compressive stress adjacent to the rigid porphyroblasts. The texture of the shadows is different from that of the host rock. Samples exhibiting asymmetric pressure shadows around porphyroblasts can yield information on the orientation of shear stresses during deformation. A spectacular example of synkinematic prophyroblast growth—that is, recrystallization resulting in the development of a secondary crystal—is provided by the so-called snowball garnets, which have spiral trails of inclusions that indicate rotation of either the garnet or the matrix foliation during garnet growth. Postkinematic porphyroblasts typically overgrow all previous fabrics in the rock and may contain trails of mineral inclusions that define microfolds or an earlier schistosity.
In some samples, it is possible to use the compositions of the porphyroblasts to calculate the depth and temperature conditions at which they grew and thereby constrain the conditions at which deformation occurred. Studies of this sort add immeasurably to the understanding of crustal rheologies and the response of rocks to large-scale orogenic events. Because a particular metamorphic event may be accompanied by either several isolated episodes of deformation or a single continuum of deformation, there may be many fabric generations recorded in one sample; individual minerals may be postkinematic with respect to the earliest deformation but prekinematic relative to younger deformation in the same rock. Thus, the study of porphyroblast fabrics in metamorphic rocks can be complex but has the potential to yield important information on the structural history of metamorphic regions.
Because changes in pressure and temperature often occur at faster rates than those of mineral reaction and recrystallization, metamorphic rocks may display fabrics that result from incomplete reactions. Such disequilibrium features provide a wealth of information on the reaction history of the sample and, by comparison with experimental studies of mineral stabilities, can also constrain the quantitative pressure-temperature history of the rock during metamorphism.
Reaction textures occur at the corroded margins of crystals, from the corrosive rimming of crystals of one mineral by finer-grained aggregates of another or as a result of other features that indicate partial removal of crystalline material by reaction with magma or an acid. For example, a corroded garnet may be surrounded by a corona (reaction rim) of the mineral cordierite. Other minerals present in the matrix could include sillimanite, quartz, biotite, and alkali feldspar. These textural features suggest the following reaction relationship between garnet, sillimanite, quartz, and cordierite: garnet (2Mg3Al2Si3O12) + sillimanite (4Al2SiO5) ⇌ cordierite (3Mg2Al4Si5O18).
Such a reaction has been shown experimentally to occur at temperatures of approximately 725 ± 50 °C (1,337 ± 122 °F) and to be very sensitive to pressure, with cordierite occurring under low-pressure conditions. The textural evidence that preexisting garnet was partially replaced by cordierite thus implies that the rock underwent decompression while still at high temperatures and that the decompression occurred too rapidly for the rock to recrystallize completely (i.e., for garnet to be totally replaced by cordierite).
There is also a tendency for many types of metamorphic rocks to become laminated (that is, to accumulate in successive layers, or laminae), and the separate laminae may have distinct chemical compositions. A macroscopically rather homogeneous sediment may prove to be inhomogeneous on a minute scale. When graywackes are metamorphosed within the greenschist facies, for example, laminae rich in quartz and feldspar alternate with others rich in epidote, chlorite, and muscovite. The precise causes of this process are not well known, but it may result from a combination of extensive deformation accompanied by recrystallization. In a sense, it is a type of flow unmixing. It is important to recognize that this type of structure need have no relation to original bedding in the unmetamorphosed sediments.